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The Leftovers |OT| Left Behind With Damon Lindelof - Sundays 10/9c

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So, wish granted?

That seemed to wrap almost everything up. What the hell are they going to do with the next season?

Also book readers, can you mention any noticeable differences?

Was it supposed to be a coincidence that Tommy and Laurie met each other at the shoreline? I can't think of any way it could've been arranged, but that's such an insane coincidence.

And why the hell didn't Laurie stay with Jill? Like really, wtf.

There's a lot of micro-level stuff to work out when season 2 starts, but a lot of the macro-level stuff seems to have been resolved. I'm really interested to see where they take the show next year.
I was wondering if there would be one.

I've got no clue where they go from here.

I think they covered most of the book, so it's wide open now. As a non LOST watcher, I'm willing to go wherever Lindelof wants to go.

The only thing that brought it down was the ridiculous fake out in the asylum.

That was just not needed.

Agreed. My friends and I were like "FUCK FUCK FUCK....oh". Maybe it showed Kevin slowly bending to hearing the voices?


I just caught up on the whole series over the past couple days, so this was my first live episode.

Shocked at the actually uplifting ending. I actually kind of would have been happy if that was the end. Because I'll be really curious what they do with season 2. The happiness can't last.

Also, fuck the GR. That was cruel. I also still don't understand what their endgame is. What do they want people to do, beyond joining them? Remember? But then what?
I just caught up on the whole series over the past couple days, so this was my first live episode.

Shocked at the actually uplifting ending. I actually kind of would have been happy if that was the end. Because I'll be really curious what they do with season 2. The happiness can't last.

Also, fuck the GR. That was cruel. I also still don't understand what their endgame is. What do they want people to do, beyond joining them? Remember? But then what?

They basically wanted to die.
I just read a synopsis of the book, and even though it's just a synopsis it still seems a lot more barebones than the TV series. It's like the book provided the skeleton and the show filled it in with muscle. Pretty interesting.

And yeah, according to the Wikipedia article they really did cover the entire book during season 1. After seeing how well they filled in the blanks, I'm pretty confident that Season 2 will be great too

Because she was dragged out?

I actually meant after Jill got rescued, sorry. Like why would she just wander off? I guess maybe because she saw the look on Kevin's face, now that I think of it.


Well, the finale had me feeling feels and anticipating feels the entire episode. The slo-mo scene at the GR HQ was fucking excellent. I was really dreading Nora not being part of the show at the very end.

Not really sure where they go from here. I bet Laurie hooks up with Matt's crew. That's kind of the only way I would think she'd remain in Mapleton at this point. I'm assuming Matt's fantasy about her was hinting at something.
I just read a synopsis of the book, and even though it's just a synopsis it still seems a lot more barebones than the TV series. It's like the book provided the skeleton and the show filled it in with muscle. Pretty interesting.

And yeah, according to the Wikipedia article they really did cover the entire book during season 1. After seeing how well they filled in the blanks, I'm pretty confident that Season 2 will be great too

Same and I was still SO RELIEVED that Nora found the baby. That was so cathartic.



Love it or hate it — and 50-odd savage minutes of "The Prodigal Son" absolutely affirmed my love for it — "The Leftovers" isn't really like anything else on television, past or present. Structurally, it has a passing resemblance to a few other series (including Damon Lindelof's previous one). But in terms of tone and substance, as well as its focus on the emotional and spiritual health of its characters far ahead of any questions of plot, it's an original.

I don't think that's true at all, it is very similar to John from Cincinnati.


Console Market Analyst
Not as big a clusterfuck as I expected, this finale.

I still think people grossly overreact to the GR. I mean... it was the fucking Purge out there, for something that registers as mild on the Westboro scale.

Yes! Goodbye to Wayne, and his annoying sex toy.

The "coincidental bumping into each other" moments at the end of the episode reminded me of a ridiculous Paul Auster novel.

The lasting longer than four hours hard-on from reviewers needs immediate medical attention.


Call me crazy, but I was disappointed in the uplifting finale. Something like that just doesn't fit this show yet and still felt unearned. Decent episode, though it doesn't hold a candle to a couple previous ones. All of the "resolutions," if you want to call them that, were fairly anticlimatic.
Good lord can this show please go for at least 5 minutes without the sad piano tune

yeah this episode was too much miserabilism for me

the slow mo pained expressions and violin/piano music

the "nothing else matters" bit was so cheesy

w/e I'm in for s2 cuz i hate myself


Hunky Nostradamus


Subete no aware
I didn't bother posting about the show until the end because following the plot, there was really nothing to say.

That said, just thinking about the show as a whole... I have no idea what to think about it even now. I understand why people might have connected with it on an emotional level, and focusing on people dealing with the aftermath of a cataclysmic event is a great idea, but it really tread the line between realism and the hints towards magic realism.

I'm not even sure what they do for season 2 at this point... or why one is even necessary. The only thing that might make sense is if they just did a True Dick and went with a completely new cast of characters also dealing with the same trauma.


I'm not even sure what they do for season 2 at this point... or why one is even necessary. The only thing that might make sense is if they just did a True Dick and went with a completely new cast of characters also dealing with the same trauma.

But that'd just be retreading the same ground. Obviously there's still more to be done with these characters. Old Man Garby is still in the hospital telling his son he's special and has work to do. We don't know what's going to happen to the GR after all of this went down. Wayne, for all his shortcomings, obviously had some sort of power, which could come to play with the baby. There's still stuff to cover.


Gonna need to rewatch the episode from 3 weeks ago again, and then watch this one immediately after.
I was kinda lost.

get it, lost?


So the son just left the baby on his dad's front porch and went off to the water (where he couldn't have known his mother would be)?
Was he abandoning it? If not why didn't he take the baby with him? I'm confused...
Kevin has a family again, albeit a new one. Totally was not expecting a happy ending with all that transpired. Sick, nasty way of making people remember.

They had no right to do that and they got the physical reaction they deserved in the end. Who is this cult to tell people how they should feel or what to fell? sick bastards./rhetorical statement

I would have though Kevin's baptism and cleaning would have made him avoid another twisted dream. I guess the crazy will stay in him.

Drama of the summer for me.


Subete no aware
But that'd just be retreading the same ground. Obviously there's still more to be done with these characters. Old Man Garby is still in the hospital telling his son he's special and has work to do. We don't know what's going to happen to the GR after all of this went down. Wayne, for all his shortcomings, obviously had some sort of power, which could come to play with the baby. There's still stuff to cover.
Does Wayne really have powers? Or is it all just cosmic coincidence? I'm not even sure what the show is trying to say with his character. Certainly the baby can't matter in the "mystical" sense since it is clear that he had a whole harem of Asian girls that he impregnated at his compound.

I feel like answering any questions would just lead this show down the path of Lost, where any answers would be completely unsatisfying.

Certainly I'd prefer another 'rehash' with different characters than Lindelof trying to write answers for Kevin's seeming insanity... or even answering the big question of why people disappeared in the first place.


Does Wayne really have powers? Or is it all just cosmic coincidence? I'm not even sure what the show is trying to say with his character. Certainly the baby can't matter in the "mystical" sense since it is clear that he had a whole harem of Asian girls that he impregnated at his compound.

I feel like answering any questions would just lead this show down the path of Lost, where any answers would be completely unsatisfying.

Certainly I'd prefer another 'rehash' with different characters than Lindelof trying to write answers for Kevin's seeming insanity... or even answering the big question of why people disappeared in the first place.
Even in the end Wayne isn't sure if he's just a fraud or not (in the greater sense since no one even deems him important enough, e.g. the ATFEC). He is though. All the coincidences where characters bump into another are no more different than any other form of narrative conceit where characters just run into each other at the right time in every other form of fiction.

Laurie and Tommy are supposed to contrast with Kevin and Jill because they are actually two halves of a family (one is the other's biological parent/child).

Wayne's baby is there for Nora, to (supposedly) turn her away from leaving Mapleton as she had planned (not wanting to confront Kevin). Can't really explain why Tommy left the baby on the porch but yeah.


Subete no aware
Even in the end Wayne isn't sure if he's just a fraud or not (in the greater sense since no one even deems him important enough, e.g. the ATFEC). He is though. All the coincidences where characters bump into another are no more different than any other form of narrative conceit where characters just run into each other at the right time in every other form of fiction.

Laurie and Tommy are supposed to contrast with Kevin and Jill because they are actually two halves of a family (one is the other's biological parent/child).

Wayne's baby is there for Nora, to (supposedly) turn her away from leaving Mapleton as she had planned (not wanting to confront Kevin). Can't really explain why Tommy left the baby on the porch but yeah.

Well, Nora did pay for a session with Wayne way back when, so it's a connection there. And I assuming that Laurie and Tommy are, for all intent and purpose, also "ascended". They may not have physically disappeared, but they are moving on with their lives away from their own terrestrial lives. Laurie having broken her vow of silence in a moment of love, and Tommy trying to find a home for the baby. Kevin and Nora get their families back - they both lost three members of their family and now are together in a four family unit - so it all just feels... well, wrapped up.

I don't need answers for Wayne or the secret mystery behind Guilty Remnant or an explanation of the moments of insanity. And I don't think any answer will be narratively satisfying anyway... it really would just turn into a latter season of Lost. And I really don't want to hate this show. lol


There's a lot to like about that episode but that ending wasn't one of them. Burst out laughing when Nora turned to Kevin with her finders keepers baby and he started to cry/smile back at her with the theme playing. I feel like there had to be a better way to reunite them and change her mind.


So the son just left the baby on his dad's front porch and went off to the water (where he couldn't have known his mother would be)?
Was he abandoning it? If not why didn't he take the baby with him? I'm confused...

I think Tommy knew he couldn't take care of the baby, so he left it with the person that he thought could: His dad.
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