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Wkd BO 06•09-11•17 - Wonder Woman deflects competition, Cruise cries for his Mummy

Saw Wonder Woman today, so good. Someone please have Jenkins replace Snyder. She gets it.

And what ever happened to that secret letter/leak that claimed WW was supposed to be some unmitigated disaster?


Saw Wonder Woman today, so good. Someone please have Jenkins replace Snyder. She gets it.

And what ever happened to that secret letter/leak that claimed WW was supposed to be some unmitigated disaster?
The leak blew up like late last year of Sasha Perl-Raver saying that she had heard from a 'trusted' friend of hers that the movie was just bad. She said that she had similar tastes in film to said friend and really wanted Wonder Woman to be good. It's funny, because all of this was said just on an episode of the Schmoesknow live show in about a 1min segment. There was no social media or article that started it. That said, having seen the final product, I don't think this film could have been bad even in an early form. It's pretty tight.
pretty dope how well Wonder Woman is doing.

I'm surprised at the worldwide total for Mummy though, it did shit domestically but that kind of number in its first weekend seems like it could end up being a decent success for Universal, no?

i just hope that if they continue with this damn universe they pivot more towards gothic horror and smaller scale/budgets. The old Universal Monster movies are fantastic.


Spider-Man Homecoming is the last real wildcard in the top summer box office game.

If Spider-Man breaks through the $300M barrier, we could very well end up with three superhero films as the top 3 this summer.


Spider-Man Homecoming is the last real wildcard in the top summer box office game.

If Spider-Man breaks through the $300M barrier, we could very well end up with three superhero films as the top 3 this summer.

Dat fatigue.

Or everyone else forgot quality over universe.


Oh i thought it released in those countries this weekend.

This is what is left

Switzerland	15 June 2017	(German speaking region)
Germany		15 June 2017	
Netherlands	15 June 2017	
Norway		16 June 2017	
Belgium		21 June 2017	
Egypt		23 June 2017	
Spain		23 June 2017	
Japan		25 August 2017

I wouldn't expect too much out of those.
Wonder Woman will make 1 billion dollars in Japan when they release the special edition waifu poster there


Son Of D

I wonder if Wonder Woman being a success will make DC more open to greenlighting other female led films. I know Batgirl is coming but could we see a Supergirl film in the near future?
I wonder if Wonder Woman being a success will make DC more open to greenlighting other female led films. I know Batgirl is coming but could we see a Supergirl film in the near future?

Other than sketchy rumors about Supergirl in MoS2, there's nothing concrete on that end.

There's Batgirl, Gotham City Sirens, Aquaman is pitched as an Arthur & Mera adventure, and who knows where Justice League Dark is at nowadays but it had Zatanna as the Harley Quinn there.

Sony next year has Silver & Black, which is the Black Cat and Silver Sable movie. It gets into questions like, is it part of the MCU? Is it part of the Venom universe? Is it its own thing? Who can say at this point. And usually when I say that, I mean among us on the sidelines, but I don't think even Sony knows where it stands.


This is what is left

Switzerland	15 June 2017	(German speaking region)
Germany		15 June 2017	
Netherlands	15 June 2017	
Norway		16 June 2017	
Belgium		21 June 2017	
Egypt		23 June 2017	
Spain		23 June 2017	
Japan		25 August 2017

I wouldn't expect too much out of those.

Ok so it is doing relatively poorly overseas. Any reason for it? I mean WB even partnered up with Tencent and Wanda Pictures in China and still it's not bringing in the results.
Zatanna as the harley quinn?

Like how in Suicide Squad you had Deadshot and Harley Quinn as the main two characters of the ensemble. Justice League Dark has, or had, Constantine and Zatanna as the main two, with Swamp Thing, Deadman, and others filling out the group.


For what in particular?

Of blockbusters these past few years. Like from this week alone we have:

Film                     Dom/Int take              RT
The Mummy                   0.23                   17%
WW                          0.89                   93%
PotC                        0.29                   29%
GotG2                       0.78                   81%

It just jumped out at me. Is this just a coincidence, or is there really such a linear trend?


Captain Marvel will be Marvel's first original movie, because they have drawn heavily from the source, with much success.

Could have saved a lot of trouble by sliding Monica or Moonstone in there


Of blockbusters these past few years. Like from this week alone we have:

Film                     Dom/Int take              RT
The Mummy                   0.23                   17%
WW                          0.89                   93%
PotC                        0.29                   29%
GotG2                       0.78                   81%

It just jumped out at me. Is this just a coincidence, or is there really such a linear trend?
Shit son that's facinating. I'd love to see this expanded to a larger sample.


Of blockbusters these past few years. Like from this week alone we have:

Film                     Dom/Int take              RT
The Mummy                   0.23                   17%
WW                          0.89                   93%
PotC                        0.29                   29%
GotG2                       0.78                   81%

It just jumped out at me. Is this just a coincidence, or is there really such a linear trend?

Maybe I'm jumping into this convo late and I'm missing something, but WW is currently 50%/50% Dom vs. For


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Just got back from my 2nd viewing and I'll be damned if it wasn't better this time around. Theater was packed if not sold out. I asked an employee how it was doing and she said she hasn't seen a 2nd weekend this good. Granted she had only been working there a little over a year but still cool nonetheless. Such a well done and charming movie. Easily near the top of my superhero film list.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
If only WB got Superman right with MoS they could be swimming in such much money right now.

What helped Marvel so much with the CU was that Iron Man 1 was such a home-run that they could afford average movies like Thor1/Cap1/Ironman2 and downright stinkers like Hulk, all to build up for the eventual team up movie which blew the gate open on their CU. After that it was smooth sailing and even unknown properties like Ant-Man and GoTG benefited from all the goodwill, nevermind that they were actually good movies, too.

I wonder if WB regrets giving Snyder the keys too early in the game.


The Mummy should have opened in October. I don't know why Universal would try to launch this thing in the middle of a crowded summer, rather than taking advantage of the Halloween season. Establish the Dark Universe as an October tradition, like Harry Potter in November, Star Wars in December/May, Middle Earth in December, etc.


sparkle this bitch
If only WB got Superman right with MoS they could be swimming in such much money right now.

What helped Marvel so much with the CU was that Iron Man 1 was such a home-run that they could afford average movies like Thor1/Cap1/Ironman2 and downright stinkers like Hulk, all to build up for the eventual team up movie which blew the gate open on their CU. After that it was smooth sailing and even unknown properties like Ant-Man and GoTG benefited from all the goodwill, nevermind that they were actually good movies, too.

I wonder if WB regrets giving Snyder the keys too early in the game.

I got no problem with MoS. Few small fixes would have made a solid entry, keeping the hero intact while still making the flick tonally different than Marvel. Easily recoverable still.

BvS is where they screwed the pooch.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
I got no problem with MoS. Few small fixes would have made a solid entry, keeping the hero intact while still making the flick tonally different than Marvel. Easily recoverable still.

BvS is where they screwed the pooch.
I agree, I don't hate MoS there some scenes that are the best I've seen in comicbook movie (imo Superman's first flight)

But WB needed a homerun and MoS wasnt it, which made it a very rocky start and then BvS most certainly didnt help. They finally have a homerun with WW, now they just need JL to absolutely not shit the bed (I think it'll be better received than BvS simply because the heroes will finally behave like heroes) and for Aquaman to be another WW-esque hit.


If only WB got Superman right with MoS they could be swimming in such much money right now.

What helped Marvel so much with the CU was that Iron Man 1 was such a home-run that they could afford average movies like Thor1/Cap1/Ironman2 and downright stinkers like Hulk, all to build up for the eventual team up movie which blew the gate open on their CU. After that it was smooth sailing and even unknown properties like Ant-Man and GoTG benefited from all the goodwill, nevermind that they were actually good movies, too.

I wonder if WB regrets giving Snyder the keys too early in the game.
None of this even happens without Snyder. No Gadot, and a WW film itself probably still scheduled to release alongside Half Life 3 and Trump's tax returns.


None of this even happens without Snyder. No Gadot, and a WW film itself probably still scheduled to release alongside Half Life 3 and Trump's tax returns.

This. WW only really happened because Snyder (well both him and his wife) pushed for it to happen. If I'm remembering right he pushed to have her in BvS. His studio is one of the studios that put up the money for her film to even be made.
Happy to see WW do incredibly well but man... I did not like the movie as much as I wanted to. I loved the "fish out of water" aspect, the dynamic between the leads but I was mostly bored by the time the third act showed up and it all fell into that typical... superhero movie "EXPLOSIONS" type of deal. I checked out hard.

Hope the sequel does a better job in the regard, not every superhero movie needs to be about saving the damn world/universe. Also doesn't help when the villains are flat/one-note.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
For once I didnt mind the 3rd act, it's nice to have a female hero go all out in terms of powers.

She looked powerful and I like that, plus we got some awesome moments from that 3rd act.
For once I didnt mind the 3rd act, it's nice to have a female hero go all out in terms of powers.

She looked powerful and I like that, plus we got some awesome moments from that 3rd act.

To each it's own. I feel like most of these superhero films copy/paste the third act, almost like a cop out. It didn't help that the villains were just as bland/one-note... which is par for the course with comicbook movies, so I'm not faulting it for that.

Really my only hang up with the movie is the third act, the rest is fine.


A few months ago, I suggested an alternative to using adjusted box office numbers in order to gauge how popular a film was in the year of its release. This method compares a film's domestic box office take to the average box office take for all wide releases in that year.

If a film made $100M, and the average wide release made $50M that year, the film's multiplier would be 2.0x. Basically, the film was twice as popular as the average film that year. This method gets around changes in entertainment and movie distribution over time, since all films in a given year are operating under the same market pressures.

Because both Wonder Woman and GotG2 are topical, I thought that it would be interesting to look at the Top 100 superhero and pulp hero films since the release of Superman in 1978, based on the popularity of each film in the year of its theatrical release.


- I am including pulp heroes because it doesn't make a ton of sense to include Burton or Nolan Batman if we are discluding The Shadow, Zorro, and Dick Tracey. Yes, Batman is associated with superheroes (and he's in a superhero universe in the DCEU), but in most bat films, we're basically dealing with regular crime fighters and criminals with some gimmicks, just like the earlier pulp heroes.

- I tried to be objective where possible in what to include under the superhero or pulp hero labels. Generally speaking, was the film based on a serialized comic/pulp magazine/radio show featuring superheroes or other pulp heroes? If the film was original, was it explicitly an homage to (or parody of) superheroes or masked vigilantes? If yes, I generally included it. Some judgement calls were made. Men in Black started as a comic book, but was heavily modified when adapted to film. I left the series in, but there's definitely an argument that could be made with regards to its legitimacy here. Conversely, while Star Wars took inspiration from some old pulp heroes (including at least one that shows up on this list), I don't think that it really counts.

- Annual averages are based on the average gross of all wide releases for a given year. I used the Box Office Mojo definition of a wide release, which is any film that played in at least 600 venues concurrently at some point in its run. I had to estimate the average gross for 2017, since the year isn't finished yet. final placement may vary a bit for those films depending on where the average eventually lands.

Mojo lacks complete information for any films prior to 1982, I also had to estimate annual averages for 1978-1981. The-Numbers.com does list all films that earned at least $10M domestic in those years, so I did a comparison between the info I had for 1978-1981 and the complete info Mojo has for 1982-1984 to make sure that my estimated averages were logical. If I had to assign an error bar for those annual averages, I would say +/- 10%. This messes with the ordering of a few films in the list, but I really wanted to keep the first two Superman films in. Since it only affected 4 of the top 100 films, I figured the trade-off was worth it.

- I estimated the final domestic grosses of Wonder Woman and Guardians of the Galaxy. Guardians is nearly done its run, so I doubt I am much more than $5M off. Wonder Woman is probably closer to +/- $25M, with somewhere in the $325-350M range being most likely.

The Top 100 Superhero and Pulp Hero films since 1978 in order of popularity at the time of their release (Average Annual Gross Multiplier)

[U]Rank[/U]	[U]Title[/U]						[U]DOM Gross[/U]	[U]Release Date[/U]	[U]Avg Ann. Gross[/u]	[u]Avg. Gross Multi.[/U]
1	The Dark Knight					$534,858,444 	7/18/2008	$55,202,302 	9.69x
2	Marvel's The Avengers				$623,357,910 	5/4/2012	$72,191,281 	8.63x
3	Batman						$251,188,924 	6/23/1989	$33,000,766 	7.61x
4	Spider-Man					$403,706,375 	5/3/2002	$57,563,869 	7.01x
5	Spider-Man 3					$336,530,303 	5/4/2007	$49,880,317 	6.75x
6	Avengers: Age of Ultron				$459,005,868 	5/1/2015	$69,975,569 	6.56x
7	Spider-Man 2					$373,585,825 	6/30/2004	$59,227,007 	6.31x
8	The Dark Knight Rises				$448,139,099 	7/20/2012	$72,191,281 	6.21x
9	Captain America: Civil War			$408,084,349 	5/6/2016	$66,790,970 	6.11x
10	Men in Black					$250,690,539 	7/2/1997	$42,461,771 	5.90x
11	Iron Man					$318,412,101 	5/2/2008	$55,202,302 	5.77x
12	Iron Man 3					$409,013,994 	5/3/2013	$72,374,829 	5.65x
13	Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2^			$385,000,000 	5/5/2017	$70,000,000^^ 	5.50x
14	Batman Forever					$184,031,112 	6/16/1995	$33,671,473 	5.47x
15	Deadpool					$363,070,709 	2/12/2016	$66,790,970 	5.44x
16	Superman					$134,218,018 	12/15/1978	$25,000,000^^ 	5.37x
17	Guardians of the Galaxy				$333,176,600 	8/1/2014	$65,542,400 	5.08x
18	Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice		$330,360,194 	3/25/2016	$66,790,970 	4.95x
19	Suicide Squad					$325,100,054 	8/5/2016	$66,790,970 	4.87x
20	Wonder Woman^					$335,000,000 	6/2/2017	$70,000,000^^ 	4.79x
21	X-Men: The Last Stand				$234,362,462 	5/26/2006	$50,886,999 	4.61x
22	Batman Returns					$162,831,698 	6/19/1992	$36,199,432 	4.50x
23	The Incredibles					$261,441,092 	11/5/2004	$59,227,007 	4.41x
24	Iron Man 2					$312,433,331 	5/7/2010	$71,180,641 	4.39x
25	Superman II					$108,185,706 	6/19/1981	$25,000,000^^ 	4.33x
26	300						$210,614,939 	3/9/2007	$49,880,317 	4.22x
27	Hancock						$227,946,274 	7/2/2008	$55,202,302 	4.13x
28	Man of Steel					$291,045,518 	6/14/2013	$72,374,829 	4.02x
29	Captain America: The Winter Soldier		$259,766,572 	4/4/2014	$65,542,400 	3.96x
30	Superman Returns				$200,081,192 	6/28/2006	$50,886,999 	3.93x
31	Batman Begins					$206,852,432 	6/15/2005	$54,579,849 	3.79x
32	Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles			$135,265,915 	3/30/1990	$36,642,628 	3.69x
33	The Amazing Spider-Man				$262,030,663 	7/3/2012	$72,191,281 	3.63x
34	X-Men: Days of Future Past			$233,921,534 	5/23/2014	$65,542,400 	3.57x
35	X2: X-Men United				$214,949,694 	5/2/2003	$60,282,246 	3.57x
36	Doctor Strange					$232,641,920 	11/4/2016	$66,790,970 	3.48x
37	The Mask					$119,938,730 	7/29/1994	$34,833,770 	3.44x
38	Big Hero 6					$222,527,828 	11/7/2014	$65,542,400 	3.40x
39	Men in Black II					$190,418,803 	7/3/2002	$57,563,869 	3.31x
40	Logan						$226,122,357 	3/3/2017	$70,000,000^^ 	3.23x
41	X-Men						$157,299,717 	7/14/2000	$48,984,150 	3.21x
42	The Amazing Spider-Man 2			$202,853,933 	5/2/2014	$65,542,400 	3.10x
43	Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)		$191,204,754 	8/8/2014	$65,542,400 	2.92x
44	Thor: The Dark World				$206,362,140 	11/8/2013	$72,374,829 	2.85x
45	Fantastic Four (2005)				$154,696,080 	7/8/2005	$54,579,849 	2.83x
46	Dick Tracy					$103,738,726 	6/15/1990	$36,642,628 	2.83x
47	Thor						$181,030,624 	5/6/2011	$66,489,281 	2.72x
48	Captain America: The First Avenger		$176,654,505 	7/22/2011	$66,489,281 	2.66x
49	Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer	$131,921,738 	6/15/2007	$49,880,317 	2.64x
50	X-Men Origins: Wolverine			$179,883,157 	5/1/2009	$69,099,350 	2.60x
51	Ant-Man						$180,202,163 	7/17/2015	$69,975,569 	2.58x
52	Batman and Robin				$107,325,195 	6/20/1997	$42,461,771 	2.53x
53	The LEGO Batman Movie				$175,750,384 	2/10/2017	$70,000,000^^ 	2.51x
54	MIB 3						$179,020,854 	5/25/2012	$72,191,281 	2.48x
55	The Incredible Hulk				$134,806,913 	6/13/2008	$55,202,302 	2.44x
56	Wanted						$134,508,551 	6/27/2008	$55,202,302 	2.44x
57	Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II			$78,656,813 	3/22/1991	$32,776,183 	2.40x
58	X-Men: Apocalypse				$155,442,489 	5/27/2016	$66,790,970 	2.33x
59	Ghost Rider					$115,802,596 	2/16/2007	$49,880,317 	2.32x
60	Superman III					$59,950,623 	6/17/1983	$26,664,994 	2.25x
61	X-Men: First Class				$146,408,305 	6/3/2011	$66,489,281 	2.20x
62	Hulk						$132,177,234 	6/20/2003	$60,282,246 	2.19x
63	The Mask of Zorro				$94,095,523 	7/17/1998	$43,842,668 	2.15x
64	Megamind					$148,415,853 	11/5/2010	$71,180,641 	2.09x
65	Unbreakable					$95,011,339 	11/22/2000	$48,984,150 	1.94x
66	Kingsman: The Secret Service			$128,261,724 	2/13/2015	$69,975,569 	1.83x
67	The Wolverine					$132,556,852 	7/26/2013	$72,374,829 	1.83x
68	Green Lantern					$116,601,172 	6/17/2011	$66,489,281 	1.75x
69	Daredevil					$102,543,518 	2/14/2003	$60,282,246 	1.70x
70	300: Rise of An Empire				$106,580,051 	3/7/2014	$65,542,400 	1.63x
71	Blade						$70,087,718 	8/21/1998	$43,842,668 	1.60x
72	Watchmen					$107,509,799 	3/6/2009	$69,099,350 	1.56x
73	Cowboys & Aliens				$100,240,551 	7/29/2011	$66,489,281 	1.51x
74	The Green Hornet				$98,780,042 	1/14/2011	$66,489,281 	1.49x
75	The Crow					$50,693,129 	5/13/1994	$34,833,770 	1.46x
76	Blade II					$82,348,319 	3/22/2002	$57,563,869 	1.43x
77	The Rocketeer					$46,704,056 	6/21/1991	$32,776,183 	1.42x
78	Constantine					$75,976,178 	2/18/2005	$54,579,849 	1.39x
79	V for Vendetta					$70,511,035 	3/17/2006	$50,886,999 	1.39x
80	Hellboy II: The Golden Army			$75,986,503 	7/11/2008	$55,202,302 	1.38x
81	Sin City					$74,103,820 	4/1/2005	$54,579,849 	1.36x
82	Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III		$42,273,609 	3/19/1993	$31,828,078 	1.33x
83	Spawn						$54,870,175 	8/1/1997	$42,461,771 	1.29x
84	The Lone Ranger					$89,302,115 	7/3/2013	$72,374,829 	1.23x
85	TMNT: Out of the Shadows			$82,051,601 	6/3/2016	$66,790,970 	1.23x
86	Power Rangers (2017)				$85,334,791 	3/24/2017	$70,000,000^^ 	1.22x
87	Conan the Barbarian				$39,565,475 	5/14/1982	$33,212,941 	1.19x
88	Sky High					$63,946,815 	7/29/2005	$54,579,849 	1.17x
89	Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers			$38,187,431 	6/30/1995	$33,671,473 	1.13x
90	The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen		$66,465,204 	7/11/2003	$60,282,246 	1.10x
91	Conan the Destroyer				$31,042,035 	6/29/1984	$28,332,799 	1.10x
92	Flash Gordon					$27,107,960 	12/5/1980	$25,000,000^^ 	1.08x
93	Judge Dredd					$34,693,481 	6/30/1995	$33,671,473 	1.03x
94	John Carter					$73,078,100 	3/9/2012	$72,374,829 	1.01x
95	Hellboy						$59,623,958 	4/2/2004	$59,227,007 	1.01x
96	Darkman						$33,878,502 	8/24/1990	$36,642,628 	0.92x
97	The Shadow					$32,063,435 	7/1/1994	$34,833,770 	0.92x
98	Chronicle (2012)				$64,575,175 	2/3/2012	$72,191,281 	0.89x
99	Blade: Trinity					$52,411,906 	12/8/2004	$59,227,007 	0.88x
100	Buck Rogers in the 25th Century			$21,671,241 	3/30/1979	$25,000,000^^ 	0.87x

^ Estimated Domestic Gross
^^ Average Annual Gross for wide releases was estimated in these years

[B]- DOM Gross[/B] = Total Domestic (US + Canada) Gross 
[B]- Avg Ann. Gross[/B] = Average Annual Gross for all wide release (600+ venue) films in an entry's year of release
[B]- Avg. Gross Multi.[/B] = Average Annual Gross Multiplier = Dom Gross / Avg Ann. Gross
A few months ago, I suggested an alternative to using adjusted box office numbers in order to gauge how popular a film was in the year of its release. This method compares a film's domestic box office take to the average box office take for all wide releases in that year.

If a film made $100M, and the average wide release made $50M that year, the film's multiplier would be 2.0x. Basically, the film was twice as popular as the average film that year. This method gets around changes in entertainment and movie distribution over time, since all films in a given year are operating under the same market pressures.

Because both Wonder Woman and GotG2 are topical, I thought that it would be interesting to look at the Top 100 superhero and pulp hero films since the release of Superman in 1978, based on the popularity of each film in the year of its theatrical release.


I love the number crunching. Thank you for that.

And also, all those comic book/pulp films!
Kswiss, you have Judge Dredd on that chart but not DREDD!?!?!


I know its low gross comparative to the average on release year might drop it out of top 100, but cmon, man!


Kswiss, you have Judge Dredd on that chart but not DREDD!?!?!


I know its low gross comparative to the average on release year might drop it out of top 100, but cmon, man!

Dredd's Multiplier was 0.19x

It barely made the top 150. Mostly because I ran out of films.

EDIT: For fun, the films immediately above and below Dredd 2012 were Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, and Batman: Mask of the Phantasm


love on your sleeve
If only WB got Superman right with MoS they could be swimming in such much money right now.

What helped Marvel so much with the CU was that Iron Man 1 was such a home-run that they could afford average movies like Thor1/Cap1/Ironman2 and downright stinkers like Hulk, all to build up for the eventual team up movie which blew the gate open on their CU. After that it was smooth sailing and even unknown properties like Ant-Man and GoTG benefited from all the goodwill, nevermind that they were actually good movies, too.

I wonder if WB regrets giving Snyder the keys too early in the game.

Nearly $3B in box office across 4 films and $4.5B in merchandise sales. I'm gonna say WB/DC are not regretting anything about Zack Snyder.
Dredd's Multiplier was 0.19x

It barely made the top 150. Mostly because I ran out of films.

EDIT: For fun, the films immediately above and below Dredd 2012 were Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, and Batman: Mask of the Phantasm

Well, at least it had good company with Mask of the Phantasm.
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