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Zero Escape 3 announced, Summer 2016. PR: 3DS and Vita

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The new artsyle looks great. I hope this means they'll be showing off more of the participants leading up to the trailer Uchikoshi mentioned on FB. Things are getting exciting again :)
Occam's razor.
Participant 9 is Sigma
Participant 6 is Diana

6 is clearly holding a pendant and has the same sweater as Diana in the promo art.
Yes, I know, the jacket is not there and the hair isn't braided.
But remember that the promo art was probably made before the definitive designs.
Sigma is pretty different if you see it from the promo art and the Participant 9 pic, but the clothes are the same.
I exclude Akane from what she said
at the end of VLR
While I get people that say that she's similar to Akane, I don't understand why Phi should look like this..


I can't wait for this game but I'm a bit worried because my Vita seems dead, did it happens to anybody here ? I didn't used it in about 6 months or so, it won't turn on nor charge (the Home button isn't lighted anymore), what should I do ? I tried several solutions but none worked and I don't really want to spend money for the little use I have.


Crazy nitpicking time

The thumb overlaps the collar so the odds of there being a necklace behind her hand feels somewhat slim

I'm taking a shot in the dark and going with Akane since she's displayed a similar posture in the past and also "Participant 6" is an obvious thing (though perhaps a little too obvious some may argue). Though people might argue that (VLR spoilers)
her hair in there is different
, I feel like the same argument can be applied to Diana after that poster.


6 is clearly holding a pendant and has the same sweater as Diana in the promo art.
Yes, I know, the jacket is not there and the hair isn't braided.
But remember that the promo art was probably made before the definitive designs.
I does not have to be a pendant. It could be a shirt undernath the sweater. It's hard to tell. And even if it is, I dont't think it's Diana's pendant. The Blue Bird pendant is big and bulky, I dobut she could hold it in her hand like that without any part of it being shown.
Sweater is not the same, sleeves are completely different. They are now much less fitting and go over her palms.
And I think Diana's old design is pretty definitive if they are using it to show the watches a few hours before showing Participant 6.
My bet is: it's a new character.


Reposting from other thread but my bet is that Participant 6 is likely
nona kashiwabara especially through appearance and hairstyle
her twin sister but we haven't seen the twin yet.

Yes, you'll have to
google it and check wikia to remember who it is

Swapping artists and teasing a more realistic artstyle with oldschool shading, just so it barely turns into a slightly different kind of generic animu, maybe even more tired than the last style.
Will there ever be a VN looking as good as Hotel Dusk?
My suspicion:

with the end of VLR introducing a (player?) character who can jump into other people's bodies, everything is going to come full circle with Dashiell Gordain. They're going to realize that the Mars Mission Test Site Notary Game can't be won, and go back even further to stop the original Nonary Game in the early 20th century. This will create a reality where Akane's esper powers never awakened, where the Nonary Games of 999 and VLR never took place, and (quite possibly, as Left's killer was apparently rather wealthy) (maybe even Nonary Game Winner wealthy) where Brother never formed Free The Soul.
How would that even work ... ?
-First :
Akane is not the only esper, even if she never train her powers ..various events would still happen since the organisation that made the first nonary game would be still there
-Second :
Negating 9,9,9 from the continuity ? Such a bold choice that is certainly going to split your fanbase into 2 ( not a good idea )
-Third :
Even if they need to go back fruther into the past in order to solve things , in witch body would they end up with ? That limit plenty of things. Even with 2 or 3 people who can see tha variations in the timeline is that really enough ?

I'm mostly curious as to who the protag will be this go around. Given that Uchikoshi tends to have the "mysterious, plot-key female deuteroganist" trope a lot in his games, it could be fun if he switched things up and made Diana the player character. Plus that means the player knows
if they make the wrong choice, Radical-6 will fall entirely on their shoulders, going by her lines in VLR.

That's the cool part , we know what a game over would result in ..the feels , the betrayed expectation ..everything this game needs to do is huge.. they needs to deliver on that aspect ..i want my " oh shit" moments
From most likely to least likely on who participant 6 is:

New character
- Phi (WAT?)

By the way, like others have already said, that's not a necklace around her neck, I'm pretty sure it's her shirt.
If Uchikoshi isn't pulling an Uchikoshi, she is definitely Diana. You can see the necklace and the sweater.

Although i'm pretty sure he'll try to recycle Ever 17 again, and we'll end having a Tsugumi or You 2.0


Meh, watch seems OK...I wish I had the VLR watch, but don't think the watch edition was available in UK. For this though, I made sure to pre-order from Amazon US as soon as it was up, ha ha, at least I'll have one ZE watch, ha ha.

Loving the art work too, makes me wonder if they'll stay with 3D for ZE3 or go back to 2D. Honestly don't mind either.


If Uchikoshi isn't pulling an Uchikoshi, she is definitely Diana. You can see the necklace and the sweater.

Although i'm pretty sure he'll try to recycle Ever 17 again, and we'll end having a Tsugumi or You 2.0

Wasnt Phi a kind of Tsugumi in VLR?
Ever 17 spoiler
He could make Phi a You 2.0 by having her be her own mom or something
If Uchikoshi isn't pulling an Uchikoshi, she is definitely Diana. You can see the necklace and the sweater.

But Diana doesn't have her hair on one side like shown in the new piece of art. I guess you could argue that her character design has changed (not likely at all) but the person modelling the watch from today still has the same hair as Diana from the original concept art.

That so called necklace looks like her shirt to me too. The shirt underneath her vest to be more precise.
It's not Diana.


OMG so many good news for my most wanted game this year. Watch looks nice(although I don't like the fact that seems that the color is only going to be black). About the participant from the moment I've seen it I have no kind of doubt that it's diana, they're showing the only two characters we've already seen,outstanding art btw.
The fact that looks a bit different in the teaser image we've seen is for confusing purposes.


From most likely to least likely on who participant 6 is:

New character
- Phi (WAT?)

By the way, like others have already said, that's not a necklace around her neck, I'm pretty sure it's her shirt.

How is Akane even remotely likely? She said it herself that she won't be at the test site.
Regarding Diana; she just needs to remove her hair ribbon and voila the hair matches the first image. Her cardigan is also very similar and she may or may not hold the pendant in her hand.
Dunno. Could also be Diana after the Mars Mission Test Site. If Uchikoshi tweet is to be believed, she met Sigma again in
the Moon.

Wasnt Phi a kind of Tsugumi in VLR?
Ever 17 spoiler
He could make Phi a You 2.0 by having her be her own mom or something
It would be interesting if done correctly. I like the theory.
How is Akane even remotely likely? She said it herself that she won't be at the test site.
Regarding Diana; she just needs to remove her hair ribbon and voila the hair matches the first image. Her cardigan is also very similar and she may or may not hold the pendant in her hand.

Anything is possible with these games! :p

By the way, I love how one piece of art is given to us and everyone instantly goes into speculation mode. It's so wonderful to have this franchise back!

EDIT: Damn it, now I'm starting to think it might be Diana.


By the way, I love how one piece of art is given to us and everyone instantly goes into speculation mode. It's so wonderful to have this franchise back!

EDIT: Damn it, now I'm starting to think it might be Diana.

Yeah! I'm super happy to see all these posts c:

It's too obvious to be Akane, even without what she said
during VLR

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!

Swapping artists and teasing a more realistic artstyle with oldschool shading, just so it barely turns into a slightly different kind of generic animu, maybe even more tired than the last style.
Will there ever be a VN looking as good as Hotel Dusk?
I need to play Hotel Dusk again. That was honestly one of the big games that sold me on a DS back in the day.

Still overall I concur with the boos for this post.



Swapping artists and teasing a more realistic artstyle with oldschool shading, just so it barely turns into a slightly different kind of generic animu, maybe even more tired than the last style.
Will there ever be a VN looking as good as Hotel Dusk?
Yeah, I can't believe people are saying its amazing. It looks like any other low budget, cookie cutter anime style. At least the last two games had their own unique sense of style.


I need to play Hotel Dusk again. That was honestly one of the big games that sold me on a DS back in the day.

Still overall I concur with the boos for this post.
Even though it wasn't as focused or cohesive, Last Window is really great too. I feel it helped flesh out Kyle's character and some of his more prominent...issues. The art style was on point too.

Participant 6 kind of reminds me of Luna, so I'll go with the Diana speculation.


Ohhhh glad other people see Phi in the new portrait. I know most obvious is Luna/Diana or Akane(yeah she said she wasn't there but it does make you question what role she'll play since she's the biggest character) but it feels too obvious. Plus releasing both previous protagonists together is nice. :p


Plus remember how
the symbol for Phi looks like a 0 divided in two? And that old meme of "You divided by Zero, didnt you?!


I know, but I'm just thinking back to the "hint" Uchikoshi put on the VLR Q&A when someone asked who Phi was, or something like that :)

Swapping artists and teasing a more realistic artstyle with oldschool shading, just so it barely turns into a slightly different kind of generic animu, maybe even more tired than the last style.
Will there ever be a VN looking as good as Hotel Dusk?

How is the new artstyle more realistic than 999's/VLR's artstyle?
It's just a different artist, so all it is is a different artstlye, it still looks like a manga/anime artstyle to me.
In fact it actually looks close enough to VLR's art style to me.

Tricky | Shadow said:
From most likely to least likely on who participant 6 is:

New character
- Phi (WAT?)

By the way, like others have already said, that's not a necklace around her neck, I'm pretty sure it's her shirt.

I get reminded of Phi mainly because of her head shape and pose.
Anything's possible, though.

I don't think it's Diana. She's missing the dark shirt under her sweater that we saw in the key art. We still think that the female person in the key art is Diana, right?

My guess is thus this:
It's either Phi or it's a new character. Neither Akane nor Diana would make sense.
I'm relatively sure that the new artist will partially adapt the old art style so that characters are actually instantly recognizable. Which also means that I will be quite dissapointed if Participant 6 actually turns out to be Akane or Diana.


Unconfirmed Member
I am very relieved that the artstyle doesn't match the concept art 100%. I love 999 & VLRs artsyles and the grittines of the promo art didn't feel right. The sketches we've seen for Sigma and Akane / Diana? are a good middle ground between both old and new.

Swapping artists and teasing a more realistic artstyle with oldschool shading, just so it barely turns into a slightly different kind of generic animu, maybe even more tired than the last style.
Will there ever be a VN looking as good as Hotel Dusk?

Complaining about the art being too anime after 2 games who were hella anime from day 1.



This looks pretty similar to 999's style.
To the renditions represented in-game, I suppose. Still far removed from Nishimura's promotional illustrations, though. Either way, still preferable to something as odd as shifting to a hyper-realistic style at the last second to close out the trilogy as they seemed like they were going to go with.

Rather positive that Participant 6 is Diana.

Swapping artists and teasing a more realistic artstyle with oldschool shading, just so it barely turns into a slightly different kind of generic animu, maybe even more tired than the last style.
Will there ever be a VN looking as good as Hotel Dusk?

Hotel Dusk looked had a boring as hell art style. I'll take the semi-generic animu of 999 or the 3D models of VLR over that.

Though as has been said, if we're going 3D models, I think AA5's should be the style to emulate.

If Uchikoshi isn't pulling an Uchikoshi, she is definitely Diana. You can see the necklace and the sweater.

Although i'm pretty sure he'll try to recycle Ever 17 again, and we'll end having a Tsugumi or You 2.0

It's going to be an Ever 17 retread like all of Uchikoshi's stuff since has been. He may be able to do something interesting with it though.


Yeah, I detested the 3D models of VLR (garbage 2D --> 3D transition made to look all the worse by how the models in AA5 turned out), and will absolutely take both 999's sprites and Hotel Dusk's rotoscoping over that.
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