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Rockstar Games to reveal new projects "soon"

When will Rockstar's soon to be announced project be released?

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Gold Member
Holy Bejeebus...I would drop serious money on Red Dead [whatever] fully optimized for this gen.

I would play it wearing only my cowboy hat for 3 days straight.

The Flash

Manimals stand alone game pls


But seriously a new Red Dead pls


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Idk if people are asking for Agent because it's another exclusive(f it's still in development and still exclusive of course)to add more ammo for silly console wars, or because it's Rockstar and they make great games...? We have NOTHING on Agent. lol no clue what the game is supposed to be and people are still wishing Rockstar would release it.

Jack Tretton emphatically describing Agent as a PS3 exclusive one year only to defer the matter of exclusivity to R* in subsequent years more or less confirms that development went multi-plat. Agent was rumoured to be R*'s payment to Sony for its early contribution to LA Noire's development and so it's commonly assumed that R* realised that paying back Sony in cash in exchange for complete control over Agent made more financial sense than said original deal.


Bully 2 please.

I loved the small open world in the first game, everything felt so connected between the campus and town, which was great. It would be cool to play as a female student and see the side of private school from that view. And have Jimmy return as an adult or something. I'll take either an expanded Bullsworth or a new school.

And Shawn Lee better still be on the sountrack. The bass in his tracks is amazing.


Id love them to take the great setting/scenario and ideas from an average game (red dead revolver) and make a brilliant game out of it (red dead redemption).

Basically, L.A Noire made by Rockstar North instead of Team bondi. I can see them really nailing the tone/writing/facial tech engine with dat Rockstar north polish.
It looks like it'll be April '17 at the earliest based on the earnings call.. not shocking, but they're definitely not doing what Bethesda did last year.
Edit: Maybe they'll go back to their standard May(?) release date?

Green Yoshi

Grand Theft Auto VI.

I don't need another RDR.

My guess would be another Midnight Club, beating Need for Speed is easy these days.
"Soon" surely means E3 or before, right?

And by "new project" surely it means that it's a Red Dead game for sure, right?

I have a bad feeling, don't know why.


About time. Hoping for a new Red Dead or Agent.
Come ooooon L.A. Noire 2. I need it.

There's still some potential here. Despite its development issues, it went on to sell 5 million units. I'd like to see what one of their internal studios could do with it and competent management.


Would love to see L.A. Noire continue somehow, but I doubt it'll ever happen. With Brendan McNamara supposedly being a prat and Rockstar not digging that, I wouldn't be surprised if they just sit on the IP merely to spite him. Also, the whole element of the facial capture technique used in L.A. Noire wouldn't necessarily be feasible given how cost prohibitive it is so a sequel would be lacking that once unique aspect as a hook per say.

At this point I'm actually expecting the obvious of a Red Dead sequel being unveiled this year, probably around September, for a Spring 2017 release, and the big surprise being the return of Agent to complete the Year of Dreams 2.0.


The exciting thing about this news is that although it's most likely a sequel to RDR, the amount of incredible franchises Rockstar can turn to is astonishing.

Max Payne
L.A. Noire

And we all know the premise of Agent just sounds fuckin amazing.

Bring on E3!!

EDIT: Has anyone heard anything from the conference call?
The exciting thing about this news is that although it's most likely a sequel to RDR, the amount of incredible franchises Rockstar can turn to is astonishing.

Max Payne
L.A. Noire

And we all know the premise of Agent just sounds fuckin amazing.

Bring on E3!!

EDIT: Has anyone heard anything from the conference call?
Mind explaining what it is to me?

Agent is an upcoming stealth action video game developed by Rockstar North.

The game is set during the Cold War and will take players into "the world of counter-intelligence, espionage and political assassinations", according to a Rockstar press release. Rockstar has yet to reveal any details regarding the setting other than that it will be set in the late 1970s.

Not much to go on, but okay. Not sure I'd be all hyped up about stealth in a rockstar game, though.


I'm glad that used the word projects meaning they have multiple games coming. Sure Rockstar is massive but it was starting to seem like they were transitioning to a one or two game organization since they haven't released anything since GTAV which was three years ago.


Definitely super hyped for RDR 2.

I know it's probably not happening but I would love to see a new Midnight Club game.

Bully would be amazing but I don't see that happening either.

Too soon for anything GTA related that isn't just DLC. And Max Payne would be kind of meh to me. I'm just expecting RDR 2, maybe GTA DLC and some Agent news. Don't really care about Agent either though unless they show us something good.

Some Nobody

Junior Member
The conference call revealed they've already shown Take-Two's entire game line-up for fiscal year. So whatever it is we aren't getting it until April or later.

Xaero Gravity

I couldn't care less about Agent since we didn't know anything about it, and list wars are just plain stupid, so I'm really hoping for Noire title.


The conference call revealed they've already shown Take-Two's entire game line-up for fiscal year. So whatever it is we aren't getting it until April or later.
So Mafia III, Civ 6, NBA, and WWE.

Clearly we must wait until next year for Red Dead Redemption 2 and Bioshock.


Awwwww yeah.

I sincerely hope that anything Rockstar has cooking, they'll have solid PS4K / Neo support (yes, assuming it's real) for their new games, as well as a patch/update for GTA V offline & online that takes advantage of the more powerful hardware.


I would love a future openworld/GTA-ish game where you play a bounty hunter. Basically, Rockstar should make Prey 2.

Otherwise, Please to be making RDR3 Rockstar.
This is probably how I feel if I had to rank what I want lol.

A futuristic / cyberpunk world from R* would be amazing.



But how long is "soon" in R* Time? I am pretty certain their next game will be Red Dead and it'll come out next year just based on how heavily it has been rumored and how long it has been since R* last released a new game but the actual announcement is a wildcard.

Edit: Now feeling a 2022 Release
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