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Xbox One Launch Thread [Thread being archived 1/1/14]

Nice. Hoping for some new reveals!



I feel myself slowly leaning more towards a One as each day passes. I went from no way to maybe.

I'm much more hyped for the One launching than I was for the PS4.
Put me on that train... and because I'm in Australia I should be at the front somewhere ;)

Getting forza and ruse, and will d/l powerstar golf, KI free to play and Kinect sports wave race.

Can't wait!


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
I'd say there's a good chance.

Very good chance. Here's some things you can do based off what I learned at the PS4 launch:

Thursday afternoon

- Go to gamestop around 5:30 or so and ask them about any extra units. They may put you in a line or have you wait until 6 or 7. At 6 people with preorders will start finishing their transactions and will leave the store to come back at midnight. The manager should then let you know the situation if (s)he has any left. If they don't have any left you can ask if they know of any other gamestops that have some extras (or you yourself can and proceed accordingly)


- If you don't mind waiting for shipping or paying extra for quick shipping, keep a fast eye on Amazon and Walmart. I'm subscribed to zooalert.com which notifies me through text of any PS4 or Xbone sales popping up. You may want to do the same. Between midnight and this morning I had about 6 different vendors start offering PS4 orders again, including Amazon.

Friday morning

- Kmart at 7am. Costco and Sams at 7 if you're a business member otherwise you must wait a little. Sears at 9am.

I would not recommend Best Buy or Walmart for extra units, but I did stop by one (Walmart) last night and they did indeed have extra preorders. But don't count on those two.

sith ewok

Count me in on the hype train! I am beyond psyched for this launch. I've had fun with my PS4, but I am far more excited for the Xbox One launch. Cannot wait! Buying way too many X1 titles, but I'll be set for months.


Been here for Xbox through thick and thin. I have never been more excited bout my Xbox One just waiting for me in a Game Stop storage room. The fist thing I am going to do is open the box sick my face in it take in a deep breath and hold. I can taste that liquid black already.

Put me on teh train!!!


Unconfirmed Member
Very good chance. Here's some things you can do based off what I learned at the PS4 launch:

Thursday afternoon

- Go to gamestop around 5:30 or so and ask them about any extra units. They may put you in a line or have you wait until 6 or 7. At 6 people with preorders will start finishing their transactions and will leave the store to come back at midnight. The manager should then let you know the situation if (s)he has any left. If they don't have any left you can ask if they know of any other gamestops that have some extras (or you yourself can and proceed accordingly)


- If you don't mind waiting for shipping or paying extra for quick shipping, keep a fast eye on Amazon and Walmart. I'm subscribed to zooalert.com which notifies me through text of any PS4 or Xbone sales popping up. You may want to do the same. Between midnight and this morning I had about 6 different vendors start offering PS4 orders again, including Amazon.

Friday morning

- Kmart at 7am. Costco and Sams at 7 if you're a business member otherwise you must wait a little. Sears at 9am.

I would not recommend Best Buy or Walmart for extra units, but I did stop by one (Walmart) last night and they did indeed have extra preorders. But don't count on those two.

Cheers thanks for the suggestions.
Awesome OT!

I'm in with Ryse, Forza 5, Assassin's Creed IV, Killer Instinct and Kinect Sports Preseason. After having to work in electronics this morning at Target made me jealous of people getting their consoles. This is going to be the longest week ever!


Beautiful OP. Hey look I'm in it.

Conker probably won't be seen anytime soon. Seavor hates MS.

Still, Banjo pls.

Would LOVE to see a new Sunset Overdrive trailer at Xbox launch.


How exactly does the "Day One Edition" system work for games? Is it just a first shipment thing or is it only for pre-orders?


Sony's launch show was very uneventful. The hyped it up saying the will blow our minds so I watched and it put me to sleep. The ending was like a build up to nothing. It was very weird.
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