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Thurrott: MS to announce a new standard Xbox controller and maybe Xbox Elite at E3

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I'd like both design and power to be honest....

The main reason why surface is expensive is because of the "premuim" design. So my questio for you is: which one you'd like more?
1) Expensive ْْXbox with "premuim" design and good specs.
2) Expensive ْْXbox (same price as above) with normal design and even better specs.
3) Less expensive ْْXbox with normal design and good specs (same specs as 1)

I'm pretty sure the majority will go with 2 or 3.

In Microsoft's announcement yesterday they said there will be new tech. Do universal apps fall under that as well? Because that could very well be it, with a slim Xbox announcement at best.

Aside from the report that MS was testing different prototypes of Xbox, there isn't anything to really suggest a much improved Xbox, right?

Yep, it doesn't look the new xbox is coming this year.


The main reason why surface is expensive is because of the "premuim" design. So my questio for you is: which one you'd like more?
1) Expensive ْْXbox with "premuim" design and good specs.
2) Expensive ْْXbox (same price as above) with normal design and even better specs.
3) Less expensive ْْXbox with normal design and good specs (same specs as 1)

I'm pretty sure the majority will go with 2 or 3.

Yep, it doesn't look the new xbox is coming this year.

That's a bleak outlook. We don't know if something could be coming this year. It could happen.


The main reason why surface is expensive is because of the "premuim" design. So my questio for you is: which one you'd like more?
1) Expensive ْْXbox with "premuim" design and good specs.
2) Expensive ْْXbox (same price as above) with normal design and even better specs.
3) Less expensive ْْXbox with normal design and good specs (same specs as 1)

I'm pretty sure the majority will go with 2 or 3.

Yep, it doesn't look the new xbox is coming this year.

Well there was the base model and premium in the fcc leak that ekim discovered. You might get both
I would bet that all this hardware rumor stuff ends up being a base slim model and an "elite" slim model with a better HD and maybe a 4k blue ray player.

I don't see why they would do anything different....
I think it would probably be a lot more challenging for developers if they came out with a Xbox neo or whatever because of the bad memory setup that they have on XB.

And developers being forced to make two versions is never the best idea (in my opinion), but when you are not the market leader there are additional challenges to overcome in implementing such a policy.


The main reason why surface is expensive is because of the "premuim" design. So my questio for you is: which one you'd like more?
1) Expensive ْْXbox with "premuim" design and good specs.
2) Expensive ْْXbox (same price as above) with normal design and even better specs.
3) Less expensive ْْXbox with normal design and good specs (same specs as 1)

I'm pretty sure the majority will go with 2 or 3.

The main reason Surface is expensive is because Microsoft wants to make a profit on them.


The main reason why surface is expensive is because of the "premuim" design. So my questio for you is: which one you'd like more?
1) Expensive ْْXbox with "premuim" design and good specs.
2) Expensive ْْXbox (same price as above) with normal design and even better specs.
3) Less expensive ْْXbox with normal design and good specs (same specs as 1)

I'm pretty sure the majority will go with 2 or 3.

Yep, it doesn't look the new xbox is coming this year.

I'd be happy with any, but would prefer an "elite" addition with premium design and good specs for a higher cost.

So option 1 for me.
I would bet that all this hardware rumor stuff ends up being a base slim model and an "elite" slim model with a better HD and maybe a 4k blue ray player.

I don't see why they would do anything different....
I think it would probably be a lot more challenging for developers if they came out with a Xbox neo or whatever because of the bad memory setup that they have on XB.

And developers being forced to make two versions is never the best idea (in my opinion), but when you are not the market leader there are additional challenges to overcome in implementing such a policy.

So they Should not look to improve their architecture or advance their hardware? Considering their competitors are both poised to launch new hardware in the next year all because of esram setup? This is a joke right? They weren't the market leaders in any generation I don't see the point you're making the Xbox one is still successful ps4 is just vastly more successful in comparison. The idea that only market leaders commend respect from developers is ludacris these are business partnerships to make money on both sides. They don't sit around like fanboys and say well ps4 is kicking your ass suck it! Most likely Microsoft coming with new hardware I think now that they know when NX is launching they have to decide if they want to be the first ala 360 or not.


So they Should not look to improve their architecture or advance their hardware? Considering their competitors are both poised to launch new hardware in the next year all because of esram setup? This is a joke right? They weren't the market leaders in any generation I don't see the point you're making the Xbox one is still successful ps4 is just vastly more successful in comparison. The idea that only market leaders commend respect from developers is ludacris these are business partnerships to make money on both sides. They don't sit around like fanboys and say well ps4 is kicking your ass suck it! Most likely Microsoft coming with new hardware I think now that they know when NX is launching they have to decide if they want to be the first ala 360 or not.

Console design with custom silicon takes years. Sony planned the neo before ps4 launched. NX has been in development since wiiu launched. If MS did not plan for a 2016 upgrade 3+ years ago, it isn't happening.


Console design with custom silicon takes years. Sony planned the neo before ps4 launched. NX has been in development since wiiu launched. If MS did not plan for a 2016 upgrade 3+ years ago, it isn't happening.

I'm pretty sure they all plan for new hardware before launch of the current system. That's typical.


I do believe they are working on something in terms of a hardware upgrade, given all the hints Phil Spencer has dropped, and that it will be a significant upgrade, but as Ekim said, not expecting anything this year other than a 'slim'

I'm thinking they have a number of prototype options they're playing around with, but waiting on announcements from the competition before locking anything down

Its all a bit 'up in the air' at the mo, with regards to consoles though so who knows..


I'm pretty sure they all plan for new hardware before launch of the current system. That's typical.

afaik, sony is the only one who planned for an incremental upgrade pre ps4/x1 launch.

& MS is not going to 'decide whether or not to release first now that they know when nx is coming.' Nobody at MS gives two fucks about Nintendo. Their console timetables are set and have been for a long time.


afaik, sony is the only one who planned for an incremental upgrade pre ps4/x1 launch.

& MS is not going to 'decide whether or not to release first now that they know when nx is coming.' Nobody at MS gives two fucks about Nintendo. Their console timetables are set and have been for a long time.



afaik, sony is the only one who planned for an incremental upgrade pre ps4/x1 launch.

& MS is not going to 'decide whether or not to release first now that they know when nx is coming.' Nobody at MS gives two fucks about Nintendo. Their console timetables are set and have been for a long time.

Well, there you go. afayk.


Oh come on. Not selling as much does not mean not selling at all or no momentum.

Xbox One sales have been pretty bad since the beginning of the year even with deals that take the price below $300.

Slim & Gears of War should pick sales back up this year.


source: 2013 article from charlie demerjian.

edit: I'd link but I'm too lazy and it's behind a pretty big paywall.

On the one hand that would not surprise me that Sony thought of that way before Microsoft, but on the other hand SA is made up bullshit 99.99999% of the time.
Speaking of controllers a part of me wants to finally replace my XBox 360 controller and get an XBO version if just for the improved D-pad but have the compatibility issues been ironed out?
afaik, sony is the only one who planned for an incremental upgrade pre ps4/x1 launch.

& MS is not going to 'decide whether or not to release first now that they know when nx is coming.' Nobody at MS gives two fucks about Nintendo. Their console timetables are set and have been for a long time.
Microsoft invest more money in R&D the apple Google and most of those other companies combined. The idea that they don't have a clue or had any plans for future consoles or know what's going on is a ludacris notion. Nintendo sold more consoles then anyone last gen just because wii u wasn't as successful doesn't mean you dismiss them. Infact Microsoft still has a lot they can learn from Nintendo as far as first party is concerned. I'm pretty sure console manufactures talk to game developers all the time so I'm sure they know. Also they were the first ones to speak publicly about console upgrades and backward and forward compatibility.


my hard graphic balls
Aside from the report that MS was testing different prototypes of Xbox, there isn't anything to really suggest a much improved Xbox, right?

Yep, it doesn't look the new xbox is coming this year.

Think of it from outside the box, would Phil make any comments about him wanting to see mid-generational upgrades this year (early this year) if something wasn't coming this year?
Why couldn't he wait until holiday times or early next year to state those things if the next Xbox was coming out next year?
So they Should not look to improve their architecture or advance their hardware? Considering their competitors are both poised to launch new hardware in the next year all because of esram setup? This is a joke right? They weren't the market leaders in any generation I don't see the point you're making the Xbox one is still successful ps4 is just vastly more successful in comparison. The idea that only market leaders commend respect from developers is ludacris these are business partnerships to make money on both sides. They don't sit around like fanboys and say well ps4 is kicking your ass suck it! Most likely Microsoft coming with new hardware I think now that they know when NX is launching they have to decide if they want to be the first ala 360 or not.
Of coarse they should look to improve over their current hardware to advance the platform!

And it's just my opinion, but the point I was trying to make is that they should not try to release a new version of the Xbox 1 that would bring minimal benefits to the consumer such as a slightly higher resolution, while making life harder on developers.
I pointed out that making two versions of a game would be harder for xb1-xb1.5 as as a new Xbox with a beefier gpu would likely require a completely different memory architecture than is currently in X1, whereas with ps4&ps4k the memory architecture will likely be identical

Also, I personally think that they don't have to compete with PS4k as they can continue to be the cheapest alternative for current gen games, and they would be better of waiting a couple years and comming out with a brand new console with a true generational leap in power over what XB1 can do and maybe their own version of VR.

While they might suffer a little in the short term in doing this, I think it will be good for keeping their base (who probably don't want to have to go out and buy a new console so soon) happy, and will let them focus on creating a great next gen console with more power and better architecture (relatively) than XB1.
Of coarse they should look to improve over their current hardware to advance the platform!

And it's just my opinion, but the point I was trying to make is that they should not try to release a new version of the Xbox 1 that would bring minimal benefits to the consumer such as a slightly higher resolution, while making life harder on developers.
I pointed out that making two versions of a game would be harder for xb1-xb1.5 as as a new Xbox with a beefier gpu would likely require a completely different memory architecture than is currently in X1, whereas with ps4&ps4k the memory architecture will likely be identical

Also, I personally think that they don't have to compete with PS4k as they can continue to be the cheapest alternative for current gen games, and they would be better of waiting a couple years and comming out with a brand new console with a true generational leap in power over what XB1 can do and maybe their own version of VR.

While they might suffer a little in the short term in doing this, I think it will be good for keeping their base (who probably don't want to have to go out and buy a new console so soon) happy, and will let them focus on creating a great next gen console with more power and better architecture (relatively) than XB1.

You make great points but going forward this is not the business models these companies are thinking off. They're looking at the console space like phones and tablets now. People upgrade their phones yearly and those iPhones and galaxies cost more then gaming systems. If they can find a way to do upgrade programs I think it would be welcome granted they do it like the old 360 program they had before when you finance the system. I have no idea why they never had that for the Xbox one.
How soon do invites go out to the press regarding xbox events?

I was supposed to be heading out to E3, but sadly plans changed. I got invited to the MS event yesterday, so they're going out now.



But what about an announcement to deter people from purchasing the Neo?

There's a fine balance, isn't there? Announce it too early and you cannibalise your own sales for an extended period of time. But presuming that it is indeed more powerful than the Neo, ideally they would announce it before Sony announce anything. That way it makes Neo's announcement more underwhelming. Announce it after and it screams of "me too!".
There's a fine balance, isn't there? Announce it too early and you cannibalise your own sales for an extended period of time. But presuming that it is indeed more powerful than the Neo, ideally they would announce it before Sony announce anything. That way it makes Neo's announcement more underwhelming. Announce it after and it screams of "me too!".

Oh, definitely. But doing nothing just seems stupid. Hell I love my XB1, but if the power gap continues to grow then I'll be tempted to jump ship myself.
afaik, sony is the only one who planned for an incremental upgrade pre ps4/x1 launch.

& MS is not going to 'decide whether or not to release first now that they know when nx is coming.' Nobody at MS gives two fucks about Nintendo. Their console timetables are set and have been for a long time.

Ms' leaked roadmap from 2010 said the plan was to move xbox to the windows platform so they could release new more powerful SKUs keeping compatibility with all games. The roadmap even talked about the possibility of licensing OEMs to the platform.

That leaked roadmap has been spot on so far, except for the way Ms shifted Hololens to enterprise (instead of already having a consumer launch this year as expected), and Ms has been converging to a unified windows core for a while now, so I doubt that's not what they were planning.
You make great points but going forward this is not the business models these companies are thinking off. They're looking at the console space like phones and tablets now. People upgrade their phones yearly and those iPhones and galaxies cost more then gaming systems. If they can find a way to do upgrade programs I think it would be welcome granted they do it like the old 360 program they had before when you finance the system. I have no idea why they never had that for the Xbox one.

I think we both agree on the point that the traditional console generational system is going away.
I'm just not convinced that it would be best for Microsoft to proceed to a new system just yet.
I think that it would be best for them (if they choose to go down that road) to design a console specifically with the ability to scale in power and capabilities over time, and be direct to both the customers and developers that there will be incremental upgrade in hardware over time from the beginning of the console lifecycle.

I don't think the XB1 was designed to do that very well, and so I think it would be best for them to wait and not try and change things up mid cycle simply as a reaction to their competition.

Also, I am guessing that is not the only model that Microsoft is looking into. They are probably also looking into a completely cloud based console that might work similar to how PS now does.

In any case, I am curious to se what will happen!
Ms' leaked roadmap from 2010 said the plan was to move xbox to the windows platform so they could release new more powerful SKUs keeping compatibility with all games. The roadmap even talked about the possibility of licensing OEMs to the platform.

That leaked roadmap has been spot on so far, except for the way Ms shifted Hololens to enterprise (instead of already having a consumer launch this year as expected), and Ms has been converging to a unified windows core for a while now, so I doubt that's not what they were planning.

Interesting. I remember that roadmap, and it's interesting how it's not talked about much (maybe because it's kind of old now?).

I do think it's going that way, and I suspect this has been planned for a while (i.e. it's not really a response to PS4K as suggest, even if the PS4K's existence possibly accelerated things on MS' end).
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