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Titanfall 2 Multiplayer Technical Test Impressions (XB1/PS4)


But if you did well, you had more Titans than players who played poorly and you would recieve those Titans faster. So this criticism doesn't make any sense at all.

The *exact* same still applies to Bounty Hunt, if not more so.

And get outta herd with that 'You cleary don't *understand* Titanfall' BS.


I never played 1.

But I feel like Titans probably get taken down a bit too easily to ground troops. I think there should be other ways to get batteries besides just taking them from the opposite teams titans. Maybe have spawns for them? Or a Pilot class that creates them?

Spectres should have them :D


Yeah might be that I was missing a shooter like this since I've been playing only Overwatch non stop for months but holy fuck I'm having tons of fun, the gunplay is absolute perfection atm

Confirmed my D1 pre-ordering

Only things that I'd want back is the speed boost when jumping and the Titans ai

And a tad less busy maps, I still like the one in this test tho

Yeah, I've turned around from thinking the game was meh to really, really liking it after equipping the grapple hook. I agree with others who say it should be default equipment for everyone. It opens the movement options up in such a huge way. I would LOVE to see more maps! I'll definitely be picking this up -- probably not right at release due to the other shooters coming out, but definitely at some point.

I've played a lot of BO3, and I can't agree that this game feels just like it. They're really nothing alike in terms of how it feels to play. COD may have copied some of the movement abilities, but it's still clunkier and lacks the feeling of on the fly options, fluidity, and speed in Titanfall 2. A lot of that is due to the grappling hook, however. More wall running surfaces would be nice, too, and maybe a bit more speed/momentum boosting would be fun.
I'm absolutely loving the battery/shield mechanic... Though I do wish Titans all had a regenerating shield until the unit was removed. I've made it a point in some games to be a shield carrier and feed my team shield after shield.

Only part that sucks is when someone rodeos and takes your Titans shield and a teammate grabs it and keeps it so he can use it on his perfectly fine Titan :/


I really like that the knife thing that you throw out if using the sonar ability is a one it kill if you hit an enemy with it.


The reason the grappling hook should be default is because it would seem the maps are designed around using it. I can't even imagine trying to traverse Homestead without it.


The *exact* same still applies to Bounty Hunt, if not more so.

But I said that in reply to someone saying the timer is inferior. That wasn't me stating my opinions on attrition vs. bounty hunt in terms of receiving Titans.

But anyway, I wouldn't say "more so" either considering that this new format means that it's possible for bad players to not receive Titans at all. Them receiving Titans in Titanfall 1 helped on both sides since it helped these players get more used to controlling a Titan and on the flip side, it helped the opposing team score faster as these people usually didn't know how to use/control a Titan well (as they were usually new to the game).

There was nothing wrong with every player getting a Titan during a match in Titanfall 1 as the bad players 1. Didn't get many and/or 2. Weren't in those Titans for very long.

And get outta herd with that 'You cleary don't *understand* Titanfall' BS.

Nope. If you think the AI bots had absolutely no purpose then it's true.
I have to say I feel a bit differently than a lot around here as I was a big fan of TF1 and I'm really enjoying this as well. I like the flow of Bounty Hunt. I feel like people are still getting the hang of the mode but I like the give and take of the bonuses and the bank, things like stealing some of a large bonus from a pilot before they hit the bank is cool. I get about 3 titans a game and I enjoy grappling and messing with other titans as well. I also think the battery stuff is interesting although I'm still getting the hang of it. Playing on XB1 I don't think graphically it looks all that great (albeit it's only in alpha) but it seems to run pretty smooth. I can see myself having a lot of fun with it later this year.


I have to say I feel a bit differently than a lot around here as I was a big fan of TF1 and I'm really enjoying this as well. I like the flow of Bounty Hunt. I feel like people are still getting the hang of the mode but I like the give and take of the bonuses and the bank, things like stealing some of a large bonus from a pilot before they hit the bank is cool. I get about 3 titans a game and I enjoy grappling and messing with other titans as well. I also think the battery stuff is interesting although I'm still getting the hang of it. Playing on XB1 I don't think graphically it looks all that great (albeit it's only in alpha) but it seems to run pretty smooth. I can see myself having a lot of fun with it later this year.
I think one of the biggest problems with is that it seriously encourages camping inside or just outside a bank. The amount of times I checked the perimeter, and tried to drop off 500 dollars only to be killed halfway through is too many to count. The absolutely ridiculously short TTK compounds this issue because you literally have zero time to react to being shot.
We cant play together..trying for about one hour and its Impossible to form a party. Xb1 here, anyone trying?
Parties are broken. Join the same network and then send an invite to your network, the others can accept and play.

You will have to go back to the multiplayer menu after each game and re invite the network I think.
Bounty Hunt is tons of fun to me, anyway, is there a way to check the player stats right now?

I'm also really really loving it! I didn't think I would. With a few small tweaks it could be something really special.

Spawn some sort of different "Titan batteries" within the AI Titans that drop. like a red battery that gives a player controlled Titan some ability when stolen... And a purple one that does something else etc. Might even be cool as a Counter Strike elimination round based Gametype were you only have one life and use money to buy better stuff beginning of each round!


I'm also really really loving it! I didn't think I would. With a few small tweaks it could be something really special.

Spawn some sort of different "Titan batteries" within the AI Titans that drop. like a red battery that gives a player controlled Titan some ability when stolen... And a purple one that does something else etc. Might even be cool as a Counter Strike elimination round based Gametype were you only have one life and use money to buy better stuff beginning of each round!

I love the idea of various batteries. It actually gives teams some objective to focus on that would be pretty much unique to Titanfall. Could have an Amped Battery that appears.


Having barely played Titanfall, I'm coming into the franchise pretty fresh, but ultimately I was disappointed to find that the game shares so many of the things I hate about Call of Duty - particularly post Call of Duty 4. The time to kill is so low, the guns are so accurate, and between the respawning and the map design this is a game where you are constantly engaged by enemies that not only are outside of your field of view but where you feel there was no reasonable way you could have predicted them being there. That would be fine if you had any chance of turning a fight around, but far too often you don't.

Half of the time I was killed, there was no real gap between the moment where I first got hurt to the point that I was dead, and while I don't necessarily mind the game having a very low time to kill, I don't think it's an acceptable fit in a game where you have so little control or knowledge of where your enemies are coming from. It is a game with supposedly exciting movement mechanics but fundamentally shallow gunplay mechanics, and suffers from the precise same problems that Advanced Warfare and Black Ops 3 do. They are kill-trading games where they want you to use all the exciting movement options, but any time you dare to do so, you become so vulnerable to someone camping in one of the hundreds of nooks and crannies hidden around the map, or the person that randomly spawns behind you or on your flank. It's a game where, against reasonable opposition, it feels like you're inevitably going to just quickly cycle between instant unpreventable kill to instant unpreventable death - a game where gunfights almost don't exist because they're over before you can blink. There is too little difference between seeing someone and killing someone, particularly because every type of weapon seems to have too much range for the type of weapon it is. The pistol in the beta feels like a sub machine gun, the SMG like an assault rifle and the assault rifle too much like a sniper rifle.

I suppose it isn't surprising given the studio in question, but to far too much of an extent Titanfall feels like a spin off of post-Modern Warfare Call of Duty, and I suppose the most recent Call of Duty games feel like a spin off of Titanfall. They aren't exactly the same, but they're a damn sight more similar than any other pair of shooters on the market. Even Battlefront and Battlefield feel more different than these two franchises.


"It doesn't matter how good you are. It's not gonna be 'I kill 3 people/I kill 6 people, so I get a Titan' and the lesser skilled players don't".

"Having the AI in the environment as 'food' to help speed up Titan build time".

"Pilots always working towards a new Titan. It doesn't matter what you're doing, you Titan timer is always happening".

"The regenerating shield was the last thing we figured out in Titan combat to really make it work. Before that, your Titan would get damaged to 10% health and it would be worthless. Adding the shield and letting that regen made them more viable".

"Pilot and Titans should be equally viable (...) We did not spend 80% of our time on either Pilots or Titans and then 20% of our time on the other".


Maybe someone that's working on R2 should watch this? :/
Gears of War 4 is Oct 11th
Playstation VR (and probably Neo) releases Oct 13th
Battlefield 1 is Oct 21st
Titanfall 2 is Oct 28th
Infinite Warfare is Nov 4th (1 week later)
people who preorder IW legacy digitally will get Modern Warfare remastered Oct 5th
Dishonored 2 is Nov 11th
Watch Dogs 2 is Nov 15th
FF15 is Nov 29th

A few of these are going to get thrown to the wayside, and right now based on all the negative feedback from the alpha I really hope EA/Respawn delay Titanfall 2 to Q1 2017. It will be sad if they send it out to die.

So happy to see so many Friday release days on that list. Civ 6 is a Friday release too. Wish this was the new norm.


First one, forgot the name. You'd think a huge plasma rifle the size of a bus would vaporize people quicker.
Yeah that really annoys me. In the first game titans felt truly powerful, but now it can be pretty difficult to even take out a pilot
Man, it's really like a different team worked on this.


The reason the grappling hook should be default is because it would seem the maps are designed around using it. I can't even imagine trying to traverse Homestead without it.

Which is why it sucks. If it weren't for the hook, the maps would be better.


Uninstalled this morning. I thought the maps (and the gameplay overall) were gonna be more free-running friendly etc. I thought the traversal was better in BO3. I dunno, I'll get it if the story mode is good.
I love the idea of various batteries. It actually gives teams some objective to focus on that would be pretty much unique to Titanfall. Could have an Amped Battery that appears.
Yeah it would! And would be a cool risk/reward teamwork sort of mechanic. Who know... Maybe there already is something like that and it's all hush hush!


Yes I keep saying it's crazy how the devs don't think the grappling hook is OP even though the maps are designed around its use and the pilot movement being slow is a direct relation to needing a new mechanic.


Press - MP1st.com
I think one of the biggest problems with is that it seriously encourages camping inside or just outside a bank. The amount of times I checked the perimeter, and tried to drop off 500 dollars only to be killed halfway through is too many to count. The absolutely ridiculously short TTK compounds this issue because you literally have zero time to react to being shot.

The Bounty mode completely contradicts what Respawn is going for, no? They want everyone to run like mad, chain moves, use Titans to kill enemies, but how can you do that when you literally have to go outside your Titan or go to one end of the map to deposit cash?

I've lost count how many times I've had upwards of $600 that I lost since I forgot to deposit it in, or the timer ran out. At this point, I honestly don't care that much since I doubt I'll play this mode come release day. It's just so weird; like Hardline's Heist mode was injected with Titans and you needed to collect cash just because (seriously, why??).

Which is why it sucks. If it weren't for the hook, the maps would be better.

Yep. I think tying grappling hooks to a class is a big mistake. Why would anyone use anything else? If it was just Pilots vs Pilots, maybe? But for Titans, I tried using the other ones and it made me feel useless whenever a Titan showed up.

Also, more issues: Can Networks be set to mute as a default? I've already lost count how many barking dogs, songs that made me want to grind my ears, and people shouting I've heard once I've booted the game up.

Hope the UI is cleaned up as well. I'll screenshot the worst one, but imagine on the right hand side of your screen where it lists down the grunts and their prices, your Titan meter (life) center, and "NEW WAVE" flashing on your screen -- literally blocking your view. Seriously, why do game designers do that?

Might be being daft here but is there a way to check an enemy or teammate's rank in the scoreboard? Speaking of, it should be hold (touchpad) and not press to toggle. Annoying that when checking, you have to toggle it off again. BF4, Overwatch, etc. all used hold to toggle on and off.

Complaints and all, the game is growing on me and it's not the trainwreck as some make it out to be. I firmly believe the game's core issues can be fixed without overhauling the game's engine or whatnot -- at least I hope.


Played this again today to give it another chance and... nope. It's pure ass grease. Cannot believe what they've done to this game. Bounty sucks, it's all sniping/1 shots, titans aren't fun to be in, and movement is boring COD stuff.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.

If CoD can do it now, what makes Titanfall 2 special if it fucks over the core aspects that made sure CoD could never be Titanfall?
You mean BLOPS3? Well Titan Fall 2 don't play like shit for a start.
So this video gives us some answers.


Reading between the lines it near confirms what many have thought, although nothing is explicitly said.

The lack of AI/Bounty replacing attrition: "we listened to the community about reducing the annoyance factor of the AI, try and make them have a real purpose"

There were vocal people who either didn't play the original or gave up after some time. Those that did continue to play saw the AI did have a purpose. They were a resource to reduce Titan build time.

No Titan cool down: "You have to earn a Titan this time, not just given one"

They elaborate a little on this later, but surely you earned your Titan in the original Titanfall by farming the resource (the AI) that served 'no purpose'? Alongside other objectives of course.

So the AI and cooldown go hand in hand.

If Respawn removed the AI first, then removal of the countdown makes sense. Without the' easy' resource to reduce build time, then players could sit tight and wait out for their Titan. The countdown had to go.

If Respawn removed the Cooldown first, then the AI still would make some sense. Kills would still up your Titan meter.

The question is, which came first. The removal of AI or the Titan cool down? I think it has to be the removal of AI.

Which then becomes - why?

The message is the feedback from the 'community', but something doesn't sit right with me on that. Especially when the 'community' that continued to play the game pretty much ignored any modes without AI.

The 'community' has now, overwhelmingly, rejected the change. Reddit, GAF, Twitter, even their own forums. Did Respawn get this so wrong?

Respawn didn't make this change for a laugh. Either it is something they truly believe is right, or there is something else.

I just feel a part of the puzzle is missing.

Well said!

As stated by others, the AI component really was the life-blood/currency of TF1's economy. In essence at times, it felt like a frantic, yet fun arcade shooter where the player either had the option to play for score or play for kills in something like attrition.
Not to mention, it REALLY lended to the whole concept/feel of "player in the midst of a warzone" feel.
Also, because of the constant presence of AI, when a Pilot did show up, it ended up standing out more as here was this elite encounter you had to deal with on the battlefield. For me at least, I felt it played back into the actual lore of the universe.



Just want to say thank you guys so much for the early test key. I also just want to say that people wouldn't be so "crazy" about the issues with this game if they didn't love the first one. Speaking for myself, I have close to 300 hours in TF1. We're all fans, even if this game has a lot of problems, I believe you guys can turn this around. It's feels very weird saying that because I know the game releases in a couple of months and it might even be impossible to change it the way we want but you guys have to try.


You mean BLOPS3? Well Titan Fall 2 don't play like shit for a start.

I don't like CoD at all. And a lot of Titanfall fans don't either... So it wasn't as simple as CoD with mechs. I fear that, now that it is, It's the same fan base that will just prefer the bigger game.


Unconfirmed Member
I never played it in the original and have yet to touch it here. Zero interest and it represents fundamentally when I don't care for in the Titanfall universe.

You're not missing out that's for sure, it was fucking terrible in the first game and it's awful here as well. But then it's just not what I play Titanfall for.


How does radar work. I swear I sometimes dont see enemies in my proximity

Radar is essentially meaningless in this game considering all enemies fucking glow and stick out like sore thumbs.

Picking silenced weapons was a big deal in the first game.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
I don't like CoD at all. And a lot of Titanfall fans don't either... So it wasn't as simple as CoD with mechs. I fear that, now that it is, It's the same fan base that will just prefer the bigger game.
Well I can't stand CODBLOPS3 and just from this test I preordered Titan Fall 2, so they're doing something right.


Radar is essentially meaningless in this game considering all enemies fucking glow and stick out like sore thumbs.

Picking silenced weapons was a big deal in the first game.

Also, pre-patch TF had Titans hidden if they never dashed. Now they show up regardless.

I want to ask, is this the case in TF2?


Yeah I'm also finding that TTK is waaaaay too short - there is absolutely NO time to react at all. Such a bummer.

Also, I never played Titanfall 1.
- How do you jump on an enemy mech and drop in a grenade?
- And how do you throw off an enemy that has jumped on your mech?


I honestly can't comprehend the comparisons to BO3. The wall running and movement in that game is complete shit compared to this.

Also, the TTK is fine. I've had plenty of reversal kills in the 15 games I've played so far. I'm literally always sprinting around the map and sliding so it's hard for someone to get a complete drop on me and kill me without me being able to do anything.

I feel this game encourages you more to know the map and use it to your advantage. Getting shot from across the map? Grapple hook around a silo or tall rock and get to cover/hunt them.

The pilot movement is indeed a bit slower, but I feel as if it makes every class a bit more viable, including snipers. I absolutely hated sniping in TF1, but it feels good in this game. (Was there bullet drop in TF1? It feels great here)

Overall I feel the gameplay is a refinement of TF1. Every move feels smoother and better to pull off. The slide is amazing and the grappling hook is a game changer in terms of traversal.

Regarding Bounty Hunt, I like it a lot more compared to Attrition. I didn't really see the point of having the AI In TF1 . Sure it helped your Titan timer to feel a bit shorter, but I definitely like that Titans are something you have to earn. Titans in this game are absolute killing machines if you use them properly. I've seen a few comments saying that it's hard to kill pilots in a Titan. Complete bullshit. Pilots feel like bugs against Titans in this game. And the battery mechanic is just great. I've managed to hold onto my Titan for an entire round because of this mechanic. I think the further we get away from regenerating health in every FPS the better.

Regarding the bank and the camping. I like the concept, I agree that it encourages camping, but the game has given plenty of ways to counter it. Throwing an electric smoke grenade has saved my ass from suffering against campers. I feel this mechanic adds a certain tactical aspect to the mode. You don't just get points and win. You get points and you have to be careful with those points if you want to win. The game mode encourages planning your position accordingly. Bounty almost done? Start heading back and keep your eyes peeled for enemies doing the same. Get the drop on the and then deposit when you know it's safe.

It also allows for some sick comebacks if you manage to deny a very performant player on the other team and cash in his points at the last second. Feels so good.

I feel that overall, Bounty Hunt allows for more strategic play than Attrition, which honestly felt more like TDM than anything else.

All in all, I'm super hyper for this game and can't wait to see and play more.


After playing a few hours of Titanfall 2. I have decided that yeah, it's shit.

The only good thing about Titanfall 2 is the grappling hook... which should be a standard feature.

Delay the game and go back to the drawing board. The game has no business launching next to Battlefield 1 anyway.

I'm not even angry but rather feeling betrayed. Pre-order legit cancelled.


Yeah I'm also finding that TTK is waaaaay too short - there is absolutely NO time to react at all. Such a bummer.

Also, I never played Titanfall 1.
- How do you jump on an enemy mech and drop in a grenade?
- And how do you throw off an enemy that has jumped on your mech?

You jumped on the back and used your gun to shoot out the main panel.

You had to get out and shoot them. Or you could use the Electric Smoke to kill them.

As for the TTK, the more you move and the less you become predictable in movement, the higher your survivability.


Yeah I'm also finding that TTK is waaaaay too short - there is absolutely NO time to react at all. Such a bummer.

Also, I never played Titanfall 1.
- How do you jump on an enemy mech and drop in a grenade?
- And how do you throw off an enemy that has jumped on your mech?

I believe you throw a grenade inside when the battery has already been pulled. So if you work with a teammate you can pull the battery and then while you escape and have the other pilot chase you, have someone else mount the Titan again to finish it off while it's distracted. Makes for some pretty sweet plays.

For your second question, I believe electric smoke is still in. So there's that. Otherwise you need to disembark and hunt them down.

EDIT: were your Q's related to TF1 or TF2?


I'd be in the dick
The more I think about it, the more convinced I am that adding the Titan timers back would help a lot of the issues I have with them. They're so rare that right now everyone focus fires on them when they do come down and combined with how easy they are to rodeo, they get taken out fast.

Sou Da

So this video gives us some answers.


Reading between the lines it near confirms what many have thought, although nothing is explicitly said.

The lack of AI/Bounty replacing attrition: "we listened to the community about reducing the annoyance factor of the AI, try and make them have a real purpose"

There were vocal people who either didn't play the original or gave up after some time. Those that did continue to play saw the AI did have a purpose. They were a resource to reduce Titan build time.

No Titan cool down: "You have to earn a Titan this time, not just given one"

They elaborate a little on this later, but surely you earned your Titan in the original Titanfall by farming the resource (the AI) that served 'no purpose'? Alongside other objectives of course.

So the AI and cooldown go hand in hand.

If Respawn removed the AI first, then removal of the countdown makes sense. Without the' easy' resource to reduce build time, then players could sit tight and wait out for their Titan. The countdown had to go.

If Respawn removed the Cooldown first, then the AI still would make some sense. Kills would still up your Titan meter.

The question is, which came first. The removal of AI or the Titan cool down? I think it has to be the removal of AI.

Which then becomes - why?

The message is the feedback from the 'community', but something doesn't sit right with me on that. Especially when the 'community' that continued to play the game pretty much ignored any modes without AI.

The 'community' has now, overwhelmingly, rejected the change. Reddit, GAF, Twitter, even their own forums. Did Respawn get this so wrong?

Respawn didn't make this change for a laugh. Either it is something they truly believe is right, or there is something else.

I just feel a part of the puzzle is missing.
Reviewers didn't like those elements, look at other EA sequels.
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