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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt -- 16 free DLCs for everyone!


Reminds me of the Spotpass stuff in Fire Emblem Awakening. The content was little things- older game characters, weapons, a few new chapters. It gave a great incentive to go back to the game while the content was coming out. Looks like CD Project is doing something similar here. GG.
I wonder every time I buy a game that gets DLC (which is like every game nowadays) if developers wouldn't be better served by not depreciating their games over time, having fewer specials and sales, but having all content available at base price.

This probably wouldn't work well for physical copies but for digital stores like Steam where games end up costing 15 dollars a year after launch...

Well, I haven't done any math. I'm just saying, why not keep prices at 40 dollars for longer instead of nickel and diming?
All this encourages is more developers cutting content from their base game, relabeling it as DLC, and re-adding it to their game as "Free DLC". This is an obvious PR stunt and let's be honest, if EA/Ubi/Acti tried this people would be calling them out on it.

Look at Blizzard who added a ton of content and weapons and models with their 2.1 patch to D3. They didn't call it DLC or make a huge deal about how it was free. Those are the types of acts we should be praising.

I understand how you could be skeptical and guarded given how much companies have literally been taking advantage of gamers lately, but CDPR has a track record of adding things to their games for free, and they weren't necessarily announced in this way. The Witcher 2 had a HUGE amount of content added, and then a HUGE patch to rework tons of stuff including combat, all of this reaching well past a year after release.

The reason they are making a statement, while it does give them some good PR, is because they want to publicly call out companies with their predatory DLC practices.

The game is going to be huge, I don't think you will be complaining that they cut the additions from the base game to make it DLC. I do believe what he says, its most likely content that is not quite finished, but that can be finished free of the constraints of release day, so they provide it for free later.

Honestly we are complaining about that, when we have a game like Destiny that clearly removed content and areas from the game to package into DLC. Like clear as day, they aren't even trying to hide it. Its a disgrace.

As long as the additions are free, how can you really complain? Would you rather they just not include the stuff they didnt have time to finish?

I understand there is definitely some PR intelligence going on here, but at least the message is a good one.



The same way most PR statements do.

Unless you think this is them actually being the super awesome good guys, in which case the PR is working.

I may be skeptical if they hadn't actually already done shit like this in the past and delivered free content.

I understand that this is a smart way to drum up positive press for their game, but I cannot see a negative really.


The same way most PR statements do.

Unless you think this is them actually being the super awesome good guys, in which case the PR is working.

Its a little bit of both. Its PR but its also a good will gesture that benefits us and them. They are basically saying "Hey, all that stuff other publishers are charging you for, asking you to buy from specific retailers, or forcing you to buy shaving cream and Doritos to get? We'll give it to you for free."

There is absolutely no reason to be insulted by a statement like that.


Yeah! Rip content from gold master and release it for free in small chunks over 3 month period. Guaranteed love from GAF.

Do we even know if this is the case? And even if it is, what would they gain from it, since they aren't gonna charge you for it? The only thing they would gain is some extra time to further polish the game without delaying it further. Then, when they think the game is acceptable, they can start adding more things.How is this a bad thing? It would be worse if made you pay for it, then I would be suspicious as well (hello destiny).


The same way most PR statements do.

Unless you think this is them actually being the super awesome good guys, in which case the PR is working.

Honestly, does it really matter? I get what people are saying, but come on, unless anyone here actually works at CD Projekt Red, I could care less about your theories.


Do we even know if this is the case? And even if it is, what would they gain from it, since they aren't gonna charge you for it? The only thing they would gain is some extra time to further polish the game without delaying it further. Then, when they think the game is acceptable, they can start adding more things.How is this a bad thing? It would be worse if made you pay for it, then I would be suspicious as well (hello destiny).

They plan to release 2 DLCs on release day and then every week after that 2 DLCs per week. So yes content will be finished before release. Beside good marketing stun players didn't gained or lost anything.
Give their history of releasing content that is both substantial and free, I think it's best not to be cynical.

This. I'm all for being skeptical for the most part, but in this case they have a pretty decent history. I'll give the benefit of the doubt this time and say good on em.


Its a little bit of both. Its PR but its also a good will gesture that benefits us and them. They are basically saying "Hey, all that stuff other publishers are charging you for, asking you to buy from specific retailers, or forcing you to buy shaving cream and Doritos to get? We'll give it to you for free."

There is absolutely no reason to be insulted by a statement like that.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining myself. I can just see how others might feel it insults their intelligence a bit.

Basically, people aren't saying that CDPR are the bad guys masquerading as the good guys, just that CDPR are merely decent guys pretending to be heroes. The way they're wording all of this is all just a bit "Ok yea, that's cool, but c'mon now."

Of course plenty of people are eating it up, which is exactly what it was designed to do.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Pretty much. But people are eating up, so it was definitely a smart move.

Holy shit, how can there be negativity around this? Whether or not it's a PR stunt hardly matters, it's stuff that's entirely free. Even if they cut these items from the main game just to offer as DLC, it's still entirely free of charge, so I just don't get why anyone would be upset here.
I don't think anyone is upset, they're just smirking at the obvious marketing/PR stunt and everyone eating it up like they're being offered something of actual value. Sure, other companies charge for shitty "content" too, but but saying "look, we're better than these shitty companies" and everyone going "WHY YES YOU ARE <3 <3" is a bit silly.

Edit: Seanspeed said it better than I did right above ^


They plan to release 2 DLCs on release day and then every week after that 2 DLCs per week. So yes content will be finished before release. Beside good marketing stun players didn't gained or lost anything.

Just saying, but games aren't magically finished right on the day before release. Still, the concept of day 1 DLC is a strange selling point to be boasting about, but again, at least it's free.

As anyone would have expected.


Yeah! Rip content from gold master and release it for free in small chunks over 3 month period. Guaranteed love from GAF.

Just remind some gaffers of this and they'll go back to some people's shitlist lol.

As for the DLC well it's cool but the game isn't due till February so this just sounds PR/wa to hype the game to me. Free DLC or not, I'm in.


This is why I love these guys. They respect their customers and they have showed that with their previous games with the free Enhanced Edition upgrades.
Can't wait for TW3.


Now this how you show love to the fans. I tip my hat to you CD and Kermit also takes a sip for the love. I gave a resounding 'YES!' When I read the op.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining myself. I can just see how others might feel it insults their intelligence a bit.

Basically, people aren't saying that CDPR are the bad guys masquerading as the good guys, just that CDPR are merely decent guys pretending to be heroes. The way they're wording all of this is all just a bit "Ok yea, that's cool, but c'mon now."

Of course plenty of people are eating it up, which is exactly what it was designed to do.


I love CDPR, I fucking loved TW1 & TW2, but they are milking the absolute hell out of this and I can see how some people might find it really over-the-top.

I would honestly have been happier if they'd just held all 16 DLC's off and made an announcement like 1 month after release that in another month (So 2 months after launch) they were doing a huge patch/DLC update for Free. Then you'd avoid all the "they removed this stuff from the game" arguments and they'd still be giving away tons of content free and look like the great Dev that they are.

But alas, the current method is clearly working and even if we assume the absolute worst that it is cut content repackaged for marketing purposes, at least we're still getting the content and they aren't bundling it as some pre-order, retailer exclusive or charging separately for it.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining myself. I can just see how others might feel it insults their intelligence a bit.

Basically, people aren't saying that CDPR are the bad guys masquerading as the good guys, just that CDPR are merely decent guys pretending to be heroes. The way they're wording all of this is all just a bit "Ok yea, that's cool, but c'mon now."

Of course plenty of people are eating it up, which is exactly what it was designed to do.

Unless you're someone that believes all DLC to just stuff ripped from a game, I just don't see how it is insulting.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining myself. I can just see how others might feel it insults their intelligence a bit.

Basically, people aren't saying that CDPR are the bad guys masquerading as the good guys, just that CDPR are merely decent guys pretending to be heroes. The way they're wording all of this is all just a bit "Ok yea, that's cool, but c'mon now."

Of course plenty of people are eating it up, which is exactly what it was designed to do.

No worries, you can just wait for the Director's Cut Enhanced Edition 1 year after release. Will hopefully fix most of the bugs and glitches at launch and resulting from subsequent patches.
I'm not joking :(


I think the thing to keep in mind here is that it doesn't seem as though they've held back any sizable content with the intent of fleecing consumers. To me, the kind of DLC they're releasing seems to indicate that CDPR are releasing a complete game and the free DLC will be rather simple assets or missions that they either didn't have time to complete before finishing up the main game or wanted to release as a simple gesture of gratitude toward their fans. Of course, they are almost certainly aware of the positive publicity that this will provide, but that doesn't really take away from the fact that they're still doing something that Activision, EA, Ubisoft and many others could learn a lesson from. That lesson is to start releasing full games again, and that paid DLC should be something more substantial than the kind of crap you used to get via codes or game completion percentage requirements.

Just remind some gaffers of this and they'll go back to some people's shitlist lol.

As for the DLC well it's cool but the game isn't due till February so this just sounds PR/wa to hype the game to me. Free DLC or not, I'm in.

Why would you need to remind them when that topic is covered in the article?

"The announcement comes a couple of months after Marcin Iwi&#324;ski dealt with backlash about the Xbox One Collector's Edition of The Witcher 3 including a few exclusive physical items: two decks of Gwent (a card game within the game) cards and a cloth map.

As CDPR won't agree to make any exclusive game content for any platform, this kind of partner-placating exclusivity is what it's left with, he explained. He asked that the community give CDPR "the benefit of the doubt", and today he has rewarded the community in spadefuls."

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
nice to see people missing the point. its not about it being missing from the disk or that its about devs/publishers fucking people over with buying x copy from this place and not this place.

their point is most of this dlc could have been retailer exclusive

amazon gets beard dlc. gamestop gets sword dlc etc etc. instead you get all of it no matter where you buy so you dont feel your missing on it.


I think the thing to keep in mind here is that it doesn't seem as though they've held back any sizable content with the intent of fleecing consumers. To me, the kind of DLC they're releasing seems to indicate that CDPR are releasing a complete game and the free DLC will be rather simple assets or missions that they either didn't have time to complete before finishing up the main game or wanted to release as a simple gesture of gratitude toward their fans. Of course, they are almost certainly aware of the positive publicity that this will provide, but that doesn't really take away from the fact that they're still doing something that Activision, EA, Ubisoft and many others could learn a lesson from. That lesson is to start releasing full games again, and that paid DLC should be something more substantial than the kind of crap you used to get via codes or game completion percentage requirements.


Why would you need to remind them when that topic is covered in the article?

"The announcement comes a couple of months after Marcin Iwi&#324;ski dealt with backlash about the Xbox One Collector's Edition of The Witcher 3 including a few exclusive physical items: two decks of Gwent (a card game within the game) cards and a cloth map.

As CDPR won't agree to make any exclusive game content for any platform, this kind of partner-placating exclusivity is what it's left with, he explained. He asked that the community give CDPR "the benefit of the doubt", and today he has rewarded the community in spadefuls."

Some people read the OP but not the source article? In any case it was more poking at the people that lost their shit because of exclusive physical items than anything else.

But yeah good job being a smart ass pre-edit I guess :)


Post-launch customization options added for free isn't the most exciting thing, and it could only be called DLC in the strictest sense of the word, but that's still cool of them to do. It's just not a huge deal. Other devs have supported their games with beefier free post-launch content and I'm sure more will in the future. The to be of the letter makes it feel like a grander situation than it really is.



I love CDPR, I fucking loved TW1 & TW2, but they are milking the absolute hell out of this and I can see how some people might find it really over-the-top.

I would honestly have been happier if they'd just held all 16 DLC's off and made an announcement like 1 month after release that in another month (So 2 months after launch) they were doing a huge patch/DLC update for Free. Then you'd avoid all the "they removed this stuff from the game" arguments and they'd still be giving away tons of content free and look like the great Dev that they are.

But alas, the current method is clearly working and even if we assume the absolute worst that it is cut content repackaged for marketing purposes, at least we're still getting the content and they aren't bundling it as some pre-order, retailer exclusive or charging separately for it.

They are still a business that need to sell their game, so ofcourse they are going to lean on marketing and PR fanfare. With the current state of the industry it is absolutely noteworthy that someone is still trying to sell their product without dicking over their customers.

I guess I should also be insulted that they gave me a 25% discount on Witcher 3 for owning the last two games? How dare they announce that, its all a scam to get you to buy from GoG!


Some people read the OP but not the source article? In any case it was more poking at the people that lost their shit because of exclusive physical items than anything else.

But yeah good job being a smart ass pre-edit I guess :)

My third cup of coffee finally kicked in and I thought to myself, "Well, that's a bit rude. Probably best to edit your words, sir." >:p
All this encourages is more developers cutting content from their base game, relabeling it as DLC, and re-adding it to their game as "Free DLC". This is an obvious PR stunt and let's be honest, if EA/Ubi/Acti tried this people would be calling them out on it.

Look at Blizzard who added a ton of content and weapons and models with their 2.1 patch to D3. They didn't call it DLC or make a huge deal about how it was free. Those are the types of acts we should be praising.

That's exactly how I see it. Since I've played plenty Warcraft 3, Diablo 3, and Starcraft 2 (also Dota 2 but okay, that's f2p so I won't count it) I've also gotten a huge amount of post-release updates. Some minor but also plenty major stuff.

But CDPR has its "we're insanely pro-consumer" marketing campaign which people keep eating up. There have been so god damn many articles posted on /r/games where that company is pretty much literally stating "we love consumers, we hate DLC, we don't care about piracy (yeh about that... Witcher 2 release *cough*), we're holier than though!"

Yes, overall they're certainly a rather consumer friendly company at this point but marketing that's taking me for stupid can still go fuck itself. I laugh how adamant /r/games is about no longer pre-ordering games and then every single time these CDPR articles get submitted it's just a wave of "I hate pre-ordering but I'll do it for this!!!"

At this point I don't even know if they need to deliver with the actual game as people are so hyped up they probably wouldn't even admit it if it doesn't turn out to be that great. I'm admittedly not interested in the franchise because many of the gameplay mechanics (combat in particular) look like crap to me.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining myself. I can just see how others might feel it insults their intelligence a bit.

Basically, people aren't saying that CDPR are the bad guys masquerading as the good guys, just that CDPR are merely decent guys pretending to be heroes. The way they're wording all of this is all just a bit "Ok yea, that's cool, but c'mon now."

Of course plenty of people are eating it up, which is exactly what it was designed to do.

Eh, what I find insulting to my intelligence is your notion that if someone doesn't shit on them for this then that means they are "eating it up", implying stupidity on our part.

One can at the same time realize that:

1) This is partly a PR stunt
2) It shines the light on other companies that are charging for the DLC content, offering DLCs and season passes and preorder incentives and other assorted bullshit way before the game is even released
3) The DLC content may or may not be finished in time for launch, we don't know if they could put it into the game on time or not
4) It is smartly designed to convince people to not trade the game in (on consoles)
5) It will keep the game in press/media longer


It's so hilarious that the dragon age twitter account retweeted this a few hours after this announcement! [tweet]https://twitter.com/primagames/status/530407717312028672[/tweet]

Might just get the witcher 3 simply because they don't force you to buy three different copies of the same game and guide-books simply to get all the content at launch.
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