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The state of NeoGAF

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I saw Tyler Malka at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


Modding mistakes were done here,no doubt about that.

But then look at what's happening right now. GAF community was being mercilessly painted by broad strokes.

We(a site of nearly 200,000 members and 100+ million posts) were being collectively labelled as a cesspit and a shit hole.

Do you think a hypothetical forum led by Moriarty and his followers would be any better ?

The ''other side'' is just as willing to label and broadly crush opposition.
My story:

Some poster made a thread calling Summer Lesson problematic.

I chimed in about the separation of reality from imagination.

CrossingEden comes in and denounces developers that make such games.

I said that developers should have the right to make the games they want.

CrossingEden calls people who play Summer Lesson paedophiles and sexual predators.

I argued that saying games make people sexual predators is the same as saying games make people murderers.

CrossingEden argued that there is no point in discussing video game violence because it is different because reasons.

I said that he is being hypocritical about it.

CrossingEden strawmanned me and suddenly made my position as "I support paedophilic content", and then summoned his lapdog besada

besada not only threatened to ban me, but also threatened to report me to authorities as well as report me to my work place (my registered e-mail was from my workplace)


Never heard of this. Pretty shitty tbh.
Then don't participate in threads where people might believe based on studies that physical punishment is abuse. Your personal anecdotes aren't going to change how the scientific community feels about spanking or in general hitting your child.

Personal experience is touchy because it means you're trying to be an authority based on your experiences and thus it automatically lowers anyone else's: you become biased. It's like when someone posts up stats of police brutality and someone comes in and says, "I never got pulled over by the cops." It's not helpful.

Do you get it? Like, I'm not even try to be antagonistic, I'm just trying to show you where you may have went that caused a ban. You don't even have to believe me but this was the etiquette and everyone knew about it because mods would tell you to behave if you went outta line or the community would let you know.

Firstly I wasn't banned, I'm using this point to illustrate a case of me being shouted down by a vocal majority, with little actual discussion other than throwing insults and URLs at me. That is not discourse, I'm sorry, and why should I avoid threads just because the majority don't agree with me. That's not what GAF is about, not according to its terms of service or admin team.

My anecdotal evidence was used to point out that the argument is a nuanced one, something that science itself backs up. Funnily enough I even said that I wouldn't personally hit my kids either, I don't care for it, but I'm also not going to call everyone that does a child abuser. Again, the subject is very nuanced, as we are as humans. This is something that seems to have been forgotten in a lot of the OT discussions on GAF.


Neo Member
You know those threads had mod edits about not attacking Anita and argue her points right?

You didn't read.

You didn't learn a damn thing.

You shit posted to try and de-legitimize her whether you did it consciously or unconsciously.

I say unconsciously because people will barb people, places, or things if they dislike it but they do something good: "I don't like his games but it's nice he donated 100k to charity."

You know this.

You got caught.

Learn from your mistakes and move on.

You're whining about the poster "delegitimizing" someone (in the most innocuous and courteous way possible, I should add) when you're taking the side of the folks who spent this entire thread delegitimizing someone by digging up stuff from all over the Internet. The irony is not lost on me.
Fitting the bill? Fitting what bill?

I'll continue to call it like I see it: you are and were the problem.

Not the only problem, but a major problem. You attack -anyone- who disagrees with you with things like that: your "fitting the bill" is code for calling me a racist / sexist/ nazi / or whatever, even though -nothing- I've said is any such thing. Even though I've spent the majority of my life fighting such things.

My only crime is I disagree with you. So I must be the worst. I must be scum. And you will paint me as such. That's low. You're low.

And all the posts here - doing the same thing. 'Oh, look at all the [insults] coming out of the woodwork' and claiming oppression...

Well, yeah. This forum was protected by a shield of people like you that shouted down any opposing viewpoint with harsh slurs. Who wants to be accused of being something they're not? So most people stayed quiet. They weren't alt-rights hiding, waiting for something [I'm sure a couple were]... but in general, people just did not feel safe speaking their mind.

You are part of a culture of fear. Fear of speaking. Fear of putting forth one's own opinion because they might get piled on as being a [whatever]. People can't even use common phrases, for fear they're taboo... 'free speech', in this case. Use the wrong phrase, get lumped in with Nazis. So people stay silent.

And now, yes, the shields are down. So people -are- speaking their mind. And because you're so used to painting anyone you didn't agree with as the worst of the worst, you suddenly think you're surrounded by the worst of the worst.

No. You're just exposed. You're just the emperor with no clothes. You think you are wearing the shining outfit of progressive thought, and you used it to paint everyone else as degenerates. But you were just naked, and low. "Then stop fitting the bill" my ass. You try to silence through accusation, thinking you're the higher ground when you can barely breath through the muck.

Don't get me wrong - I believe in many of the same things as you. I believe we always need to work towards a better world. I think many people are ignorant, and a surprising number of people entertain quite vile ideas. But where we differ is I don't assume anyone that disagrees with me must be one of those people, and I certainly don't accuse people of it on the drop of a dime. If someone asks me a question, I answer and try to educate [even if it's the tenth time I'm asked] instead of shaming them.

I know this won't stick, today. But maybe, someday... something in here will make it past your ideological shield and you'll realize I'm on your side. I'm trying to help you understand that we grow through discussion, not silence. I'm not saying we should have the scum of the earth here - we agree on that. But the issue is your brush is far too broad. Vile people exist. And they should certainly be dealt with - I'm perfectly fine with giving no quarter for abusive behavior. But that's not what was happening here [and your 'stop fitting the bill' comment is a perfect example of that].

Evilore just shot himself in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about game forum culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is on Twitter where you can become successful by being a shameless creep. If you sexually assault someone in real life and try to discredit the victim, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance and rotting in jail.

What this means is the general public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to associate with GAF for any topic, nor will they support any of Evilore's future initiatives. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Evilore has alienated an entire community with this move.

Evilore, publicly apologize and resign from your position or you can kiss your business goodbye.

Haha never fails to fucking entertain, one of the best GAF meme's. Don't know if you were banned for this but this was on point as fuck lol :p.

well the rotting in jail part was a bit much
This man get's it.

This man doesn't.

You are one of the worst posters on the board. People like you are why GAF lost respect throughout the internet.

You don't even have understand the fact the reason the board went up in flames is precisely because of people like you. Your holier-than-thou attitude is exactly why people were so willing to toss GAF in the incinerator the first chance that Evilore fucked up again.

If you had a shred of decency and insight you'd understand that this wasn't about taking down Evilore.. it was about taking down the people like you.

Go join your other little safe haven forum and be done with it already.

Safe haven?

People like me?

You're not even being subtle about your gamergate ways.


Modding mistakes were done here,no doubt about that.

But then look at what's happening right now. GAF community was being mercilessly painted by broad strokes.

We(a site of nearly 200,000 members and 100+ million posts) were being collectively labelled as a cesspit and a shit hole.

Do you think a hypothetical forum led by Moriarty and his followers would be any better ?

The ''other side'' is just as willing to label and broadly crush opposition.

Yeah, the biggest piss off in all of this is that the crazies and trolls of the internet get to scream 'we've won' and feel validated in their universal labeling because Evilore represented the community poorly.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I don't think you understood Lucumo's point.

I just re-read the post and I'm pretty sure he understood what was important. Lucumo is angry that he got banned for defending racist and deplorable shit. Huh.


You don't even have understand the fact the reason the board went up in flames is precisely because of people like you. Your holier-than-thou attitude is exactly why people were so willing to toss GAF in the incinerator the first chance that Evilore fucked up again.

This is complete and utter bullshit.

The board went up in flames because of the accusation and the lack of response over the weekend, followed by what many find to be a bad statement today.

Nothing less, nothing more. This idea that if posters like Subpar didn't exist, people would have reacted differently to the events of this weekend is nonsense of the highest level.

People who are "tossing GAF in the incinerator" are doing it because of what happened here. Don't fucking blame other people for that.

Late Flag

not racist/sexist/homophobic according to whom? the person who posted it? they only did so because they thought it was ok.

My experience as a right-leaning libertarian is that the most vocal folks in OT tended to view anybody to the right of Hillary Clinton as racist/sexist/homophobic/Nazi. It was just unfathomable that a reasonable, educated person of good will might come down on the right-of-center side of some issue or another. It was always just hatred. That was a big part of the problem with that forum.


Neo Member
Fitting the bill? Fitting what bill?

I'll continue to call it like I see it: you are and were the problem.

Not the only problem, but a major problem. You attack -anyone- who disagrees with you with things like that: your "fitting the bill" is code for calling me a racist / sexist/ nazi / or whatever, even though -nothing- I've said is any such thing. Even though I've spent the majority of my life fighting such things.

My only crime is I disagree with you. So I must be the worst. I must be scum. And you will paint me as such. That's low. You're low.

And all the posts here - doing the same thing. 'Oh, look at all the [insults] coming out of the woodwork' and claiming oppression...

Well, yeah. This forum was protected by a shield of people like you that shouted down any opposing viewpoint with harsh slurs. Who wants to be accused of being something they're not? So most people stayed quiet. They weren't alt-rights hiding, waiting for something [I'm sure a couple were]... but in general, people just did not feel safe speaking their mind.

You are part of a culture of fear. Fear of speaking. Fear of putting forth one's own opinion because they might get piled on as being a [whatever]. People can't even use common phrases, for fear they're taboo... 'free speech', in this case. Use the wrong phrase, get lumped in with Nazis. So people stay silent.

And now, yes, the shields are down. So people -are- speaking their mind. And because you're so used to painting anyone you didn't agree with as the worst of the worst, you suddenly think you're surrounded by the worst of the worst.

No. You're just exposed. You're just the emperor with no clothes. You think you are wearing the shining outfit of progressive thought, and you used it to paint everyone else as degenerates. But you were just naked, and low. "Then stop fitting the bill" my ass. You try to silence through accusation, thinking you're the higher ground when you can barely breath through the muck.

Don't get me wrong - I believe in many of the same things as you. I believe we always need to work towards a better world. I think many people are ignorant, and a surprising number of people entertain quite vile ideas. But where we differ is I don't assume anyone that disagrees with me must be one of those people, and I certainly don't accuse people of it on the drop of a dime. If someone asks me a question, I answer and try to educate [even if it's the tenth time I'm asked] instead of shaming them.

I know this won't stick, today. But maybe, someday... something in here will make it past your ideological shield and you'll realize I'm on your side. I'm trying to help you understand that we grow through discussion, not silence. I'm not saying we should have the scum of the earth here - we agree on that. But the issue is your brush is far too broad. Vile people exist. And they should certainly be dealt with - I'm perfectly fine with giving no quarter for abusive behavior. But that's not what was happening here [and your 'stop fitting the bill' comment is a perfect example of that].

Beautifully written post.

You can barely say anything that challenges the hivemind without immediately being labeled this or that. It's sad.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
This is complete and utter bullshit.

The board went up in flames because of the accusation and the lack of response over the weekend, followed by what many find to be a bad statement today.

Nothing less, nothing more. This idea that if posters like Subpar didn't exist, people would have reacted differently to the events of this weekend is nonsense of the highest level.

People who are "tossing GAF in the incinerator" are doing it because of what happened here. Don't fucking blame other people for that.

Wrong. The ONLY reason the board went up in flames is because the moderation team quit. The evidence of how important they were to the site is now immediately shown.

Now you are right in that the accusation and the absolutely awful way in which it was sorta addressed was the reason the mod team quit.
There, again, calling people things like this. Seriously, what is wrong with you?

Is it not true.

He dislikes safe spaces (even though GAF is a literal safe space with how memberships and moderation works).

He dislikes the idea of people championing decency.

Also, you going to bat for gamergaters is sad. :( Oh well, if Evilore wants to make the website better he'll purge y'all. I don't think he really wants to have a gamergate audience.

Beautifully written post.

You can barely say anything contradicting the hivemind without immediately being labeled this or that. It's sad.

What you say has meaning. Not anyone's fault we understand the meaning.

But then again you are going about the hivemind route so I'm pretty confident in saying you're a gamergater.


How does it feel knowing all these gamergaters are quoting your post and thinking it's great?


I saw Tyler Malka at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn't want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, ”Oh, like you're doing now?"
I was taken aback, and all I could say was ”Huh?" but he kept cutting me off and going ”huh? huh? huh?" and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like ”Sir, you need to pay for those first." At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually ”to prevent any electrical infetterence," and then turned around and winked at me. I don't even think that's a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

And then, back at home you decided to take a shower to wash off the unpleasantness of the whole meeting. In fact you felt so bad, that you almost felt like you were about to throw up. But then, suddenly, you heard the door to your bathroom open slowly and silently. You looked back, shocked, and there he was, Evilore himself - naked, with a grin on his face.


Yeah, the biggest piss off in all of this are that the crazies and trolls of the internet get to scream 'we've won' and feel validated in their universal labeling because Evilore represented the community poorly.
Which is exactly what we don't want. We dont want the community to be labelled by the owner.

Which is exactly why when shit hit the fan, people like Luckey, Weinstein and other "personalities" were booted.


That cold CEO answer from Evilore isn't enough, no matter if the allegations are right or wrong. He should have been transparent, honest and humble. The way he handled this is sad and shows a lack of respect for the community. We are not some EA studios that you can shut down because it doesn't fit your agenda. It's several key members that created the content and made the site worthwhile. All Evilore created was an empty shell, the community was the heart and key members I really appreciated are now gone.
Please permaban me.


"Yeah but what about violence?"

Haaaaa... seriously, what's up with you type of gaffers and your strawmans. It's not, "but what about violence?", it's "we have all generally accepted that violent video games does not cause people to go into murder sprees. Why, because we understand that it is fictional. The same can be said with other types of games."

Edit: you brought up an example of supposed injustice. It wasn't.

Edit: Dude, seriously, did you not just read the part where besada threatened to report me to authorities and my workplace?


You just argued in favor of Zwarte Piet.

Like, do you even understand what you're doing at this point?

I didn't argue in favor (I believe I even made that clear in the thread several times and you just did what they did). I argued against showering everybody that celebrates with him with hate, including children. My argument was that if they don't know something is racist, and there is no bad intention (which is what should count) at all, why all the hate on them? Pretty sure I also said there should be discussions instead of blind hate. Too bad the thread is currently on the hidden side, so I can't look it up. But it went like this for like 2-3 pages.

You also ignored the part with the moderator.

I just re-read the post and I'm pretty sure he understood what was important. Lucumo is angry that he got banned for defending racist and deplorable shit. Huh.
Maybe you did re-read my post but apparently you didn't understand its content. Otherwise I don't see how you can come to that conclusion.


Anita is not above criticism. You be critical of her by going for her arguments not her credibility. Your post is similar to the following:

"She didn't even play those games."
"High school essay."
"She took clips from other YouTubers."

You went after her credibility.

Do you get it yet?

Like, this doesn't even make you a bad person. I'm just trying to explain why you were banned and now you're super fucking defensive over it and calling out "censorious users".
It's pretty sad you saw his post and assumed all that. It's really really sad. I'm not even sure what to tell you except the poster in question was asking for something of Anita's to see that could easily be because they wanted to see something she did and wanted suggestions.

There was nothing in the words that even hinted at her credibility but apparently to you there was a whole secret argument in that post.

There was nothing that denoted the poster's opinion on Anita, the poster's opinion on Feminism in Gaming, or the poster's feelings on anything Anita may have even said. The post broke no rules whatsoever and didn't hint at anything malicious.

So no, you didn't explain why they get banned. Get it?


Wrong. The ONLY reason the board went up in flames is because the moderation team quit. The evidence of how important they were to the site is now immediately shown.

Now you are right in that the accusation and the absolutely awful way in which it was sorta addressed was the reason the mod team quit.

... Which is what led to this. Not sure what you're arguing exactly.

I am not wrong in saying the accusations and lack of response is what led to this.


The state of NeoGAF for the next month or more is going to be people drive-by shitposting because they feel it accomplishes something towards a greater good. They can't just not sign in. They MUST be banned or have their account deleted. That's what's more baffling. You don't like it here, don't visit. It's really not hard.
Some wants to make their opinion heard before being banned like someone who always needs to get the last word. They feel they have won by saying their piece and then getting banned lol. It’s same as friends on Facebook who needs to say something before closing their fb account like... if you are giving up FB, give up FB. If you’re giving up on neogaf, give it up or if you want to be banned say you want to be banned. But everyone wants to do this passive aggressive move by saying their piece. I will let neogaf settle down, let those who wants to leave ... leave. A new community will arise, for better or for worse.
My experience as a right-leaning libertarian is that the most vocal folks in OT tended to view anybody to the right of Hillary Clinton as racist/sexist/homophobic/Nazi. It was just unfathomable that a reasonable, educated person of good will might come down on the right-of-center side of some issue or another. It was always just hatred. That was a big part of the problem with that forum.

no offense but if you find yourself to the RIGHT of HRC on race issues then that's pretty... bad. in my opinion.
So now you're implying Autoduelist outlook is in line with gamergate? You really are lost. No logical person should waste anymore time on you.

No. But people who clearly have an agenda on progressive views are championing his post.

I'm curious as to his thoughts even though he clearly means to disavow those types.


Or maybe they want to express their frustration towards a place where they spent time and made friends being torn to pieces by its administration.

The porn threads are inappropriate but if someone wants to suicide in an appropriate manner go for it.
And what does getting yourself banned accomplish? I never understood that. It doesn't prove anything. Banned or not, all you have to do is not visit.

What's amazing to me, based on EL's post history, is that he has expressed some sexist views in the past but everybody decides to jump ship now after an accusation? Seriously? Everybody is all high and mighty now? Some even say they knew about his past but for some reason this event was the final straw? Considering how many of these same people would condemn sexual predators in all of the threads, they should have left years ago when they discovered his true colors. Everybody assumes he did it based on his previous posts and other newfound information but none of us can actually prove anything. I'm on board in saying how he handled the situation and response is terrible. And I do believe her because I have no reason not to but, ultimately, none of this has anything to do with a video game message board.
Some wants to make their opinion heard before being banned like someone who always needs to get the last word. They feel they have won by saying their piece and then getting banned lol. It's same as friends on Facebook who needs to say something before closing their fb account like... if you are giving up FB, give up FB. If you're giving up on neogaf, give it up or if you want to be banned say you want to be banned. But everyone wants to do this passive aggressive move by saying their piece. I will let neogaf settle down, let those who wants to leave ... leave. A new community will arise, for better or for worse.
I agree with this. I just don't see how getting yourself banned makes whatever your statement is any more important. Just leave.


Neo Member
Is it not true.

He dislikes safe spaces (even though GAF is a literal safe space with how memberships and moderation works).

He dislikes the idea of people championing decency.

Also, you going to bat for gamergaters is sad. :( Oh well, if Evilore wants to make the website better he'll purge y'all. I don't think he really wants to have a gamergate audience.

What you say has meaning. Not anyone's fault we understand the meaning.

But then again you are going about the hivemind route so I'm pretty confident in saying you're a gamergater.


How does it feel knowing all these gamergaters are quoting your post and thinking it's great?

WTF is a "gamergater"
The state of NeoGAF for the next month or more is going to be people drive-by shitposting because they feel it accomplishes something towards a greater good. They can't just not sign in. They MUST be banned or have their account deleted. That's what's more baffling. You don't like it here, don't visit. It's really not hard.

They say they're doing it to "protest" but all it does is show a stunningly limited capacity for impulse control the second someone lights the match.

If ResetEra self-aggrandizes to flaunt the "moral divorce" as much as I'm expecting them to, the place will be irrational by even GAF OT standards.


There, again, calling people things like this. Seriously, what is wrong with you?

It's an exercise in projection. The people who have felt silenced and marginalized on this forum are stretching their legs with a righteousness that has been nurtured over some months and years. Now it's open season on what was heretofore the enemy - the problem - and the current situation is being laid squarely at their feet. If only the shrill SJWs were a little bit more accommodating, this never would have happened.

It requires a lot of context being neutralized to come to that ultimate conclusion, but that's the perspective many have. I personally think that it's exploitation of a situation only tangentially related to the actual target they want to take aim at, and we're seeing the fallout of it across the site.

I'm just curious why, if surpressing discussion was the biggest issue GAF had, why many of these wronged individuals seem eager for the "SJW" exodus, and for social and political discussion to be done away with entirely.


Is it not true.

He dislikes safe spaces (even though GAF is a literal safe space with how memberships and moderation works).

He dislikes the idea of people championing decency.

Also, you going to bat for gamergaters is sad. :( Oh well, if Evilore wants to make the website better he'll purge y'all. I don't think he really wants to have a gamergate audience.

What you say has meaning. Not anyone's fault we understand the meaning.

But then again you are going about the hivemind route so I'm pretty confident in saying you're a gamergater.


How does it feel knowing all these gamergaters are quoting your post and thinking it's great?
Wow. You’re as bad as these gamergater people you condemn


This would be funny, if it wasn't so fucking pathetic.

You've shown your character before. The ass grabbing incident. The revenge porn incident. And now this. Sprinkle in all your sexist drivel here and there, the picture paints itself.

Tyler Malka is a sexual predator.

And anybody that chooses to remain here under this chauvinistic shitsmear is complicit.

"I just wanna talk about video games" isn't an excuse. This forum has lambasted and torn apart plenty of people for much less than this. This forum takes great pride in it's holier-than-thouness for being such a paragon of justice and righteousness. This forum is an echo chamber, and always has been.

That's why Malka was able to get away with this for so long, even though it was known long before this what kind of person he is.

Do the right thing and leave. Don't give this cretin a platform. Don't give him an income. Don't give him the opportunity to hide behind his users and his moderators again, as he's done before. Have some principle, have some decency, and hang him out to dry.

One more time before I leave, and am likely banned...

Tyler Malka is a sexual predator.

Guess I need to post this again since there are some people who seem to have already forgotten after 2 page. Wow, how the mind slips!


Opening admitting to sexually assaulting someone(then banning anyone who called him out for it)

Posting revenge porn with their real full names then another admin(a now jailed pedophile) printed the photos and jacked off over them and sent it to the boyfriend.

You're right, how can we even know if he's guilty or not? HMMMM


Seriously, this needs to be every post.
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