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WrestleMania 29 |OT| RematchaMania XXVIII-2: Out with the new and in with the old!

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HOLY SHIET THAT ENDING. haha oh man I knew Cena was going to win but they went all out on the "cheer for this guy" stuff. I thought the Lesnar HHH match got pretty ridiculous near the end Brock kept leaving his arm out for HHH to grab. The first time it was ok but by the third time it just got dumb


No matter how great everyone keeps saying HHH is, the fact is he was never on Austin's or Rock's level. He's not even on Undertaker's or HBK's level. He's like on that third tier of top guys.

When Brock beat him at SummerSlam, the crowd was singing the goodbye song to him. That's how little the crowd really cares about him. They pop for nostalgia and then that's it.
Yeah I remember the crowd chanting "You tapped out!" as he made his way up the ramp back at Summerslam. HHH needs to hang it up. Unfortunately I doubt that will be anytime soon.


I find it amazing that there's still people here that get excited enough to be disappointed by these WWE events. When will you learn?
One day they will learn that Vince hates them with every fibre of his being... but still loves their money.

Anyone that paid Vince so much as a dime for tonight's festivities have gone on record in telling him that you love his product, you love the way he's running things, you love John Cena and you want much, much more of his brand of sports entertainment and much much less of Daniel Bryan, Cesaro, Ziggles, Barrett and other "wrestlers" unless they're losing or being treated like jokes or clowns.





This was shaping up to be the worst WM ever and it lived up to that, what a PoS, anyone who enjoyed that must really love WWE, WWE has been trash for at least 8 year's now, no competition, no need to try, and for those who thought Cena was going Heel, WTF were you thinking? probably watch tomorrow's Raw, and mark the fuck out until next year's Rumble.


This had to be the most one match WM since 13. Punk/Taker was so good. That's the kind of match that can only happen at Wrestlemania. I really wasn't expecting Taker to bring it like he did. I for real jumped up at the first tombstone. At 25. Alone in my room. Marking out to a pro wrestling match. That match was just excellent. Weird seeing Taker choked up. And by FAR the best live entrance music in WM history. They were fucking tight.

Opener was the least of all the Shield matches by quite a bit, although I was happy to see them win. Pleasantly surprised that Mark Henry won, and even more surprised that Ryback got him up TWICE and didn't botch either of them. Happy that Bryan got a win at WM. Big E looked pretty boss. WHC was okay. Not bad, not memorable at all besides the sweet arm bar/ankle lock counter. Fandango winning was nice.

Very disappointed in HHH/Bork. I wasn't expecting a great match or anything, but I was expecting either a wild brawl or brutal beat down and got neither. It was a slow, plodding, pretty boring match. Not even as good as their first match. If HHH had won with the kimura, the would have been so gross. As it was, him winning was completely groan worthy and didn't even make sense with the story they were telling. Their whole thing is that Brock is bigger, better, younger, stronger, and HHH just putting up a fight is a victory. Having HHH win did zero for him, and having Brock come back to lose to HHH/Cena screams of Vince trying to humiliate Brock for leaving (except Brock knows it is a work and is getting paid stupid money for something he doesn't even really care about). I was also really surprised at the absence of blood. I thought for sure someone was going to blade huge. It makes no sense to bring Brock back to have him job to a retired office worker. Brock's supposed to be this unbeatable monster, but he's lost 2 of his last 3 matches. One to a guy who was in the most emotional distress of his life, and the other to a retired guy who has wrestled 6 matches in 3 years. Such a waste. I want to see Bork vs Sheamus.

The main event. The fuck. Crowd died after Punk/Taker, then sat through a super boring HHH/Bork, and then didn't give a fuck until the the 4th Rock Bottom. That might as well have been the Young Bucks throwing super kicks with as many Rock Bottoms and FUs they did. Completely ridiculous. And that they really played up Cena never winning the big one and over coming the odds completely straight with zero turn or anything was unbelievable. JBL actually said that if Cena didn't win, he'd be remembered as a great who never won the big one. Despite having won every big everything and being the top guy for 8 straight years with his only break coming from an injury. They keep talking about him like he's this young kid fighting to get to the top when he IS the top and has been for 8 years. In a row. With no one coming close to taking his spot, even when Punk was champ for over a year. This rematch was also worse than their first one. Two rematches in a row that were worse than the original matches.

I wish WWE would stop running open air stadiums. It kills the sound. Punk/Taker was loud, but would have been insane in a dome or arena. I was really pretty positive about the show after Punk/Taker, even though it had been pretty average and kind of dull. Then the last two matches made me remember why it is stupid to get excited about WWE.

Punk/Taker wasn't the spectacle that the HHH/Taker matches were, but it was worked and laid out 100% better. HHH winning was more offensive to me than Cena winning, but the way Cena won and how it was played up was probably grosser.


So not worth it
The upside is that the Raw after WM is always better than WM itself, so there's that.

We'll get a 20 minute Rock retirement speech no doubt, so he can go in the HoF next year and NEVER LEAVE AGAIN!


Well looks like going to bed after the Undertaker-CM Punk match was the correct call after all.

Seriously guys, for as much shit you give TNA all the time (most of it deserved), this isn't any better, perhaps even a bit worse on days like this.

Mr. Sam

Stadium accoustics probably played a big role in how the crowd came across. Chants would have sounded louder or quieter or non-existent depending on where you were seated.

Cole pointing out how there was "an odd hush" during the Triple H/Brock match was very funny.
Clever booking by WWE at the end. Handshake with The Rock. Cena leaves while The Rock's music plays. The Rock Stands with Cena at the end. You can tell people wanted to boo (and some did), but it was all covered nicely by strategically placing The Rock near John Cena whenever any audible boos could happen. Bastards.

Overall a very boring/safe WM, which I feel like sums up the current state of WWE perfectly. Punk v Undertaker was decent.
Well I was kind of enjoying that ppv up until Bork/Trips 2 in the rematch no one wanted to see, that match was actually kind of fun to watch in the sense that myself and the poor sap I had suffer with me were almost in hysterics at the sheer lack of fucks given, the commentary was a hidden highlight, there was so many silent gaps to suddenly get broken by an unenthusiastic King or JBL desperately trying to find something to talk about but it basically but boiled down to King's ramblings of such stuff like "oh...look, did you see him throw those stairs...yep".
It's pretty telling that the crowd only got interested or popped when...
- Trips punched Lesnar in the dick
- HBK kicked Heyman in the face
- When people thought that they might dare to have Brock tap out to HHH

And then my beloved Team Heel were defeated in what was essentially us being squashed by the most Cenariffic of Cena matches and endings.
Taken by itself the match was still pretty damn weak, a slow paced finisher fest that no one cared about, the final segment of counters looked absolutely amateurish when compared to how Punk and Taker handled a shorter and similar segment to close their match.
Part of me was intrigued by a straight up clean Cena win as I expected the fans to absolutely annihilate such an ending but while they tried to muster up some hate I think they were so deflated by the HHH and Cena combo they could barely muster boos and only look on underwhelmed as can be, well i'm ready for my avatar punishment at the hands of Professor Beef, I just wanted to believe!

Oh but Punk/Taker was great, I was incredibly impressed that Taker can still go and put on a great match especially after doing nothing all year, both men were "on" and so were the crowd, it was the real main event of WM. The rest of the undercard was fun if nothing else, not anything overly memorbale but they provided entertainment, I think this event is solid enough if you pretend it's a standard 3 hour ppv closing with Punk/Taker, the other two matches are straight to dvd special features dark matches.


Stadium accoustics probably played a big role in how the crowd came across. Chants would have sounded louder or quieter or non-existent depending on where you were seated.

Cole pointing out how there was "an odd hush" during the Triple H/Brock match was very funny.

Odd hush which meant that people were quiet most of the match

I think fans only really started getting into it with the kimura lock..

And not even sure what purpose HBK served in the match


Did anyone else get the feeling that the Henry/Ryback match was ass because they had to take it super easy in the beginning to make sure Ryback would lift Henry in the end?




I actually left as soon as Rock lost because I had to catch a bus to the Port Authority, so I completely missed this piece of shit moment. God am I glad I left when I did. Would have puked in my seat right then and there.
this is absolutely pathetic and i expected it, because their whole feud was about who can give the other guy more compliments

i've only watched 1 Raw since EC, reading the posts here makes me glad i didnt watch WM and this gif has convinced me watching WWE again is one of my biggest mistakes.

guess i'll start watching NJPW

I've went through the thread and read every prediction made before April 7th. Well done to the owner of the following prediction: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=52907949&postcount=1915


Please choose your Steam game: X-Com, Bioshock, DoW Franchise Pack or Saints Row 3 Complete Collection.

Also a very honorable mention to: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=52397172&postcount=209

I might be able to sort you out with a game too.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Rock seemed visibly upset by the response to the match pretty much right from the start.

Cena has been playing the same character in the same role for roughly as long as Rock's entire wrestling career (that is, from rock's debut through his match with goldberg, which basically marked his retirement)

It's no surprise the crowd hates seeing Cena. He's so stale, his stalenes is stale. Even his stale staleness is stale.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member

I've went through the thread and read every prediction made before April 7th. Well done to the owner of the following prediction: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=52907949&postcount=1915


Please choose your Steam game: X-Com, Bioshock, DoW Franchise Pack or Saints Row 3 Complete Collection.

Also a very honorable mention to: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=52397172&postcount=209

I might be able to sort you out with a game too.

Aiii go grab DoW Franchise Pack, because who doesn't love CHAOS


Cena has been playing the same character in the same role for roughly as long as Rock's entire wrestling career (that is, from rock's debut through his match with goldberg, which basically marked his retirement)

It's no surprise the crowd hates seeing Cena. He's so stale, his stalenes is stale. Even his stale staleness is stale.

Yet they cheered and jumped up and down when he pinned Rock.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Yet they cheered and jumped up and down when he pinned Rock.

They did - it's undeniable. Place popped huge with a Cena win. I think it was because the match sucked, and Cena couldn't carry Rock anymore.


I'm just saying. Wrestling fans bitch and complain about Cena and Rock but they're the ones cheering them. They're the ones who sip out of those collector cups. They buy the programs with their faces on. They buy their merchandise.

They have nobody to blame but themselves. It's not like Cena and Rock are in the main event for no reason at all.

Dead Man

I'm just saying. Wrestling fans bitch and complain about Cena and Rock but they're the ones cheering them. They're the ones who sip out of those collector cups. They buy the programs with their faces on. They buy their merchandise.

They have nobody to blame but themselves. It's not like Cena and Rock are in the main event for no reason at all.

Not a single entity.

Dead Man

I see no difference between the kids/women that buy Cena merchandise than the marks who go to Wrestlemania every year to pop for Cena winning in the main event.

Boring chant was nice though. I'll give them that.

How about those that do neither and post on GAF? Accusations of monolithic group responsibility are a lazy way to shut down conversation. People that don't pay aren't supporting it. Those that do earn the right to criticise.


I'm not really upset that Cena won. I'm just upset that the actual match was painfully boring, and then they went with the absolute safest ending humanly possible.

It sucks that WM had to end on that puke worthy note especially since Taker/Punk and HHH/Lesnar were both pretty great, in my opinion.

They did - it's undeniable. Place popped huge with a Cena win. I think it was because the match sucked, and Cena couldn't carry Rock anymore.

I wouldn't say "popped huge" necessarily, that was a lukewarm pop at best (at least compared to what the previous matches got). I think it was the Cena diehards popping along with a general "thank god this is over" sympathy pop. Also, did I seriously see people leaving during the Rock/Cena match?

(And does my avatar qualify enough for the #Heel sacrifice?)
Stadium accoustics probably played a big role in how the crowd came across. Chants would have sounded louder or quieter or non-existent depending on where you were seated.

Cole pointing out how there was "an odd hush" during the Triple H/Brock match was very funny.

Acoustics had nothing to do with it; the crowd just didn't give a fuck. I was sat in 114 which was one of the loudest/smarkiest sections and you could hear a pin drop. Which was a shame really as I was enjoying the start of the match and thought it was really good with all of Brock's suplexes and I felt like the only person reacting but a dead crowd at a wrestling match can kill any match.

The biggest problem is always going to be is that it is impossible to follow the Undertaker's match. The crowd just invested so much energy into it that you needed a break to recuperate.


It's great to see that John Cena has once again over come them odds.

I was going to ask, "What's next for Cena?", but considering how the retcon of the night was that Cena has never won "the big one", I assume that only naturally extends to his burying of the entire roster. It's as if the Cena era can begin anew now, and we can see repeats of all of our favorite Cena feuds. Exciting.
No matter how great everyone keeps saying HHH is, the fact is he was never on Austin's or Rock's level. He's not even on Undertaker's or HBK's level. He's like on that third tier of top guys.

When Brock beat him at SummerSlam, the crowd was singing the goodbye song to him. That's how little the crowd really cares about him. They pop for nostalgia and then that's it.

He's always been a hugely manufactured star - guys like Austin, Rock, Punk and even Michaels at his hammiest find a way to get a reaction via their own charisma. HHH has always been one who got a huge push and he was getting it, damnit, whether anyone liked it or not. He was only an effective heel in 99-00 and beyond because he was pushed like 80s Hogan most of the time.

0.8 dimensional talker, competent worker, biggest heel push of all time. You'd have to be exceptionally useless to fail under such circumstances and fortunately, he's not that bad.


He's always been a hugely manufactured star - guys like Austin, Rock, Punk and even Michaels at his hammiest find a way to get a reaction via their own charisma. HHH has always been one who got a huge push and he was getting it, damnit, whether anyone liked it or not. He was only an effective heel in 99-00 and beyond because he was pushed like 80s Hogan most of the time.

0.8 dimensional talker, competent worker, biggest heel push of all time. You'd have to be exceptionally useless to fail under such circumstances and fortunately, he's not that bad.

Just like Cena. Artificial, manufactured, and generally failures as "top stars". Cena is probably the worst major star in WWE's history. He's definitely the worst face of the company they ever had.


Unconfirmed Member
Am reading through all the posts from during the show last night just to see how GAF reacted to the show as it went, so I might randomly reply to a few posts along the way.

I wonder if the crowd is booing this Make-A-Wish segment.
Yes. Yes we did.

Also, I somehow totally forgot the end of Fandango-Jericho was completely botched.


Just like Cena. Artificial, manufactured, and generally failures as "top stars". Cena is probably the worst major star in WWE's history. He's definitely the worst face of the company they ever had.

Cena has absolutely no impact outside of the world of wrestling either. I'm sure it has a bit to do with wrestling just not be as popular in general, but he literally has no mainstream awareness. People who have never watched a match in their lives know of Stone Cold, The Rock, Hulk Hogan, or even Bret Hart. Its amazing how a guy that's been a mega-star for years has basically none of that.


So, here's my random WM thoughts:

---The Shield match was alright, ending was a tad anti climatic though. The Shield needs to start doing new things though, or expanding its roster.

---Glad Daniel Bryan got his WrestleMania 'YES' moment. Seriously, hopefully this makes WWE realize how over Bryan actually is. I like his work with Kane but this guy has no business being stuck in the dead Tag Team division.

---Holy crap, Ryback vs Henry was awful. It's sad that the most entertaining part of the whole thing happened after the match.

---Jericho versus Fandango was a sloppy match by Jericho standards. Didn't really sell me on Fandango at all.

---Del Rio vs Swagger was a respectable match that was bogged down by an awful storyline leading up to it. Surprised there was no Ziggler cash in, and what the hell was up with Swagger's intro getting bumped? He's not a damn jobber (yet).

---Taker/Punk was the match of the night. Also, I really liked the whole 'arms clawing at Taker' part of his intro. I'm totally okay with Taker only doing one match a year if these are the matches he gives.

---HHH/Brock was better than I expected it to be and was the 2nd best match of the night. I have no issue with Brock losing though. Everything built up to HHH finally getting payback.

---Rock/Cena was a lame match, I swore I even saw people leaving early during the match. If Henry/Ryback wasn't on the card I would have thought this was the worst match of the night. That match convinced me of two things. First, Rock is way past his prime. He's never been the best in the ring but his past matches were always a lot more entertaining than this. Secondly, Cena can't carry a match. Ever. I'm convinced of that now. All of his great matches have been with other much better ring workers than him.

---The ending to Mania was pathetic. They gave us the super play-it-safe ending when the entire crowd seemed to want anything but the play-it-safe ending. And considering Rock said on Raw this wasn't for a "torch passing moment", it sure felt like a torch passing moment. I was really hoping Cena would do something (anything) when he started mocking the Peoples Elbow again or when he was waiting up on the ramp for Rock.
I was going to ask, "What's next for Cena?", but considering how the retcon of the night was that Cena has never won "the big one", I assume that only naturally extends to his burying of the entire roster. It's as if the Cena era can begin anew now, and we can see repeats of all of our favorite Cena feuds. Exciting.

I know you are probably not being serious, but with the Big Show turning heel it is a great chance to finally get the two together for an extended program. I'd love to see what they could deliver together in the ring...


Unconfirmed Member
Oh wow, Swagger actually got a jobber intro? I thought I just missed it. I came out of the bathroom (as Diddy seemed the appropriate occasion for that) and Swagger was already in the ring, so I just thought I missed it.


Oh wow, Swagger actually got a jobber intro? I thought I just missed it. I came out of the bathroom (as Diddy seemed the appropriate occasion for that) and Swagger was already in the ring, so I just thought I missed it.

We got a repeat of the promo video from the pre-show. It came back to him being in the ring and his golf cart on the outside.


I wouldn't be surprised if the 8 man tag match got cut because WWE couldn't put together a 7 minute promo video telling you why this match was so important.


I'll be doing a write up when I get home later, oh and changing my avatar. This entire PPV felt like one of the small PPVs. It never had the usual big fight feel in any of the matches, and in the end, it just felt like the WWE were playing it safe.

Felt a bit let down by it to be honest.

EDIT: Also it was obvious that WWE felt none of the matches had enough build. Just look at how many times they ran promos, even over entrances. Ryback should slap Vince on the head and scream "STUPID" at him.
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