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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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I've seen things you people wouldn't believe...Amiibos on fire off the shoulder of Target...I watched c-ratings glitter in the dark near the DriveClub...All those...moments... will be lost in time, like Twilight Princess...time to...Order

I understood that reference.gif.


Well, a lot of people seem to have been salivating at the prospect of poor reviews for this game for as long as I've been a member here, and unfortunate though it may be, I'm not exactly expecting it to surprise us by actually being fantastic either.

The games media are going to eat this game alive.


I did not come in here to get spoiled. You're ruining the game for other people (if true...).

I'm not sure how that's a spoiler. That's a technical detail about the game. Literally gives nothing away about the plot. That's like saying that posting "This game runs at 1080" is a spoiler.

If people aren't disappointed now, they'll be disappointed after they have payed for the game.


Man...Dying Light definitely deserves better than 73.

Well, that just means that your view of the game is a relative outlier on the positive side. It doesn't mean that other reviewers are wrong, it just means that most reviewers that played it didn't think it was great, but some did.
It seems that people are sharpening their swords if there's already 14 pages on this thing.

Should be fun to watch but I got other stuff to do.

Bold One

Reviewers have been taking AAA games this generation to task.

Infamous Second Son: 80
Watch Dogs: 80
Wolfenstein: 79
Evolve: 79
Destiny: 76
Dying Light: 73
DriveClub: 71

I mean 80 on metacritic is like the sound barrier no one can break.
I will be pleasantly surprised if The Order breaks 80.

Dying Light got 73? I thought people like that game...


Why are people so invested in The Order?

I understand the haters, even if they are irrational. Cinematic games are divisive and all. But the people who are invested in it doing well, why?

This isn't Star Wars Battlefront or something. I will spill blood in that thread, that shit is my sophomore year of high school right there.
you know, if you guys are really upset about that spoiler then maybe common sense would dictate that you shouldn't quote the spoiler since that's going to spoil it for more people. you know, you're making it worse or something.

It's also not really a spoiler but i guess i don't know where that line is drawn anymore.


I've seen things you people wouldn't believe...Amiibos on fire off the shoulder of Target...I watched c-ratings glitter in the dark near the DriveClub...All those...moments... will be lost in time, like Twilight Princess...time to...Order
My gut predicts a hair over 70 on metacritic, which would put it in Beyond: Two Souls territory.

But honestly its hard to call. That's just my sense from the general internet rumblings.

My personal hope is that RAD knocks it out of the park. I'm not a fan of cinematic games that spend a long time with cut-scenes and QTEs, but the occasional one can be great when done well.


Man...Dying Light definitely deserves better than 73.

I expect the Order to sit somewhere in the low to mid 70s.

Yeah, I don't love Dying light but seeing it behind Watch_Dogs is just wrong. Hell seeing Watch_Dogs at the top of that list at all is wrong.


Reviewers have been taking AAA games this generation to task.

Infamous Second Son: 80
Watch Dogs: 80
Wolfenstein: 79
Evolve: 79
Destiny: 76
Dying Light: 73
DriveClub: 71

I mean 80 on metacritic is like the sound barrier no one can break.
I will be pleasantly surprised if The Order breaks 80.

I would say Driveclub and Wofenstein should be higher, but those scores are more or less spot on. Not to mention, Nintendo games which you've ignored for some reason show that reviews are still wiling to give high scores.


Why are people so invested in The Order?

I understand the haters, even if they are irrational. Cinematic games are divisive and all. But the people who are invested in it doing well, why?

This isn't Star Wars Battlefront or something. I will spill blood in that thread, that shit is my sophomore year of high school right there.

It's an exclusive. That changes everything...


My guess is 78 metacritic but i will love it

Seems like a good review
Really comes down to whether or not you like "cinematic" games / eye candy
Lmao Gaf is frothing at the mouth for review scores of The Order. 14 pages from one review of a French magazine. Has there ever been anything like this?

I realise I am contributing to the fever by posting :p

Edit: Now some idiot posting spoilers in a review thread. God we can't have nice things!


you know, if you guys are really upset about that spoiler then maybe common sense would dictate that you shouldn't quote the spoiler since that's going to spoil it for more people. you know, you're making it worse or something.

It's also not really a spoiler but i guess i don't know where that line is drawn anymore.

I once had someone whine at me because I mentioned the name of a character from one of the opening emails in the Mass Effect 2 Firewhatever dune buggy dlc, spoilers are basically meaningless this decade.


Regularly boosts GAF member count to cry about 'right wing gaf' - Voter #3923781
Sooooooooooo, when is this getting locked. There's going to be 50 pages before the embargo even drops.

Review threads should only be up when the first official review hits. Or else you get these click seeking troll sites.


The Internet has gone stupid over this game. Trying to say it's five hours, praying for low review scores. I'll check back for the official reviews on Thursday and most likely get the game Frdiay. This game really seems to shine a spotlight in those with agendas on either side of the console wars.
I'm not sure how that's a spoiler. That's a technical detail about the game. Literally gives nothing away about the plot. That's like saying that posting "This game runs at 1080" is a spoiler.

If people aren't disappointed now, they'll be disappointed after they have payed for the game.
I don't know ofcourse. But i also see no reason to post it in this thread.


you know, if you guys are really upset about that spoiler then maybe common sense would dictate that you shouldn't quote the spoiler since that's going to spoil it for more people. you know, you're making it worse or something.

It's also not really a spoiler but i guess i don't know where that line is drawn anymore.

The mob wants to see a head roll.

Quoting him over and over again is probably supposed to get it done.


Sooooooooooo, when is this getting locked. There's going to be 50 pages before the embargo even drops.

Review threads should only be up when the first official review hits. Or else you get these click seeking troll sites.

Yeah I think this was posted way too early, the only discussion here is Metacritic predictions.

Maybe reboot the thread once the embargo lifts?
Why are people so invested in The Order?

I understand the haters, even if they are irrational. Cinematic games are divisive and all. But the people who are invested in it doing well, why?

This isn't Star Wars Battlefront or something. I will spill blood in that thread, that shit is my sophomore year of high school right there.

People want to see a new IP go well, especially when the studio in question has done so much at the development end in comparison to others.

That's my take on it at least.


Lmao Gaf is frothing at the mouth for review scores of The Order. 14 pages from one review of a French magazine. Has there ever been anything like this?

I realise I am contributing to the fever by posting :p

I expect Bloodborne's review thread to be pretty epic, but nothing like UC4 will probably be (along Halo 5 that is).

Wonder what will happen to the Tomb Raider thread though, and the (imo legitimate) bad feelings about its exclusivity.
That one will probably need some "extra tight" modding I'm guessing :)


15/20 is very much middle of the road. Not high or low enough to inspire a meltdown post. We must wait for Polygon's 4.5/10 or something. Bonus points if it's a Gies review.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Reviewers have been taking AAA games this generation to task.

Infamous Second Son: 80
Watch Dogs: 80
Wolfenstein: 79
Evolve: 79
Destiny: 76
Dying Light: 73
DriveClub: 71

I mean 80 on metacritic is like the sound barrier no one can break.
I will be pleasantly surprised if The Order breaks 80.

I wouldn't put Evolve or Dying Light in the AAA category. They had small teams, if the size of the marketing budget and publisher determines AAA status then many Nintendo games are "AAA" which would throw this list out the window.


Why are people so invested in The Order?

I understand the haters, even if they are irrational. Cinematic games are divisive and all. But the people who are invested in it doing well, why?

This isn't Star Wars Battlefront or something. I will spill blood in that thread, that shit is my sophomore year of high school right there.

You find it more understandable for people to be emotionally invested in seeing a game do badly than for them to be invested in seeing it do well?

That's kind of messed up tbh.
I expect Bloodborne's review thread to be pretty epic, but nothing like UC4 will probably be (along Halo 5 that is).

Wonder what will happen to the Tomb Raider thread though, and the (imo legitimate) bad feelings about its exclusivity.
That one will probably need some "extra tight" modding I'm guessing :)
What are you expecting from the Bloodborne review thread?
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