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PES 2015 : 1080P 60 FPS on PS4 - 720P 60 FPS on X1


Speaking of deferred rendering, the X1 can handle it fine above 720p with a combination of it and forward+.

I do believe the incredible looking Ryse (900p) uses both deferred rendering and forward+.

I don't expect something like PES to push gaming tech like Crytek though, lol.

Unless I missed it, I haven't seen anyone discussing other games successfully implementing deferred at higher resolutions.

P.T. uses Fox Engine and it's one of the best looking games I've ever seen. It's unfair to KojiPro to say that they have no interest in pushing tech.


While I can't imagine MS sending anyone over to Konami for PES, if there are underlying issues with the fox engine then you'd think they would try and help - partly for MGSV but partly because fox might be used for most of infamous output this generation


So if you're a publisher and you know that one of the new systems does not play well with deferred rendering, what do you do?

Keep it the same, but leave one of five platforms effectively sub-par? It sucks for xbox one users, but it works out for everyone else (more or less).

Changing from deferred is not an option on the older machines. They simply can't do forward+. So if you're looking at cross-gen, then there's really only one option. If it's next gen only, do you make the modifications, if they are even possible, of changing to forward+ in your engine?

The next year will be interesting. The Microsoft engineers better get their passports ready.


So this couldn't simply be they have a budget for optimizing games per system and they reached 1080p/60 on PS4 and 720p/60 on XB1 using an equal allotment of that budget?

Dev studios are now required to spend extra time making their game equal on a lower spec system or drawing back the better spec version to be the same?


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
dat forced parity

Could just be that PS4 will use Fox Engine and Bone will use the gimped but 1080p-friendly Hen Engine.
Your opinion is wrong though. Opinions can be wrong.

Edit: I still don't understand why people continue to be surprised by games running at a lower resolution on Xbox One, it was always going to happen with the difference in specs at some point.

I don't think anyone is surprised that games run at a lower resolution on xbox one, the surprise is that a sport game, which doesn't look any better than FIFA 15, is running at 720p when the other is 1080p.


I want you guys to remember mrb1972 started out on GAF with this fucking hilarious post:

mrb1972 said:
Ok it looks really nice but my only problem with it is that its looks very much "on rails" - all the tracks seem to designed to keep you going on the tarmac, barriers, rocks etc everywhere, the car just seems to bounce off them back on track...

But it does look very nice

DriveClub is a rail racer.

And that, of the like three or four other topics he has ever posted in, the majority of them are him trying to 'fight the myth' that the PS4 is not 50% more powerful in any way.

mrb1972 said:
I don't believe the myth that the PS4 is 40%/50% more powerful than the XB1 - most devs say the PS4 has little or slightly more powerful hardware but in real terms they are close.

The reason the early titles were 1080p on PS4 and 720/900p on XB1 was down to the poor XB1 sdk that it launched with compared the PS4 sdk.

Don't believe the media hype and fanboy rubbish, do your research from the devs that code the games, this will give you a more accurate assessment of the two consoles.

I think the next AC and COD will be a good test

Destiny Digital Foundry topic

mrb1972 said:
Everyone knows theses launch title issues were mainly down to the poor sdk the XB1 launched with.

I would like to know if this game is using the latest sdk

Lords Res confirmed 900p on XBO, 1080p on PS4 thread

Of all his posts, 96% are about him trying to fight the myth PS4 is 50% more powerful.

AND, on top of that, let's fight this shit:

mrb1972 said:
I'm not denying anything - I listen to dev's and experts not armchair fanboys

Alright, you want to listen to devs?

1. I am not doing a damage control, but I do want to clarify one thing. But first, yes, devs I know -- and as someone has shown it before in this thread, some other devs already talked about it too -- claim that there's 50% speed difference WHEN DEVELOPING in cross-gen/next-gen PS4/XO games. So there we are, I said it and I stand by it. Notice: WHEN DEVELOPING. It'll become clear in a second.

Adrian C., Former People Can Fly Developer

Edge/Developers said:
PlayStation 4 is currently around 50 per cent faster than its rival Xbox One. Multiple high-level game development sources have described the difference in performance between the consoles as “significant” and “obvious.”

Anonymous Developers tell Edge there is 50% difference

Benchmark Test said:
Anyway, this further ties into previous benchmarks noting that the PS4's GPU had 50% more power than the Xbox One, as revealed by Extreme Tech. This means that not only does the PS4 have a stronger GPU but it also has a faster CPU to match.

Benchmark Test



So this couldn't simply be they have a budget for optimizing games per system and they reached 1080p/60 on PS4 and 720p/60 on XB1 using an equal allotment of that budget?

Dev studios are now required to spend extra time making their game equal on a lower spec system or drawing back the better spec version to be the same?

I don't think it's uncommon for developers to spend more time optimizing one version. PS3 was a giant pain in the ass to work with, but companies still got out good versions of games for the system.


I don't think anyone is surprised that games run at a lower resolution on xbox one, the surprise is that a sport game, which doesn't look any better than FIFA 15, is running at 720p when the other is 1080p.

Except that PES does actually look noticeably better than FIFA.


The next year will be interesting. The Microsoft engineers better get their passports ready.

Conspiracy Theory: Microsoft engineers developed an inferior memory solution for the Xbox One so they could see the world on the company's dime!


At least it's the good kind of forced parity. It sounds like they're improving the build for their console, not gimping the other one.

People will complain that if they can get the XB1 version closer then they're obliged to go back and spend the same amount of time to add "extra bells and whistles" to the PS4 version.


Nothing in that article (which just links tweets that have already been linked here) actually indicates they will increase the resolution.

I don't thin that is the case, he states they have pulled the document that links that the Xbox is 720p

I think that is as good as a confirmation the resolution will be increasing, even if they delay the Xbox version...

The question that should be asked of Konami is why did they not go to MS for help in the first place


Speaking of deferred rendering, the X1 can handle it fine above 720p with a combination of it and forward+.

I do believe the incredible looking Ryse (900p) uses both deferred rendering and forward+.

I don't expect something like PES to push gaming tech like Crytek though, lol.

Unless I missed it, I haven't seen anyone discussing other games successfully implementing deferred at higher resolutions.
Given Ryse struggled to hit consistent 30fps that's more a confirmation than a denial of situation, no?

I mean what resolution would Ryse need to be to hit solid 60fps on XB1. Clearly it couldn't be 900p as it couldn't maintain 30fps so maybe... 720p?

The point is different engines/game content means you shouldn't just make snap comparisons.

I think PvZ might be deffered rendering at 900p on XB1 but the general knowledge of deferred engines does imply they would have issues with ESRAM size and memory design on XB1 whereas PS4 should have no such issues.

Cost vs expected return (or cost to achieve) then comes into play: how much would it cost to rework the engine specific to XB1 and what real return is expected? Looking at current sales trends it's not hard to imagine the return not being worth the effort for PES. Maybe is MS offered to cover costs but they can't keep doing that and MS probably want to focus their team on titles like Destiny and Diablo.

I'd imagine if MGS V is 720p then MS might decide to offer free help but there's no way to know until it happens.

Of course the more XB1 games are seen to get extra effort just to come closer to or achieve parity the more devs will come under pressure from the larger PS4 base to put additional effort into pushing PS4 more so I could this scenario rinse/repeating throught the gen.


Conspiracy Theory: Microsoft engineers developed an inferior memory solution for the Xbox One so they could see the world on the company's dime!

I think Mattrick was part of the conspiracy as well. He was sick of being stuck in Washington, so he gave the go ahead.


Junior Member
At least it's the good kind of forced parity. It sounds like they're improving the build for their console, not gimping the other one.

pointless if you get 1080p60fps with screen tear (sniper elite style) than 720p with rock solid 60fps.

or maybe they'll chosse a weird resolutoin like 892p


I want you guys to remember mrb1972 started out on GAF with this fucking hilarious post:

DriveClub is a rail racer.

And that, of the like three or four other topics he has ever posted in, the majority of them are him trying to 'fight the myth' that the PS4 is not 50% more powerful in any way.

Destiny Digital Foundry topic

Lords Res confirmed 900p on XBO, 1080p on PS4 thread

Of all his posts, 96% are about him trying to fight the myth PS4 is 50% more powerful.

AND, on top of that, let's fight this shit:

Alright, you want to listen to devs?

Adrian C., Former People Can Fly Developer

Anonymous Developers tell Edge there is 50% difference

Benchmark Test


Seems like someone is a little obsessed with me - oh dear

And seriously are you really showing me that benchmark test!! That was a joke


I don't thin that is the case, he states they have pulled the document that links that the Xbox is 720p

I think that is as good as a confirmation the resolution will be increasing, even if they delay the Xbox version...

The question that should be asked of Konami is why did they not go to MS for help in the first place

I think that's as good as a confirmation that they removed the document. No one said they will work to increase the resolution.

Anything further is speculation.


Seems like someone is a little obsessed with me - oh dear

And seriously are you really showing me that benchmark test!! That was a joke

Yes, "obsessed." As in click your name, see the one page of posts you've ever made, and notice that they're all about the same fucking nonsense.

And now, witness the goal posts being moved - someone who has yet to even once explain any of his technical know-how suddenly trying to decry that a link from people who know more than him are not up to snuff.

I can list every technical analysis that has ever been made about the system - they all say the same thing, PS4 is 30%-50% more powerful overall. This is very significant.


Yes, "obsessed." As in click your name, see the one page of posts you've ever made, and notice that they're all about the same fucking nonsense.

And now, witness the goal posts being moved - someone who has yet to even once explain any of his technical know-how suddenly trying to decry that a link from people who know more than him are not up to snuff.

Its always the same tactic from these posters.

post some bullshit -> get called out -> discredit the one calling you out.

i dont even bother anymore.


I think that's as good as a confirmation that they removed the document. No one said they will work to increase the resolution.

Anything further is speculation.

one would I feel be fairly safe to surmise that for them to come back and say "actually it is staying at 720p after liaising with MS engineers" would be quite embarrassing for both parties

all this says to me is that they did not do as well as they could, that is not to portion blame and there may be some political motivation behind this... perhaps the MS consultation is now 'free'

Regardless I would be amazed it now stayed 720p, you don't call in the experts for no reason after all


Its always the same tactic from these posters.

post some bullshit -> get called out -> discredit the one calling you out.

i dont even bother anymore.

And they never actually address the points brought up against them, it's either "time will tell" or "you're just picking on me" etc.

one would I feel be fairly safe to surmise that for them to come back and say "actually it is staying at 720p after liaising with MS engineers" would be quite embarrassing for both parties

all this says to me is that they did not do as well as they could, that is not to portion blame and there may be some political motivation behind this... perhaps the MS consultation is now 'free'

Regardless I would be amazed it now stayed 720p, you don't call in the experts for no reason after all

Please point out to me in the tweets where they are saying they are "calling in experts" or "liaising with MS engineers".


I want you guys to remember mrb1972 started out on GAF with this fucking hilarious post:

DriveClub is a rail racer.

And that, of the like three or four other topics he has ever posted in, the majority of them are him trying to 'fight the myth' that the PS4 is not 50% more powerful in any way.

Destiny Digital Foundry topic

Lords Res confirmed 900p on XBO, 1080p on PS4 thread

Of all his posts, 96% are about him trying to fight the myth PS4 is 50% more powerful.

AND, on top of that, let's fight this shit:

Alright, you want to listen to devs?

Adrian C., Former People Can Fly Developer

Anonymous Developers tell Edge there is 50% difference

Benchmark Test




Shit, drop the benchmark for all I care. More links!

Gaijin Entertainment has bluntly stated that the PS4 GPU is 40% more powerful than the one in Xbox One. We already knew this for a long time but Microsoft had never confirmed the console’s GPU specs. Currently the PS4 GPU runs at 1.84 teraflops compared to the 1.3 teraflops of Xbox One GPU.

War Thunder dev: PS4 GPU is 40% more powerful than Xbox One GPU


Forbes said:
In talking to a developer who wished to remain anonymous, gamers will see a difference on Day One when they compare third party PS4 games to Xbox One head-to-head. The developer told me the PS4 is 40 percent more powerful than Xbox One and games like Call of Duty Ghosts will be noticeably different out of the gate.


On Demand

The XBO architecture and all that cloud talk will make much more sense in future.

But isn't cloud development kind of useless now since everyone is not connected online?

And what understanding of the architecture, that we don't already know, will change in the future that will help with these resolution differences with PS4?
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