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Trump: Lester Holt Shouldn't Fact Check Monday's Debate

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To be fair, if the host interjects every time they find a false fact from Drumpf, they're going to have a hard time keeping the debate under 4 hours. Instead they should just have a ticker at the bottom running at all times calling it out in text. That would be more efficient.
That'd be hilarious. I'm all for it.


Gold Member
What time will this be, European time? Probably in the middle of the night? Would be sweet to watch this, but I guess I'll probably have to find an archived version the day after.
I hope he gets so thoroughly destroyed that he slips up and calls Hillary a bitch or a cunt. If that doesn't finally sink him, I don't know what will.


There's been rumors for a while that he wouldn't show anymore after the first debate if it goes poorly for him.

Further solidifying his fucking legendary cowardice.

Clinton just needs one absolutely solid landslide on this first one.


To be fair, if the host interjects every time they find a false fact from Trump, they're going to have a hard time keeping the debate under 4 hours. Instead they should just have a ticker at the bottom running at all times calling it out in text. That would be more efficient.

It would probably end up looking like that Hot Shots Part Deux body count scene.


Further solidifying his fucking legendary cowardice.

Clinton just needs one absolutely solid landslide on this first one.

HRC *has* to be aware that the media is going to give it to Trump simply if he manages to meet the incredibly lowered expectations for him. And she has to know she can't let him have that narrative, either. I actually expect her to be pretty aggressive -- and she'll have plenty of room to fact check even if Holt buckles.


The way he destroyed Paul Ryan belongs to history books. He made him look like an incompetent tool, and that's a man with actual political experience. Not only he snatched his soul on live TV, but he did so without looking like a bully and keeping a smile on his face during most of the debate.

I feel like Hillary may come out too stern, which could play straight into Trump's hands if he gets the beating he'll probably get. Biden, though, nobody would acuse crazy uncle Joe of being a bully, even if we all know he would scalp Trump's toupee just for shit and giggles. It would be such an spectacle.

I feel like if it was Trump vs Biden, Trump would get flustered and disparage Biden for having a bunch of family members die, and that would be that.
I can't speak to percentages, but Trump holds a tenuous grip on a not insignificant portion of undecideds and the more principled members of Republican base. If he comes across as a crass, completely ignorant doofus, it could convince some of them to abstain from voting for him. He may not go down in flames, but it could tip a few battleground states more blue.

I think the low expectations of him in the debate is a double edged sword. If he stay's above water that is decent, but Hillary will still look better than him depending on what she does. Staying calm, defending herself properly, and introducing herself right will make her look better even if he does survive. If people expect him to do that then their opinion won't necessary change towards either candidate much, besides some final having an excuse to back one or the other. I see it that Trump needs to do far more than having his expectations being met, he needs to far exceed them.

The thing that Donald Trump has over Clinton is dominating his opponents with a little more than bluster and putting his opponents down. His opponents usually don't go on the assault because of that. However, anything besides that he crumbles and can't keep up because he does not know what he is talking about. It makes him look really stupid, and if he is under pressure it looks like he can't handle himself. The lying isn't really the biggest problem he has, but is that fact that a lot things he can say is very vague and lacking in detail; very easy to attack and some the things he proposals; very easy to attack. Hillary has the moral high ground just from being his adversary she can really easily take a strong stance against his ideas and very easily tare them apart. She'll score easy points just from doing that.

His bluster and taunts might not work against Hillary and it seems that it never did, but sometimes it did look like she looses her composure from irritation from certain questions, however it looks like she is preparing for that. Hillary has a lot to use against Trump, the main problem is utilizing it at the right time since he can be pretty unpredictable.


Also it really needs to be said again, but for the candidate who continuously claims to be "tough" and "thick skinned", my god what a whiner. He never stops whinging and complaining about how unfair everything is.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Also it really needs to be said again, but for the candidate who continuously claims to be "tough" and "thick skinned", my god what a whiner. He never stops whinging and complaining about how unfair everything is.

Well yes, stereotypical bullies are actually the ones with the thinnest skin lol
In my post, I talk about how Obama and Romney were both "right", depending on your point of view. A point of view which usually (oh so conveniently) happens to correlate with party affiliation.




A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
I get the feeling most people don't think a women can bully a man. In fact I would say most people would get that impression more easily the other way around, as sexist as it is.

I believe many would call that "nagging" or "being a bitch" if it comes from a woman.


You don't get to bring friends.
I hope he gets so thoroughly destroyed that he slips up and calls Hillary a bitch or a cunt. If that doesn't finally sink him, I don't know what will.

More likely it won't do much to sink him or with his supporters. Heck a lot of them will call him brave for calling her those things to her face
Source? Is this your definition of the debates? Read what I wrote above. Debates have not been about moderaters fact checking for as long as I can remember.

Political debates are different then they were even 10 years ago. The role of the moderator on a broadcast presidential debate is not the same as it was. More than ever these debates are viewed as a significant source of information for a large number of viewers, and appropriately the moderator is expected to have an increased responsibility for maintaining the debate's validity.



He's right. The debate is between two presidential candidates. The moderator's job is to moderate, not debate. That's how it's always been. The whole fact checking, interview style nonsense is something that started this year in the primaries. I remember Fox News playing clips and asking candidates to defend themselves. umm, hes not debating Fox News. You have your own shows to do this.

Same goes for Jorge Ramos asking Hillary to promise free citizenship to all. WTF is that. You are supposed to pose a topic to BOTH candidates and let them duke it out. Your only job is to make sure they dont go over their time. That's it.

We have fact checks on the morning papers for a reason.

The problem is with how fast Trump lies, not fact checking it could make some of his speaking points sounds true to people.


There's been rumors for a while that he wouldn't show anymore after the first debate if it goes poorly for him.

This is the worst possible move Trump could make. Bailing on one of the primary debates cost him Iowa to Ted Cruz. Skipping the last two debates would equal about three hours of Hillary standing up on a stage by herself, talking about her policy proposals on broadcast television to almost a 3rd of the US. The election would be over almost a full month before it starts.


Rodent Whores
Obama was responding to the specific words Romney used, which he was absolutely correct on.

Even if you make the argument that Romney used the wrong words, his statement is still pretty idiotic.

Perhaps, but even Crowley admits that he was right "in the main".


No Scrubs
This is the worst possible move Trump could make. Bailing on one of the primary debates cost him Iowa to Ted Cruz. Skipping the last two debates would equal about three hours of Hillary standing up on a stage by herself, talking about her policy proposals on broadcast television to almost a 3rd of the US. The election would be over almost a full month before it starts.

Just said it was a rumor, wouldn't put it past him though. Especially if Clinton plays bocce ball with his head.


As a non-American who will not be voting in the US Presidential Election, I absolutely agree with Trump. I don't want debates slowed down with nonsense like fact checking and whatever. I'm just here for the entertainment, I want to see the candidates tear each other apart, I want to see meltdowns and tears, I don't want facts.


When you see the difference in ratio between Trump and Clinton about Fact vs BS, you totally understand why he doesn't want to be fact checked.

Heck, he even lied about Crowley being wrong in this very statement.


Is anyone else worried about an upset during the debates? This really feels like a sure win team walking into a no-win team and a major upset about to happen. No facts or reason to support that, just a weird feeling of over expectations on Clinton having a sure fire slam dunk.

Clinton & her team sure aren't preparing like that. They're prepping hard for it.

As said, the only issue is if Trump isn't a walking dumpster fire and "wins" just because he doesn't completely meltdown on stage.


Indeed. The European far left is bizarrely close to America's alt right in so many aspects.

No, they just think she has had an absolute terrible foreign policy. She's not liked here by a lot of people on left, centrum or right.

It's communists, socialists, socialdemocrats, even some conservatives that calls her that.
Trump's going to be in such a bad mood by the end of the debate. It's going to be hilarious.

I think I did tremendously in the debates, many people have said that. I think Croocked Hillary was very dishonest, very very dishonest and still couldnt beat me in my tremendous debate. It was huuuge. Let me tell you.. Many people have said that it was.


Obviously, because he has a vested interest in the debate being nothing more than a hot-air blowing contest. That is his specialty.


So what happens if the moderators call him out on a blatant lie in the middle of the debate? What's his back-up plan? What happens if they press him for real details on his policies and he has nothing to say because he has no policies, just slogans?

Why do you think he's been pushing all these "It's rigged!", "The moderators will be biased against me!" ideas for months in advance? He knows this is going to be the absolute worst environment for his shtick. No cheering or booing crowd, fact-checking moderators who will cut his mic if he starts throwing a tantrum, and an opponent who is experienced at debates and out to destroy him here (unlike his Primary debates where his Republican opponents can't attack him that much because they are still Republicans and overlap with him on many issues).

It doesn't matter if he's called out. Reason is not the appeal of Trump, bravado is. You can't have a debate against bravado.


I hope he gets so thoroughly destroyed that he slips up and calls Hillary a bitch or a cunt. If that doesn't finally sink him, I don't know what will.

He'd get a bump from his base for that. They hate women, minorities and Muslims. They'd applaud him being a chauvinist.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Perhaps, but even Crowley admits that he was right "in the main".

Which leads me to the next question, should debate moderators call out absolutely asinine points? Forget that Romney fucked up his talking points for a sec. His implication was basically that Obama either supports or is sympathetic to Al Qaeda and other Islamic terrorist organizations, which is why he supposedly didn't want to use such words.

Does this make Romney look any better?


Neo Member
I'm hoping that Trump just completely goes blank on some of the questions or gets so overwhelmed by Hillary attacking him and the Moderator HOPEFULLY fact checking his lies, that he just walks off stage.

And honestly, I can totally see something like that happening.


I hope he gets so thoroughly destroyed that he slips up and calls Hillary a bitch or a cunt. If that doesn't finally sink him, I don't know what will.

I believe the official term for that is "telling it like it is," right?

I'm hoping that Trump just completely goes blank on some of the questions or gets so overwhelmed by Hillary attacking him and the Moderator HOPEFULLY fact checking his lies, that he just walks off stage.

And honestly, I can totally see something like that happening.

He'll just keep interrupting with snide laughs, eye-rolls, and "that's what you think" type dismissals of the truth. And no one will have the balls to shut him down, they'll just childishly interrupt each other until it gets dropped and then everyone moves along. That's how it goes on every news network when the facts are brought up to those in the Trump camp, and it won't be any different for the debate.
I hope he gets so thoroughly destroyed that he slips up and calls Hillary a bitch or a cunt. If that doesn't finally sink him, I don't know what will.

Trump could call Hillary a bitch in the debate, and his polls will go up. The people voting against Hillary HATE her and they'll view it as a moment of candor rather than the hateful, disrespectful comment that it is.

If he called her a cunt, it might be too much, but I personally know people who would relish that too. That's what 25+ years of being dragged through the mud by the right will do to a person's reputation.


He's right. The debate is between two presidential candidates. The moderator's job is to moderate, not debate. That's how it's always been. The whole fact checking, interview style nonsense is something that started this year in the primaries. I remember Fox News playing clips and asking candidates to defend themselves. umm, hes not debating Fox News. You have your own shows to do this.

Same goes for Jorge Ramos asking Hillary to promise free citizenship to all. WTF is that. You are supposed to pose a topic to BOTH candidates and let them duke it out. Your only job is to make sure they dont go over their time. That's it.

We have fact checks on the morning papers for a reason.


This is one of the few key events that both sides will be watching simultaneously that's being broadcast live so the respective news outlets can't put their trademark spin on it.

You think a republican watching Fox news the next day gets an unbiased look at the debate and the facts presented? Come on. Same goes for other news outlets, they all put their own spin on things.

No, this debate is live, both sides are watching and the nominees should be held accountable for every word with immediate correction if they blather off nonsense. That's the only way to show both sides the real nominees.
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