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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
So based on one legit review, it seems the short "real" playtime wasn't that greatly exaggerated. Hm. Hopefully it's an easy Platinum. I check playstationtrophies.org and the platinum should be doable in a weekend. It means ill be able to get my money back.

But hopefully I enjoy this as much as I enjoyed Drakes Fortune and keep it around as part of my essentials collection.
Y2Kev warned me about riling up people in this thread so I'm just here to say I have absolutely no opinion on anything and will absolutely not post gifs in response to the several meltdowns that I will absolutely not incite and won't actually happen because who would want that


Your overt neutrality has me riled up!
Y2Kev warned me about riling up people in this thread so I'm just here to say I have absolutely no opinion on anything and will absolutely not post gifs in response to the several meltdowns that I will absolutely not incite and won't actually happen because who would want that


Reviewers have been taking AAA games this generation to task.

Infamous Second Son: 80
Watch Dogs: 80
Wolfenstein: 79
Evolve: 79
Destiny: 76
Dying Light: 73
DriveClub: 71

I mean 80 on metacritic is like the sound barrier no one can break.
I will be pleasantly surprised if The Order breaks 80.

Wolfenstein was glorious and one of the best games of last year.
Dying Light is currently glorious and so far the best game of 2015 and is great fun in co-op.

This is why people really should be careful not to judge a game because of a review, the truth is always somewhere in the middle (range).

Really looking forward to it, and really disappointed by the hate its getting before its even out :(
I'll buy and play it eventually, but no way I'd pay full price for this short game.

Can't see why they'd expect most people to pay that either...

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Is Evolve considered AAA? AFAIK that Turtle Rock team is small. They got a lot of marketing, but I don't that game had a huge budget besides that.


That Driveclub score is absolutely crazy bad for how top tier the game is. Agreed on Second Son tho. It felt the weakest out of all the Infamous games, despite more powers. SP best villain is still Kessler.

In retrospect, I am actually far more irritated with Wolfenstein's score. That game shoulda been in the mid-80s at least.


The review system of this industry needs to be completely re-evaluated. Games at launch are no longer a representative of the final product in 2-3 months after release. Publishers and developers should absolutely be criticized if they ship a game that doesn't operate as advertised, but also be credited if they fixed it.

In my case, I played DC a two months after release, and everything was fine for me. That score was way out different from what I felt the game deserved at the time I played it.

I remember someone asked Jeff of GB about that and he said that there were different factors as to why their website wouldn't do that.

IIRC, it was stuff like: You'd still be re-reviewing hundreds of games as patches piled up; what constitutes as fixes worthy of a re-review; while its good that devs were fixing the game, you're paying for a $60 product and it should work, you shouldn't be rewarded for fixing what shouldn't be broken in the first place etc.


Neo Member
How is jeuxvideo able to break so many embargoes? Not the first time this has happened.

If they weren't given a review copy, and somehow got the game early, they can post the review whenever they want as they are not tied to the embargo that comes with the review copy.
I remember someone asked Jeff of GB about that and he said that there were different factors as to why their website wouldn't do that.

IIRC, it was stuff like: You'd still be re-reviewing hundreds of games as patches piled up; what constitutes as fixes worthy of a re-review; while its good that devs were fixing the game, you're paying for a $60 product and it should work, you shouldn't be rewarded for fixing what shouldn't be broken in the first place etc.
Perhaps, I can buy this issue with having to go back and deal with all kinds of games. Lots of extra work. At the same time, I can't take reviews seriously when so many are still released before the public gets their hands on it and say...discovers online issues a la Driveclub and Halo:MCC. Review scores are in of themselves still very broken.

The main problem with not updating reviews is that in this day and age, they become more useless over time. Because of the ability to patch bugs, add content, etc, a review often only speaks to the quality of the game at the moment in time that it was reviewed. That wasn't the case two decades ago, but it is now.
I've seen reviews I am condemned to remember... Twilight Princess's 8.8... The Last of Us's 7.5...

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe...Amiibos on fire off the shoulder of Target...I watched c-ratings glitter in the dark near the DriveClub...All those...moments... will be lost in time, like Twilight Princess...time to...Order
Reviewers have been taking AAA games this generation to task.

Infamous Second Son: 80
Watch Dogs: 80
Wolfenstein: 79
Evolve: 79
Destiny: 76
Dying Light: 73
DriveClub: 71

I mean 80 on metacritic is like the sound barrier no one can break.
I will be pleasantly surprised if The Order breaks 80.

I knew that The Order would be met with this battling response, since the build up was met with criticism, and it's interesting to see pretty much all of Sony's output so far settling around 7 scores.

Seems like Bloodborne will be the game to break out of that slump and hit the 9/10s. And then Uncharted will surely follow too.

Now, if Bloodborne and Uncharted are getting 7's, then I'd be worried.

but these games you listed all seem to have valid 7/10 justifications and with the exception of Destiny, they all seem to have been modest efforts without too much hype to tarnish perception.
Reviewers have been taking AAA games this generation to task.

Infamous Second Son: 80
Watch Dogs: 80
Wolfenstein: 79
Evolve: 79
Destiny: 76
Dying Light: 73
DriveClub: 71

I mean 80 on metacritic is like the sound barrier no one can break.
I will be pleasantly surprised if The Order breaks 80.

Man...Dying Light definitely deserves better than 73.

I expect the Order to sit somewhere in the low to mid 70s.
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