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WrestleMania 29 |OT| RematchaMania XXVIII-2: Out with the new and in with the old!

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Why it's a new page.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
I mean it's pretty obvious. Jericho has been putting over pretty much everyone else since he came back uh the second to last time. This is the guy who said Ryback should have got the title when he faced Punk. He's all about the newer people.


I mean it's pretty obvious. Jericho has been putting over pretty much everyone else since he came back uh the second to last time. This is the guy who said Ryback should have got the title when he faced Punk. He's all about the newer people.

Clearly Jericho should be in charge of creative. We'd have a company where everybody got put over and everybody made everybody else look good.


I think he was right. Ryback should have won the title. It was the chance to make a real new top guy and it's not like they did anything with Punk's reign after that anyway. Instead, Ryback's been in not a main eventer/not a mid carder purgatory ever since.


I mean it's pretty obvious. Jericho has been putting over pretty much everyone else since he came back uh the second to last time. This is the guy who said Ryback should have got the title when he faced Punk. He's all about the newer people.

Yeah, he said some good things.

Ryback winning the title though... LOL

Dead Man

Clearly Jericho should be in charge of creative. We'd have a company where everybody got put over and everybody made everybody else look good.

If everybody got put over at least twice it would certainly be an improvement. Or even had close loses. There is nothing wrong with establishing a top level that is closely competitive.
My WrestleMania Predictions:

Dolph Ziggler/Big E Langston vs Team Hell No: Team Zigg wins after someone from Hell No gets pissed off and walks away. Probably Bryan. Its time to break that team up and let Bryan go it alone for a bit again.

Jericho vs Fandango: Fandango cause Y2J gotta put everyone over.

The Miz vs Wade Barrett: Miz maybe? I dont care.

Rhodes Scholars vs Brutus and Co: The good guys. Will be a boring match and is just bathroom break material.

Ryback vs Mark Henry: Ryback. It will be sloppy and the announces will act like no one has ever picked up Henry before.

The Shield vs Orton/Shaemus/Show: Team Superfriends. I think its time to have the Sheild take a loss. They had a run its time.

HHH vs Brock Lesnar: HHH. Finisher spam until eventually HHH gets the hammer out.

Alberto Del Rio vs Jack Swagger: Could go ether way IMO. My gut says Del Rio but maybe Swagger gets it just to swerve people. No Ziggler Cash in.

Undertaker vs CM Punk: Undertaker. Punk is going on a break after this so I expect him to be carried out.

The Rock vs John Cena: lolCenawins.jpeg. Only thing for sure is Cena is winning and we will have the tie breaker match next year. IF cena turns heal Haymen will get involved ala Vince and Austin at Mania 17. WWE should keep Hayman around and Punk and Brock will be on vacation after this so if he is turning I bet we have a Cena / Heyman alliance for a while. I dont expect the turn to last long if it does happen. He will be back to normal by Summerslam.
IF he doesnt turn then I expect hugs and a respect-a-ton promo from both guys on RAW the next day.


My WrestleMania Predictions:

Dolph Ziggler/Big E Langston vs Team Hell No: Team Zigg wins after someone from Hell No gets pissed off and walks away. Probably Bryan. Its time to break that team up and let Bryan go it alone for a bit again.
I still like my suggestion for the ending of this match of AJ hopping up on the apron as D.Brine backs into the corner to set up Ziggles (while Kane is dealing with Big E outside of the ring) and plants another kiss on him only for Dolph to clock him with the Zig Zag and earn the pinfall.

AJ costing Bryan title matches by kissing him needs to become the new annual Kane/Pete Rose Mania distraction gimmick.

The Rock vs John Cena: lolCenawins.jpeg. Only thing for sure is Cena is winning and we will have the tie breaker match next year. IF cena turns heal Haymen will get involved ala Vince and Austin at Mania 17. WWE should keep Hayman around and Punk and Brock will be on vacation after this so if he is turning I bet we have a Cena / Heyman alliance for a while. I dont expect the turn to last long if it does happen. He will be back to normal by Summerslam.
IF he doesnt turn then I expect hugs and a respect-a-ton promo from both guys on RAW the next day.
I sort of hope the WWE trolls everyone expecting heel turn antics from Cena for the entire match regardless of which way they go. Every kind of screwjob finish opening needs to be presented to Cena and he either needs to pass all of them by until the 10th one (and actually turn heel - against all logic but hey) or just ignore all of them and win clean.

Which means this match needs to feature the following:
- Knocked out referee
- Corrupt referee from the back (Brad Maddox in ref garb)
- Vickie Guerrero interference
- Johnny Ace run-in
- Paul Heyman run-in
- Nikki Bella run-in
- Black Cena in whiteface & decked out in Cena garb switcheroo attempt
- Vince McMahon at ringside to possibly do something crazy
- Exposed turnbuckle
- Attempted Shield interference with the lights out
- Weaponry left carelessly at ringside (steel chair, brass knucks, Trips' sledge, freak spinner belt appearance, Cena's old chains) to be picked up by Cena and teased before placing gently aside while the official is laid out/distracted

Just make the entire match one big "he won't turn but we'll make you think he will a dozen times" troll.
Also, Bret Hart needs to be at ringside for the entire thing and not react at all.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Will we have Face Cena or Heel Cena after Mania? Vote with your avatar, put FACE or HEEL on it and show how you feel!
My head says they are not turning Cena but my heart has hope.

Maybe they do something in between. Cena turns to Heyman for help and regrets it the next night on RAW and they have to have a rematch to find out who is the best for realzies this time.


My Member!
LOL @ the still faint hope Cena turns heel. They don't even have a face for him to go against. And they have the whole circle of the rainbow colored shorts to go through yet again.

Face it, all the WWE wants to be anymore is basically a kids traveling tour, like Disney on Ice or something. It's been the same for years now and will continue to do so.


They'd honestly have an easier time having a heel Cena go through a bunch of the up and coming faces each month than a face Cena destroying the heels no one takes seriously anymore over and over again.

Not that I believe Cena is turning heel.


If Cena turns heel, Punk and Big Show turn face and Ryback is a third challenger. It's like what they do with the diva division, everyone switches rolls to accommodate the current champion's alignment.


I still like my suggestion for the ending of this match of AJ hopping up on the apron as D.Brine backs into the corner to set up Ziggles (while Kane is dealing with Big E outside of the ring) and plants another kiss on him only for Dolph to clock him with the Zig Zag and earn the pinfall.

AJ costing Bryan title matches by kissing him needs to become the new annual Kane/Pete Rose Mania distraction gimmick.

I sort of hope the WWE trolls everyone expecting heel turn antics from Cena for the entire match regardless of which way they go. Every kind of screwjob finish opening needs to be presented to Cena and he either needs to pass all of them by until the 10th one (and actually turn heel - against all logic but hey) or just ignore all of them and win clean.

Which means this match needs to feature the following:
- Knocked out referee
- Corrupt referee from the back (Brad Maddox in ref garb)
- Vickie Guerrero interference
- Johnny Ace run-in
- Paul Heyman run-in
- Nikki Bella run-in
- Black Cena in whiteface & decked out in Cena garb switcheroo attempt
- Vince McMahon at ringside to possibly do something crazy
- Exposed turnbuckle
- Attempted Shield interference with the lights out
- Weaponry left carelessly at ringside (steel chair, brass knucks, Trips' sledge, freak spinner belt appearance, Cena's old chains) to be picked up by Cena and teased before placing gently aside while the official is laid out/distracted

Just make the entire match one big "he won't turn but we'll make you think he will a dozen times" troll.
Also, Bret Hart needs to be at ringside for the entire thing and not react at all.

Outdoor venue will make this challenging.
Two possibilities exist

Cena is being booked fantastically, a delusional, over confident asshole who refuses to acknowledge any man is better than him. He paints himself as an underdog fighting flr the people despite bring booed every week. Threatened with the risk of losing again to The Rock, he cheats to win at Wrestlemania, all while protesting his innocence and insisting he's the new greatest champion in WWE history. For months he beats all comers through underhanded tactics, saying that his time is now and he's the man to lead WWE in to the future. Every time the crowd boos him, he says there's a mixed reaction, but he doesn't care because he's fighting for everyone in the crowd.

Or WWE are just incapable of booking a face who isn't a prick.


Two possibilities exist

Cena is being booked fantastically, a delusional, over confident asshole who refuses to acknowledge any man is better than him. He paints himself as an underdog fighting flr the people despite bring booed every week. Threatened with the risk of losing again to The Rock, he cheats to win at Wrestlemania, all while protesting his innocence and insisting he's the new greatest champion in WWE history. For months he beats all comers through underhanded tactics, saying that his time is now and he's the man to lead WWE in to the future. Every time the crowd boos him, he says there's a mixed reaction, but he doesn't care because he's fighting for everyone in the crowd.

Or WWE are just incapable of booking a face who isn't a prick.

We have a winner.

Dead Man

Two possibilities exist

Cena is being booked fantastically, a delusional, over confident asshole who refuses to acknowledge any man is better than him. He paints himself as an underdog fighting flr the people despite bring booed every week. Threatened with the risk of losing again to The Rock, he cheats to win at Wrestlemania, all while protesting his innocence and insisting he's the new greatest champion in WWE history. For months he beats all comers through underhanded tactics, saying that his time is now and he's the man to lead WWE in to the future. Every time the crowd boos him, he says there's a mixed reaction, but he doesn't care because he's fighting for everyone in the crowd.

Or WWE are just incapable of booking a face who isn't a prick.

Why can everyone write a better story than WWE?


They won't turn Cena. Don't even hope.

For example, who would be their top baby face if they did? The Miz?
You posit that as if any full-time heel/face has any credibility outside of Cena because of how they've booked talent.

Who will be their top heel once CM Punk takes time off? The Shield? Mark Henry? Swagger? Those are your three best options right now.
I suppose Brock if he was going to work a regular schedule.


You posit that as if any full-time heel/face has any credibility outside of Cena because of how they've booked talent.

Who will be their top heel once CM Punk takes time off? The Shield? Mark Henry? Swagger? Those are your three best options right now.
I suppose Brock if he was going to work a regular schedule.

Randy Orton Hopefully.


Randy Orton Hopefully.
Been there, done that. What else is Mr. Two Strikes going to bring to the table that's new and refreshing?
Unfortunately, the guy they should have been building into the top heel is serving hot dogs this weekend instead of being booked for a match.

The last time I was excited for an RKO heel run was after MITB 2011 when Christian successfully weaseled his way into a title win by provoking Randy to DQ himself.
He needed to go flipping psycho and be booked like a dangerous mofo at that point but instead they gave that push to R-Truth and The Miz.


Not with two strikes. They aren't going to take the risk. Not only that, but Orton doesn't even seem like he cares if he gets fired or not at the moment.

He's had two strikes since like 2006 and hasn't been fired after his last 2 third strikes. They put the title on Jeff Hardy, that was way more risky then pushing Randy Orton now.

Also, I can see Lesner winning the title if he decides to stick around another year.
If Rock is at Extreme Rules, they'd have a month to drag out a real heel Cena/face Rock feud, have Cena go over and set up an opponent for him going in to June/July. That's enough time to elevate Ryback or Sheamus, the problem being Cena would have to win and would destroy their credibility.

Face or heel. Cena destroys careers.


Shield should definitely be the ones to get the helicopter entrance. And Roman shouldn't be in it so he can sneak in from somewhere else and take one of the guys out of the match for the first few minutes.


Have betting odds been posted yet?

Online sports betting site Bovada.lv has released the following odds for Sunday’s WrestleMania 29 pay-per-view:

WrestleMania 29 – WWE Championship – The Rock vs. John Cena

The Rock +550 (11/2)

John Cena -1000 (1/10)

WrestleMania 29 – The Undertaker vs. CM Punk

The Undertaker -1600 (1/16)

CM Punk +700 (7/1)

WrestleMania 29 – No Holds Barred Match – Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar

Triple H -650 (2/13)

Brock Lesnar +375 (15/4)

WrestleMania 29 – Alberto Del Rio vs. Jack Swagger

Alberto Del Rio -500 (1/5)

Jack Swagger +300 (3/1)

WrestleMania 29 – Randy Orton, Sheamus & Big Show vs. The Shield

Randy Orton, Sheamus & Big Show +400 (4/1)

The Shield -700 (1/7)

WrestleMania 29 – Ryback vs. Mark Henry

Ryback -800 (1/8)

Mark Henry +425 (17/4)

WrestleMania 29 – Intercontinental Championship – Wade Barrett vs. The Miz

Wade Barrett +275 (11/4)

The Miz -450 (2/9)

WrestleMania 29 – Team Hell No vs. Ziggler & Langston

Team Hell No -130 (10/13)

Ziggler & Langston EVEN (1/1)

WrestleMania 29 – Fandango vs. Chris Jericho

Fandango -800 (1/8)

Chris Jericho +425 (17/4)

How in the world are John Cena, Undertaker and Ryback not - infinity?


Have betting odds been posted yet?

How in the world are John Cena, Undertaker and Ryback not - infinity?

LOL they have betting on pro wrasslin?

everything seems pretty right on the money though

should put down your life savings on taker and take a gamble with the rock at +550



-Diddy's set runs longer than Jericho/Fandango, Ryback/Henry, and the CAW mixed tag match.

-botched double team move, Show snaps, Shield wins.

-Ziggler wins two titles.

-Taker won this match the instant Paul Bearer was brought into the story. The bereaved are never taunted with the death of a loved one and lose the feud. Ever. The streak is icing.

-Trips wins after HBK disposes of Maddox & Heyman, tosses HHH a sledgehammer. Hugs & crotch chops ensue. DX music perhaps.

-Cena joins The Shield, wins title. Rock squads up at Extreme Rules.



In the end, the buck stops with Vince. The writing team writes for Vince. If you've heard interviews with a lot of former writers, you'd know that even the best booking ideas can change in the drop of a hat if Vince one day decides they aren't doing it anymore.
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