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The XBoxOne will be near silent. And the PS4??

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At least the disc won't be spinning while playing One games. My biggest issue with 360 before the optional installs. And don't even get me started on Wii U, disc spins constantly no matter what!

Hopefully it won't be spinning in the ps4 either, after the short check to authenticate.


This thread has got to contain one of the most prolific set of responses to a first reply I've ever seen. Bravo, GAF.


Neo Member
The PS4 will probably be louder, as you'll actually have it switched on.

Comments like this on a legitimate post only strengthens my resolve to buy a XBONE..

I've never had anything against, Sony, hell I even own several playstation devices, but people are overreacting and not thinking straight.


I have no idea what people see in that first reply. It doesn't make much sense. Assuming you'd buy an Xbox One, why wouldn't you switch it on?

What makes you think it will be near silent? Have you heard one before or are you taking Don Mattricks word for it?

It's a ~100W system that appears to be fitted with a decently sized 2 heatpipe cooler with a ~120mm fan. It's going to be pretty silent.


Comments like this on a legitimate post only strengthens my resolve to buy a XBONE..

I've never had anything against, Sony, hell I even own several playstation devices, but people are overreacting and not thinking straight.

...you are actually taking this seriously?


Comments like this on a legitimate post only strengthens my resolve to buy a XBONE..

I've never had anything against, Sony, hell I even own several playstation devices, but people are overreacting and not thinking straight.

Oh no. Will you be all right?


Frankly I'd be shocked if Xbone is quieter than PS4

Why is that? They both use roughly the same power and the Xbox One is much bigger than the PS4, which means it has room for a much bigger heatsink. We still need to see the internals of the PS4 to make a more informed judgement, but all signs point to Xbox One being the quieter system.
I live in a noisy neighborhood, have my windows open all the time, and have a gaming PC in my bedroom. Silence would creep me the hell out at this point if I could remember what it sounds like.


Hopefully the PS4 is pretty quiet too. The Xbone being virtually silent is pretty awesome. It kind of ruins silent moments in games when you can hear the hum of the system in the background. That's partly why I built my PC to be as quiet as possible.


Neo Member
...you are actually taking this seriously?

Yes I am.. I consider myself a hardcore gamer. My roots are PC games from my earliest days, but I am well satisfied with everything the XBONE has to offer (game lineup). I do not neglect the list of negative things either.. Still, I think people are overreacting.

I've got several Nintendo devices, several Sony devices and only an XBOX 360, so I don't think anybody could call me an XBOX fanboy.


Why is that? They both use roughly the same power and the Xbox One is much bigger than the PS4, which means it has room for a much bigger heatsink. We still need to see the internals of the PS4 to make a more informed judgement, but all signs point to Xbox One being the quieter system.

True, but airflow is also a big part of that.


Love when I do some heavy PC gaming and turn all the fans up.

Do you quite library peeps like silent hybrid cars, too?

I'm not sure what you're going on about. A lot of diehard PC gamers, including myself, place a lot of importance on silence. We buy aftermarket cooling not just for cooling ability, but for silence.

Looks pretty venty, shouldn't be too loud but what do i know. Its SMALL too, holy cow.

Comments like this on a legitimate post only strengthens my resolve to buy a XBONE..

I've never had anything against, Sony, hell I even own several playstation devices, but people are overreacting and not thinking straight.
If somebody making a joke online is strengthening your resolve of a $500 purchase, you probably shouldn't critique others for not thinking straight.


Junior Member
Too bad you got your thread derailed when you ask a genuine discussion topic, anyways:

Fan looks like it's 110-120mm (definitely +100mm since a 2.5" hard drive is 10 cm long) and PWM-controlled, even dirt cheap OEM variants are quite good. Heatsink is pretty big too, basically a thinner tower cooler turned on its side.

Since games will install to the HDD the only parts that will make any noise are the fan and the hard drive (5400rpm most likely). Kinect has a fan in it too IIRC, how often does Kinect v1 fan kick in? I never bought one so I wouldn't know. It'll be quiet, probably more so than a X360S.

PS4 we don't really know much about, we can deduce it probably has a radial fan design based on the enclosure/vents at least.

TDP for the SoCs in both consoles are probably in the ~100W range. So they'll produce much less heat than previous launch hardware.
The 100W is for the XBO, shouldn't we assume a bit more for PS4 thanks to more active CU cores or does ESRAM generate the same waste?

But even assuming 140W I admit that is already way less than even the PS3 SuperSlim so it should be reasonably silent. I hope I can cook up a decent dust filter, I am so paranoid about cooler clogging.


Neo Member
If somebody making a joke online is strengthening your resolve of a $500 purchase, you probably shouldn't critique others for not thinking straight.

It's not that comment alone, it's all across GAF and some other places. Not saying some of the critique isn't justified, but it's just going over the top..


So, how would you know the Xbone is silent?

Because it has a big fan, like the PS3 also had as demonstrated in a previous picture but was also infamous for being loud at times? Do you have any decibel reports?
So you call Sony to be the biggest seller of this gen already? Nice crystal ball you have there son..
I don't think he said anything at all that resembles that statement. It's really baffling that you are criticizing somebody for pulling declarations out of their ass when you are the one that made up what they said.

It's not that comment alone, it's all across GAF and some other places. Not saying some of the critique isn't justified, but it's just going over the top..
It shouldn't matter how many people say it. Others hating the Xbox One shouldn't make you want it more.


Also big box doesn't equal better cooling other than you can cram massive heatsink in it.
Seen enough big PC:s with shitty cooling.
I don't get why people think the ps4 will be louder by being smaller.

Smaller size = smaller components = less heat = less cooling needed = less noise.

The only other conclusion would be that Sony just jammed it in a tinier box with no care about cooling issues. That's not what they do.


I don't get why people think the ps4 will be louder by being smaller.

Smaller size = smaller components = less heat = less cooling needed = less noise.

The only other conclusion would be that Sony just jammed it in a tinier box with no care about cooling issues. That's not what they do.

Yes, but if the fan is like a small mosquito, it will get that annoying high pitched noise with high RPM.


Neo Member
I don't think he said anything at all that resembles that statement. It's really baffling that you are criticizing somebody for pulling declarations out of their ass when you are the one that made up what they said.

Figuratively speaking with "everyone's stupid except me" he's implying the opposite which translates in the fact that everyone would want a PS4 instead of a XBONE. Correct me if I'm wrong.

It shouldn't matter how many people say it. Others hating the Xbox One shouldn't make you want it more.

It just seems to by a hype to bash Microsoft while 95% of the people don't have their facts straight.


The one thing that scares me the most about the PS4 is reliability. My PS3 fan got so loud I didn't even want to turn it on, and it's currently sitting in my closet collecting dust because it's unsellable in it's current condition. I promised myself I would never buy another launch console (after the 360/PS3 launch system issues), but Sony is making it really hard to stand by that with the PS4 sounding like such a bargain.


Comments like this on a legitimate post only strengthens my resolve to buy a XBONE..

I've never had anything against, Sony, hell I even own several playstation devices, but people are overreacting and not thinking straight.

hahaha talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face

you think this is going to cause pain to us or something? We'll just be laughing as you torture yourself with that abhorrent piece of hardware lol


Comments like this on a legitimate post only strengthens my resolve to buy a XBONE..

I've never had anything against, Sony, hell I even own several playstation devices, but people are overreacting and not thinking straight.

Leaving aside that you seem very invested in the Xbone if you can't even take a little joke: I don't care in the least what system you buy. If you make purchasing decision based on irrelevant criteria such as this, you're only hurting yourself.


The 360 slim is near silent.

But the power supply fan is loud as shit.

My 360 slim is way louder than my older "fat" 360 when the disc spins up. The disc drive vibrates or something and it's really annoying. That's not typical of course but it goes to show that there's some variance in sound even among similar models.

My power supply fan for my slim is pretty quiet though, luckily.


Neo Member
hahaha talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face

you think this is going to cause pain to us or something? We'll just be laughing as you torture yourself with that abhorrent piece of hardware lol

Obviously it did something to you since you are taking the effort to reply..
Anyway, I'm not here to play that game.. I'm just hoping the anti MS hype cools down a little.
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