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VGleaks: Orbis Unveiled! [Updated]


Yes, let us hope that comes to fruition. However, I would like to make a correction for future reference because every megabyte matters.

In case of 512MB consumption:

(4 X 1024) - 512 = 3584MB not 3.5GB

In case of 256MB consumption:

(4 x 1024) - 256 = 3840MB not 3.75GB

Quit trolling. This is getting massively annoying.

3.5 GB is 3584 MB.
3.75 GB is 3840 MB.

1GB is 1024 MB.



In case of 512MB consumption:

(4 X 1024) - 512 = 3584MB not 3.5GB

In case of 256MB consumption:

(4 x 1024) - 256 = 3840MB not 3.75GB

3.5GB is 3584MB though. Both are the same amount, just written using different orders of magnitude.


Fafracer forever
NBtoaster said:
He's a dev, and most devs don't seem to think very positively of gamecube hardware.
Yes - it can't possibly be that internet/Gaf has a low opinion of XBox1 relative to its competition.
If Sony release this later in Europe, by a similar time frame as PS3, they can kiss my ass. I'll buy Durango and wait till the PS4 drops in price. We (well, Europe) are Sony's most loyal fan base, far as I'm concerned they should release it first here if anything lol.

you act as if its so easy lol. I'm sure Sony would launch in EU first if they could, but the fact of the matter is that the EU region consists of many different countries and therefore many different policies, languages, regulations, etc. whereas NA is much faster/easier to launch in.


Yes - it can't possibly be that internet/Gaf has a low opinion of XBox1 relative to its competition.

Even for being a developer... That's just a ridiculous blanket statement when describing the power difference between Cube and Xbox.

But hey, it's Hyperbole. And you're not alone in this thread.

That goes for both sides.
If Sony release this later in Europe, by a similar time frame as PS3, they can kiss my ass. I'll buy Durango and wait till the PS4 drops in price. We (well, Europe) are Sony's most loyal fan base, far as I'm concerned they should release it first here if anything lol.

A four month gap would be completely unacceptable these days, especially to their kindest market.

I'm expecting US/EU this fall, Japan early 2014. It makes sense to take advantage of the Christmas sales boost in their strongest territories since Japan doesn't really celebrate it and doesn't care much about consoles anymore.

Like I said previously, I think Sony needs to move on from tradition and launch the thing in the U.S. and Europe first. Go after Japan later. That country just doesn't seem to care about consoles these days.

Enjoy your Xbox, lol. If you're so concerned about getting a console first maybe a some one from Europe should make one. Until then you're always going to be last.


Enjoy your Xbox, lol. If you're so concerned about getting a console first maybe a some one from Europe should make one. Until then you're always going to be last.

Yeah. I'm American, by the way. I'm speaking from a business perspective, not whining about my poor fate.


Gaf is going to be disappointed when this thing is finally announced.
No way Sony can live up to some of these expectations.
I count myself lucky if there is even a HDMI cable included this time, let alone BC, free PS eye, move controller, DS4.


Is this really going to have Cell and RSX on board? Or that was just a dumb rumour?

No leaked or rumoured specs have shown any form of hardware BC.

It's looking highly likely that the PS4 will not have BC. Unless there is a separate hardware add-on (as per the Sony patent from a year or so ago).
No leaked or rumoured specs have shown any form of hardware BC.

It's looking highly likely that the PS4 will not have BC. Unless there is a separate hardware add-on (as per the Sony patent from a year or so ago).
Would dev kits have any BC parts in them? I think not unless they can be used towards next gen games


Would dev kits have any BC parts in them? I think not unless they can be used towards next gen games

You'd imagine the final dev kits would have all the right bits in, but early 'target' dev kits wouldn't.

I'd also imagine that if the PS4 was to include a Cell for BC, it wouldn't just sit there idle when running PS4 code, but would be used for co-processing something or other. So would need to be in the final dev kits.

Maybe the 4 extra compute CUs will allow for Cell emulation. I don't know if that's even possible though.


What the hell is the OS doing that it needs 3 GB during gaming? Does your XBL avatar dance around on screen when you unlock an achievement?

He jumps out and high-fives the main character of the game you're playing, while a nuke goes off behind them and a quick loud metal riff plays. Then he jumps offscreen and your character seamlessly resumes gameplay.


I'd be in the dick
You'd imagine the final dev kits would have all the right bits in, but early 'target' dev kits wouldn't.

I'd also imagine that if the PS4 was to include a Cell for BC, it wouldn't just sit there idle when running PS4 code, but would be used for co-processing something or other.

Maybe the 4 extra compute CUs will allow for Cell emulation. I don't know if that's even possible though.

I don't think they will. When we first heard of the extra compute module it seemed like that may have been Cell related which gave me some hope for BC but this leak has shot that down.

These also aren't dev kit specs, these are the target final specs for the console itself. If there was any hardware BC it would probably be here.


Fafracer forever
Reiko said:
But hey, it's Hyperbole. And you're not alone in this thread.
My initial post was obviously laced with sarcasm. But that generation, porting PS2/GC -> XBox was significantly easier than PS2<->GC let alone XBox->PS2/GC.
And there were specific cases of XBox ports getting "free" upgrades in resolution and/or framerate, which might have been more common if the platform wasn't a market-failure.
PS4 just needs a means to interface with supposed BC add-on. Devs don't need to know shit about it. Would they even be privy to that kind of info unrelated to their development contracts? Haven't heard any of the Sony source users here mention it at all other than no BC inside PS4.

As far as the mic array goes, I used it recently while playing borderlands with a friend who also had one. We heard each other fine. We could tell we were 'in a room' but it by no means made us harder to hear. A next gen eye with a better array and software acceleration could make it all a non issue.

Right now all I'm concerned with is the controller, console chassis design, release window, and what developer support is looking like.


Tier Whore
If you don't want to talk to anyone or hear anyone why would you put on a mic or join a chat?

Nah dude he is right... some games just shove the chat sounds in your ears if you do or dont have a mic... I hate hearing some fools chatting away while I m playing. Had to mute every single person in ssf4 or cod... a real pain!


Not in my experience. Picks up background noise depending on distance.

& when was this? & how did you know it was a PS-Eye?

Sony updated the FW so people couldn't take the PS-Eye mic volume up passed 3.

& I've played against people using the PS-Eye as a mic & had no problems & no one has complained when I'm using the PS-Eye.





Can some knowledgeable person attribute each console to one of these superheroes?
You'd imagine the final dev kits would have all the right bits in, but early 'target' dev kits wouldn't.

I'd also imagine that if the PS4 was to include a Cell for BC, it wouldn't just sit there idle when running PS4 code, but would be used for co-processing something or other. So would need to be in the final dev kits.

Maybe the 4 extra compute CUs will allow for Cell emulation. I don't know if that's even possible though.
I really doubt the Cell would be used for co-processing. At best it would be used for OS tasks.


Gaf is going to be disappointed when this thing is finally announced.
No way Sony can live up to some of these expectations.
I count myself lucky if there is even a HDMI cable included this time, let alone BC, free PS eye, move controller, DS4.

Quite sure it will be included in the cost.


RE: Backwards Compatibility.

If you took a high end PC from when the PS3 was released and the current PCSX2 emulator, what would the results be like? Could you play PS2 games at their original resolution and frame rate?

The PS3 manages near perfect software emulation of PS2 games. Didn't PS2 emulation on PCs only really start coming into its own in the past few years with the i7 and (compared to the PS3) high end graphics cards?

rdrr gnr

& when was this? & how did you know it was a PS-Eye?

Sony updated the FW so people couldn't take the PS-Eye mic volume up passed 3.

& I've played against people using the PS-Eye as a mic & had no problems & no one has complained when I'm using the PS-Eye.
It was a while back to be honest. And I asked explicitly because all I heard was nonsense. I also had a friend on my list that used the Eye for a mic after his Bluetooth ran out of battery, but his set-up may have been unconventional.


Games have been using LZW/ZLIB compression derivatives for disk-data since the PS1. It's been pretty much standard from PS2 generation (and basically free, from processing perspective).
So no, it won't mean reduced sizes, or improved load/download times because it's already used - pretty much everywhere. It will offload some CPU overhead, and possibly programmer/testing overhead in initial implementations.

sure, that's what I said, my assumption was that a dedicated decompresser might be more efficient than the process being done in software running on the CPU.


Is anyone putting stock in the recent B3D discussion about how it is 18+4 and not 14+4 setup?

3.5GB is 3584MB though. Both are the same amount, just written using different orders of magnitude.

In a thread where some members still think 8GB is outright better than 4GB because of sheer size and care not to know of the ram type, accurate information is scarce and precious. I just posted that information chart to ensure that accuracy does not get lost in translation.

Futurusx: Quote that picture.


I just posted that information chart to ensure that accuracy does not get lost in translation.

Then you failed spectacularly! You post made it look like you were stating that 3584MB and 3.5GB are two separate amounts, which is not the case.
Is anyone putting stock in the recent B3D discussion about how it is 18+4 and not 14+4 setup?

No, current belief is that it's 18 CUs, with 4 of those CUs having an extra Scalar ALU or SIMD to allow for compute purposes if the developers desire, otherwise the extra Scalar ALU or SIMD can be used to help boost the graphical performance slightly


Then you failed spectacularly! You post made it look like you were stating that 3584MB and 3.5GB are two separate amounts, which is not the case.

Really? It was just a polite reminder that the multiplier is 1024 and not 1000. I guess, I will have to be more articulate and explicit next time around.

No, current belief is that it's 18 CUs, with 4 of those CUs having an extra Scalar ALU or SIMD to allow for compute purposes if the developers desire, otherwise the extra Scalar ALU or SIMD can be used to help boost the graphical performance slightly

Imagine if Durango has 12+x set up for GPGPU functionality.
Imagine if Durango has 12+x set up for GPGPU functionality.

If Durango does have an extra set of shaders (400 GFlops worth) for GPGPU purposes, it could bring Durango closer to Orbis' performance.

However, from the info we currently have that doesn't seem to be the case.

Data move engines, audio/video chips, etc. have been mostly suggested.

Sounds like the 2 systems are going to be very close in power. Good news for everyone.

It's a big assumption at this point that Durango has a 400+ GFLOP special sauce chip on the side somewhere.
Not unless there is a way to universally mute everyone. Worst thing about this gen is cross game chat and im sure PS4 will have it. If you are not playing the same game I am, I don't want to hear you. Even if you are playing the same game I might not want to hear you.

This makes no sense.

Why would you join a cross game chat with someone you dont want to talk to?


ADD New Gen Gamer
I don't even expect the next Xbox to ship with a mic since the Kinect is the mic.

I don't even know why you would want to include one. I already have one, tons of people with phones already have a bluetooth headset, and you can walk into a store and buy a decent one for 15 bucks.

I think they should not include one, makes a slight barrier to entry for the assholes, and enthusiast gamers probably already have one anyway.


Probably already answered but.. what would the GPU be closest to. 7XXX?
GPU is based on AMD&#8217;s &#8220;R10XX&#8221; (Southern Islands) architecture
DirectX 11.1+ feature set
Liverpool is an enhanced version of the architecture
18 Compute Units (CUs)
Hardware balanced at 14 CUs
Shared 512 KB of read/write L2 cache
800 Mhz
1.843 Tflops, 922 GigaOps/s
Dual shader engines
18 texture units
8 Render backends


Couldn't they have just left the GPU untouched with all it's 18CU's and simply used an X amount for "other" tasks on a per game basis?
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