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The Witcher 3 has been delayed to May 19, 2015.

Good, nvidia 970s will be easier to find and at realistic prices by then, retailers price gauging these cards right now and the holiday madness buying craze in general will be lone gone by then
Bah, I'm going on vacation out of the country that same week. Guess I won't get to really play it until I get back.

The language used makes it sound like they're saying "we don't want this to be another Halo/Unity/DriveClub, so we're taking a little more time," which I appreciate. I hope all of the recent broken game launches makes companies take a little more time for polish. I know you can't test/fix everything, but come on, have more respect for your consumers than for your anticipated launch date.
Another delay.

Just proves that the concept they created is way to ambitious for their team.

They should have gone towards a linear path with hubs like Inquisition.


Well well, looks like Final Fantasy in march looks easily obtainable since my life will still be present and not taken up by the Witcher 3. Also The Order 1886 looks to be in a fricken fantastic spot with no competition coming out, and the impressions being as good as they are atm. The schedule looks pretty balanced for next year....in the beginning but lord have mercy come the fall time.

Glad to see developers taking extreme caution due to the amount of crap this year has been filled with.
Sounds like they're overshooting their projections. They've played the "next-gen" card to the degree that they may not even reach their target. It's one thing to do it Ubisoft-style, it's another to be a developer who may not likely have the talent or budget to pull that off. The delay isn't just damaging expectations, it's increasing an already bloated budget for a game.

Both Elder Scrolls and GTA sold into the double-digit millions on each release for the last generation. I really don't think this series hit such sales to warrant an ambitious title as this. I'm guessing there would be an large blackout after this, it is for the better since expectations are ridiculously high for this title.


in the times of "realease it first and patch it later" i am kinda glad it happened - and with my backlog 3 months are nothing


I remember having mixed feelings way back when they initially announced the game being open world and 35 times bigger than Skyrim or whatever, but when they then showed the first trailer I was blown away... and then shit hit the fan and here we are.

But! We all know what a rushed game feels like, and I love they're openly delaying themselves and has the balls to do so, even contradicting their previous statement. I just hope this is not a delay they made because play testing results turned out so bad that they are in risk of releasing a fundamentally broken game.

I'm gonna trust Bloodworth from GT though. He said the times he'd seen it in action it looked a bit too rough, so here's hoping that they're simply delaying to fix bugs and not delaying to actually change or finish a game that would've shipped incomplete on Feb 24th
Didn`t CDPR promise no more delays?

They did, but clownshoes happen: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2...red-promises-no-more-delays-for-the-witcher-3

"This is not our first game; we are not newbies," he said. "It's not like 'hey we are delaying and we'll keep on delaying'. If we would think we need more time we would say 'hey we'll release it not in Feb but, I don't know, June'. We made the decision at the moment we were able to judge how much time we needed, and we planned it well and it works well for us. So, no more delays."
Well, it's not really "good", good that they're not releasing a product that they don't deem is fit for purchase yet and have respect for their customers, but it is not "good" internally, especially after two delays, it brings up a red flag in project management and the internal situation. No delay in any industry internally is a "good" thing, it depends on how you view it but it has multiple edges.


No bald cap? Lies!
Good, lets me hold off on my new PC build that much longer. Also hopefully more time to play Pillars of Eternity. Ohh and make the game better.
A lot of chicken littles in this thread. I'm sure the game will turn out great. Delays seem to be something that is very common in this industry. More ambitious games = more time to develop.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
In the words of Miyamoto: A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad.
This has totally screwed up my Jan-March gaming plan, and will make the wait for Bloodborne much harder.

I'm mad, but also glad that they want to make it the best initial release they can, especially after the DA:I bugs I've been dealing with...
Well their initial date wasn't for the holidays so they weren't exactly pressed for time. Releasing in February or May really makes little difference.


Sounds like they're overshooting their projections. They've played the "next-gen" card to the degree that they may not even reach their target. It's one thing to do it Ubisoft-style, it's another to be a developer who may not likely have the talent or budget to pull that off. The delay isn't just damaging expectations, it's increasing an already bloated budget for a game.

Both Elder Scrolls and GTA sold into the double-digit millions on each release for the last generation. I really don't think this series hit such sales to warrant an ambitious title as this. I'm guessing there would be an large blackout after this, it is for the better since expectations are ridiculously high for this title.

You should go there and teach those newbs how to make a game
Not sure why this needed to be open-world in the first place, but I suppose that Cyberpunk's going to ride off of whatever success and hype Wild Hunt can generate. Hopefully they're only showing console-spec footage, as deceiving PC customers doesn't lead to satisfaction. CD Projekt's been having a rough time as of late, and even GOG's hurt from its redesign (why not just give us a mobile app?) and fall into regional pricing. Above all, the game needs to play well—I hope there isn't a tradition of graphics milestones holding back the game part in previous installments. Their PR team isn't doing a good job of selling me, not even with a juicy pre-order discount and benefit package.

Cautiously optimistic, as I don't wish ill for this game relative to its prequels.


Delay it as long as you need to to ship a working, polished game.

We don't need another AC:Unity, MCC, or Driveclub.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
TW2 came out on May 17th, if I remember correctly. Almost an anniversary thing!

I'm fine with the change. Was excited to play it early next year, but I want them to spend as much time as they need. There's also not typically a ton out in May, so it should be a good time for them to launch.
You mean upgrade. They are taking time to make it better.

CDPR is the best. They won't release a broken game like everyone else and I'm happy for it.

I love CDPR too but both Witchers needed pretty extensive patching up to an including the Enhanced Editions. They do right by their fans but the out of the box experience can be problematic.


Well I guess I will build a new computer later then. None of the other demaning games interest me and my Steam backlog is so long even without the winter sales.


I'm definitely ok with this. This means they're not gonna pull a Ubisoft, and release a glitchy unpolished product, and this gives me more time to pay off my pre order (the collector's edition $150)


While I'm disappointed, its a blessing in disguise for me, as my grades will likely be higher without being distracted by virtual ploughings.
Woah. .wtf. . I was just in BB about to pre-order this no less than 20 minutes ago. . Sigh. I guess. Give February to The Order then.


In GAF developer is doomed / can't win if game is unoptimised and unpolished [ACU] or if game is delayed more than once [Witcher 3].


I'm only one who has hard time taking this "insider", Anaxymenes, that seriously?

Posts about how W3 has been in crunch for 12+ months and is in deep shit. How CDPR is a lot shadier company than anyone knows and how GAF would borderline hate CDPR if GAF knew details.

Then never actually tells anything as far I can see.

Well he does mention how "NDA and such" as implication why he doesn't tell anything, but he already started to put black marks on game and company with his claims so does he really care about "NDA and such"? I would argue that telling e.g. crunch timetables / durations is something you wouldn't be posting on random forum if you actually cared about NDA.

I know he got verified, but I think its only reason people here even gives second thought to his "insider claims" as otherwise he would have been brushed away as random troll.

Maybe he is legit or maybe he isn't. I just have hard time believing in someone who "teases" about knowing insider stuff about game / dev, but never actually says anything.


People saying "I don't care, more time for polishing, good news" are totally missing the point. Yes, of course more time for polishing is good. And yeah, it's better that they take their time instead of releasing something like AC:Unity. But when a game has been delayed and then delayed again after promising it won't happen, well, maybe just "polishing" is not the thing that TW3 needs and the issues are much bigger...

Are they totally missing the point?

Yes game has been delayed twice now as CDPR requires more dev time for the game in order to reach level of quality they are satisfied with.

Yes maybe issues are bigger than some minor bugs in the matrix, but delaying project in order to try and fix these issues [one could say.. polish it up?] should be good thing. Yes?

So how people are missing the point when they welcome delay in exchange for more polished and finished product?


I guess it's too much to ask the gaming industry to announce their release dates when they're 100% sure they're going to hit it and release a completed, unbuggy game.

But would industry really "win" even then?

Basically it would mean industry wide "Valve mentality" where nothing gets talked about or announced before just last minute. We know how well most of people are taking Valves approach and them not talking about their projects early on.
I agree with most that a delay is better than a buggy or lackluster game but so many delays doesn't exactly fill me with confidence. I really hope they pull it off and the game is good but when you say "We promise, no more delays" and you delay again it doesn't exactly sound good.

Sounds like they could be in over their heads a bit


Who do you think vote at these gaming award shows? A niche segment of the gaming audience, if CDRed is expecting Oblivion number of sales they will get disapointed.

I think you are very very wrong, but we'll see. I estimate at least 5 million copies sold within first two months.
In GAF developer is doomed / can't win if game is unoptimised and unpolished [ACU] or if game is delayed more than once [Witcher 3].

They THEMSELVES promised no more delays stating they aren't AMATEURS.

They are doing this on their own. You don't claim you are absolutely certain of release, then one month before going gold you discover you're not. This simply confirms they are amateurs by their own words.


Good. This is how it's supposed to be. Just because software is patch-able, doesn't mean you should release an unfinished product. At least not in the games industry.
I love Witcher, but they really let EA take the genre with DA:I.

It would be best if they separated themselves from Dragon Age a bit more, but that's not the only reason.


Sucks to have to wait longer to play it but at the same time I want it to be the best game it can possibly be so... roll on May I guess. I'm sure it'll be worth the wait.
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