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The state of NeoGAF

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Wrong. The ONLY reason the board went up in flames is because the moderation team quit. The evidence of how important they were to the site is now immediately shown.

Now you are right in that the accusation and the absolutely awful way in which it was sorta addressed was the reason the mod team quit.

IF some of the moderation team or some users really went for good, then they will be replaced . Nobody is irreplaceable.

NeoGaf will still be GAF.



When different = racist, sexist, yeah, you might get called those things.
Yes, but not every different idea or opinion promotes racism or sexism. That's the point. For example, I think I've seen posts today (from those leaving/suicide posts) that have stated anybody who stays here is a sexist, predator, etc. That's downright not true. But if you don't leave, that's the consensus. We are now all terrible people according to that group. It's just ludicrous.


Strap on your hooker ...
I'm just curious why, if surpressing discussion was the biggest issue GAF had, why many of these wronged individuals seem eager for the "SJW" exodus, and for social and political discussion to be done away with entirely.
That's always the paradox with these types, ain't it?


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
Holy fucking shit.

The level of delusion here is honestly frightening.

What are you even talking about?

Get out side of GAF sometime.. I'm not saying I agree with those others on their views, but there was clearly a bias here. Certain posters had free reign. A lot of posters felt they couldn't post in topics. It was clear in some threads anything but an echo-chamber meant you were getting either banned or dogpiled. Neither of those things were good for discussion. The level of discourse in OT had dwindled to some shit levels the last few years.

Use some critical thought some time and you'll see what I'm getting at.

The mods quit because they had to or they'd be considered hypocrites. They'd be considered hypocrites because of the way they had modded off-topic over the last few years.
Hillary Clinton. Don't you dare think she was a bad candidate.

I remember those days.

The abuse we took as Bernie supporters. We were supposed to just step away. We didn't know better.

Heck, he is still putting up a fight and continues to get shit on. :D

Didn't get banned for supporting him though, just dogpiled. We were outnumbered.


They say they're doing it to "protest" but all it does is show a stunningly limited capacity for impulse control the second someone lights the match.

If ResetEra self-aggrandizes to flaunt the "moral divorce" as much as I'm expecting them to, the place will be irrational by even GAF OT standards.

Gaf have always been dramatic, one way or not, it's one of the reasons why hype threads during e3 were hilarious.

But as someone who is more interested in watching how the community dissolves than who's going to win the forum battle in future, I can at least tell you this.

Bulk of NintendoGaf, Salesgaf, pokemongaf etc are gone. Go into the OTs and take a look. The posters who bailed are seemingly active ones.

Why am I telling you this? Because I love doing so. Resetera can bomb for all I care and I will still observe the ramifications of this fall out.

Account suicide is such a waste when you can observe trends and talk about it, just like it was in sales.
not to sound cynical but the only momentum it has is the current demise of neogaf. beyond that, if it's just going to be a neogaf clone but with better moderation, i can't see itself ballooning to the size neogaf was. happy to be proven wrong however.

It's NeoGAF without the name cache but still all of the terrible moderators.


Safe haven?

People like me?

You're not even being subtle about your gamergate ways.

How cute. The idea that NeoGAF hasn't been at ALL about labeling, denigrating, and dismissing out of hand, with yes indeed, a holier-than-thou attitude, an entire segment of users here, simply because they disagreed with certain positions or ideas they had, is just laughably inane. That you would try now to paint yourself the victim of someone with *haha* "gamergate ways" is pathetic.

NeoGAF has indeed been a protected safe haven for people with specific political/social agendas. That someone would send you off to a new "safe haven" for those of your apparent worldview/mindset is hardly surprising, especially given that at least one major NeoGAF alternative has already specifically stated that they are making sure that those with opposing viewpoints are being filtered out.


Get out side of GAF sometime.. I'm not saying I agree with those others on their views, but there was clearly a bias here. Certain posters had free reign. A lot of posters felt they couldn't post in topics. It was clear in some threads anything but an echo-chamber meant you were getting either banned or dogpiled. Neither of those things were good for discussion. The level of discourse in OT had dwindled to some shit levels the last few years.

Use some critical thought some time and you'll see what I'm getting at.

The mods quit because they had to or they'd be considered hypocrites. They'd be considered hypocrites because of the way they had modded off-topic over the last few years.

You said the mods quit because the site is left wing.

You're wrong. You're not making any sense.
I never said people got banned for it. Of course you're still here.
And yet no one hates me for thinking her campaigning was flawed.

What is your point? You got none.

I post in ways that make people think I am contrarian for the sake of contrarian. Pretty sure a lot of people find me straight up obnoxious. I'm still here somehow. I don't even know any mods.

Like, y'all have this weird ass persecution complex.


It’s too bad the situation got this far, I’m not very informed regarding this but how can one person destroy an entire community and/or website? It doesn’t make sense to me, we come here to discuss gaming and everything around entertainment, the future seems to be “better” and more on-topic even though it’s labeled as off-topic.

I hope for the best.


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
Is there any legal action that Evilore can do for slandering? He said that it was baseless and this accusation really tarnished his career and site. I just hope justice is served and he can get something back if it really was baseless


It’s too bad the situation got this far, I’m not very informed regarding this but how can one person destroy an entire community and/or website? It doesn’t make sense to me, we come here to discuss gaming and everything around entertainment, the future seems to be “better” and more on-topic even though it’s labeled as off-topic.

I hope for the best.
Because people do this. Especially the crowd that left. They believe posting on NeoGAF supports sexual assault. That's not how it works at all.

boiled goose

good with gravy
I never said people got banned for it. Of course you're still here.

Huge progressive here, and I do think I was unfairly banned twice during primaries.

Also there was a clear double standard regarding enforcement of name calling and post and thread title moderation based on mod candidate preferences.

Not a huge problem. But a problem. Fixed with more transparency and accountability. (Ban reason, title change reason posted). That way it's easy to see record and counteract double standards.

Also, once I argued that putting yourself in clearly dangerous situations for religious reasons was a bad idea and was instantly banned for victim blaming.


And yet no one hates me for thinking her campaigning was flawed.

What is your point? You got none.

I post in ways that make people think I am contrarian for the sake of contrarian. Pretty sure a lot of people find me straight up obnoxious. I'm still here somehow. I don't even know any mods.

Like, y'all have this weird ass persecution complex.

This is your problem. The unwillingness to admit being wrong and picking hills to die on as if it's important or a point of pride. Why are you so afraid of being wrong? Why are you so afraid that of admitting you are more than often enough toxic and fixing the problematic behavior? Is it more fun to just be a shitty person?


Is there any legal action that Evilore can do for slandering? He said that it was baseless and this accusation really tarnished his career and site. I just hope justice is served and he can get something back if it really was baseless
Career as what actually? Guy that owns a forum?


I was staunchly critical of Hillary Clinton on this forum, and even lamented that the bullshit email and Benghazi "scandals" made it impossible to have thorough and honest discussions about her real weaknesses as a potential president.

I dislike the revisionist history that Hillary never talked about her policies because it's a bald faced lie. She did often, but no one wanted to discuss them, nevermind thoroughly analyze how she could turn them into actual law.

Nothing about the 2016 election was honest, including the discussion surrounding it on this forum alongside the rest of the internet. And it still isn't an entire year later. The one thing I do know was that I could be critical of Hillary without fear of moderation just fine on this forum.
And yet no one hates me for thinking her campaigning was flawed.

What is your point? You got none.

I post in ways that make people think I am contrarian for the sake of contrarian. Pretty sure a lot of people find me straight up obnoxious. I'm still here somehow. I don't even know any mods.

Like, y'all have this weird ass persecution complex.

You seem to be a good fit for this site going by your postings. Its probably why you're still here. Like others are saying though bans weren't the only way people felt they couldn't speak out.


All the "look at me I'm leaving here is my goodbye thread" are truly pathetic. You've made your decision, just leave.


One other issue that I find with OT Gaf is the blanket denigration of all posters with "anime" avatars, and using the term "anime avatar" like an insult. For people who love to claim that they are against marginalization, they really love to put labels on people and attack them.


Hello Tyler,

Why not pass the site on and save face? If Sterling can sell a basketball franchise after his racist views came to light, I think you can manage finding a buyer for a popular gaming forum. What you're accused of often leads to skeletons in the closet and your response to that girl was highly insensitive.

Rather than continue to splinter Gaf, which is a decent community for gaming and off topic discussion, why not do the right thing by moving on and reforming your outlook on what constitutes appropriate behavior towards women.

Lurker and occasional poster,



There are many folks on this forum with this us vs them mentality. If you weren't 100% on their side you were treated as if you were on the opposite. I've seen it. Other users have seen it. It wasn't exactly subtle. Did it happen all the time? Of course not but it did happen. Just depended on how hot the topic was and who was present there.
Exactly this. There is also no middle-ground or non-ground. It's only binary. Just look at how Subpar Spatula (taking him as an example) responded to an earlier post of mine. People don't even read your posts anymore, they just put you on one side and judge you on that.
(He also hasn't responded to my post where I specifically pointed it out to him.)


How cute. The idea that NeoGAF hasn't been at ALL about labeling, denigrating, and dismissing out of hand, with yes indeed, a holier-than-thou attitude, an entire segment of users here, simply because they disagreed with certain positions or ideas they had, is just laughably inane. That you would try now to paint yourself the victim of someone with *haha* "gamergate ways" is pathetic.

NeoGAF has indeed been a protected safe haven for people with specific political/social agendas. That someone would send you off to a new "safe haven" for those of your apparent worldview/mindset is hardly surprising, especially given that at least one major NeoGAF alternative has already specifically stated that they are making sure that those with opposing viewpoints are being filtered out.

Holy shit, that is nuts. Some of these people would be scary if they were actual leaders. They are authoritarians without the power. Very mentally weak individuals.


You can't criticize russia for invading ukraine developer for sexualizing children.

What about all the countries that America invaded violence in other games. You don't seem to have a problem with that.

The poster used them to equate why sexual themes in videogames don't create perverts. Try again. Also I really urge you to read the wiki on whataboutism.
This is your problem. The unwillingness to admit being wrong and picking hills to die on as if it's important or a point of pride. Why are you so afraid of being wrong? Why are you so afraid that of admitting you are more than often enough toxic and fixing the problematic behavior? Is it more fun to just be a shitty person?
You drank too much koolaid. You know you got no argument when you consider decency, accountability, and standards as toxic things shitty people do.

You just outted yourself as a gamergater.


I believe so. Running NeoGAF is big bucks. It's a popular/was popular site with tons of traffic.
I would call that a career. Making a living for sure, but when I see career, I imagine something that progresses upwards.

Aside from GAF imploding this didn't look like much of a career oppurtunity.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Is there any legal action that Evilore can do for slandering? He said that it was baseless and this accusation really tarnished his career and site. I just hope justice is served and he can get something back if it really was baseless

Is it baseless?

He's admitted to sexual harassment and assault himself on this very forum. Even if it turns out that this woman lied(which seems extremely unlikely as EL has admitted to this interaction in the Waypoint article), that's not going to magically wipe away the shit he has done in the past like grabbing a random woman's ass or sharing revenge porn.
It's like they're trying to normalize their views under the guise of oppression. Context matters but they don't care. If they cared about dissenting opinions they would want social and political discussions back because removing that is removing dissention.

But they don't care.

Are you talking about me here as well? Genuine question, because I don't see anything wrong with what I was talking to you about earlier.


Surely you're speaking of a different, alternate universe Subpar Spatula.
Nah I've seen Spatula in arguments and they usually triple down and become an asshole while doing so.

I will confirm Spatula did explain why they disliked Clinton as a candidate though. I definitely saw that.
Exactly this. There is also no middle-ground or non-ground. It's only binary. Just look at how Subpar Spatula (taking him as an example) responded to an earlier post of mine. People don't even read your posts anymore, they just put you on one side and judge you on that.
(He also hasn't responded to my post where I specifically pointed it out to him.)
Dude you argued some people who celebrate Zwarte Piete aren't bad people. Like, why even argue that. Lol.
I would call that a career. Making a living for sure, but when I see career, I imagine something that progresses upwards.

Aside from GAF imploding this didn't look like much of a career oppurtunity.

Dumpster fire of a week he's having so far aside, his ownership of NeoGAF is most definitely a career. He's a web-based entrepreneur.


My story:

Some poster made a thread calling Summer Lesson problematic.

I chimed in about the separation of reality from imagination.

CrossingEden comes in and denounces developers that make such games.

I said that developers should have the right to make the games they want.

CrossingEden calls people who play Summer Lesson paedophiles and sexual predators.

I argued that saying games make people sexual predators is the same as saying games make people murderers.

CrossingEden argued that there is no point in discussing video game violence because it is different because reasons.

I said that he is being hypocritical about it.

CrossingEden strawmanned me and suddenly made my position as "I support paedophilic content", and then summoned his lapdog besada

besada not only threatened to ban me, but also threatened to report me to authorities as well as report me to my work place (my registered e-mail was from my workplace)

Crossing Eden always blows a blood vessel at anything anime related, or any female character showing skin.
No point in even arguing with them.
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