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Would you buy Killzone 2 & 3 Remastered for PS4?

KZ2 would look amazing in 1080p/60fps. Even more amazing if they expanded the narrow FOV. That game is grimdark at its most beautifully realized.


No I've been burned too many times by Killzone and I've bought and sold the entire series save for Shadow Fall but that's only because I bought it digitally...I just didn't find Shadow Fall to be any fun at all yet I sunk hours into destiny which arguably has a vastly inferior story.



Sony/GG please put this on PS4

That LIGHTING. It just smokes everything else last gen.
This is not far from the truth though. Killzone 2 is one of the highest latency games of last gen (or any other), combined with a huge dead zone and a stupid acceleration/deceleration curve means that even something as simple as trying to aim is a constant game of second guessing, correcting, and over correcting while you wait for your on screen gun to be influenced by what you did on your controller.

It's a complete embarrassment as a retail product.

What you really mean to say is "I didn't like it". Because for all the negativity in your post, I friggen loved the controls and the feel of it.

Edit: damn, sorry for the double lost

Sushi Nao

I'd love Killzone 2's multiplayer remastered, standalone, maybe 15$. The pinnacle of the Killzone experience, though they'd never abandon KZ: SF
I absolutely love the Killzone series.

KZ2 is the best overall. It by far has the best single player experience. The MP was astounding especially some of those DLC maps. (Train, nuke) so good. But spawn grenades were such bs and they basically ruined the game. The assalt class was also BS and basically ruined the game. Class mixing made the class system a bit pointless as well. The MP soon became a Turret fest.

KZ3 was a step down in every aspect. The single player seemed too COD-like and lost the identity that KZ2 established. And I feel like it was not as good graphically. Their solutions to spawn grenade mess was terrible. Also the classes and abilities were not well thought out. Sniper class had one of the best assault rifles in the game. And they could use it while cloaked. However the operation missions were a stroke of genius and kept me playing the MP. Too bad there weren't more. It also added the incredible brutal melee.

I know its unpopular around here but Shadowfall fixes almost everything wrong with KZ2. Spawns, turrets, classes.I wish it had assassination mode, but it is probably the best MP of the series. KZ2 had better maps. And for the time it came out it is still my favorite MP. But if I am honest Shadowfall is better.

With all that I am not sure I would want a remaster. I feel people look back with rose colored glasses on some things. Unless they went back and rebalanced/changed some things it would be hard to go back to either MP after the nostalgia wore off.
Killzone 3 can go fuck itself. What a wasted opportunity. They had the most perfect set up, a surprise Helgast fleet shows up and wrecks everything, little chance of escape with everything instantly going to shit, as Sev sits down knowing his partner just fucked the whole invasion up, watching as his fleet is decimated.

They could have had the whole game based on trying to survive as you're now the forces being invaded, desperately trying to buy some time as a secondary fleet is being prepped.

But nope, all we get is one (shitty) escape level and then a giant time skip that completely destroys that whole set up.

Yeah; I hated how they ruined the premise in the third game. The ending of the second game was so perfect - they won, they had Visari in their grasp and then Rico the fucking idiot ruins everything just as a second Helghast fleet counterattacks.

Ignoring how shitty the plot was in KZ3, I always thought it would have been awesome in Mercenary had one of the missions been working for the Helghast hunting down Rico. Would have loved to punch his stupid face in and deliver him to Helghan for torture and death.


I would gladly pay 60€ for KZ2 MP on PS4 without that input lag and those horrid framerate dips.

KZ2 would look amazing in 1080p/60fps. Even more amazing if they expanded the narrow FOV. That game is grimdark at its most beautifully realized.

Well, even Shadow Fall is like you're playing with binoculars, sadly.
Why only 2 & 3?

If you're gonna make a remaster, then make a remaster of the entire collection. Remasters are supposed to be great for newcomers to a previous-gen series to experience it in current-gen.


That LIGHTING. It just smokes everything else last gen.
Funny enough it's technically much worse than the lighting in Uncharted, GOW and even to a certain extent even the vita game KZ: Mercenary due to it not being HDR. But they were careful with it and KZ2 has some of the most atmospheric lighting ever, they completely dropped the ball for pretty much everything (from gameplay to visual style) after KZ2 in most areas. Mercenary is good but it was made by a different developer.


Sure. I'd pay 10 bucks for both of them. If it's more than that - nah, I have a lot of backlog to replay average games for money.
Why only 2 & 3?

If you're gonna make a remaster, then make a remaster of the entire collection. Remasters are supposed to be great for newcomers to a previous-gen series to experience it in current-gen.

Because the first Killzone was a mediocre game. Really they only hit gold with Killzone 2 and most of the comments in this thread reflect that. I wonder how much influence David Goldfarb had on that game because it was the only one he worked on and the only one that seems to have met expectations. Kind of pointless remastering the other games when they were mostly disappointing.


No probably not.

I've always given Killzone a chance, buying every version so far but it just fails to deliver for me. Killzone 2 was good and the multiplayer is solid but it's not enough for me to purchase an HD collection of these games.


No, I'm not very passionate about that franchise and I think those games should stay on PS3 where they are graphically spectacular. That quality is tied to that platform however and it can't be easily ported in my opinion.


I liked playing both of them, but I don't need to do it again. Now Skyrim/Falloout 3/NV HD that would be something else.


Already own them on PS3 so highly unlikely I'd double dip. Too many games in my backlog already to worry about remasters of games I've beaten multiple times.


Killzone 2 and 3, 1080p/60, no input lag? Sign me the fuck up! I just love the shooting in those games, the guns feel awesome.
Another high point for me is BOT SUPPORT, my connection can be quite bad here, i would also like to have all abilities unlocked in Killzone 2 for offline just how it is in 3 and Shadow Fall.
Ahhhh if Halo had bots :/
Its not the same but good enough for a few quick rounds when your connection sucks.
I would absolutely love them to cut the shitter levels in KZ2 and bring in some of the better levels from KZ3, and connect the stories somehow, I know I'm asking too much.


Killzone 2 already looks stunning, maybe the framerate could be improved but yeah I'll buy it. They have to pay me to play Killzone 3 and the rest.


I don't get the Killzone 3 hate, I played both of them back to back a few weeks ago for the first time, and I gotta say they're pretty similar, you could even say that 3 had a more enjoyable story and not as "gritty" as in 2.

Both are great IMO, I don't see why 2 is treated like one of the best console shooters ever, and 3 is just meh.

It's the usual "I must hate any sequel regardless" mentality that seems to apply to most games/films etc.

Killzone 3 was a great game in my experience, the multiplayer was best on 2 though. Shadowfall also gets a lot of unnecessary hate.
On a second pass, I'd love to see Killzone 2 get redone, with some level design changes, like co-op and with Killzone 3's guns.

Tha would be nice :)


No. KillZone is a soulless series with an uninteresting storyline. I would like to see GG work on a new IP
I wouldn't. I played through KZ2 and barely made it to the end, didn't like it that much. Consensus seems to indicate KZ3 is not the better game so I skipped it. Reviews/GAF hasn't been kind to KZ:SF so I'll probably skip that too.

What I've played of Mercenary so far has been fun so either bring that to PS4 or have Cambridge work on a new PS4 KZ to release in 2016.

Move Guerrilla to a new IP/Genre. I don't think they're very good at FPS design.


Nope. I bet some of you would like the entire last gen remastered. PC gamers must get some laugh out of these threads.
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