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Xbox One Owners Unite - A Xbox Live Gamer tag Exchange Thread


Neo Member
Feel free to add me, just picked a xbox one

Gt: AbuzzBiscuit
Games: pvz, peggle 2 and going to pick up diablo next week
Location: US east


Hi all, just picked up an Xbox One in anticipation of Destiny, The Master Chief Collection, and probably one or two other games this holiday season. I have Forza 5.

All my current gaming friends are PC guys, so my friends list is pretty bare at the moment.

GT: BigSolar

Location: US East

Usual play time is late nights on weekdays.


Just got EA Access for a month to hold me over until Destiny. Would love to play some BF4 with you guys after my awful, horrible experience with it on PC.


Please add me:

GT = Smokey Nice

Location: US Central
Playtime: Evenings

I have:

Battlefield 4
Forza 5
Dead Rising 3
Plants v. Zombies
Killer Instinct

Mention you are from GAF and I will accept.


Just joined the club.

GT: Blackjaw360

Location: US West
Playtimes: DadGAF here so evenings and weekends

Getting Destiny, already in destinygaf clan. I might pick up Diablo or Madden in the next week or so.


Neo Member
I've had the X1 since launch and really need to find some true gamers to play Destiny, Sunset, and MCC.

I play it all, usually on weekend days and the occasional weeknight (career, wife, etc). Feel free to add. In Minneapolis.

GT and PSN: JRod2100
XBL GT: AwesomePita23
Location:USA Miami,FL

Games: Diablo 3 UEE, Destiny, Dragon Age, Call Of Duty, forza 5, wwe 2k15, titanfall, Halo Collection.


Feel free to add me
Gamer tag: mast3rtarv1n
US, Alabama
Looking to fill up my friends list with people to play Destiny with and compare achievements.


Neo Member
Feel free to add


currently have ufc, and forza 5, will be picking up fifa 15 and forza horizon 2 in the near future

US, Virginia

Would like to get some friends to race on forza and some fifa time in too


Gamer Tag: Magus Cimarron

Games: Titan Fall, Forza 5, and soon to be Destiny!

Location: East Coast. But I play all around the clock at times.
<----------- Gamer tag in there

Looking for folks on Titanfall, Forza, Destiny. I also enjoy long walks on the beach and candle light dinners. Feels like a dating site

Location: Sioux Falls, SD


Neo Member
GT: FederalAndersen

I mainly play shooters but am an all around gamer. Can't wait for Destiny!

Oh, and I'm from St. Louis MO.
XBL - Prettyvacant511

UK GAF, 37 years old, will be on after 10pm most evenings, currently popping my Diablo cherry and loving it :)

Play mostly for laughs, don't take competitive multiplayer very seriously, best mp experience to date is still with a few UK folks having a laugh on Gears of War 1.
Xbl: Moskitokrebs
Location: Germany
Ionly play Xbox one for the ''exclusives''. Playing Titanfall now and waiting for sunset overdrive and halo.
Feel free to add me.
Or psn:Moskitokrebs


Just got an Xbox One a week ago because of a very good deal. I'm new to Xbox (coming from PSN) so got no friends yet.

My current game is only Tomb Raider but looking forward to getting Diablo 3, Forza Horizon, NBA2K15 and maybe AC Unity.

GT: geff312


Bumped for Destiny!

Location - UK
Age - 42
Games - Titanfall,Forza,Ryse,Minecraft,PvsZ,Diablo 3 and Destiny

tag - Pjsprojects

Also on PS4 & PC with same tag.


I MX Rider I

Currently playing: Minecraft, Titanfall, Pvz, Madden 15, Forza 15 and a bunch of "arcade games".

Future: Destiny, Forza Horizon 2, Sunset Overdrive, COD, Mastercheif Collection.


Might as well add myself here, currently have a 360 but will be getting the Sunset Overdrive bundle at the end of October. Will pretty much only be playing the exclusives on the One.

Location - Wales, UK (GMT)
ID - JohnParry LIVE


Just picked up a Xbox One yesterday mainly for Sunset Overdrive and Forza Horizon 2. Don't have any XBL friends lol. So here I am.

Gamertag: Rhinestone41

Location: Central US


Bought Xbox One last week. Looking forward to play games with NeoGaffer.

GT: DreamB0yDani
Location: Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (GMT +3)
Games: Titanfall, Sunset Overdrive, Forza Horizon 2
GT: intheinbetween
Location: Spain

FIFA 14/15 mostly but also: Dead Rising 3, Ryse, EA Access, Lego Marvel, Super Time Force.. plus I'll be getting: Sunset Overdrive, Forza Horizon 2 and Halo MCC

btw, I can also send invites for the preview program, just add me and let me know if you want to join the preview program


Seeking Older gamers for Late night Raiding in Destiny

Seriously, this Game is impossible to find friends @ my level to play with. Hoping Gaf could help. Im still a lvl 9 and I usually dont have much time to play at night but i would love to organize a Destiny OLDMAN Clan just for kicks. any one interested, Friend me @ XBL: BeCrush


Picking up an XB1 tonight, feel free to add me in advance. Mention you're from GAF and I'll accept.

GT: SDisorder
Location: Netherlands
Games: Forza 5, FIFA 15

Edit: is XboxGAF an collection account with all the NeoGaf GamerTags?


GT: dmac9er

US East Coast

Peggle 2
Need for Speed

Halo: MCC
Sunset Overdrive

Sent some friend requests to several of the names from this last page...hope to see you online


Neo Member
GT: JRod2100

Had the X1 since launch, mainly play on weekends. On Destiny right now with Forza, Sunset, and MCC on my radar. In Minneapolis.


Neo Member
Gamertag; LUCKY NUM8ER 7

Mostly playing Destiny at the moment but also hooked on Diablo 3, Forza 5, and Titanfall. I really want to play Super Time Force with someone as well :)
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