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The Last Guardian - new screenshots and footage (IGN preview)


I gotta say, technically it's not really blowing me away. But that doesn't matter if the game has heart, which it looks to in spades.

This will be the game that I borrow a PS4 for!

I'll let you borrow mine if that's the only way you can play this game. Ueda games deserves a wide audience as possible.
Of course there's still a (remote) chance that the game will not live up to both of our expectations. In which case you I'll lend you my nephews ps4 instead!


Gold Member
Ironic that IGN got this scoop when they were the ones who reported that the game was canceled a year or two ago.

1. Most of what we're being shown is the same area from the E3 reveal. Suggesting they aren't comfortable showing other areas yet. Trico probably bugs out.
2. Edge's article begins highlighting A.I. Issues suggesting the game is still finicky.
3. It sounds like Trico's A.I. Is so intensive it's probably one of the reasons the game graphically looks like a ps3 game as Trico uses GPU threads.
4. Unsure on if the game has enough new ideas to stand out in a sea of clever indies.

On the other hand Trico is awesome. Looks awesome, behaves awesome, feels awesome, and with the exception of maybe Nintendogs nothing is as cute or believable on consoles. Edge confirms that the usual profoundity of Ueda's past games is still there. The only real issue is that if this game brought back from the cancelled by the internet's appeals can in fact overcome the reasons of cancellation. It slso sucks that Ueda dodges those questions in the Edge article. Can not wait on a Trico breakdown. What algorithims are powering him? Is he a refinrocement learning algorithim?

That's my question right there. It's been done before for conditioned learning programs, though those are far more constrained in terms of possible interactions (e.g., http://www.erin.utoronto.ca/~w3peel/sniffy/exer1.htm)
It's beautiful.


Animations look great but they really should have overhauled the lighting and shaders when they they made the jump to PS4. This game could really use some PBR.
Anyone who has ever had a pet should be really impressed.
That's what really worries me about this game. It's going to stir up memories of the cat I had for 15 years (and it already reminded me of him from the onset), and then I'm going to have my heart broken again
when it dies
Same, that's sounds very weird to do a in depth preview on a myth game like this one, it's like... "De-hyping" the thing a little bit. A written EDGE preview it's totally normal I think, it's even hyping the thing a bit more, but I don't know about this IGN move. Seems bizarre from Sony to do this.
Moreover, I think it's a game based on feelings, sensations, etc... Showing even a little bit of footage before the mythical and meticulous thing which is the Sony E3 conference is quite strange.

Yeah, I have to say I agree with you.
Unless..the game is going to be released really soon (like weeks not months) after e3 and Sony needed some media coverage before then?


I sincerely doubt this game is going to do very good sales wise. The media released so far is not really selling the game either.

Man, If Sony really cared about sales from a Fumito Ueda's game, then this shit would been long canned from back when it was a PS3 title. You just don't fund a Fumito Ueda game expecting it to sell gangbuters.

And the promotion for the game just started, and E3 aint even here yet. lol. Maybe if we we're near release date and the media still isnt there, then yea, there might be some concern, but we aint there yet so.

And I more then reckon that Sony is hoping for this game to receive similar attention and recognition that the previous Ueda games & thatgamecompany's Journey got, then worry about how much will it sell day one.
Anyone who has ever had a pet should be really impressed.

Exactly. Trico is an imaginary creature, but they made an incredible job at making it "realistic". When i see the gif above i'm reminded of my cat, and it make trico look alive and "real", it just looks familiar. I imagine they spent a lot of time and effort studying animal behaviours. I'm definitely impressed.


Junior Member
Anyone who has ever had a pet should be really impressed.

Lots of smaller-scale sports games, Uncharted 4 and so on with heavy physics-animation interaction but this is Shadow of the Colossus unbound by per-colossus arenas and more intimate, not just stabby/shaky get off me routines.
I know, just dismissing the fact that Uedas games weren't a technical marvel.

They did great things on PS2.

Yes, but they did have performance issues. Sotc definitely suffered from serious frame rate issues. Hope the same isn't true of this title.
Will buy it either way. Now, I need to go on blackout for this game.


a game doesn't have to be impressive to look beautiful and this game looks absolutely beautiful, i really hopes it releases this year


Doesn't really look different from what we've seen so far. The animation of the boy nuzzling Trico and climbing on him looks a bit janky. Trico itself still looks really cool, with deep soulful eyes. I'll feel more confident about this once we know more about the actual game design, though. The gameplay they showed last year was pretty cool, if highly scripted ("jump here for him to grab you there"), but I'm still not sure what the entire game will be like in terms of gameplay.


My god. Im tearing up watching that IGN video. It just reminds me of my cats so much and brings out all my feelings.
This game is going to destroy me.


OK, I just read the article, which goes into a LOT more detail, and this game sounds much more interesting than the stuff they showed in the video. The stuff in the video is pretty much stuff we've already seen, but the article goes into some intriguing detail about the world and play mechanics. Cool stuff!

I will buy it because both previews mention a shadow of colusus like open world at the end suggesting Ueda doesn't want to give away the plot of the game. Also of note: ign preview mentions that the narrator seems to be the boy at an older age hence this is a retelling of how he meet Trico.

That's my question right there. It's been done before for conditioned learning programs, though those are far more constrained in terms of possible interactions (e.g., http://www.erin.utoronto.ca/~w3peel/sniffy/exer1.htm)

Yeah, the real issue is that these deep learning networks don't really understand in the way we do i.e. Google deep dreams sees dogs everywhere etc. hence its a very real possibility Trico could do some flipped out stuff that ruins a game experience. On the other hand you get to condition an A.I. Using virtual barrels of food... That is the future my friend... The future...


I'm really impressed with the animations for when the boy is balancing on Toriko. His footing constantly changes and he holds his arms out like he's on a balancing beam. Little weight shifts react realistically.

I think people are always going to say dumb stuff like "is a ps3 game" (despite the fact that they literally could not get it to run on a ps3) but the animation is really nice.

Animations have always been their strong point, seeing Wander stand up on his horse in SOTC was really strinking to me when i first saw it.


I seriously can't believe this is real. Feel like I'm in the twilight zone.

I know we saw it at last years E3... But to see a preview and to hear someone actually played it is kind of blowing my mind.
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