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Who needs games: PlayStation 4's first year [EUROGAMER]

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I will say it is pretty hilarious when fanboys try to discredit ISS as disappointing but elevate SO because of its great reviews when they pretty much have the same MC.

SO can appeal more to you then ISS of course.

Personally I love my PS4. All those amazing indie games have added up to me but I can see them not appealing to many people. But the "no games" "argument" is complete bullshit and should be mocked any time its used for any console.


I'm somewhat surprised this thread is this long and heated. I mean, we've had threads asking "so when does next gen start?" and moaning "cross-gen releases and/or remasters suck" pretty consistently throughout the entire year. This article doesn't say much that differs from what I thought of as common sentiment. Looks like my impression was incomplete.

It was common sentiment, until a reputed website had the audacity to write it down.
It's fairly accurate. Well, except for indie games. PS4 is killing it on indie games. X1 wins on retail games. I bought a PS4 at launch because power/price and passed on X1 until a few months ago, but now that I have an X1 I find I play it more, and also use it more for media. I'm not super into indies though, otherwise I'd probably play PS4 more.


That's not true. EG wrote an article about MS wanting to kill game ownership and 'expecting you to smile'. It was about as critical as it gets.

They were strongly against the original vision. To say otherwise is not correct.

It was written during E3, when the tide was overwhelming. Where was the criticism pre-june?


It's a thread about this article in a discussion forum about video games. I participate in the threads that I find entertaining and this is one of them.

I think this article is bad so I think it's fun to talk about it in how many ways it is.

Yes, because then he would directly talk on behalf of me and wouldn't have represented me accurately.

I don't find it all that bad, in fact maybe things like this will help Sony kick it up and have them wanting to produce even more games. But next year we won't be even seeing articles like this anyway once all the big games start coming out and every first year console is gonna have these droughts as well as articles of stuff like this. I mean I felt last gen was actually much worse in it's first year than this gen has been atleast, especially in terms of 3rd party. I do feel the article is right though about first party being weak this year, but the Xbox 1 was no different, as is any other first year console. Hell Wii U was horrible during it's first year, but it's second year ended up having quite a few good first party games.
There will be a bunch of praise and coverage from media in 2 weeks. Media can do some negative ps4 news while x1 has some awesome sales. Each console gets its day, even Nintendo will get the hype train with smash.

interesting user made a post here though...gonna make a separate thread about it later maybe. The killer app comment is more interesting than this article.


Lol, are you serious right now? So now we change the argument from "no games" to "no good games" and than the final transformation of "no games I like."

since numbers are not on their side...it is a natural conclusion.
Seems pretty obvious (at least to me) this article is subjective
Attacking it on its objectivity is only showing yours.
Only thing i dislike is the way he use "we" to speak his opinion.
but have you read the article or just the title ?


The "better multiplatforms" argument is laughable. The fact is that those games can be played on another platforms.

And the better version of those games is on PC anyways.
I hate the word "Killer App" because it's such a buzz term that's suppose to mean something.

It doesn't mean shit besides, "The latest game we want you to want"

When that's all subjective.
It was common sentiment, until a reputed website had the audacity to write it down.

It was common sentiment that some us have not agree with since consoles launch.
When some of us were saying people going buy the system for the new FIFA , BF , AC , COD etc etc even if they still on old gen systems.


extra source of jiggaflops
I don't find it all that bad, in fact maybe things like this will help Sony kick it up and have them wanting to produce even more games. But next year we won't be even seeing articles like this anyway once all the big games start coming out and every first year console is gonna have these droughts as well as articles of stuff like this. I mean I felt last gen was actually much worse in it's first year than this gen has been atleast, especially in terms of 3rd party. I do feel the article is right though about first party being weak this year, but the Xbox 1 was no different, as is any other first year console. Hell Wii U was horrible during it's first year, but it's second year ended up having quite a few good first party games.
Given the lead time of new games, even if this article or others like it this month would have any effect we wouldn't see those effects until 3 years from now.

I find this article bad because it pretends to speak for others when he should just speak about his own experience.
I'm not responsible that the author bought a device that he thinks didn't deliver. I think with the wealth of information available to him especially it's clearly on him.

If someone is unhappy with anything I usually recommend to get rid of it, because you're not going to change a lot when so many other voices are also speaking. Just ride it out as long as you enjoy the ride and if you have to puke, get off.

Edit: To make the last point more clear: You are of course entitled to complain about anything you feel like, but if something gives you distress over a long period of time then just get rid of it.
People have VERY short term memories here. Looks like it's me that is going to bring some knowledge here about PS3's first year exclusives.

PS3 First Year Exclusives (2007):

Enchanted Arms
Heavenly Sword
Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction
Uncharted 1: Drake's Fortune

Lair was 1080p. 1080p. There was much talk about HOLY FUCK ONLY PS3 CAN DO 1080p.

(it was 960x1080p, but somehow nobody got crucified for massive horizontal scaling)
The "better multiplatforms" argument is laughable. The fact is that those games can be played on another platforms.

And the better version of those games is on PC anyways.
Which happens to be the same case with X1 exclusives.
They may also end up on PC, "with the better version."
Killzone - Titanfall
Knack - Ryse
Killer instinct - guilty gear
Infamous - sunset overdrive
Halo - the last of us
Project spark - little big planet
Forza - drive club
Tons of indies - what's an indie?
War thunder - ?????
DC universe - ?????
Black light - ????
FFXIV - ????

Well there goes that argument


People have VERY short term memories here. Looks like it's me that is going to bring some knowledge here about PS3's first year exclusives.

PS3 First Year Exclusives (2007):

Heavenly Sword
Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction
Uncharted 1: Drake's Fortune

if only i can actually play something like ratchet on my ps4.


Xbox One has been delivering on the exclusives for me already. But I went ahead and bought the PS4 back in September because I know that games like Bloodborne, The Order, Rime, WIld and No Man's Sky are on the way. Nothing to worry about.


Spot-on article I guess. That's why I haven't bought a PS4 yet (the lack of a real "must have" game, the PSN frequent problems and the thumb-sticks getting worn out) Their holiday line-up is a joke (but LBP3 looks really cool to be honest, but it'll be also on PS3 so...). I'm not interested in any of the exclusives released so far for PS4 and I just can't believe Sony is using GTA V (a remaster of a year old game) to bundle the console with ANOTHER remaster of a year old game (The Last of Us) as it's main holiday bundle... It's like they are repeating 2013 all over again but now everything at 1080p.

Next year will be excellent though since it's when the big games start to drop like Bloodborne, MGS V and Uncharted 4. But then, 2015 is gonna be excellent for all the three consoles. Each one having great games/exclusives and stuff.
And here I am, picking up like 3 PS4 games on Tuesday. God, I hate this narrative. Yes, Sony first party was rather lacking, but MS wasn't much better. Besides, WWS jist came off one of the strongest years in 2013, while MS basically has done nothing for years.
Killzone - Titanfall
Knack - Ryse
Killer instinct - guilty gear
Infamous - sunset overdrive
Halo - the last of us
Project spark - little big planet
Forza - drive club
Tons of indies - what's an indie?
War thunder - ?????
DC universe - ?????
Black light - ????
FFXIV - ????

Well there goes that argument

Forza Horizon 2 is a fantastic game, Titanfall too.


Eurogamer showing their true colours, disgusting.

Reads like a Gamefaqs post.

No doubt. Oli Welsh sounds like a disgruntled Xbox fanboy who's jealous that most consumers have chosen the PS4 over one of the most unappealing consoles ever (Xbox One), so he has to talk shit about the product.

Because by telling us there are no games on the PS4 it suggests there are more games on the XB1. I haven't seen one article about 'no games' for the XB1 and yet it has less games than the PS4.

Which is very ironic, considering that most of the exclusives on Xbox One are also on Xbox 360 & on PC.
Killzone - Titanfall
Knack - Ryse
Killer instinct - guilty gear
Infamous - sunset overdrive
Halo - the last of us
Project spark - little big planet
Forza - drive club
Tons of indies - what's an indie?
War thunder - ?????
DC universe - ?????
Black light - ????
FFXIV - ????

Well there goes that argument

Exactly, I really want to know where this whole MS has better exclusives thing started, because I don't see it. And they've got a terrible 2015 linup for the most part


Regularly boosts GAF member count to cry about 'right wing gaf' - Voter #3923781
Killzone - Titanfall
Knack - Ryse
Killer instinct - guilty gear
Infamous - sunset overdrive
Halo - the last of us
Project spark - little big planet
Forza - drive club
Tons of indies - what's an indie?
War thunder - ?????
DC universe - ?????
Black light - ????
FFXIV - ????

Well there goes that argument

Why stop there.


Then the first quarter of 2015,

The Order: 1886


This isn't "Microsoft vs. Sony," this is just about PS4's first year.

It's very, very difficult to argue with Eurogamer's conclusion that if you hadn't bought a PS4 this year you could easily have had just as good a time playing the same games on PS3.

Speak for yourself.

I bought a PS4 to play BF4 with 64 players and full maps.

I have the game on PS3, but it's limited to 24 players and some maps are considerably smaller than the PS4 version.

The difference is night and day.

Shadow of Mordor on the PS3 and 360 ditches the Nemesis system and frankly shouldn't even exist since the Nemesis System is the biggest attractive of the game IMO.

You can still have a good time on last gen consoles, but there is no arguing that you're going to have a better time on the current ones.

How many people bought a PS4 for Killzone, Knack or Driveclub? The overwhelming majority bought it for COD, BF, AC and other multiplatform releases and the best console version of most of those games is available on the PS4 not the PS3 or the 360 (yes I know about Unity).
Spot-on article I guess. That's why I haven't bought a PS4 yet (the lack of a real "must have" game, the PSN frequent problems and the thumb-sticks getting worn out) Their holiday line-up is a joke (but LBP3 looks really cool to be honest, but it'll be also on PS3 so...). I'm not interested in any of the exclusives released so far for PS4 and I just can't believe Sony is using GTA V (a remaster of a year old game) to bundle the console with ANOTHER remaster of a year old game (The Last of Us) as it's main holiday bundle... It's like they are repeating 2013 all over again but now everything at 1080p.

Next year will be excellent though since it's when the big games start to drop like Bloodborne, MGS V and Uncharted 4. But then, 2015 is gonna be excellent for all the three consoles. Each one having great games/exclusives and stuff.

You can't believe Sony is going bundle a game that going out sell every exclusives that come out this year.
To help sell there system.


Regularly boosts GAF member count to cry about 'right wing gaf' - Voter #3923781
Xbox One has been delivering on the exclusives for me already. But I went ahead and bought the PS4 back in September because I know that games like Bloodborne, The Order, Rime, WIld and No Man's Sky are on the way. Nothing to worry about.

Look at Mr. money-for-pants over here. Some of us have money for only one console, it's a difficult choice so we have to base our identities and dedicate hours a day defending our purchases.
Good article which is too kind to Sony imo as the PS4 is in dire need of arcade action games, Nintendo and MS have dug into their own pockets to bring games like Sunset Overdrive, W101 & Bayonetta 2 to their systems while Sony hasn't.
SonyToo!™;138980560 said:
Good article which is too kind to Sony imo as the PS4 is in dire need of arcade action games, Nintendo and MS have dug into their own pockets to bring games like Sunset Overdrive, W101 & Bayonetta 2 to their systems while Sony hasn't.

First light.

hellblade and show of the beast are on their way, as well as new GOW entry.


And they've got a terrible 2015 linup for the most part


Really? Quantum Break and Halo 5 alone isn't terrible by any means. There are also some games coming in 2015 for the system that haven't been announced yet.


Late 2015 is good, but there's next to nothing the first half of the year

Ah I see. I can agree with this at least so far -- still possible for them to have new solid games (e.g.: digital titles) before the Fall. I wouldn't say that makes the system's lineup as a whole terrible for the year. PS4 wouldn't have had much for the first half of the year either if it wasn't for the delays.

Boss Man

Speak for yourself.

I bought a PS4 to play BF4 with 64 players and full maps.

I have the game on PS3, but it's limited to 24 players and some maps are considerably smaller than the PS4 version.

The difference is night and day.

Shadow of Mordor on the PS3 and 360 ditches the Nemesis system and frankly shouldn't even exist since the Nemesis System is the biggest attractive of the game IMO.

You can still have a good time on last gen consoles, but there is no arguing that you're going to have a better time on the current ones.

How many people bought a PS4 for Killzone, Knack or Driveclub? The overwhelming majority bought it for COD, BF, AC and other multiplatform releases and the best console version of most of those games is available on the PS4 not the PS3 or the 360 (yes I know about Unity).
I don't think it helps that third parties have been so boring lately. I bought a PS4, and I think it was a waste of money for "the best console version" of the sixth installments of the same games I have been playing with pretty similar quality.

I'm sure the PS4 will end up with an expansive library of great games. Just don't think it's worth owning now, despite how well it's selling - which I think is what the article was observing.
You can't believe Sony is going bundle a game that going out sell every exclusives that come out this year.
To help sell there system.

Exactly what they did last year, which pulled the PS3 up for the first time ever in front of the 360 in the NPD?

Ikr, it must be crazy that they want to bundle their console with the best selling game of the last generation which is more than just a remaster, but an entirely new game that gives you a brand new way to play. Certainly a misstep on their part.


Late to this thread, but it's funny, I was going to do a thread that would have been very similar to the content of the EG article on the 29th, which will be the anniversary of my standing out in the cold for 14 hours in freezing rain to get my hands on a PS4.

Now, I know why it's selling, obviously - better looking / playing versions of CoD and Fifa are what Europe wants, and Europe loves Playstation anyway. But that doesn't stop me from thinking it was a poor first year for a host of reasons. As EG says, a great year for Sony but not a great year for PS4 owners.

-Cross-gen limited the improvement in multiplat games
-Many of the biggest games were remasters we'd already played
-The exclusives were mediocre at best (Infamous), disasters at worst (Driveclub)
-Many of the biggest multi-plats were mediocre at best (Watch_Dogs), disasters at worst (AC: Unity)
-Multiplayer now being a paid service is still upsetting
-Shocking lack of OS updates, and when one came it broke rest mode and wasn't good enough anyway
-Too many outages / problems with PSN considering it's now a paid service
-No Japanese games at all, really

If I didn't have a Wii U which has distracted me with incredible games like DK:TF; MK8; Bayo 2 and others (along with the VC) I'd be really disappointed with just having a PS4 this year. Some indies I've played through PS+ have been great, but I simply didn't spend 400 dollars on a high-powered machine for games I can play on my laptop.

Bad year for playstation gaming, imo. Glad I didn't make the thread, though, considering the emotional response in here.


I agree with Eurogamer basically, which is the reason I've been holding off on getting one.

Bloodborne will be my gateway drug it seems.

If you're big into Japanese gaming, PS4 isn't really pushing anything big so far.


Given the lead time of new games, even if this article or others like it this month would have any effect we wouldn't see those effects until 3 years from now.

I find this article bad because it pretends to speak for others when he should just speak about his own experience.
I'm not responsible that the author bought a device that he thinks didn't deliver. I think with the wealth of information available to him especially it's clearly on him.

If someone is unhappy with anything I usually recommend to get rid of it, because you're not going to change a lot when so many other voices are also speaking. Just ride it out as long as you enjoy the ride and if you have to puke, get off.

Edit: To make the last point more clear: You are of course entitled to complain about anything you feel like, but if something gives you distress over a long period of time then just get rid of it.

I agree with this, these articles shouldn't have to speak for anyone, we as consumers should speak for ourselves whether we enjoy the console or not. It really comes down to the person's taste, and this guys opinion is his opinion, doesn't mean that others should have to feel the same. Personally myself I feel that the first year has been fine so far, and I've already got quite a bit of games to play on my PS4, even got a bit of a backlog that's gonna start once GTAV and DA:I come out on the 18th (I preordered both, don't know why, but fuck it I got my whole December free so I'm going in!)


I think the major reason was that Sony pushed their last set of AAA titles onto PS3 on 2013 so 2014 we didnt see the major players on PS4.

I actually have enjoyed my first year of PS4. I mean right now Im playing the Alpha of The Children of Tomorrow and its amazing. Im glad I got a PS4 right now to test it out. Little things like that make the overall experience great. Not even mentioning the cross buy titles I have got from PS3 purchases so its not like I have no games, I have a ton. Gonna buy GTA5 and 2015 is looking way more packed.

I dont really buy that PS4 has had "no games". Doesnt compare to PS3 but I can see PS4 having better titles or more support thanx to its success and ease of developing on it. Dont regret getting it day1.

Note: Not saying it was a "perfect" year as it has had all the PSN issues and DC delay etc but what released has kept me busy.
I agree with the article but I do think 2015 that will start to change. Best part about the xbox one to me is the exclusive lineup and games that are close enough graphically to not matter to me so much about the difference in pixel count.

Really? Quantum Break and Halo 5 alone isn't terrible by any means. There are also some games coming in 2015 for the system that haven't been announced yet.

QB was one of the reasons I bought an X1. I should clarify, the reason it's looking terruble is that, the first 6-8 months seem absolutely barren. MS is seemingly cramming everything into late in the year. Perhaps I should say their release schedule is terrible

On topic, I don't get why people rave about SO but discredit inFamous. Personally, I found both to be tons of fun

Really? Quantum Break and Halo 5 alone isn't terrible by any means. There are also some games coming in 2015 for the system that haven't been announced yet.

How do we know this? See, this argument only makes The Order not a terrible game either. But a lot of people here will let you know that it isn't "Real Games".
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