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The Witcher 3 has been delayed to May 19, 2015.


The thing I want to know is why this happened:

The original design was god-tier villain design. It was incredible. The new one is super bland. I don't even care if the textures weren't that good because of a bad trailer or whatever, the entire design changed and I don't like it.

First design seems like something out of Warcraft. The new design is much more in line with the armor designs in The Witcher series.
They are doing the right thing by delaying it... but this is looking more and more like they are not going to hit their goal. It seems wise to not preorder it at this point, sadly.


Well maybe they found out there won't be good enough hardware out to overpower the mess they MAYBE created.
So now they have to optimize the PC Version to make it run good on available and afordable hardware unlike 9/10 PC Developers do these days.

I never believed anyway that they can do 3 versions at the same time and go all out for quality and optimization.
The game in May will probably be closer to the promised but still not being there.
Should have done PC > PS4 > X1 in a row.One after another and take their time.


I can hardly wait to play this game, but I would much prefer they delay the game and give me a more polished product.

Yeah? So what? Shit happens.It's not like their old games, GOG, their clear stance against DRM and their free upgrades/DLC is worthless because that thing they said turned out to be wrong, and followed up by an apology.

I'm dissapointed by the news, and I am worried that they're having large problems, but they're not suddenly my enemy because of that.


First design seems like something out of Warcraft. The new design is much more in line with the armor designs in The Witcher series.

It's like the first villain was from another dimension.

Hiding behind artistic "design" decisions does not work when the new model has a far smaller amount of detail.
Well, this sucks. I had a week off in early March I was going to spend playing TW3.

Oh well, so long as the game is good whenever it does eventually come out.

And just to think, wasn't The Witcher 3 supposed to be out this year originally?


They should delay for as long as it takes. Half of the people complaining about the delay would be the first in line to complain that the game is so uneven in terms of quality from one area to the next. I think they made a game that is too ambitious and they are having trouble filling this huge world with the same quality and care as some of the scenes we have seen..


Witcher 3 is going to play like My Little Pony after having experienced Bloodborne.

Because its a girls game.

Some Nobody

Junior Member
I'm going to hope this delay isn't solely because some people complained about graphics. I had definitely planned to do The Witcher 3 in February...now it's just The Order. *sigh*
Seems various designs changed during development.

What's Skull Knight from Berserk doing in this game?


I am not worried about issues. If they happen, we will know eventually. If you believe there was a downgrade, then don't pre-order. I for one think that they are showing the console version to not trick what will probably be their biggest crowd (I love PC, but I can't argue that consoles are way more popular with mainstream players). That's usually what game companies do. Besides, you should remember that 35 minutes long video. No studio that wouldn't be confident in their game would do that. Remember, this is their first game to simultaneously release in three platforms. And console testing is tricky. For instance, did you know that console kit testing is later on in the process and rushed releases push that testing close to launch?

I don't judge before it releases.
Hope they can sort it out.

Remember that Witcher 2 came out on PC first with the 360 version almost a year later. PS3 version was said by them to be out of the question for a small team. Now we have PC, XB1 and PS4 release on a much bigger game.

I'd prefer them to concentrate on one version, the PC, although I can understand they've took the move that they have. Perhaps they can handle multiple versions and its just the game but its seems they'd be better doing the console stuff later.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
True. But this isn't a good look either. Sorry.

I'm hopeful, but I won't be preordering. =)

You shouldn't! I'm psyched for the game but I won't preorder it, at least not 6 months in advance. That's just...dumb.

It's just so weird to me. Like, take From Software for example.
Dark Souls 2 had a massive downgrade, wasn't received that great, was delayed a couple of times and had issues. Yet try and say something bad about Bloodborn here and people will crucify you. It's CDP's first Open World game and big games get delayed, that happens. I just don't see how this can be seen as bad thing.


"This is not our first game; we are not newbies, no more delays." - May '14

Don't talk shit like this next time CDPR. Makes you look like newbies..


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
This is actually great news.

I am very satisfied with how evenly spread out the first half of 2015 seems to be, including June.
Hmmm, the conspiracy theorist in me thinks that the downgrade was actually legit and after they got the backlash, decided to delay it to try to get back to the original quality.
I was looking forward to getting this as a birthday present but this delay gives me more time to play other games I need to get through


Junior Member
Now just waiting for the Bloodborne delay. That game doesn't look like a game three months away from completion.
The game that's already been pushed back a month, and has had extensive demos with glowing reviews?
PS4/XBO yooo, weak hardware shenanigans.
Maybe I'm missing the sarcasm, but why would a PC-first dev limit the PC version because of a console. Are people just deflecting because they don't want to admit that CDP bit off more than they can chew?


I'm kind of relieved; Q1 was shaping up as overwhelming stacked. Early May sounds perfect and gives more balance to PS4's release schedule.

I kind of agree. My backlog this fall is insane: GTA V, DA: I, Halo 4 (already played through 1-3), Bayonetta 2 (again), Hyrule Warriors, Donkey Kong: TF, and Freedom Wars. Not to mention all the time I'll spend with Smash and I still have Wind Waker HD and Pikmin 3 staring at me.


And I just dropped a whole load of cash on a new rig to play it. Well, at least they're being straight forward about it.


Gold Member
The game that's already been pushed back a month, and has had extensive demos with glowing reviews?

Maybe I'm missing the sarcasm, but why would a PC-first dev limit the PC version because of a console. Are people just deflecting because they don't want to admit that CDP bit off more than they can chew?

They can only make the PC version so much better than the console version. The budget is probably very high, so they need to sell as many copies as they can, including consoles.


Wait, I didn't even notice this: they released the Elder Blood trailer two days ago, with the February date at the end, but just today decided to announce the delay? That's odd.


Maybe I'm missing the sarcasm, but why would a PC-first dev limit the PC version because of a console. Are people just deflecting because they don't want to admit that CDP bit off more than they can chew?

I mean who knows what's going on, I'd like to think they just need a bit more time for polish and they will deliver a great game.

Said so, my comment was aimed at all the downgrades we've seen this first year of next gen. Every single release was a downgrade from the initial fidelity mark, My take on that is that these consoles are weaker than developers originally thought.

People keep saying they will harvest more power out of them, perhaps, but let's not forget this is x86, for the most part the important libraries are already there so... time will tell.


Junior Member
They can only make the PC version so much better than the console version. The budget is probably very high, so they need to sell as many copies as they can, including consoles.
Why? As a PC-first dev, I was under the assumption they'd make the logical choice of making the PC vision and then turning everything down for consoles. Isn't That the whole point of being a dev that puts PC as leading hardware? We're not talking about EA, here.
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