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The Last Guardian - new screenshots and footage (IGN preview)

This game has been in development for like 8 years. There is no excuse for not looking better no matter what dev hell they had to endure. That said, it still looks cool as hell and I'll buy day one.
This game has been in development for like 8 years. There is no excuse for not looking better no matter what dev hell they had to endure. That said, it still looks cool as hell and I'll buy day one.

Because graphics are the "only" feature that takes up most of the development time amirite?
I can already tell this is going to be something special. The opening thing about (preview stuff)
having to earn Trico's trust by pulling spears out and feeding Trico
already sounds extraordinary. That's Ueda unique mind at work. From a design standpoint that does so many things and immediately pulls the heart strings.


Dreams in Digital
8 years... Come on now.

It's gonna be great. That doesn't mean I'm blind.

I would imagine they were trying their hardest to optimise it for the PS3. When they realised the animations and AI were far too much they put it on hiatus and then it was resurrected for the PS4. I don't think the team behind this are that big either.
I would imagine they were trying their hardest to optimise it for the PS3. When they realised the animations and AI were far too much they put it on hiatus and then it was resurrected for the PS4.

Sounds about right.

I hope the whole teaching thing is really how it plays. Sounds like it could be really different and cool if done well.
Oh my god I never thought I'd see the fucking day when this game would release.

I bought my PS3 on the hope that Team ICO would make a game for it after Shadow of the Colossus was in the top 3 games for PS2 generation for me. I bought my PS4 for Uncharted and TLG and I was just about to sell PS4 after I gave up hope and this bomb drops.

There is a god.


Looks like Sony is doing its thing and showing off stuff before E3. Hopefully it means the actual Conference is packed.

Visually it look on par with their other works with the hazy/misty feel. I look forward to seeing more.


Dreams in Digital
Sounds about right.

I hope the whole teaching thing is really how it plays. Sounds like it could be really different and cool if done well.

I was wondering if those butterflies are indications of when you earn a level of trust. I don't think they could sustain a teaching mechanic throughout although they have said the creature doesn't always obey you so perhaps that could be layered in to make it feel as if the ramp up is continuous and rewarding. I bet there will be lots of hidden animations and behaviours for those with experimental minds.

It would also be nice if they included the HD remakes of ICO and SoTC.
I would imagine they were trying their hardest to optimise it for the PS3. When they realised the animations and AI were far too much they put it on hiatus and then it was resurrected for the PS4. I don't think the team behind this are that big either.

I think thats exactly the case as said in this IGN interview with Ueda.


Lost all credibility.
Both IGN videos were very encouraging. If they can really accomplish something incredible with Trico's AI, this is going to be an amazing game. I have my doubts, but damn it would be awesome to see them just absolutely nail this game after all these years.
I'm basically just expecting a game with some fun environmental puzzles. Basically a followup to ICO. If they can accomplish more than that then awesome.
I wasn't worried about spoilers for this game, but the shit posts about the 'PS2' graphics in the first few pages have really pissed me off, so I guess I'll avoid Trico threads.

Such cynical whiners. I can usually ignore them, but not for this game. Just fucking awful.
I wasn't worried about spoilers for this game, but the shit posts about the 'PS2' graphics in the first few pages have really pissed me off, so I guess I'll avoid Trico threads.

Such cynical whiners. I can usually ignore them, but not for this game. Just fucking awful.

Shadow of the Colossus wasn't exactly a good looking game but then people didn't play it for the graphics, I remember it being very soft and muddy so I don't really understand the negativity. After 8 years it was hardly going to look like Uncharted.


Dreams in Digital
I wasn't worried about spoilers for this game, but the shit posts about the 'PS2' graphics in the first few pages have really pissed me off, so I guess I'll avoid Trico threads.

Such cynical whiners. I can usually ignore them, but not for this game. Just fucking awful.

I'm thinking of doing the same but the trouble is it leaves the threads at the mercy of 'concern trolling' and out right stupidity. I've noticed that I have tended to focus on negative posts too much and feel the need to reply to those rather than engage in the more positive conversations. I'm in the process of trying to rectify that but it's sometimes impossible because those are the posts that get most traction.
I think The problem is : Team Ico's games are not mainstream games, clearly they are niche games. But because of The history of the dev for TLG a lot of people who just don't care about Ueda's games are talking about TLG. A lot of people don't know what they are talking about
Looks sooooo good!

I think thats exactly the case as said in this IGN interview with Ueda.

Yeah seems like it to me as well in the interview.

Not to mention those of us who've played ICO and Colossus know that Ueda's art style and soft look, which is awesome, has never been about the stuff that the masses would consider typical "sharp cutting edge graphics" anyway but instead his distinctive style, art direction, and that attention to animation.

And even then Trico itself looks amazing.


Dreams in Digital
I think The problem is : Team Ico's games are not mainstream games, clearly they are niche games. But because of The history of the dev for TLG a lot of people who just don't care about Ueda's games are talking about TLG. A lot of people don't know what they are talking about

Yeah, approaching his games in a clinical way isn't the right approach. Nuance is often difficult to spot when you're cramming your face up against the screen to see that pixel crawl instead of taking it in as a whole and savouring the emotion. A bit like constantly looking at a pimple on your girlfriend and forgetting why you love her.


I'm basically just expecting a game with some fun environmental puzzles. Basically a followup to ICO. If they can accomplish more than that then awesome.
I really hope it's more than that. I feel like games of this type have had their niche filled by the indie space. A 6-7 hr 6 dollar Ico 2 is a hard sell. I want them to be big budget and impressive in a way that those indie games just can't be. One way to do that is with really impressive AI, which seems to be the crux of the whole game.
I'm basically just expecting a game with some fun environmental puzzles. Basically a followup to ICO. If they can accomplish more than that then awesome.

Oh crap is that the kind of game this is? I despise puzzles. Enjoyed Shadow of the Collosus though.

I think The problem is : Team Ico's games are not mainstream games, clearly they are niche games. But because of The history of the dev for TLG a lot of people who just don't care about Ueda's games are talking about TLG. A lot of people don't know what they are talking about

Pretty much.

The hyped of a game coming back from the dead like this will bring all this attention, good or bad. Just have to hope people will begin to see the right reasons why these Devs/Games are so beloved.

Oh crap is that the kind of game this is? I despise puzzles. Enjoyed Shadow of the Collosus though.

Its a little bit of both i think. At the end of this IGN preview there are some actiony surprises they mention. (kinda big preview spoiler)
Trico shoots fucking lasers from its tail
I'm thinking of doing the same but the trouble is it leaves the threads at the mercy of 'concern trolling' and out right stupidity. I've noticed that I have tended focus on negative posts too much and feel the need to reply to those rather than engage in the more positive conversations. I'm in the process of trying to rectify that but it's sometimes impossible because those are the pot that get most traction.
Use the ignore feature. There are so many people on here who just like to talk crap about things that aren't their favorite game/publisher /platform. Threads are so much better if you do that


First time seeing a preview for a PS3 remaster.

How is it a remaster if it was never released in the first place?

Oh crap is that the kind of game this is? I despise puzzles. Enjoyed Shadow of the Collosus though.

But SOC is a puzzle game with you having to figure out how to find and fight the Colossus.

This game just combined the environmental puzzle from Ico and interactive puzzle from Colossus.
8 years... Come on now.

It's gonna be great. That doesn't mean I'm blind.

To put this in perspective: ND would've spent a similar amount of time to make the graphics on the PS3 as they did on the PS4. Timeframe is irrelevant when that was the target graphic on a specific system as it was not built from the ground up for the PS4 which would've further delayed the game by years.

And let's not put them in the same ballpark in graphics tech when they do not share the same manpower/budget as ND and SSM. To do so would be extremely disingenuous. This is clearly Sony vanity project just like their previous games were. It's meant to showcase pure creativity in the confines of a corporate studio. It is definitely above the Knacks, Gravity Rushes and Patapons compared to their other IP's within Japan Studio. But not so high that it hits the Uncharted or Infamous levels of backing.
Man, if TLG, P5, and FFXV all come out this year, it's basically like someone just lifted a year out of the PS3's life cycle and moved it to 2016.

Indeed! What a year of dreams.

Can even kind of throw Star Ocean's miraculous return with Star Ocean 5 in there with these since it's coming this year and we never got a second PS3 Star Ocean in the second half of it's life and since the franchise almost hit a roadblock (like TLG and FFXV) and even moreso once tri-Ace got bought.


Dreams in Digital
Use the ignore feature. There are so many people on here who just like to talk crap about things that aren't their favorite game/publisher /platform. Threads are so much better if you do that

How do you do that? I didn't even know it was a feature on this forum.

edit: found it, thanks. Does it affect replies too?


Oh, man, really excited for this. I am one of the few people who is fine with the aesthetics. I believe the game will be a great experience.
I would imagine AI routines this complex would eat up a ton of compute cycles leaving not too much room for overall screen rendering. So you have a game not looking as great as others in this gen but you have AI that is leagues beyond anything else out there. Unfortunately system power is limited and can only be used on so much at a time.

But with that said the game is still beautiful with animations that are just absolutely insane to witness. It's going to be very immersive.

Do we know who is doing the soundtrack?
Why would they show the beginning of the game? :( I really wanted to see new footage but I'm not gonna spoil myself with the start of the game. Can't wait to play it!
Based on the video in the OP, I get the impression that, if this game ever comes out (I don't think it ever will), it will run at 20fps.


Why would they show the beginning of the game? :( I really wanted to see new footage but I'm not gonna spoil myself with the start of the game. Can't wait to play it!

Same. I'm not watching the clip either. I've done well with my media blackout for UC4 and DS3 and all in all, I'm glad that I got to experience those games fresh and spoiler-free. Will be doing the same for TLG as well.

Unless they show some gameplay footage during E3 ofcourse. I can't not watch it if that's what they want me to do. :p
Based on the video in the OP, I get the impression that, if this game ever comes out (I don't think it ever will), it will run at 20fps.

With the previews from IGN and Edge and new footage, interviews and info.. And you don't think it will ever come out? Lulz. It's happening, and all signs point to a 2016.
I would imagine AI routines this complex would eat up a ton of compute cycles leaving not too much room for overall screen rendering. So you have a game not looking as great as others in this gen but you have AI that is leagues beyond anything else out there. Unfortunately system power is limited and can only be used on so much at a time.
I'd argue the only game with comparably complex AI (perhaps even more complex) is Rain World, which Ueda himself has praised for its design and tech


How do you do that? I didn't even know it was a feature on this forum.

edit: found it, thanks. Does it affect replies too?
For that you want Neogaf++ Chrome extension.

Otherwise if not don't use chrome depending on your browser you will need a script manager then use these scripts to get the same affect as the chrome extension - NeoGAF: Quick Quote, Reply, and Edit, NeoGAF : Remove "This Message Is Hidden"

On topic -

Game looks great considering it's development and the artstyle fits it really well. Trico's animations are 👌 👌 👌.
I would imagine AI routines this complex would eat up a ton of compute cycles leaving not too much room for overall screen rendering. So you have a game not looking as great as others in this gen but you have AI that is leagues beyond anything else out there. Unfortunately system power is limited and can only be used on so much at a time.

But with that said the game is still beautiful with animations that are just absolutely insane to witness. It's going to be very immersive.

Do we know who is doing the soundtrack?

Yeah, I don't recall it being specified so I've been thinking about this too. The music that plays when the boy was climbing up Trico toward the end of the E3 gameplay sounded quite similar to some of the action music in Colossus so I wonder if Kow Otani is back, which would be great.
This really must be coming out this year then. I'm getting those E3 2015 goosebumps all over again.

I want to watch the footage, but at the same time, if it's spoilery then I better give it a pass. That image with Trico wearing the helmet already felt like I'd seen too much.
This really must be coming out this year then. I'm getting those E3 2015 goosebumps all over again.

I want to watch the footage, but at the same time, if it's spoilery then I better give it a pass. That image with Trico wearing the helmet already felt like I'd seen too much.

Then you and NateDog should definitely hold off. :) There is definitely one ability spoiler in there that none of the prior reveals of the game has shown or mentioned, though they only describe it and don't show it.

Yeah, I'm so hyped for this again just seeing it again.
Then you and NateDog should definitely hold off. :) There is definitely one ability spoiler in there that none of the prior reveals of the game has shown or mentioned, though they only describe it and don't show it.

Yeah, I'm so hyped for this again just seeing it again.

Thanks for the heads up.

I get the feeling this could be out as soon as September. That would make for a great E3 announcement.


Dreams in Digital
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