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Titanfall 2 Multiplayer Technical Test Impressions (XB1/PS4)


Yeah might be that I was missing a shooter like this since I've been playing only Overwatch non stop for months but holy fuck I'm having tons of fun, the gunplay is absolute perfection atm

Confirmed my D1 pre-ordering

Only things that I'd want back is the speed boost when jumping and the Titans ai

And a tad less busy maps, I still like the one in this test tho

Graphically I couldn't expect any better on X1, smooth and a really clean IQ (surprisingly)
It seems like a lot of change and I don't like most of it. I do like some, but it went from a buy to a wait and see now. Like I said, I feel more sad then anything. If they get more players for this game, more power to them.

I'm not even calling what's changed good, feeling indifferent really, and I have no idea how it pan out in keeping people around, especially when we've barely scratched the surface here. I hope it does, because this will be a fun diversion to be able to go back to if there's no worries about getting a decent match going.
I'm not even calling what's changed good, feeling indifferent to the changes more than anything, and I have no idea how it pan out in keeping people around, especially when we've barely scratched the surface here. I hope it does, because this will be a fun diversion to be able to go back to if there's no worries about getting a decent match going.

Just wondering, do you play on PC. My experience last playing the game was like 2 months ago on xbox but I had no trouble finding matches. I know PC's community allegedly dropped much more.


There is still hope:

Game is out in just over two months so I'm not really hopeful it'll be fixed for then.

Can't believe the amount of stuff Respawn have changed thinking it's for the better. I won't list them all again, but attrition not being in the game (if rumours are true) in favour of this new bounty hunt mode is one of the biggest missteps. I wouldn't mind it if that mode was well designed but I've seen so much camping going on and it completely goes against the flow of the game.

Although it's nowhere near as good as TF1, I've rather enjoyed this test build but the lack of AI and attrition mode are making me seriously consider not bothering with it and getting COD instead.


Unconfirmed Member
Just wondering, do you play on PC. My experience last playing the game was like 2 months ago on xbox but I had no trouble finding matches. I know PC's community allegedly dropped much more.

You can get Attrition matches with generally no problem on PC, it's mostly the other modes that are dead. But then they hate Attrition so.... :p



Just delete most everything and move grapple, sliding, and the campaign to Titanfall 1. Polish the graphics, make a few new maps, pack in the old ones, call it a day.


I honestly can't disagree more. I just played two matches and by the second match I was again flying through the map like this (sorry for the black bars):


I kept reading about how much slower and more sluggish TF2 was supposed to be compared to the first game and I don't understand where that notion is coming from. I was jumping and wallrunning around like during my best TF1 days and was rewarded for it with an end score of 26 to 12, picking off the guys just sprinting around, playing it like CoD, just like it was supposed to be.

I know "This is just X version of CoD" is a very popular and easy thing to say, but having the movement in this game is so, so much more elaborate, useful and fun than in AW or BO3 (even though I haven't played BO3 too much - the best players make the movement look like TF, but I have never gotten into the groove myself).

Have you SEEN CoD
these days

Wall running isn't unique to Titanfall. That gif had wall running in an open space, it wasn't climbing up roof tops, running past Titan fire only to meet a guy in a hallway.

What you showed is possible in CoD. Not what was unique in Titanfall.
You expect them to not change course somewhat after the ghost town that quickly became Titanfall online? I could barely get a decent match of CTF/any objective(because Attrition is terrible) unless it was peak hours the last time I played.
Part of the reason it became a ghost town (which is not really the case anyway) was it was Xbox One exclusive.

They should have taken TF1 and expanded it. New maps, more titans, more customization, etc. Instead of blowing it up and building from scratch. They royally fucked up.


I thought Attrition was out of the beta because that's what people play most and they wanted to focus on other modes, but I'd be really sad if it didn't make it to the final game. It would actually be a deal breaker, since it's all I've been playing in TF1. Just run around, shoot at stuff and earn points, perfect.
The Bounty Hunter mode isn't that bad actually, I even like running to the bank (or wondering if I should take risks when sitting on a pile of money), but it's no Attrition.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Maybe a delay is the best thing to do. Shits gonna be nuts this fall with other releases. Really hope Respawn does well with Titanfall 2 I'd hate to see them drop it if it doesnt do good. So much potential with the game.

Hopefully they delay it 6 months and completely re-tool it. EA has Battlefiejd at the same time anyway. No need to send this game to its death unnecessarily.


Unconfirmed Member
Must admit I've warmed to it a lot more now. Still not what I want from a Titanfall sequel but it's not bad, I doubt I'll be buying it day one though. I wish the grappling hook was a bit more flexible/had a longer distance and let me swing about like spiderman


You guys are nuts. This isn't terrible by any means. It feels like a logical next step for the IP. If Respawn didn't change a single thing from the first game you would all be bitching about how there's no innovation.

Wrong. Many who loved the first game simply wanted the same gameplay format but with more content in comparison to what the first game had at launch.

I don't miss Attrition at all. Back when the first game released everyone bitched about how pointless the AI bots were. They contributed nothing to the battle other than ambient chatter and acted like ants meant to be stepped on by your titan.

This isn't true at all. The AI bots helped reduce your Titanfall time -- especially when the other players were camping in a map. They helped the action pack nature of the game as they made more Titans drop down in a match.

I still can't believe that there are people who feel that the AI bots added nothing. The original game has been out for more than 2 years. Just 10 matches should show anyone why they were placed in the game.

The titan timer in retrospect is inferior, as no matter how well (or poorly) you performed in game you were guaranteed a titan.

That mechanic doesn't promote good play or objective support. Sure you could run around a map endlessly killing grunts to slightly reduce the timer, but it didn't really matter because you were guaranteed that titan within a few minutes of playtime.

But if you did well, you had more Titans than players who played poorly and you would recieve those Titans faster. So this criticism doesn't make any sense at all.

If anything your post proved to me that many who like Titanfall 2 that played Titanfall 1 are people that didn't fully understand the purpose of Titanfall 1's format (in Attrition).

Titanfall 2 isn't a bad game but it greatly feels like a predecessor of Titianfall 1 instead of a sequel and I can't remember the last time in which such an anticipated sequel has felt this way.


Press - MP1st.com
Attrition expanded would be great. A little disheartening that Respawn listened to all the people moaning about having bots in a match and dropped/heavily nerfed them.

"Easy" fix would be best of both worlds? Have two "main" modes wherein one has AI, the other not as much or none at all.

I'm in the camp that I think the game can be better than what it is now, but also, that the tweaks needed won't be anything too major that Respawn won't be able to do it. I mean if all they did was:

- Make Titans tied to timers instead of point boosting
- Add more AIs (or at least showcase a mode where there's more)
- Make UI cleaner
- Show or introduce maps where chaining movement is easier and actually doable and beneficial (which might be the case with some of the other maps for all we know)
- Make TTK longer
- Show a game mode that's better than what we've seen so far

That could work, right? That's a fair majority of what people are complaining about that can (relatively) be fixed easy -- at least not in a way that you have to redesign something from the ground up (the timer maybe).

Problem is I don't see any hype for the game? When "pretty good" is the best response that can be mustered with its current release date, it will be crushed. The negative pre-launch word of mouth also won't do it any favors if it continues like this until release.

I don't know what they can realistically do for me after this alpha anyway though. Don't like the maps, modes, removal of AI, new rodeo, or attrition being gone.

Guess LTS is gone too since without shields I doubt it would be much fun anyway.

The negative stuff really will hurt it -- especially for old fans. Having said that, most PlayStation gamers haven't played TF1, so there's nothing to compare it to. If they want it, they can sway the game from being a success or not. Although, having said that, it will get crushed by BF1 regardless of the game's quality. I mean, BF and CoD are the two titans (heh) of the FPS genre that other games avoid since the respective games' fans will snatch them up regardless of reviews and whatnot.


Must admit I've warmed to it a lot more now. Still not what I want from a Titanfall sequel but it's not bad, I doubt I'll be buying it day one though. I wish the grappling hook was a bit more flexible/had a longer distance and let me swing about like spiderman

I would love to see the hook changed for swinging more and then pressing the button to reel myself in. It would also help if they had way more verticality in the maps.
Part of the reason it became a ghost town (which is not really the case anyway) was it was Xbox One exclusive.

They should have taken TF1 and expanded it. New maps, more titans, more customization, etc. Instead of blowing it up and building from scratch. They royally fucked up.

I feel like people assume Xbox sold like Wii U because it isn't beating Sony. It died off far slower on Xbox than PC and a large part of that had to do with unlocks. Too many people can't simply play a game for the game, they need some carrot to chase.

At this point though T1 is a game where nearly everyone runs car, stim, electric smoke, nuke eject, arc cannon and cluster missile. It's stale and too easy for a team to steamroll the other if they get a full team of Titans.



Just delete most everything and move grapple, sliding, and the campaign to Titanfall 1. Polish the graphics, make a few new maps, pack in the old ones, call it a day.

This is really what I want them to do. If the maps in this test are indicative of the quality of the rest (and considering that they've referred to the map coming next weekend as 'open'), keep the 4-6 best Titanfall 2 maps they've made, scrap the rest and fill it out with Titanfall 1 maps. Then keep the grapple (for every player), slide and Campaign.

I just don't have much faith in Titanfall 2 at this point.
It seems like a lot of change and I don't like most of it. I do like some, but it went from a buy to a wait and see now. Like I said, I feel more sad then anything. If they get more players for this game, more power to them.

Worryingly I've not even seen the London server break out of 3 digits for each game mode. Playerbase is definitely a concern for the game IMO.
Have you SEEN CoD
these days

Wall running isn't unique to Titanfall. That gif had wall running in an open space, it wasn't climbing up roof tops, running past Titan fire only to meet a guy in a hallway.

What you showed is possible in CoD. Not what was unique in Titanfall.

Literally when people post things about the flow of Titanfall 1... they post things like the above.

And now you're complaining that it still doesn't look like Titanfall.
I 100% feel too many people are over reacting to what they are seeing in a game test build from two months ago. People complaining about the lack of grunt dialogue is ridiculous as it's something that isn't required for the game to function and easy to add towards the end (like right now). Have these same people not realized there is no actual dialogue at the beginning of the match? Just some awkward animation of a guy with a knife. There are clearly unfinished bits all over the game.

While things will undoubtedly change before the final build I like the Titan changes. They're quite clever actually even if a bit of it is outlandish. The idea here is to even the playing field a bit. It's easier for a pilot to make progress on a Titan when the enemy team is full of them. In T1 it could be too hard for a pilot to kill a Titan when facing a decent team of them. With shields it's hard to make progress. In the current setup pilots can whittle down the health of a Titan and they can't heal as long as your team doesn't drop Titans for them too steal batteries from. There is more depth to the current setup but it's being lost by people complaining about how it isn't T1.
Part of the reason it became a ghost town (which is not really the case anyway) was it was Xbox One exclusive.

They should have taken TF1 and expanded it. New maps, more titans, more customization, etc. Instead of blowing it up and building from scratch. They royally fucked up.

I play at some weird hours and the player count would be under 100 for every game mode that wasn't attrition, sometimes barely enough to fill a lobby. That's not fun. (it was a ghost on PC as well)
I 100% feel too many people are over reacting to what they are seeing in a game test build from two months ago. People complaining about the lack of grunt dialogue is ridiculous as it's something that isn't required for the game to function and easy to add towards the end (like right now). Have these same people not realized there is no actual dialogue at the beginning of the match? Just some awkward animation of a guy with a knife. There are clearly unfinished bits all over the game.

While things will undoubtedly change before the final build I like the Titan changes. They're quite clever actually even if a bit of it is outlandish. The idea here is to even the playing field a bit. It's easier for a pilot to make progress on a Titan when the enemy team is full of them. In T1 it could be too hard for a pilot to kill a Titan when facing a decent team of them. With shields it's hard to make progress. In the current setup pilots can whittle down the health of a Titan and they can't heal as long as your team doesn't drop Titans for them too steal batteries from. There is more depth to the current setup but it's being lost by people complaining about how it isn't T1.

I never played 1.

But I feel like Titans probably get taken down a bit too easily to ground troops. I think there should be other ways to get batteries besides just taking them from the opposite teams titans. Maybe have spawns for them? Or a Pilot class that creates them?
This is really what I want them to do. If the maps in this test are indicative of the quality of the rest (and considering that they've referred to the map coming next weekend as 'open'), keep the 4-6 best Titanfall 2 maps they've made, scrap the rest and fill it out with Titanfall 1 maps. Then keep the grapple (for every player), slide and Campaign.

I just don't have much faith in Titanfall 2 at this point.

I really dont agree with making the hook universal because then we'll see something like sonar/cloak spammed.

As far as maneuverability goes, we just need stronger maps. Using the hook in homestead feels good because the map is just very horizontal
I tried some matches earlier and i just did not like it all, but i can't figure out why. I really enjoyed TF1 but something just did not feel right about this. Can anyone explain what's different?

The only things that i outright noticed that were different are the Titan loadouts now being specific, the lack of an attrition game mode (the replacement was terrible) and the lack of AI grunts everywhere, in combination with extremely open map design. I don't think any of those are good changes.
I never played 1.

But I feel like Titans probably get taken down a bit too easily to ground troops. I think there should be other ways to get batteries besides just taking them from the opposite teams titans. Maybe have spawns for them? Or a Pilot class that creates them?

Exactly, I think this mechanic could be improved but overall I welcome the change.


I'm sure it's been said a million times and I don't want to dogpile on respawn because they seem like good people
I'm shocked at how titanfall 1 came out, then black ops iii released copying maneuverability stuff from titanfall. Now TF2 is copying black ops iii movement pretty much completely. The slide. The shitty double jump. I mean, wtf happened??? This type of stuff says to me that they had NO CONFIDENCE in their own product. Remember when EA was asked why bf1 and tf2 were releasing so close to each other and they said it was for different audiences? The way the game feels and plays tells a different story.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood

Just delete most everything and move grapple, sliding, and the campaign to Titanfall 1. Polish the graphics, make a few new maps, pack in the old ones, call it a day.

You know what?

Scrap 2 and release a patch for 1 that adds sliding and then sell the campaign from 2 as DLC for 1 for $40.

I'll buy it
I'm sure it's been said a million times and I don't want to dogpile on respawn because they seem like good people
I'm shocked at how titanfall 1 came out, then black ops iii released copying maneuverability stuff from titanfall. Now TF2 is copying black ops iii movement pretty much completely. The slide. The shitty double jump. I mean, wtf happened??? This type of stuff says to me that they had NO CONFIDENCE in their own product. Remember when EA was asked why bf1 and tf2 were releasing so close to each other and they said it was for different audiences? The way the game feels and plays tells a different story.

The double jump was in TF1, to be fair
Literally when people post things about the flow of Titanfall 1... they post things like the above.

And now you're complaining that it still doesn't look like Titanfall.

This clip looks like Call of Duty though. He's slowly wall running on two walls before landing on the ground and shooting things because there's nowhere else to wall run. No rooftops, no ziplines, no buildings to launch off of.


Literally when people post things about the flow of Titanfall 1... they post things like the above.

And now you're complaining that it still doesn't look like Titanfall.

Most of my clips are gone, forgot to save them I guess, this is the one I found that could be representative. Just check the TTK due to mobility. I'd have died at least 2 times in R2.

You know what?

Scrap 2 and release a patch for 1 that adds sliding and then sell the campaign from 2 as DLC for 1 for $40.

I'll buy it

Would buy. No kidding.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Most of my clips are gone, forgot to save them I guess, this is the one I found that could be representative. Just check the TTK due to mobility. I'd have died at least 2 times in R2.

Would buy. No kidding.

I wasn't joking either. Titanfall 1 was basically perfect. Just needed slide and a campaign.

E92 M3

I really liked the first one, except the PC version became a ghost town do I never got to sink my teeth into it proper.

As someone involved in the game industry over a decade, get over it. They label it as a pre-alpha technical test, with the real thing out in nearly two months. This server testing is also marketing (early access code giveaways, remember?), so calling it a demo is fine.

It's a build from June.


Un Rama
Man, this is a bummer. Basically echoing a lot of the concerns people have already noted in here. I was hoping TitanFall 2 would be the same killer multiplayer improved with a potentially great single player component. Now my hopes are that the SP is good cause I doubt they can turn this MP around in two months.

Can't believe they've messed up the fluid movement, level design and Titan integration this badly.


I wasn't joking either. Titanfall 1 was basically perfect. Just needed slide and a campaign.

Yeah the only thing I miss from 2 is the slide.

I stated in this thread before, but the slide is really the best kind of slide I've seen in an FPS. Length, speed, the gun stance. It's beautiful, stuff like these are what I expected from a sequel made by Respawn. Going back to 1, I kept hitting crouch when seeing an enemy.
Have you SEEN CoD
these days

Wall running isn't unique to Titanfall. That gif had wall running in an open space, it wasn't climbing up roof tops, running past Titan fire only to meet a guy in a hallway.

What you showed is possible in CoD. Not what was unique in Titanfall.
But it wasn't possible in COD when Titanfall released. So.... still plays like Titanfall. COD is the mimic here.


Literally when people post things about the flow of Titanfall 1... they post things like the above.

And now you're complaining that it still doesn't look like Titanfall.


What do you mean by "posts like these"

But it wasn't possible in COD when Titanfall released. So.... still plays like Titanfall. COD is the mimic here.


If CoD can do it now, what makes Titanfall 2 special if it fucks over the core aspects that made sure CoD could never be Titanfall?
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