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The Last Guardian - new screenshots and footage (IGN preview)

8 years... Come on now.

It's gonna be great. That doesn't mean I'm blind.

You really think they were working on this for 8 years? I reckon half of that the project was put on hold and nothing happened.

And in regards to graphics it's the art direction that counts for this sort of game. And to me, it looks beautiful. And the animation is amazing.

Anyways, I'm super excited after seeing some of the footage. Not watching it all as I don't want to go into spoiler territory! xD
I only watched a few minutes before realizing they were fine with spoiling the entire opening chapter for us, but I'd say from an art direction POV everything looks a bit muddy and dull, especially the creature. The color palette after games like NMS and Persona 5 just seems a bit anemic. The animation looks fantastic though and does a lot to make up for any visual complaints I may have.

I'm definitely getting this day one regardless. I'm excited to see someone trying to push boundaries with the AI again.
This, Rain World, the Xenomorph in A:I, they're really pushing and experimenting with AI in ways most games aren't.


Graphics are definitely a bit dated, but the overall aesthetic is pretty appealing. Just a very good looking art-style. And the game looks great in motion, the animations look fantastic. Those screens in the OP look terrible though lol. Bad captures?

Honestly wasn't all that interested in the game. I on't have the attachment to it like many on here do. Never played ICO or SOTC, but this is intriguing me for sure. Definitely need to still play SOTC at some point too . . .


Hmm, interesting they show this before E3. Pity it is IGN, the quality of their footage is usually poor. Anyway, looking forward to seeing more soon.

People saying it looks like a PS3 game. The geometry is better than any last gen game. Lighting, AA and contrast could do with some work. Modelling is good.

I think most of this is old footage anyway...Actually people should watch the Gamersyde footage from last years E3...That clearly looks better. This might even be their early prototype footage or ps3 footage...


Yeah, here the lighting looks much better...Screens from last E3 which clearly look 'PS4 quality' to me:



These do look better. huh Can't believe people think this looks bad.
honestly to this day i dont see whats so amazing about this game the trailers while pretty make the game look really boring, hope it turns out to be a great game though as people have been waiting forever for it to release.


honestly to this day i dont see whats so amazing about this game the trailers while pretty make the game look really boring, hope it turns out to be a great game though as people have been waiting forever for it to release.

Have you ever played Ico or SotC?


honestly to this day i dont see whats so amazing about this game the trailers while pretty make the game look really boring, hope it turns out to be a great game though as people have been waiting forever for it to release.

People who has been waiting forever for this knows this isn't going to be boring.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
I'm curious what will come out first: this, No Man's Sky, or The Tomorrow Children.


honestly to this day i dont see whats so amazing about this game the trailers while pretty make the game look really boring, hope it turns out to be a great game though as people have been waiting forever for it to release.

It all originates from people's love of Ico and SOTC. This looks like it could have a similar kind of magic and it is done by the people who have made some of the best games ever made. Their track record is incredible.

That is where the hype comes from.

Try playing Ico, if you find it boring then you probably will find this one boring too. That would be my expectation at least. Not every game is for every person.


the animation of trico is literally the nicest moving thing i've ever seen in a video game. the animations are flawless.

looks beautiful
45 minutes? I'll pass, the game is probably on the short side, seeing such a huge chunk would ruin the game for me, I'd probably end up rushing through that part to get to the stuff I haven't seen yet.
Maybe I'll watch a random couple of minutes.


45 minutes? I'll pass, the game is probably on the short side, seeing such a huge chunk would ruin the game for me, I'd probably end up rushing through that part to get to the stuff I haven't seen yet.
Maybe I'll watch a random couple of minutes.

Don't worry there's no footage of those 45 minutes, they just talk about it. There is a pretty big spoiler though during the last part so you might want to stop before that.

On another note, I am so excited for this. It looks gorgeous! I love it.
Don't worry there's no footage of those 45 minutes, they just talk about it. There is a pretty big spoiler though during the last part so you might want to stop before that.

On another note, I am so excited for this. It looks gorgeous! I love it.

Oh, i see, it's only a few minutes of footage, I misunderstood. Still, seems like it's pretty spoilerish, will still pass, saw a few pics and already regret it.


I'll throw a spoiler tag around this, but I'm just speculating on what I've read in the article about how the story is told.
With the game being the boy narrating as a man, I wonder if the story will take place over years, and if we'll see a fully grown Trico? Would love to see it on the scale of something in Shadow of The Colossus


Didn't read it anywhere but saw it in another article that 2016 release is already confirmed.

Ueda, the legendary designer says: "Since this is the year we will see the game's release, I do have some worries, but I'm also very excited."


all these years and that's all they have to show? i mean.. i dunno about this.

I doubt they'll wanna show much off, save almost everything for release. It's also E3 soon, we'll probably see a bit more.

*edit: Jack The Nipper said it better.
Uedas games were never especially technically amazing. It was always the art style that carried them. This stuff looks fantastic to me

Dude, have a read of this and it might change your mind.

It may have looked different from a God of War 2 say, less clean, but the amount of things it was doing visually was way more impressive. It had a kind of messy self shadowing solution, per object motion blur and inverse kinematics among it's many technical achievements. And not even mentioning the technical complexity of climbing a moving Colossus.

So I personally have to strongly disagree with the idea Ueda's games were never technical standouts.

If there's one thing they were supposed to be, it was just that. Which is why visually this is a bit disappointing, it looks quite by the numbers.


Toriko is super adorable. I'm glad that they showed footage of the jump from E3 2015 proving that Toriko actually does act differently each time; incredible AI.
I think if they want to hype the game up socially they need to hype up the cuteness factor.

Really want the game to go well beyond expectations but I already feel this is their last game of this type


Cool, can u upgrade that hyena-bird thing with special abilities? Any infos on how many weapons are in the game for the main char?

hahaha, I'm funny


Not gonna read the article but the progress is looking promising. I still think the game has a good chance of slipping into 2017 though.

What are the chances of a collectors edition of this? I don't normally go for them but I'd happily pay >£100 for a decent Trico statue.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Looks very beautiful. Not necessarily in all the same ways of the best technical showcases of today, but in other ways. The movement is outstanding, the modeling of Trico is very convincing.

Not a real spoiler, but in case anyone is Neo-sensitive:
If they could throw a bunch of AA and/or other IQ enhancements onto it in the Neo version, that would be extra awesome
Not gonna read the article but the progress is looking promising. I still think the game has a good chance of slipping into 2017 though.

What are the chances of a collectors edition of this? I don't normally go for them but I'd happily pay >£100 for a decent Trico statue.

I expect a very big and expensive CE with a Trico statue is in the works. People will pay for that.


Fafracer forever
Luigiv said:
Physically based shading and/or global illumination would have been nice.
None of the shots suggests an actual lack of GI (granted, not relying on disco-colored materials makes it a lot harder to tell, but that's besides the point) - although I'm sure it's easier to just assume it's not there because the marketing machine isn't running the buzz-world lists for this game.

As for PBS - discussions on how you actually asses if it's been used aside - I don't think it's necessary or appropriate for their visual style - their games were never grounded in photo-realism as a guideline to begin with.
The animations of Trico look amazing, I wonder if it has any aspect of procedural generation and inverse kinematics

Just read the article from EDGE a few minutes back. Turns out GenDesign did employ a physics engine on both the environment and Trico save for some instances where hand-made animation take over such as its eyes turn red
and his feathers stand-up when agitated.

All in all, the article ends up noting the same vibe one gets in a fresh experience of ICO & SOTC which is a very very good thing. They remark on how much they focus too much on the aesthetic than look at the bigger picture GenDesign employs in their games. Every page gave me a smile considering the number of hype and preview articles that came behind it. It stands out from the rest because the tone takes the reader into trying to visualize every point of view they could getting Ueda's experience into the design choice as well as the tech employed. They were baffled, confused and unable to pinpoint a reference point from other games other than Team Ico's because what they were experiencing was that UNIQUE!

I also how Ueda acts more like a game developer despite having two games under the belt. He never shies about the code and tech and how it forces him to create gameplay systems under its limitations. Even Edge compares this to an artist chipping away at a stone block until some sort of artistic shape is formed. God, I wish the article was a lot longer because there is so much I feel EDGE has been holding back.
I'll throw a spoiler tag around this, but I'm just speculating on what I've read in the article about how the story is told.
With the game being the boy narrating as a man, I wonder if the story will take place over years, and if we'll see a fully grown Trico? Would love to see it on the scale of something in Shadow of The Colossus

My thought on it is something was lost in translation and what Ueda meant by it is a hint system like Shadow of the Colossus where if you're stuck on a puzzle too long a voice will give a hint on what you should be doing.


I have the creeping suspicion that this game is going to make many grown men cry
big big baby tears :(

That creature isn't even sweet, but if they really manage to make it come "alive",
no super-duper graphics will be needed to build a strong bond between the player, avatar and this thing.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Dude, have a read of this and it might change your mind.

It may have looked different from a God of War 2 say, less clean, but the amount of things it was doing visually was way more impressive. It had a kind of messy self shadowing solution, per object motion blur and inverse kinematics among it's many technical achievements. And not even mentioning the technical complexity of climbing a moving Colossus.

So I personally have to strongly disagree with the idea Ueda's games were never technical standouts.

If there's one thing they were supposed to be, it was just that. Which is why visually this is a bit disappointing, it looks quite by the numbers.

How does it look 'by the numbers' when it looks exactly like the other games aesthetically? That's the freaking point.

What were you expecting honestly besides this? And don't say you don't know, that's a cop out
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