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The Flash S2 |OT2| Jays of Future Past - Tuesdays 8/7c

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As we discussed earlier, this episode was shot in April, the Supergirl move and crossover was a May development.

But you really don't know what goes on back there. All you know is those two fact. You don't know how long this had been discussed prior to the official announcement in May. You don't know if maybe they called in Gustin Grant and whoever plays is mother back in to re act out that ending after the possibility was out there for SG to come to CW. All we know is that the finale was shot in April and the announcemet was in May. That's it nothing more.


But you really don't know what goes on back there. All you know is those two fact. You don't know how long this had been discussed prior to the official announcement in May. You don't know if maybe they called in Gustin Grant and whoever plays is mother back in to re act out that ending after the possibility was out there for SG to come to CW. All we know is that the finale was shot in April and the announcemet was in May. That's it nothing more.

Actually we know 100% there weren't any reshoots because Grant went straight into filming a feature immediately after Flash finished and only wrapped a few days ago. And the Supergirl deal was very last minute by all accounts.


I don't read comics so don't get the hype of this flashpoint but that was a Disappointing finale.
Zooms defeat was lame considering how much of a badass he was this season
I know they won't, but would be great if S5 Arrow started in Flashpoint timeline and rode it all the way to the crossover which is where things get fixed.


No more villainous speedsters thanks.

Agreed. S3 big bad needs to be someone other than a speedster. People complain about how every big bad in Arrow wants to destroy Star City, having Flash's big bad always being a speedster would be just as bad or even worse.


Why does he wear the mask!?
I don't read comics so don't get the hype of this flashpoint but that was a Disappointing finale.
Zooms defeat was lame considering how much of a badass he was this season

My favourite thing from Flashpoint won't be in season three

Thomas Wayne as Batman



I don't read comics so don't get the hype of this flashpoint but that was a Disappointing finale.
Zooms defeat was lame considering how much of a badass he was this season

Watch Flashpoint Paradox on Netflix. That's what I did. I'm not that hyped for it though since we wont be having the rest of the JL obviously.


Good episode, but DAT ENDING.

Barry fucked everything up. Arrowverse should be an interesting watch this fall. Hopefully Falshpoint will have large impact on all other shows.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
My favourite thing from Flashpoint won't be in season three

Thomas Wayne as Batman


Robert Queen will more than suffice.

Watch Flashpoint Paradox on Netflix. That's what I did. I'm not that hyped for it though since we wont be having the rest of the JL obviously.

We have enough metas to cover the better arcs.

Supergirl can either take Superman's role or Wonder Woman's.

Robert Queen, the Broken Arrow.

Felicity as Cyborg.

No Martha Wayne as
The Joker
as well. :(

Moira Queen as Lady Deakthstroke.

I mean fuck people are you even using your imagination.


Robert Queen will more than suffice.

We have enough metas to cover the better arcs.

Supergirl can either take Superman's role or Wonder Woman's.

Robert Queen, the Broken Arrow.

Felicity as Cyborg.

Moira Queen as Lady Deakthstroke.

I mean fuck people are you even using your imagination.

I only know from the movie, so don't know if the comic is the same.

But that all sounds lame.
I don't read comics so don't get the hype of this flashpoint but that was a Disappointing finale.
Zooms defeat was lame considering how much of a badass he was this season
I've read flashpoint and I don't get the hype either. barry's mommy issues was the least interesting part of the story.


When they caught Zoom with the boot, I don't understand why they blasted him through a portal back to Earth 2 instead of just shooting him in the fucking face.


God damn that ending and Barry crying at the start destroyed me. There could have been more Zoom v Flash action though.
I wonder what next season has in store for us! I'm really excited.


So talking with a friend, what happened to Iris' dating her boss?

Actually after that, I'm pretty sure she never returned to the newspaper


Sonic handles my blue balls
When they caught Zoom with the boot, I don't understand why they blasted him through a portal back to Earth 2 instead of just shooting him in the fucking face.

This was beyond dumb. Especially since Joe stuck him with tranqs. I really hate when the characters on shows are so brainless. I was just watching 12 Monkeys and a side character turns to the main, "what could they be up to?!" and he spells out what was only slightly alluded to. I have such an appreciation for that over characters running like a headless chicken.

That said, I love The Flash, possibly my favorite show airing right now. For all of its dumb plot choices, it makes up for in so many other areas.

I'm ready for President Slade WIlson.

I thought the season finale was good, and I'm excited to see how everything gets affected next season. Like many people said, I kinda hope Season 3's big villain isn't a speedster, just something new.


the dumbest thing about their plan to trap zoom on earth 2 is that they all now know that zoom can fucking OPEN BREACHES TO EARTH 1 AT WILL. seriously what the fuck
Season one was so strong that there was no way they'd be able to top it, the finale was "meh" and the ending is something that just should've been done in the first damn place.


When they caught Zoom with the boot, I don't understand why they blasted him through a portal back to Earth 2 instead of just shooting him in the fucking face.

Yeah that was super dumb. Guy can open portals at will so let's shoot him through a portal. That should put an end to him.

Really poor ending. I actually liked most of the season.

As for a mega thread with all these shows....no thanks. I get tired enough reading through people bitching endlessly about felicity in the Arrow threads, don't think I want to have every other post be that. If people could restrain themselves sure but it is so tired and played out at this point that they are more annoying than anything that character has ever done and I am not some huge fan of her. Just don't like endless dog piles.
I legit thought Barry was going back in time to sacrifice himself and stop Zooms machine at the end. But that would be more of a series finale thing, because we are left with no Flash.
Disappointing episode for me. No surprises and plenty of dumb decisions from the characters. And in the end, Zoom was super easy to take down and Barry did a complete 180 from his mindset like 2 episodes ago.


Marc Guggenheim as Dr. M for S5 Rebirth arc. He can be the one responsbile for stealing Barry's common sense the past few season if necessary
As good as the Flashpoint storyline was I wouldn't mind it being a completly differnt storyline entirely instead of swapping out roles due to lack of Justice League.


2 things :

1) Love how this ending was "aaawww" for people who don't know the comics but "you fucked up big" for people who read xD

2) I am REALLY CURIOUS about how it will affect the other shows
I'm tired of constant speedster plots and I'm tired of characters acting like completely different people on a scene to scene basis. Zoom's plan seemed to change every ten minutes for the past 5 episodes.

The flashpoint shit came out of left field after a whole season of Barry learning to mature and grow as the flash. Barry has come to terms with his reality and the death of his mother multiple times now, at the ending of the first season and during the speed force episode of this one. Barry throwing all of that responsibility and maturity out the window just so we can do flashpoint well after it would have made sense to feels like a massive regression.


2 things :

1) Love how this ending was "aaawww" for people who don't know the comics but "you fucked up big" for people who read xD

2) I am REALLY CURIOUS about how it will affect the other shows

I'm really hoping it affects Arrow & Legends and not just a Flash only thing.

I can see this causing the big season 2 thing for Legends, but have it so that the Team & their memories stay intact due to time travelling all over, but everything around them changes.

Arrow will be an interesting one.
The flashpoint shit came out of left field after a whole season of Barry learning to mature and grow as the flash. Barry has come to terms with his reality and the death of his mother multiple times now, at the ending of the first season and during the speed force episode of this one. Barry throwing all of that responsibility and maturity out the window just so we can do flashpoint well after it would have made sense to feels like a massive regression.

There are issues with the Flashpoint ending but this isn't one of them. The entire episode was the supporting cast jumping up and down saying, 'you're too emotional and need to step back.' From a story standpoint, it makes perfect sense for Barry to go from the triumph of beating Zoom to wanting to 'solve' his other major problem, the pain he's feeling from Dad's death.


Bull on a Donut
2 things :

1) Love how this ending was "aaawww" for people who don't know the comics but "you fucked up big" for people who read xD

2) I am REALLY CURIOUS about how it will affect the other shows

Yeah, I hope it influences other shows. Gives Arrow the perfect reset button to forget about the last two seasons. Gives LoT lots of great material since the nature of that show is essentially time travel right?

Ronin Ray

I cant wait for Barry to have another conversation with the speed force.

The speed force is going to be like," Barry what the fuck man!!!!!"
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