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Xbox One Owners Unite - A Xbox Live Gamer tag Exchange Thread

GT: ThingontheFloor
Currently Playing: Sunset Overdrive, CoD: Advanced Warfare, Forza Horizon 2,
Looking Forward: Halo: MCC
Location: Pennsylvania, USA (EST)


GT: NastyTheMenace
Current: Destiny, Madden 15, Forza Motorsport 5
Future: Forza Horizon 2, Dragon Age: Inquisition
New Orleans
I don't play online usually, but I may start too soon with the coming games.

Xbox Live Gamer tag: goombatommy
Xbox One Games: Ryse: Son of Rome, Killer Instinct.
Location: Pennsylvania, USA (Eastern Standard Time)


Xbox Gamertag: Smashy Smashy
Current: Destiny and Diablo 3
Future: Forza Horizon 2, Sunset Overdrive, and MCC

I am on EST and normally play week nights at around nine and sometimes weekends early afternoon.


xbox gamertag: Akileese
current: Destiny,
future: Forza Horizon 2, sunset overdrive, possibly FIFA 15

I'm on US Central Time. On most nights past 6pm. Usually shooting at a cave in Destiny.


GT: Gamejunky2
Play all types of games, usually achivement hunting, also play a lot of 360, so if you're looking for a partner/booster for achievements add me.


Neo Member
GT: Beerculies

Games: BF4, Minecraft, Titanfall

Hoping to get Destiny soon and will play a ton of MC: collection when it comes out.


Neo Member

I'm on most days usually after 6:pm central

Games I play: Killer Instinct, Diablo UEE, Madden 15, UFC
Games I'm getting: Dragon Age:Inquisition, AC:Unity, Forza Horizon II, GTA:V, Far Cry IV, MCC


I'm totally new to Xbox so I only have 2 friends right now. Please add me!

Gamertag: btkadams

Games: Titanfall, Forza Horizon 2, with
Halo Master Chief Collection, Sunset Overdrive preordered


Neo Member

I also new to the Xbox One, just got mine a couple weeks ago.
I play Destiny a lot!

I only have a few friends, feel free to add me!

GT: WrathPak1


Neo Member
GT: C1inician

I'm a kiwi, so I'm looking for AUS/NZ people.

I'm playing Destiny, Horizon 2 and looking forward to Advanced Warfare in a couple of weeks.

Yes Advanced Warfare. Sue me ;)


GT: Norci7

Time zone: GMT
Games: Sunset Overdrive, Halo: MCC, Call of Duty: AW, Dragon Age Inquisition, AC: Unity
GT: Navidson REC
Games: mostly Titanfall at the moment (plus Guacamelee), eagerly awaiting The Master Chief Collection; might buy Forza Horizon 2 or Sunset Overdrive soon
Location: Germany

Feel free to add me! I'd love to jump into Titanfall with a team using mics (English or German, doesn't matter at all) and all at some point!
GT: mister teaspoon

Games: Haven't been playing much lately, to be honest. Peggle 2 and Titanfall are definitely my most played. I will absolutely be glued to MCC this fall and am mainly looking for friends for that. May pick up Sunset Overdrive if it gets rave reviews.

US Central Time Zone
Hey guys!

GT: Yankeessuck193

Created the name when I first got my Xbox 360 & it's a hilarious ice breaker when playing multiplayer games.

Xbox One games: Ryse, DR3, KI, Titanfall, BF4, Ghosts, and Minecraft.

FYI: I'm on the east coast & usually play around 4pm EST. The list is just gonna get bigger throughout the years to come, so feel free to add me if you ever want to play cooperative or multiplayer!



US central time

Mostly playing Forza Horizon 2 now but will be playing Sunset Overdrive, Halo MCC and Dragon Age Inquisition soon.



Gamer tag for Xbox,PS4 & Steam - Pjsprojects
location - UK
Age - 42
Games - FH2,Destiny,BF4,Titanfall,FM5,Rivals in fact most stuff tbh.

Play nearly every evening and do use the mic :)


Bumping myself up since it was back in July!

GT: Quartos
Location: Ontario, Canada (EST)
Games: I have Titanfall, Forza Horizon 2, Forza 5, Dead Rising 3, and all of the Games with Gold games.
I plan on getting Halo: Master Chief Collection, Sunset Overdrive, and Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.

Add away, any and all!


Gold Member
Dunno if mine is on this thread or a different one.

GT Vanevar
Tampa FL
Right now playing Destiny, NBA2k15 and Mordor.. MCC preloaded and waiting for my 20k points to transfer to hit the preload on SO.
GT: Matty aka Matty

Location: San Francisco, CA and Salt Lake City, UT

Games: CoD: AW, Halo: MCC, Forza Horizons 2, Madden 15, PvZ: Garden Warfare, Diablo:UEE, Titanfall, Sunset Overdrive, AC: Unity and a ton of other titles.


Neo Member
Gamertag: Mr.FluffyMcKitns
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Currently, Diablo 3 UEE, Forza Horizon 2. Probably Sunset Overdrive and AC Unity at some point




Games: PVZ, Bf4, Forza 5, NBA 2k14, Madden 15, COD,
Will be picking up MCC on launch day


Neo Member
GT: CaptainColada

M 29 Illinois

Currently playing: destiny lvl 27 hunter, madden 15, alien, sleeping dogs. Really addicted to destiny though. Go ahead and add.


Unconfirmed Member
If anyone is planning on playing A LOT of Halo MCC, feel free to add me. Playing with GAFers is always better than playing with randoms. Gamertag = kittens dx.

Edit : And I mean multiplayer. I'll be down for campaign sometimes, but PvP is where I spend 99% of my time.

Lego Boss

GT: axlewade
Console: XONE
Location: Loughborough, UK

Playing Forza Horizon 2 until the cows come home (why are there no cows and sheep in this game?!)

Looking to have more friends so I can have a more active feed and Drivatars I can recognize and swear at in Horizon 2. MCC will be my go to multi-player game this holiday season. Will probably fire up Destiny for the DLC as well.


GT: audeh64R8

Heehee! ;)

Had an Xbox One since Titanfall in secret! My friends think I have a PS4 but they don't think I have a Xbox One as well.

I don't really want them to know so please feel free to add me strangers of the internet!


Neo Member
GT: PeteMc

Timezone is GMT

Games will be playing online Halo MCC (its all about the race to 4K) , Sunset Overdrive, CoD:AW and Forza 5/Forza Horizon 2


GT: Sundull

Games: Forza Horizon 2, Plants vs Zombies GW, Halo: MCC (eventually)

US East Coast (EDT)

Just got an Xbox One and have been on a PvZ kick lately. I added some of you here. Feel free to add me, too.
Got a One recently! I only have a few games atm, but i'd love to play some Halo with people once the 11th rolls around.

Xbox Live Gamer tag: The Tharp Daddy
Xbox One Games: PvZ: GW, Halo: MCC
Location: Eastern time


Never saw this thread.


Games: Forza 5, H2, Sunset Overdrive, EA access, Ryse, Dead Rising 3, Diablo 3


GT: flkRaven

Currently playing Sunset Overdrive, but I also own Watch Dogs, Destiny, AC4, COD Ghost, and all the GWG games.
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