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The Wii U Speculation Thread V: The Final Frontier

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The problem with the UE4 pics is the art style, not the tech behind it. It doesn't change anything for Wii U.

Yeah I saw them. Not really impressed. The particles look awesome but other than that, about the same level as CryEngine 3.4 (No one ever told me if the WiiU could handle 3.4)

The same thing will apply with CE 3.4 in that it depends on if Nintendo made the necessary tweaks. If the tweaks included adding the necessary features then it should be able to run a CE 3.4 game though obviously reduced.

NoE >>> NoA ;)


Since you also want a Power Stone-style Nintendo x Capcom, you're good with me. :)

I would add to that:

Soccer >>> Football

(What I have done! XD)

*kicks guit in the ankle*


Unconfirmed Member
Let's wait until we see UE4 in motion.

Also, because someone had to do it...
Reps from Microsoft, Sony, Nvidia, and the most influential game developers in the industry will be seeing the demo behind closed doors; the NDA-only affair will be Epic’s first and best chance to convince them that the future of gaming is unlike anything they previously imagined.
Thirty people file into a windowless conference room to watch Epic’s demo. Around their necks hang badges advertising the names of their employers: Nvdia, Microsoft, AMD, Sony.
What's missing from this picture?


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
The problem with the UE4 pics is the art style, not the tech behind it. It doesn't change anything for Wii U.

The same thing will apply with CE 3.4 in that it depends on if Nintendo made the necessary tweaks. If the tweaks included adding the necessary features then it should be able to run a CE 3.4 game though obviously reduced.


*kicks guit in the ankle*
Do you surmise that the believed fixed function lighting in wii u could be incompatible with UE4? Since UE4 has it's own heavily dynamic lighting routines?
Do you surmise that the believed fixed function lighting in wii u could be incompatible with UE4? Since UE4 has it's own heavily dynamic lighting routines?

Once I felt pretty confident about the GPU having this, the UE engine was my biggest concern because I know how Epic hates it. This is probably a major part of why Nintendo was tweaking for so long.
I really, really wish someone would just flat-out ask Rein or Sweeney where (whether) Wii U fits in to the UE3/4 plans for next-gen, but I suspect that most of the journalists who have had the opportunity are already under the assumption that Wii U is nothing more than a current-gen console and that it's a foregone conclusion that UE4 won't run on it. Though it shouldn't be, since the GPU should have a 2011/2012 feature set.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
They were working on another project before DKCR and they didn't use the entire (or likely even much) of the team for MK7.
That's like suggesting they shouldn't have been able to release DKCR so soon because of Prime Trilogy.
The game should be in a showable state, if not playable.

Eh, I don't think it's as simple as that. Retro's history is turbulent, and everything they've worked on detracts time and talent away from other projects. DKCR was a consequence of not being able to see through other prototypes, which was a consequence of important, high ranking staff leaving the company. Whatever Retro was working on after DKCR, Nintendo specifically prioritised at least some bulk of staff to work on Mario Kart 7 in order to get that out quickly.

For what it's worth, I do expect Retro's game to be shown. But I wouldn't be surprised if it was just a trailer.

I really, really wish someone would just flat-out ask Rein or Sweeney where (whether) Wii U fits in to the UE3/4 plans for next-gen, but I suspect that most of the journalists who have had the opportunity are already under the assumption that Wii U is nothing more than a current-gen console and that it's a foregone conclusion that UE4 won't run on it. Though it shouldn't be.

From what I know, at this point in time nobody other than Epic knows where UE4 fits into the Wii U plan, and quite frankly, they're probably not thinking about it. As an engine, it is being designed for stronger hardware. This is the priority. As it is still in an unfinished state, any plans for a Wii U iteration will come later. If they feel the engine can be tailored to the Wii U hardware, they will scale it down and optimise where appropriate. If they don't feel it is worth it, or isn't possible, they wont bother. Either way, this decision will made after the engine is finished and pushed through in the state Epic intends, for the target platforms.

UE3 is fully adopting the Wii U.


Unconfirmed Member
From what I know, at this point in time nobody other than Epic knows where UE4 fits into the Wii U plan, and quite frankly, they're probably not thinking about it. As an engine, it is being designed for stronger hardware. This is the priority. As it is still in an unfinished state, any plans for a Wii U iteration will come later. If they feel the engine can be tailored to the Wii U hardware, they will scale it down and optimise where appropriate. If they don't feel it is worth it, or isn't possible, they wont bother. Either way, this decision will made after the engine is finished and pushed through in the state Epic intends, for the target platforms.

UE3 is fully adopting the Wii U.
This is what I've been thinking all along. I don't know why so many people act like they were expecting Wii U to be a major consideration for Epic in UE4 development.
I really, really wish someone would just flat-out ask Rein or Sweeney where (whether) Wii U fits in to the UE3/4 plans for next-gen, but I suspect that most of the journalists who have had the opportunity are already under the assumption that Wii U is nothing more than a current-gen console and that it's a foregone conclusion that UE4 won't run on it. Though it shouldn't be, since the GPU should have a 2011/2012 feature set.

I am pretty certain neither PS4 nor Nextbox are known to support UE4 at it's current form:

It is up to Epic, and Tim Sweeney in particular, to motivate Sony and Microsoft not to phone in what these next consoles are going to be. It needs to be a quantum leap. They need to damn near render Avatar in real time, because I want it and gamers want it—even if they don’t know they want it.

What I guess, is that obviously Nintendo is not going to go all out, so they are trying Sony and Microsoft so at least one may want to go all out.

And if at least one doesn't, I guess the chances of us seeing UE4 somehow landing on the remaining two will be quite high; and even if it doesn't, it will not gain much place among developers anyway


Unconfirmed Member
I am pretty certain neither PS4 nor Nextbox are known to support UE4 at it's current form:
That's ridiculous. Epic making its flagship engine one that doesn't run on any of the next-gen consoles would be financial suicide.
The UE4 GDC demo ran on a single GTX 680. I'm sure it will run well on PS4/Xbox 3 8.
Not sure I've seen this in any patents before - please correct me if I'm wrong. (source)

Seems to demonstrate the 'drag-from-TV-to-Upad" feature of the WiiU.


Great find. That's really cool. I've been hoping for Wii U games with the pointer as the main control input and a propped up Upad as an additional game window you can interact with. Let's hope a clever game design based on this concept reaches the market.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
This is what I've been thinking all along. I don't know why so many people act like they were expecting Wii U to be a major consideration for Epic in UE4 development.

Pretty much. It also means we won't get answers any time soon, because the answers don't exist. People can rant and rave that Epic should clarify, but it's not in their interests to focus on a Wii U version yet.
From what I know, at this point in time nobody other than Epic knows where UE4 fits into the Wii U plan, and quite frankly, they're probably not thinking about it. As an engine, it is being designed for stronger hardware. This is the priority. As it is still in an unfinished state, any plans for a Wii U iteration will come later. If they feel the engine can be tailored to the Wii U hardware, they will scale it down and optimise where appropriate. If they don't feel it is worth it, or isn't possible, they wont bother. Either way, this decision will made after the engine is finished and pushed through in the state Epic intends, for the target platforms.

I wouldn't expect a straight yes/no answer; it just seems like a question someone should have asked by now.

I'm not wholly convinced myself that Epic doesn't already know the answer, though. They should have an idea by now what the engine's minimum requirements are and whether the final Wii U GPU meets them, since UE4 Wii U support would be in both companies' best interests and I'm sure that they've had a number of conversations about it.
Sadly I won't have the day off on June 5th. :(

So does anyone have a list of websites that will livestream Nintendo's conference? I'll be watching at School so YouTube is the best option. Or I'll bring my laptop and try to hook up with their Internet, hopefully there won't be any stupid blocks. :/


Let's wait until we see UE4 in motion.

Also, because someone had to do it...

What's missing from this picture?
Okay, you were right, Wii U is getting it. Happy?
Or should I say Wii U isn't getting it yet because it's not a primary platform? If it doesn't get it when iOS gets it, then that'll prove that it can't run it. And, funny enough, Apple isn't there either!
Should be doable if the Wii U comes with a sensor bar - shouldn't it just be a case of whatever is running recognising that something has been dragged offscreen - losing the signal from the TV sensor bar - then looking for a pickup signal to tell it that the Remote is pointing at the padlet? A pair of LEDs on the bar at the top of the pad would be enough, I'd think.


Let's wait until we see UE4 in motion.

Also, because someone had to do it...

What's missing from this picture?

The reality of UE4 is that it will be ported to Wii U, iPad and iPhone... otherwise developers will largely ignore it, and as much as epic wants UE4 to be impressive and feature a large jump, they also have to support midrange graphic cards like the HD7770 on this engine, or PC developers won't use it either... I am sure that laptops take up a very large portion of that demographic and frankly mobile GPUs are fairly far behind their desktop counterparts, HD7900m is based on HD7800 only down clocked, and considering how those will only be in the most powerful laptops coming out this year.

The market will be far to small for UE4 to just exist on Xbox3 and PS4 in 2014. /Rant


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I wouldn't expect a straight yes/no answer; it just seems like a question someone should have asked by now.

I'm not wholly convinced myself that Epic doesn't already know the answer, though. They should have an idea by now what the engine's minimum requirements are and whether the final Wii U GPU meets them, since UE4 Wii U support would be in both companies' best interests and I'm sure that they've had a number of conversations about it.

They might have a vague idea, but it will be just that: vague. Really, really vague. Like, the Wii U build will be a total afterthought, and in the grand scheme of things irrelevant. In fact, based on the high end focus of UE4, I wouldn't be surprised if they answered "no" if they had to give an answer, just because it's not on the cards at this point in time.

So yeah, I just don't think it's worth pressing right now, because I don't think Epic will ever give a satisfying, concrete answer, or have really dedicated much thought to it themselves. Theory, sure, but no actual plans. Not while they're still trying to finish the engine.
As I posted earlier in the thread (maybe the last thread), if UE4 actually doesn't run on Wii U and Wii U does extremely well in the core market in its first 12-18 months, that would be a significant disincentive for developers to use any engine that won't run on Wii U. Which would basically make Nintendo and Epic enemies.

I wouldn't bet on things actually playing out that way, but it's not wholly outside the realm of possibility and it's at least fun to speculate about.
The reality of UE4 is that it will be ported to Wii U, iPad and iPhone... otherwise developers will largely ignore it, and as much as epic wants UE4 to be impressive and feature a large jump, they also have to support midrange graphic cards like the HD7770 on this engine, or PC developers won't use it either... I am sure that laptops take up a very large portion of that demographic and frankly mobile GPUs are fairly far behind their desktop counterparts, HD7900m is based on HD7800 only down clocked, and considering how those will only be in the most powerful laptops coming out this year.

The market will be far to small for UE4 to just exist on Xbox3 and PS4 in 2014. /Rant

The PC-side is an understood though.


Unconfirmed Member
Okay, you were right, Wii U is getting it. Happy?
Or should I say Wii U isn't getting it yet because it's not a primary platform? If it doesn't get it when iOS gets it, then that'll prove that it can't run it. And, funny enough, Apple isn't there either!
Apple obviously aren't a major target for now, either. It's an engine designed for very high end hardware.


They might have a vague idea, but it will be just that: vague. Really, really vague. Like, the Wii U build will be a total afterthought, and in the grand scheme of things irrelevant. In fact, based on the high end focus of UE4, I wouldn't be surprised if they answered "no" if they had to give an answer, just because it's not on the cards at this point in time.

So yeah, I just don't think it's worth pressing right now, because I don't think Epic will ever give a satisfying, concrete answer, or have really dedicated much thought to it themselves. Theory, sure, but no actual plans. Not while they're still trying to finish the engine.
Yet they've already hinted at mobile support within six months of UE4 completion...


The reality of UE4 is that it will be ported to Wii U, iPad and iPhone... otherwise developers will largely ignore it, and as much as epic wants UE4 to be impressive and feature a large jump, they also have to support midrange graphic cards like the HD7770 on this engine, or PC developers won't use it either... I am sure that laptops take up a very large portion of that demographic and frankly mobile GPUs are fairly far behind their desktop counterparts, HD7900m is based on HD7800 only down clocked, and considering how those will only be in the most powerful laptops coming out this year.

The market will be far to small for UE4 to just exist on Xbox3 and PS4 in 2014. /Rant

You have UE3 for those devices. UE3 for iphone/ipad is not exactly the same as UE3 for pc/x360/ps3/vita, you understand that, right?

Besides, kepler is now expensive, it won't be in the next months when UE4 is suppose to ship.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Yet they've already hinted at mobile support within six months of UE4 completion...

It was my nice way of saying "Nintendo platforms are low priority for Epic" :p.
Now this is akin to something I have envisioned. Glad to at least see it's possible.

Same here man.

Acid Ghost?

Acid Ghost.


Great find. That's really cool. I've been hoping for Wii U games with the pointer as the main control input and a propped up Upad as an additional game window you can interact with. Let's hope a clever game design based on this concept reaches the market.

Devs have so many inputs/sensors to play-around-with on this thing, it's crazy!

Add to that the dual-screen setup and the possibilities are mind-boggling o_O


Apple obviously aren't a major target for now, either. It's an engine designed for very high end hardware.
That's my point. It'll come later, but not 5 years later. (Five years is about how long it'll take for mobiles to catch up to the current targets.)

But to be fair, I'll say that there's probably only about a 10% chance of Wii U getting it, and only if it's very successful. Sadly, I will still have to consider Wii U current gen if it can't get it.
It's a given IMHO, I don't believe they can rely on people previously owning a Wii or something like that...

I think so. It's basically the (bulk, discounted) cost of a handful of LEDs, plastic casing and and a bit of wiring - even assuming a minor redesign, there's nothing (short of making it wireless) that will bump up the cost of this to Nintendo beyond whatever insignificant amount it is now.

That's exactly what I expect.

Yup. It makes too much sense - esp. with this patent illustration - for the pad not to act as a mini TV for the Remote. Nintendo love their parlour tricks, and being able to drag and drop something from one screen to another is one they wouldn't pass up. Practical, gameplay use? I can think of some, but I suspect it will be limited but still a neat little feature.


The PC-side is an understood though.

What I am saying is that developers won't ignore a market they could otherwise easily port to, it in large part matters how well Wii U games sell, but because closed box hardware out performs PCs, the Wii U should be just as capable as something like the HD7770 even if it's only half as powerful... sort of like how you can't get an HD1800xtx to run current 360 games.

If Epic chooses to ignore Wii U, and it has lets say 30% of the market, most developers will just use UE3, or even worse for epic, Crytek 3.4 since that does run on Wii U.


Unconfirmed Member
If this is true then that is a very very bad business decision.
Epic probably figure that there's money to be made in being the only choice in the AAA console sphere, even if it's contracting.

If they're smart, they'll release an updated UE3 with some of the real time viewing features that are being added to UE4 (and are already present in competitors like like Cry Engine 3 and Unity) and market it to developers for the mobile space and Wii U.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
But to be fair, I'll say that there's probably only about a 10% chance of Wii U getting it, and only if it's very successful. Sadly, I will still have to consider Wii U current gen if it can't get it.

Holy crap. BurntPork taking an extremely pessimistic view of something about Nintendo based off extremely premature information.

What will happen next!


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
That's ridiculous. Epic making its flagship engine one that doesn't run on any of the next-gen consoles would be financial suicide.
The UE4 GDC demo ran on a single GTX 680. I'm sure it will run well on PS4/Xbox 3 8.

Great find. That's really cool. I've been hoping for Wii U games with the pointer as the main control input and a propped up Upad as an additional game window you can interact with. Let's hope a clever game design based on this concept reaches the market.

If the wuc is propped up in the same location as the TV than wouldn't the wiimote camera get confused by the two sensor bars?
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