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Time : The Best RPG of 2015 Is Only Available on the Wii U


I like how Time and New Yorker are actually legitimate publications and not your typical "gaming media" that is run by gaming publishers, so they can get away with writing the truth.

First Time declares Hitler person of the year, now they snub Bloodborne. If that's the truth I can't handle the truth.
Hey can I ask a question, as somebody who isn't familiar with either series?

What exactly is the difference between Yakuza and Shenmue, other than the story? From the outside they seem very similar.

Yakuza's much more of a JRPG/beat-em-up hybrid set in modern day Japan while Shenmue is all about the atmosphere and experience (in a Heavy Rain/Omikron adventure game kind of way). Even when it comes to the battle systems, Yakuza throws tons of enemies at you throughout the entire game (it even has the equivalent of random encounters) while Shenmue has fights that are more occasional and closely tied in with the story. They're essentially different games, especially when it comes to mood and feel, but both of them are very deeply rooted in an appreciation for Sega's history and arcade gaming in general.

If you're interested, we recently had a thread that had some good conversation about the similarities and differences between the two. :)


dude you shold check only 92+ games on metacritic tho, imo 90-91 games arent that amazing experiences
Decided to go ahead and see what that left behind.

Huh, guess going by the last 90 days that's one way to talk yourself out of buying games.





Yakuza's much more of a JRPG/beat-em-up hybrid set in modern day Japan while Shenmue is all about the atmosphere and experience (in a Heavy Rain/Omikron adventure game kind of way).
Welp, you just made want to play Yakuza and never ever touch a Shenmue game.

Thanks for the information.


It's a fine game. A beautiful, big RPG.

There's no reason to put down other games to elevate another. It's been a strong year for different types of RPG, I feel like almost every sub-genre got at least one spectacular entry, from the open world WRPG (W3) to the classic CRPG (PoE) to the modern jRPG (XCX) and retro jRPG(UT).

Good year for RPG fans.


People value different things in their games, there's all sorts of different spaces and directions an "RPG" can go.

Xenoblade Chronicles X has some egregious design flaws though. I don't know if I want to put it on my Top 10 list, but truth be told, ever since I started it I haven't really played much else. It stopped playthroughs of pretty much every other games completely in their tracks. I probably have to include it if I want to be honest... even though there are parts to it I simply can't agree with and greatly dislike and I want to voice that disappointment but feel that it might undermine my position if I still put it in my top 10.

decisions decisions


I'm replying the op. Next time read the thread

OP quotes a Time review. Next time read the OP?

First Time declares Hitler person of the year, now they snub Bloodborne. If that's the truth I can't handle the truth.

That was in 1938, we have now 2015, everyone who declared him Person of The Year passed probably away, Peckham is alive and well, Time Person of the Year is about influence not quality, a review is about the subjective impression of quality....

shall I go on, or does a "What the fuck are you even trying to say" suffice?
Gave into the hype and purchased this game despite not being crazy about Xenoblade Chronicles, and I have to say, I should have gone with my instincts and refrained from buying it. I just need to accept that these games aren't for me. Needless to say, I'd choose another game for my personal list.


The game is fun and impressive in many ways, but rough around the edges in many other ways. It isn't something I'd recommend to a broad swathe of common people. Like TIME readers, for example.

But cool to see it getting mainstream praise.


The best one hasn't even been mentioned in this thread yet, it's The Age of Decadence. It could be UnderRail too, but that just came out today, so I can't say.


I haven't gotten that far into Xenoblade yet. It's starting to grab me a little bit, but the bad presentation and mostly mindless and storyless questing is pushing me away.

Regardless, this year is too good for RPGs to easily crown Xenoblade X the top game. Witcher 3, Pillars of Eternity, Bloodborne, Undertale...all great games and worthy of a top spot.


Interesting remarks, especially when we have Bloodborne, The Witcher 3, and smaller titles like Pillars of Eternity and Undertale as well this year.

Lock if old.

i replied to this

Dude, you replied to the OP as quick as Wario with a dumb comment. You don't get to tell people to read the thread.
you dont get to tell people to not tell people to read the thread

OP quotes a Time review. Next time read the OP?


All of this reminds me of Mario Galaxy winning all those game of the year awards. Sodium for miles.

People decide they don't like a silicon filled plastic box because of the logo on it, then get shocked when said console actually gets good games. Yall crazy man.


So you replied to OP saying those remarks are interesting? What? Because this is the only opinion OP added.

duh. why make so much fuzz about it?
edit: by the way i saw this news early today.
edit: oh op said those remarks are interesting when we had x's games. dont cut what op said
XCX is a game thatll creep up on you. I went from minimal hype to spending all day and night thinking about it. Ive barely done any of the main story missions. The world and combat and stuff are just a lot of fun.


i'd kinda written this game off when the import impressions were mostly so-so. time for a second look, i guess


duh. why make so much fuzz about it?
edit: by the way i saw this news early today.
edit: oh op said those remarks are interesting when we had x's games. dont cut what op said

You made a 1 word driveby which tells us nothing what you are referring to.

What are you referring to? And what are you trying to tell us? That opinions are opinions?


Xenoblade X is by far the worst game I've played this year. And everyone been saying every little thing to make it so my opinion sounds like it doesn't matter by saying things like "I didn't understand the mechanics." "I didn't have a Skell." Or "The game/genre wasn't for you." Which on all accounts was untrue and don't relate to me whatsoever.

And if I do point out every little thing, they agree, but then disagree defending the game irregardless of it's flaws and point out buggy games like Fallout 4 trying to move away from their holy cow of a game.

My response: I can look past a buggy game that will eventually be fixed. But I cannot ever look past terrible gamemaking decisions that will never be fixed.

I loved Xenoblade Chronicles, but X has too many small flaws that add up to such a bad gaming experience where people have been disillusioned by it's quality simply by the length and scope of the game rather then the actual content within it.

edit: I feel like it's worth tying my other post from later in the thread to this one if anyone wants to know why I chose to say 'delusional'

I agree. I should had said that differently. (Or better yet not at all.)

Overall, I feel like most people have to go few multiple steps to see past a game to see the clear intent and vision of some games. That's normally the intent someone does when evaluating a game.

But I personally had to see through multiple altitudes of ideas, design, and decisions made to see past and understand the game for what it was. I'm disappointed of a lot of the decisions made for the game, and felt disillusioned by what I thought the game would had been rather then what it actually was. It could had been what I thought it was, but the game design decisions prevented me from doing so.

A game I and other people like is in there, but the game is purposely spaced out to the extent that it makes the game as a whole bad in my eyes.

Best way to describe it is a anime where 10 episodes is of the actual good story originally meant to be told. Then there's an additional 1000 episodes of filler that's made to drag out the story. With the good 10 episodes spaced in between all of it. Making the whole anime as a whole bad because of it.

But in this case it's 10 hours of a actual good game spaced out between 1,000 hours of nothing happening or things being put in place to purposely extend the time of the game. You have to spend hours to even get to a part of a game to enjoy then feel all that you experienced was fun, rather then the actual time spent of the part you did liked. While it's a little more then what I explained (music, beauty of the game's world, story, and so on) can add to the experience for better or for worse.

But no. Instead of having a general conversation of anything I said because it's not what someone wanted to hear, I'm told I just sucked at the game, I didn't like the series, I wasn't being hand held through the game, I didn't understand the games mechanics, or some other bullshit excuse to discredit my actual general point of view or criticism of the game because they're happy that the game is a beautiful big open world, while every other post from them are complaints that their working through the game to even get to a general good part of the game.

Which is why I said disillusioned. Because they're denying their own complaints of the game because their satisfied by what they see rather then what they actually comment on actually enjoying.
I loved Xenoblade Chronicles, but X has too many small flaws that add up to such a bad gaming experience where people have been disillusioned by it's quality simply by the length and scope of the game rather then the actual content within it.

Yes, I have been "disillusioned by it's quality simply by the length and the scope of the game rather then the actual content within it". Thanks for making me and hundreds of others see it.
All of this reminds me of Mario Galaxy winning all those game of the year awards. Sodium for miles.

People decide they don't like a silicon filled plastic box because of the logo on it, then get shocked when said console actually gets good games. Yall crazy man.

I dunno man. Mario Galaxy is widely regarded as a masterpiece even amongst non Nintendo fans.

Xenoblade X is a tougher sell since it didn't receive unanimous praise, and because there are some really heavy hitting RPGs this year. Seems like plenty of people love it though. I'll get around to playing it eventually!


I'm lost at what's wrong with my post in the OP?
Of course it's an opinion, and I said it's an interesting opinion. That's my opinion regarding this review from Time.

there is nothing wrong with your post lol
i dont even know what's going on anymore
that was my comment regarding your opinion about times opinion

why is so hard to understand lol
if you didnt post other games in your opinion i wouldn't comment and those angry users wouldnt try to spin my comment.
lol driveby.
I like how Time and New Yorker are actually legitimate publications and not your typical "gaming media" that is run by gaming publishers, so they can get away with writing the truth.

It's times like this I'm sad the "NeoGaf shit posts" Twitter doesn't exist anymore.


Xenoblade X is by far the worst game I've played this year. And everyone been saying every little thing to make it so my opinion sounds like it doesn't matter by saying things like "I didn't understand the mechanics." "I didn't have a Skell." Or "The game/genre wasn't for you." Which on all accounts was untrue and don't relate to me whatsoever.

And if I do point out every little thing, they agree, but then disagree defending the game irregardless of it's flaws and point out buggy games like Fallout 4 trying to move away from their holy cow of a game.

My response: I can look past a buggy game that will eventually be fixed. But I cannot ever look past terrible gamemaking decisions that will never be fixed.

I loved Xenoblade Chronicles, but X has too many small flaws that add up to such a bad gaming experience where people have been disillusioned by it's quality simply by the length and scope of the game rather then the actual content within it.
"People try to tell me my opinion is wrong but it's their opinion that's wrong!"


Neo Member
Yes, I have been "disillusioned by it's quality simply by the length and the scope of the game rather then the actual content within it". Thanks for making me and hundreds of others see it.

But that's how I see it, too. Story missions take 1-2 hours at most followed by 6-8 hours of BS to fulfill prerequisites for the next story. It's trying to (in my opinion) artificially extend itself and I'm on Ch. 11 out of 12. I like the story premise, but there ARE a lot of glaring issues that people are blindly ignoring because they're infatuated with the game's scale.

Not being able to hear characters talk because music is playing SO loud and giving you a total of 18 playable units but forcing Elma and Lin into your party for every mission are two of the things I dislike the most.

That said, I AM still enjoying my experience with it.


Incredible how one person's opinion of a video game can rile up so many others. Priorities, people. Good God...
Xenoblade Chronicles X is a fine RPG. It's a gamer's game. I've played Fallout 4 and Bloodborne and enjoyed the heck out of both of them, but of the three, I think Xenoblade is the most enjoyable game. It gives me the same feeling that I had when I first played Phantasy Star IV, which is saying a lot.

I hope that anyone arguing against this choice has really played Xenoblade. Meaning, they've played it for 30-40+ hours, at least. If they've done that and feel differently, fair enough. If not, give it a shot. It's truly an amazing, classic game.
So, based on how much I've played so far, I disagree with this completely. The game is good fun, but has some serious flaws. Exploring the world is great, but the story isn't gripping, the quests are run of the mill and I couldn't care less about the characters, except maybe Tatsu.

As an overall package, it hasn't so much as touched Bloodborne or The Witcher 3 for me yet, but I've completed both of those games and then some, so maybe that'll change. I can see this game being put on a pedestal because it's the only RPG on Wii U. It's a fair opinion though at the end of the day, and if some people love the game this much then more power to them.
While the game takes a very unique approach to RPG as it is more of an exploration RPG than anything else I can't help but feel it is a bit disappointing in some aspects. The story is pretty lackluster and the characters are generic, while it is great that I can explore so much there isn't really much to see outside of gorgeous visuals as to compare to Xenoblade where exploration was rewarded by uncovering various secrets and shortcuts. And while the combat is streamlined it is a little too messy.

The best thing about Xenoblade X is the same thing that's good about Shovel Knight.

Both of them are reminiscent of games from specific eras, but done better than the actual games from those eras. Shovel Knight is a NES Capcom platformer and Xenoblade is a PS2 JRPG. But they both just feel like the games you remember without the clunkiness. They're the way you remember them through the lens of nostalgia, but done better in every way. Features, scale, mechanics, gameplay, all of that.

Xenoblade X is nothing like a PS2 JRPG. Most PS2 JRPGs were extremely linear and highly story driven.
I've breached 100 hours already and it's still soaking up nearly every drop of my free time. The more I play it, the more I realize how much I love it.


I wouldn't even classify Bloodborne as a full on RPG anyways, as good as it is.
Yeah I never even considered it being an RPG until it got that label for end of years. People are obsessed with the misconception that it's another Souls game, when it has just as much in common with Devil May Cry.


I loved Xenoblade Chronicles, but X has too many small flaws that add up to such a bad gaming experience where people have been disillusioned by it's quality simply by the length and scope of the game rather then the actual content within it.
Wow. What am I reading?
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