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The Last Guardian - new screenshots and footage (IGN preview)

For the people talking crap about the game or its graphics.... There's obviously nothing I can say to break through that ignorance. Hopefully you come around because games like this are so special and rare. We usually get them once every console cycle if we're lucky. Fumito Ueda is a true visionary he's up there with Kojima just in his own special unique way.
I bought a Ps3 back in 2009 just for this game. Then bought Ps4, also, just for this game Hopefully it gets released before the Ps4k... If not... I'll buy that one, too.

I believe I've found the flaw in your algorithm.

DID YOU KNOW that you can buy a game and its corresponding console at the same time?

In all seriousness... I am amazed at how often I read someone say "I bought console X JUST for game Y, and then (it got poor scores/was never released on that platform)." It's just, like, uUGGGGH. What is wrong with your brain?!
I believe Edge has this preview as their cover story. Anyone got that issue? Can you summarize heir overall impression? Bad good very bad very good?


I believe I've found the flaw in your algorithm.

DID YOU KNOW that you can buy a game and its corresponding console at the same time?

In all seriousness... I am amazed at how often I read someone say "I bought console X JUST for game Y, and then (it got poor scores/was never released on that platform)." It's just, like, uUGGGGH. What is wrong with your brain?!

You don't understand what ICO and SOTC means for some people.


I have to admit, those screens don't look good, and I was going to comment on the graphics. But then the footage looks much better, not sure why, but it all looks really nice. Please don't be terrible!! I only played SotC when the HD version was released. Not going to lie, I was moved. The opening music brings tears to my eyes every time. Whenever I started the game I let the whole intro play out just to listen to it, it was amazing how often my family would stop to watch it. Good times.


First Edge and now IGN, alot of exposure in a short timeframe, hopefully a september release. interview really got me hyped on the game, again
Thanks for the heads up.

I get the feeling this could be out as soon as September. That would make for a great E3 announcement.

You're welcome :) Yeah, they should do it, announcing the street date on stage would be huge and get another massive round of cheers.

Oh, and it's the "...and we played it" one that has the spoiler, but actually since you saw the
I guess the first video, Bringing Trico to Life, doesn't really have any other real spoilers, it just shows one of the first scenes that plays out like you've probably imagined in your head a bunch of times and has an interview with Ueda talking about Trico and the boy.
You don't understand what ICO and SOTC means for some people.

I too love those games. But what sense does it make to buy the console JUST for the game, WITHOUT said game being released? Is it just to stroke the console and look at it each day to remind oneself that someday maybe, just maybe a Team Ico disc shall be inside it?

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Sony E3 2016 Press Conference: June 13 at 6 PM PT/ 9PM ET



Sony E3 2016 Press Conference: June 13 at 6 PM PT/ 9PM ET


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
I'm glad the game exists but my expectations are realistic, I'm not expecting something on the level of SOTC. This seems like a much more constrained game with a focus on puzzles.


Yeah it looks jank IQ wise and the PS3 origins are evident in the assets.

Then again I don't really care as long as the game is Team ICO quality.


The replies of "I thought the screens looked bad but the footage looked great" really demonstrate this in action.

I think the screens look bad, it's the first thing I saw when I clicked on the thread. What is even happening in the 2nd one? To me they are just bad screens, not only graphically but artistically too. They show nothing. On the other hand the footage gives a much better representation of what they are trying to achieve.
I have to admit, those screens don't look good, and I was going to comment on the graphics. But then the footage looks much better, not sure why, but it all looks really nice. Please don't be terrible!! I only played SotC when the HD version was released. Not going to lie, I was moved. The opening music brings tears to my eyes every time. Whenever I started the game I let the whole intro play out just to listen to it, it was amazing how often my family would stop to watch it. Good times.

They're just poor quality screenshots that aren't representative of the game right? I watched the video featuring Ueda being interviewed and the footage of the game shown was perfectly fine. It's a beautiful game in its own right, bolstered by some striking art direction and animation.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
True but you'd figure they'd give it to one of the many other game coverage outlets out there after they ran hog wild with stories about the game being dead.
IGN is the biggest website and we're talking about grown adults, it's mutually beneficial for both parties.
I feel like we're still getting a PS3 game. Comparing screenshots from PS4 to PS3 don't really look all that different or improved.


I'm scared of the possibilities when it comes to emotional connection with this virtual character they've created. It's one of those Lassie surely cannot die in the end, right?

Graphics wise... I am still not impressed. Not to mention it doesn't look like something I'd instantly play cause... how does it play anyway? I know it's a proven team but still, wait and see right now.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I feel like we're still getting a PS3 game. Comparing screenshots from PS4 to PS3 don't really look all that different or improved.
How many times does it have to be reiterated that this game couldn't run on PS3? Seriously? It's been said so many times in this thread,
I feel like we're still getting a PS3 game. Comparing screenshots from PS4 to PS3 don't really look at that different or improved.
Does it really matter if it looks like a PS3 or PS4 game? The gameplay, atmosphere, and art style is what makes Team Ico's games effective. Their games always have a stylized look to them. What kind of improvements are people expecting?


They're just poor quality screenshots that aren't representative of the game right? I watched the video featuring Ueda being interviewed and the footage of the game shown was perfectly fine. It's a beautiful game in its own right, bolstered by some striking art direction and animation.

Yeah, no offence to the game at all. The best games can have bad screenshots, I just don't think they tell us anything. The footage looks great, I think I noticed the movement of the feathers first, it looks impressive to me.


IGN is the biggest website and we're talking about grown adults, it's mutually beneficial for both parties.

Hard to believe IGN is still the biggest website with all the other competition out there these days. But if it is fair enough. I just think it's a bit ridiculous they're getting rewarded by getting early access to the game after trying to tell the world it was dead. Just seems wrong to me business sense aside.


The game looks good, you guys are cray if you think this looks terrible. Its The Last Guardian, its coming out this year... Hold me
Awww yiisss, come to me puppy, I'll take care of you!!

Just checked out the couple of screenshots and I already got spoilered, I'll probably have to close my eyes during the E3 press conference ;)


I wasn't worried about spoilers for this game, but the shit posts about the 'PS2' graphics in the first few pages have really pissed me off, so I guess I'll avoid Trico threads.

Such cynical whiners. I can usually ignore them, but not for this game. Just fucking awful.

Time to deploy the ignore button.

(You deploying it, obvs, not me deploying it on you)

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Hard to believe IGN is still the biggest website with all the other competition out there these days. But if it is fair enough. I just think it's a bit ridiculous they're getting rewarded by getting early access to the game after trying to tell the world it was dead. Just seems wrong to me business sense aside.
There is absolutely nothing hard to believe about IGN still being the biggest gaming website. IGN isn't some entity, they had a couple of journalists visit the studio and play a hands on demo. I'm pretty sure the people who wrote that TLOU is dead article aren't even the same guys who went to the studio.
Then don't look at the crappy screenshots and watch the footage instead.

That's because a screen shot runs at 0 fps.

How many times does it have to be reiterated that this game couldn't run on PS3? Seriously? It's been said so many times in this thread,

How is the PS3 version?

Does it really matter if it looks like a PS3 or PS4 game? The gameplay, atmosphere, and art style is what makes Team Ico's games effective. Their games always have a stylized look to them. What kind of improvements are people expecting?
God damn, sorry for making a simple observation. I'm not saying the art style doesn't look great, just that I expected they would make it look current gen seeing as how long it's been in the oven. I guess they are putting the PS4's power into the framerate? That's nice too.

And with that, my hands are up and I'm slowly backing away...
I'm scared of the possibilities when it comes to emotional connection with this virtual character they've created. It's one of those Lassie surely cannot die in the end, right?

Graphics wise... I am still not impressed. Not to mention it doesn't look like something I'd instantly play cause... how does it play anyway? I know it's a proven team but still, wait and see right now.

Sigh. It's not that you're wrong. It's that what you're saying is so banal and obvious.

If people were rational, all games would be "wait and see right now." The only rational behavior is wait for the game to clear the review embargo or release date, whichever is earlier, determine the quality of the game, and then buy or not buy it.

Gamers make this huge deal out of judging games months or years before release, as if it matters (preordering, which is a silly activity, aside). In the end, if this game gets scores like Ico or SOTC, and the gameplay style is something you favor, you'll buy it anyway. In the end, if this game ends up sucking, you getting excited about it now won't force you to buy it.

So, it's all good.


There is absolutely nothing hard to believe about IGN still being the biggest gaming website.

With the "content" they put out it would surprise me. There are a lot of sites out there putting out substantially better content on a regular basis let alone YouTubers, Blogs and all other manner of contemporary aggregators. I figured IGN was facing a steep decline with all the competition these days.

But if you are right and they are still the biggest by far then I'd say that's both odd and sad given the variety of other news destinations there are these days. Guess maybe people are more happy with their content then I thought.
For the people talking crap about the game or its graphics.... There's obviously nothing I can say to break through that ignorance. Hopefully you come around because games like this are so special and rare. We usually get them once every console cycle if we're lucky. Fumito Ueda is a true visionary he's up there with Kojima just in his own special unique way.

Oh you've played it. Got it
Does it really matter if it looks like a PS3 or PS4 game? The gameplay, atmosphere, and art style is what makes Team Ico's games effective. Their games always have a stylized look to them. What kind of improvements are people expecting?

I only watched a few minutes before realizing they were fine with spoiling the entire opening chapter for us, but I'd say from an art direction POV everything looks a bit muddy and dull, especially the creature. The color palette after games like NMS and Persona 5 just seems a bit anemic. The animation looks fantastic though and does a lot to make up for any visual complaints I may have.

I'm definitely getting this day one regardless. I'm excited to see someone trying to push boundaries with the AI again.
I believe I've found the flaw in your algorithm.

DID YOU KNOW that you can buy a game and its corresponding console at the same time?

In all seriousness... I am amazed at how often I read someone say "I bought console X JUST for game Y, and then (it got poor scores/was never released on that platform)." It's just, like, uUGGGGH. What is wrong with your brain?!

Just because I bought PS3 for TLG doesn't mean I never ever used it. If I hadn't bought it I would never have got into Uncharted which is one of my top three favourite franchises of all time. Shadow of the Colossus is my most cherished memory of the PS2 generation, I went into it having never played ICO and it floored me.

You don't have to be so condescending.
Does it really matter if it looks like a PS3 or PS4 game? The gameplay, atmosphere, and art style is what makes Team Ico's games effective. Their games always have a stylized look to them. What kind of improvements are people expecting?

Visuals do matter. Better textures, more impressive amount of detail would be nice; something commensurate with the new hardware. It's not required, but of course it does matter, to answer your question.

SOTC was hugely hampered by its atrocious frame rate. And while the art direction was stunning, frame rate aside, the game's visuals were good for the time on a technical level. Not amazing but solid and not like something from PS1. Similarly, ideally, TLG would look like a true next-generation game and not a PS3.5 type thing. Looking like a PS3.5 thing is, sadly, a missed opportunity. However I totally agree that it's by no means fatal and can still result in an awesome game.

Don't get me wrong. Uncharted 2 remastered is still a very sweet game in 2016. To me it'd still be an excellent entry even in 2016. However, seeing what Uncharted 4 could do in its generational leap in visuals, as opposed to just a 1080p/texture/60fps bump of the remasters, is proof positive that true next-generation visuals still can make an important impact.
Hmm, interesting they show this before E3. Pity it is IGN, the quality of their footage is usually poor. Anyway, looking forward to seeing more soon.

People saying it looks like a PS3 game. The geometry is better than any last gen game. Lighting, AA and contrast could do with some work. Modelling is good.

I think most of this is old footage anyway...Actually people should watch the Gamersyde footage from last years E3...That clearly looks better. This might even be their early prototype footage or ps3 footage...


Yeah, here the lighting looks much better...Screens from last E3 which clearly look 'PS4 quality' to me:



Just because I bought PS3 for TLG doesn't mean I never ever used it. If I hadn't bought it I would never have got into Uncharted which is one of my top three favourite franchises of all time. Shadow of the Colossus is my most cherished memory of the PS2 generation, I went into it having never played ICO and it floored me.

You don't have to be so condescending.

Hey, man, you're the guy who said you bought it "just" for the Team Ico games. All I did was base my post on your words.

I am glad that, as you've now informed me, the PS3 purchase worked out for other reasons. It's certainly a great console. The logic of "I will keep buying consoles for Team Ico games before those games are released, no matter how many consoles come out" does continue to be perplexing on any rational level however.


Does it really matter if it looks like a PS3 or PS4 game? The gameplay, atmosphere, and art style is what makes Team Ico's games effective. Their games always have a stylized look to them. What kind of improvements are people expecting?
Physically based shading and/or global illumination would have been nice.
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