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The Leftovers |OT| Left Behind With Damon Lindelof - Sundays 10/9c

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Were the sweatpants supposed to be showing off his junk so much? I mean, was this intentional for the show? I can't imagine why they'd let something like that be in the show unless it had a purpose ... unless that purpose was to please female and gay fans ...

Other than that, really loved the episode and this is easily one of my favorite shows on television ... haters in here are hilarious
Other than that, really loved the episode and this is easily one of my favorite shows on television ... haters in here are hilarious

I only keep up with three shows that still air episodes on a TV network: Mad Men, Walking Dead, and this. Good shit.

I don't get why the people ragging on the show are still around. I mean of course they can say whatever they want, but it seems like it sucks to keep watching a show you hate, made by a dude whose work you dislike, week after week


lol @ Kevin getting cockblocked by the rapture. "Wtf, where'd this bitch go?! Fuck!" That ass was phat too.

I've enjoyed this whole season, but I thought this was one of the weaker episodes. I get it that the point was to drive home everyone's loss by showing you life before the incident, but other than Laurie's baby and the house they used to live in, we already knew all these details. So I spent the whole episode just plodding along waiting for the day of the rapture.

The most interesting person to show in an episode like this is Wayne, but he was absent. I guess they wanted his mystery kept intact.


Console Market Analyst
I liked this episode, but what the hell is with Kevin's son. That guy overacted the shit out of every little thing in this ep, every slight motion or word spoken is delivered with such exaggerated delivery.

I mean, there's regular overacting, and then there's flailing around for no reason.

Yeah, Tom was high-strung. Especially for a kid that should be hung over. A little less Dane Cook, next time.

And Jill... she might as well have had pig tails and striped leggings.

The episode went too far trying to contrast characters...

Did anyone else want the final shot of the episode to be the sonogram... showing the fetus smoking a cigarette?
Anybody have predictions for the finale?

I feel like this show is kind of hard to pin down, but one thing I feel confident in is that Laurie is going to finally have a change of heart and leave the GR... but not until after whatever horrible thing they're planning to do is accomplished. There have been too many signs this season of her cracking, and I think Jill showing up is going to finally be the thing that makes her shed it off.

Whether or not I'm right, I don't think Jill is going to stay with the GR. I think she basically only went to hang out with her mother, and it's going to get old for her after a while.

I think Wayne is probably going to die, like he foretold a few episodes ago. Either that, or he miraculously avoids death, and starts to question his own 'divinity.'

That's all I got. Seems like anything could happen with the rest of the cast.
Just watched episode nine. I really liked going back and taking a look at everyone's lives right before the departure. Wish we got some more insight into the GR starting up and Lori eventually joining, maybe next season?


Just watched episode nine. I really liked going back and taking a look at everyone's lives right before the departure. Wish we got some more insight into the GR starting up and Lori eventually joining, maybe next season?

I think the reasons of GR starting up and Lori joining are fairly easy to surmise after this most recent episode.



Were the sweatpants supposed to be showing off his junk so much? I mean, was this intentional for the show? I can't imagine why they'd let something like that be in the show unless it had a purpose ... unless that purpose was to please female and gay fans ...

God bless Justin Theroux.



aside from kevin's crazy bulge, that was one incredible episode. i cannot wait for the finale!


What, the fetus? If she really wished it to be gone, she would have gotten an abortion anyway, so...?

A thing that makes you join a weird cult that does nothing but annoy the shit out of everybody else?
They force everyone to remember. When they all want to forget.


They force everyone to remember. When they all want to forget.
Trying to make the connection, here... They think people need to constantly be reminded of what happened (i.e. they're idiots: clearly, nobody has forgotten) -> they smoke, dress in white, don't say anything and troll people.
Is that effective? Seems to me people (and viewers) are mostly wondering what's wrong with those idiots. One might even argue it's somewhat counter-productive, as they're turning themselves into easy targets, convenient punching balls for all those anguished folks out there.
Really it seems like the people in the GR are trying to punish themselves. Their lives are horrible - they sleep in crappy little cots or on the floor, 10 people to a room or whatever, they eat flavorless gruel, they deprive themselves of actual human connection, they smoke constantly, and they open themselves up to constant public abuse.

So yeah, I think guilt would be a decent motivator to act this way


Trying to make the connection, here... They think people need to constantly be reminded of what happened (i.e. they're idiots: clearly, nobody has forgotten) -> they smoke, dress in white, don't say anything and troll people.
Is that effective? Seems to me people (and viewers) are mostly wondering what's wrong with those idiots. One might even argue it's somewhat counter-productive, as they're turning themselves into easy targets, convenient punching balls for all those anguished folks out there.

Jesus. Can you not comprehend that cultism is inherently irrational? Fucking hell. The past few pages have been riddled with your obtuse stonewalling. It's fucking exhausting.


Most cults give reasons to join. They make promises.

Cults target the vulnerable and feed them some BS that ropes them in. We know what made Laurie vulnerable, she saw her unborn child disappear right in front of her and there was absolutely nothing she could do about it. We don't know how or when the GR came to exist and we don't know the circumstances in which Laurie joined them - yet. I find your impatience baffling, and the way you respond to posters in this threads has been utter ridiculous. I'm done.


Cults target the vulnerable and feed them some BS that ropes them in.
And what kind of alluring BS are we talking about, here?

We don't know how or when the GR came to exist and we don't know the circumstances in which Laurie joined them - yet. I find your impatience baffling
What I find baffling is that you seem to believe the show could still somehow reveal something that would retroactively make their cult thing believable. I certainly don't (so I'm not being "impatient", there).


Sidhe / PikPok
Watched the latest episode last night.

Amazing how inconsistent this show is from episode to episode and even within episodes sometimes on almost every measure - acting, pacing, storytelling, music, dialogue, coherence, haminess levels etc. The only thing which in my opinion has been consistently good is the cinematography.

There is a lot to like in the parts where it all comes together. And then there are those parts that make you cringe or go "Fucking Lindelof".

On balance, there has been enough good there to have me stick with it, but I feel like only just. I'm hoping for a good finale, and that they tighten things up for the second season.


Exactly one month ago, by me:

The leader mentions to Laurie about a thing Laurie told her to do 'in the last session before everything changed'. Was Laurie a shrink and had that woman as her patient?
Nailed it.
So I watched the last scene of the 9th episode.

It could have been way more powerful if they didn't pull out that fucking song again, and simply left it silent with no music as everyone just reacts to what had just happened.


Iffy episode than i agree should have taken place earlier in the season, but also one that wouldn't be suitable as the pilot. They should have peppered this mostly basic and pivotal information throughout the episodes. For example, the cheating+losing the baby in the episode where Laurie hands in the divorce papers.

The episode was ham-fisted and tried way too hard to making callbacks having ironic foreshadowing of the Departure - a pitfall of many shows that have a late episode being a flashback to the defining event of the series.
I can't decide who's more annoying, pre-Departure Jill or post-Depature Jill. Her coming in singing that song argg..could barely stand it. They were trying way too hard to show as stark as a contrast between her character.

Current-day Jill is gloomy and depressed beyond belief? Then ofc, pre-Departure Jill is the happiest girl in the world, all-smiles, not a care in the world, watching memes on her phone.
Likewise with Tommy, everything is peachy, him and Jill are like the perfect brother-and-sister you ever saw etc etc.

Same with Gladys as the breeder with the sentence about taking the young puppies from their mother and her saying: "It's actually completely natural. They don't need her anymore." Winking at when she herself wasn't needed anymore in the GR and how it was a natural choice.

Nora was devastated over the loss of her family? So ofc the moment when they disappeared she was angry at them.
Trying too hard to pat themselves of the back.

I disagree about the 'wishing away' part having any relation because first it would lead the Departure to even more ridiculous realms and because it really wasn't anything for anyone but Nora. Kevin was in the middle of the act so he wasn't thinking about that.

And mainly, the episode failed to give coherent motivation for Laurie joining the GR. If a great loss and potential guilt drive people to these cults then everybody who lost someone should be part of it. How come Nora who lost her entire family don't give a shit about them?
Not to mention the 'little' fact that GR are all about harassing and abusing citizens, i don't see how anyone would sign-up for that, especially a psychologist who's job is to help people and be of aid. No, nobody 'forgot' shit. There's a fucking giant statue in the middle of town. The rest of the people are doing a perfectly apt job of remembering and commemorating the event without it being unhealthy or causing grief to the lives of everybody.


So I watched the last scene of the 9th episode.

It could have been way more powerful if they didn't pull out that fucking song again, and simply left it silent with no music as everyone just reacts to what had just happened.

Im starting to love it whenever that song plays over a scene.
Iffy episode than i agree should have taken place earlier in the season, but also one that wouldn't be suitable as the pilot. They should have peppered this mostly basic and pivotal information throughout the episodes. For example, the cheating+losing the baby in the episode where Laurie hands in the divorce papers.

The episode was ham-fisted and tried way too hard to making callbacks having ironic foreshadowing of the Departure - a pitfall of many shows that have a late episode being a flashback to the defining event of the series.
I can't decide who's more annoying, pre-Departure Jill or post-Depature Jill. Her coming in singing that song argg..could barely stand it. They were trying way too hard to show as stark as a contrast between her character.

Current-day Jill is gloomy and depressed beyond belief? Then ofc, pre-Departure Jill is the happiest girl in the world, all-smiles, not a care in the world, watching memes on her phone.
Likewise with Tommy, everything is peachy, him and Jill are like the perfect brother-and-sister you ever saw etc etc.

Same with Gladys as the breeder with the sentence about taking the young puppies from their mother and her saying: "It's actually completely natural. They don't need her anymore." Winking at when she herself wasn't needed anymore in the GR and how it was a natural choice.

Nora was devastated over the loss of her family? So ofc the moment when they disappeared she was angry at them.
Trying too hard to pat themselves of the back.

I disagree about the 'wishing away' part having any relation because first it would lead the Departure to even more ridiculous realms and because it really wasn't anything for anyone but Nora. Kevin was in the middle of the act so he wasn't thinking about that.

And mainly, the episode failed to give coherent motivation for Laurie joining the GR. If a great loss and potential guilt drive people to these cults then everybody who lost someone should be part of it. How come Nora who lost her entire family don't give a shit about them?
Not to mention the 'little' fact that GR are all about harassing and abusing citizens, i don't see how anyone would sign-up for that, especially a psychologist who's job is to help people and be of aid. No, nobody 'forgot' shit. There's a fucking giant statue in the middle of town. The rest of the people are doing a perfectly apt job of remembering and commemorating the event without it being unhealthy or causing grief to the lives of everybody.

You should add an L to your name.

But yeah I generally agree.
And mainly, the episode failed to give coherent motivation for Laurie joining the GR. If a great loss and potential guilt drive people to these cults then everybody who lost someone should be part of it. How come Nora who lost her entire family don't give a shit about them?

Um... because people are different, and react to tragedy in different ways. When you add an inexplicable supernatural element to the mix, there's no telling how that would augment those reactions

Not to mention the 'little' fact that GR are all about harassing and abusing citizens, i don't see how anyone would sign-up for that, especially a psychologist who's job is to help people and be of aid. No, nobody 'forgot' shit. There's a fucking giant statue in the middle of town. The rest of the people are doing a perfectly apt job of remembering and commemorating the event without it being unhealthy or causing grief to the lives of everybody.

My suspicion is that the GR feels like everyone else's efforts to remember are hollow, empty, and insincere. That doesn't mean they're right, but that seems to be what they believe.


The question remains why would anyone in his right mind join the GR when they act as they do.
If the episode meant to assist our understanding of why Laurie would take a part in it, it didn't succeed.
So many people in this thread are criticizing the show because cults do things that don't make sense. Hell, people in general do things that don't make sense.

It's like criticizing Breaking Bad by saying "Why would anyone start using meth? It's dumb and it doesn't make sense. Walter White would never get rich off of this in real life because there shouldn't be any demand for it."


Most cults don't actively pursue to make everybody's life as uncomfortable as possible. So yes, the whole being of GR doesn't make sense. I could see why someone would want to join it but the moment that they realize the cult's goal is achieved by harassing people, by antagonizing yourself to the rest of the people, by committing crimes and generally being an asshole - i'd expect anyone in his right mind to bail ASAP. (not to mention stupid rules like no speaking).

Do i need to remind you that the GR, Laurie included, all willingly and knowingly participated in killing/murdering a fellow member for basically PR reasons?
Why would an intellectual, helpful woman like Laurie be so knee-deep in this group and agree to these actions - this episode failed to elucidate. And it's probably impossible to by this point.

Not sure how they didn't even have evidence to lock the GR up for breaking into people's houses and stealing pictures.


So many people in this thread are criticizing the show because cults do things that don't make sense. Hell, people in general do things that don't make sense.

It's like criticizing Breaking Bad by saying "Why would anyone start using meth? It's dumb and it doesn't make sense. Walter White would never get rich off of this in real life because there shouldn't be any demand for it."

What's the quote about real life not needing to make sense but fiction having to.

Kind of weird to have the finale next week they had some momentum going with the ratings. Maybe the marathon will help.

Re-watching ep. 8 LOL at Patti saying "What to fucking dew." Makes me laugh every time.


Think I blew through the series in four or five days. Good stuff, even if it's really fucking depressing. Between watching this and playing The Last of Us, I needed something happy in my entertainment. I did like that last episode and am really liking the idea that perhaps the legacies wanted the people out of their lives and the event happened and they were gone. That could explain one's motivation to join the GR.

EDIT: I do love the fuck out of the music.


So many people in this thread are criticizing the show because cults do things that don't make sense.
No, read again.

Why would anyone join any cult?
Because said cult makes great-sounding promises? The Guilty Remnants don't though.
Because you mostly agree with that cult's worldview? All the Guilty Remnants apparently believe is that everything is pointless... including joining a cult?
Because you'd like to join a community and feel like you belong? The Guilty Remnants don't even talk to each other and actually do everything they can to be hated by the outside world.
So I don't know why someone would join a cult like the Guilty Remnants... Free cigarettes?

Most cults don't actively pursue to make everybody's life as uncomfortable as possible. So yes, the whole being of GR doesn't make sense. I could see why someone would want to join it but the moment that they realize the cult's goal is achieved by harassing people, by antagonizing yourself to the rest of the people, by committing crimes and generally being an asshole - i'd expect anyone in his right mind to bail ASAP.
And since they're not doing anything to hide those terrible activities (unlike, say, Scientology), and those are in fact all they're known for...
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