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Ramadan 2016 |OT| Ramadan is over, now EID!

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I couldn't fast a few days this past week. I've been struggling real bad and falling behind at work, and since my reviews are coming up I didn't want to compromise my performance. I feel horrible making such a selfish decision but I intend to make it up on weekends going forward.

Fasting also messed up my sleep too so between the lack of caffeine plus poor sleep, getting any creative work done has been soul crushing. I even got over the hunger and thirst but I haven't been able to conquer the mental fog. Sigh.
where you located? it's been fortunate for me that the past 2 weeks have been relatively slow, i hope it stays slow for the following 2 weeks so work hasn't been all that hard for me. also just sleep as much as you can in between your prayers and catch up on sleep on the weekends.


You probably know already, but sushi tends to contain mirin or rice wine in the rice, thus making it not halal. A part of me died when I learnt this.


Ain't nobody gonna take my sushi from me!



You probably know already, but sushi tends to contain mirin or rice wine in the rice, thus making it not halal. A part of me died when I learnt this.

Eh, I think there's a case to be made for that kind of cooking alcohol not being a big deal. You're not going to be getting drunk off of sushi.


I've been losing weight before Ramadan but I seem to have stabilized now thanks to having to eat well at fixed hours to go through the following day. For that I am grateful, I have no discipline in normal months and often skip meals which ends up being pretty bad for me in the long run.

It's also good to spend the month with the family for the first time in quite a few years, it's a different experience altogether.

Overall, it has been quite easy so far here hamdoullah, my thoughts go to the people having to fast for 19 hours or more, I hope you are hanging in there!

As for the Sushi conversation, I do not believe one should stop himself from eating just because they have a bit of rice wine in them. We should not forget the reasons behind certain religious rules and in this case, I do not think those forbidding alcohol apply... my humble opinion.
Regarding Sushi:

It depends on your madhab
I'm pretty sure it's rice wine vinegar they use. Vinegar if it is made using natural processes, is halal for Hanafi's atleast. I also read that if the effects of alcohol aren't present it's fine. I remember seeing a post on reddit about this. I'll see if I can find it or something similar.

EDIT- I can't find the specific thread, but I did do some research when I went to Japan recently and the reasoning was the same as above/ the sources given here:


Learn to cook them ? :")
Real talk though, I had grilled sushi a couple months ago, and the taste was heavenly~~~

In fact, it was so good that its the only variety of sushi I eat now!

Regarding Sushi:

It depends on your madhab
I'm pretty sure it's rice wine vinegar they use. Vinegar if it is made using natural processes, is halal for Hanafi's atleast. I also read that if the effects of alcohol aren't present it's fine. I remember seeing a post on reddit about this. I'll see if I can find it or something similar.
As a non-denominational Muslim, I think I'm in the clear.

Thank god.

Real talk though, I had grilled sushi a couple months ago, and the taste was heavenly~~~

In fact, it was so good that its the only variety of sushi I eat now!

As a non-denominational Muslim, I think I'm in the clear.

Thank god.


I don't consider myself from any madhabs either, but I find myself agreeing with Hanafi reasoning.
that's allowed now?

i thought we weren't allowed to pick and choose

o_O I've never heard of that. (Unless you're talking about Sunni/Shia, in which case that's a huge difference so yh many of the teachings are incompatible & so it's not reasonable to pick and choose inbetween them).
IslamQA says you don't have to follow a madhab.
Us normal people obviously don't have the knowledge or insight to derive & make decisions of fiqh, that's why it's normal to follow a single madhab. IT's also why I recommend people to ask their imams about questions of fiqh. I don't know enough about the other madhabs to suggest Hanafi over the rest, I just haven't found any issues where their reasoning isn't clear or reasonable.
o_O I've never heard of that. (Unless you're talking about Sunni/Shia, in which case that's a huge difference so yh many of the teachings are incompatible & so it's not reasonable to pick and choose inbetween them).
IslamQA says you don't have to follow a madhab.
Us normal people obviously don't have the knowledge or insight to derive & make decisions of fiqh, that's why it's normal to follow a single madhab. IT's also why I recommend people to ask their imams about questions of fiqh. I don't know enough about the other madhabs to suggest Hanafi over the rest, I just haven't found any issues where their reasoning isn't clear or reasonable.

back when I was in college and I was taking classes on religion the T.As were telling me that I can't pick and choose the rules of different sects/schools, you have to choose one and follow that.

But I can't help it if I agree with the rules of some certain schools/sects, and some of the rules of a different one.

They also made it a point (especially in one of the textbooks, vision of Islam) not to by your own whims, and I think I have been doing that a lot lately.
I always assumed most Sunnis were Hanafis? At least according to Wikipedia. Its something I never thought about to be honest :x

where you located? it's been fortunate for me that the past 2 weeks have been relatively slow, i hope it stays slow for the following 2 weeks so work hasn't been all that hard for me. also just sleep as much as you can in between your prayers and catch up on sleep on the weekends.

I'm in NYC. I slept like 12 hours today and I feel amazing but I cant do that on weekdays. I've been struggling with sleep even before Ramadan so if I can get more than 5-6 hours of sleep in one go that's like a blessing. I definitely plan on making up the missed days.
back when I was in college and I was taking classes on religion the T.As were telling me that I can't pick and choose the rules of different sects/schools, you have to choose one and follow that.

But I can't help it if I agree with the rules of some certain schools/sects, and some of the rules of a different one.

They also made it a point (especially in one of the textbooks, vision of Islam) not to by your own whims, and I think I have been doing that a lot lately.

Yeah that last point is important, especially with the young google sheikhs. Its good to compare the reasoning behind the madhabs for somethng which youre not 100% sure about imo.

Then go with the one which makes the strongest argument, which isnt necessarily the one which matches your needs. Altough, i like to be cautios/better to be safe than sorry about things where the answer isnt clear.
You're not supposed to follow blindly, i think its mentioned in the quran to question it if youre not sure.

Also some schools / types of muslims are stricter in general, this might be why the ta's had this stance.

I always assumed most Sunnis were Hanafis? At least according to Wikipedia. Its something I never thought about to be honest :x

I didnt know that.ive found the hanafi madhab to be moderate compared to some of the others and havent found an issue in their thinking / evidence. I dont really know much about the differences between them,ive just seen they have differing views on a variety of things.
I dont know what type of muslims are part of this thread so i thought id make it clear rather than mislead someone.


You don't have to follow a madhab or a be a sunni/shia. Most people follow a madhab because it makes life easier. Anytime you have a question about a certain practice or religious dilemma, you can always refer to the madhab and it will likely have an answer or an answer can be extrapolated based on a similar ruling. You certainly don't have to follow one, but it is highly encouraged for the reasons mentioned. Also, just because you follow a madhab doesn't mean you should follow it blindly.

I also really don't like how people label themselves as being sunni/shia. God said "today I have finished my blessings on you and I have chosen Islam as your religion". It is simply Islam, nothing more, nothing less. He didn't say you should be Sunni, Shia, Sufi, etc... These labels are damaging our Umma and dividing us.

However, Sunni Islam is the label that most people chose for themselves because it is basically what God wanted from us. To follow the Quran and the prophet (his sunna). But I am always hesitance to tell someone I am Sunni, because it doesn't make sense for me to put a label on my beliefs. It is simply Islam.
I'm in NYC. I slept like 12 hours today and I feel amazing but I cant do that on weekdays. I've been struggling with sleep even before Ramadan so if I can get more than 5-6 hours of sleep in one go that's like a blessing. I definitely plan on making up the missed days.
you're in NYC? you should've came & met up with night knight & i that one time we got iftar together.

anyways yeah dude i loooove sleeping too. my favorite part of living is sleeping. i guess all I can tell you is just deal with the lack of sleep during ramadan and then catch up on all the sleep you want once it's over. this month is the struggle.
Yeah that last point is important, especially with the young google sheikhs. Its good to compare the reasoning behind the madhabs for somethng which youre not 100% sure about imo.

Then go with the one which makes the strongest argument, which isnt necessarily the one which matches your needs. Altough, i like to be cautios/better to be safe than sorry about things where the answer isnt clear.
You're not supposed to follow blindly, i think its mentioned in the quran to question it if youre not sure.

Also some schools / types of muslims are stricter in general, this might be why the ta's had this stance.
what is a madhab?

i'm trying not to go by my own whims but what if i don't like any of the answers i'm given? if i don't like them then i don't want to follow them.

for instance, way back when i was freshman in college we had a guest speaker come to the msa, he was a imam or something. at the end he took questions, my question was, "do aliens exist?" and his answer was (something like this, it was a long time ago), "uh, who cares? that's the only answer you should care for because it won't bring any closer to your journey with god..."

also a few minutes after that I was talking to the vp/p of the msa at the time and was complimenting on his shape up, and he was like all 'oh thanks but i think i messed up on this part here lol' and the imam guy was like 'no you know why you messed up? by cutting off part of it..." and I just walked away. I don't wanna hear that shit. like sure, growing a beard is what you're supposed to do but if you just don't WANT to, if that's going by your own whims, can't you just make that between you and god? like, god knows your wants and intentions, it's not like he was cutting off parts of his beard with malicious intent, he just wants to look the way he feels most comfortable.

also, a few years ago a classmate of mine died in a car crash. she will stay forever young, and i wanted the msa to do a dua for her. i texted the vp/p of msa (it was a different one by that point) and the first thing he asked me iirc, was if she was a muslim. i said no. he replied by saying he's sorry to hear about her passing, but won't be able to announce a dua for her at jumma, and i'm guessing it was because she wasn't muslim.

and i don't appreciate that. if that is the rule of islam, i cannot appreciate that. this is part of the reason why I have trouble identifying as a muslim. there are things i don't fully understand about the religion, but there are also things that i just do not agree with either, so i won't follow them.

maybe this is me going by my whims, or maybe it is because no other human can explain it to me to satisfy me; i hope god does not punish me for it, god is of course beyond my comprehension so it can explain it all to me once i meet my maker (hopefully on good terms)


What school you grew up with or were influenced by depends on your heritage for most people. For me as someone from Moroccan heritage it's Maliki.

I was taught by my parents to live by what I think is best as an individual and from what rather than what scholars say. I see the schools more as interesting interpretations than things that should be strictly followed because in the end they also are humans like you and me.

@The Artisan
Be good for the earth and the things God has created and do so from your own perspective on things. Your faith is about you and Allah, not you and your Imam.

Imams who want to micro-manage your life are control-freaks if you ask me. Seems to be something coming from the Salafist crowd. The Salafist thought is pretty much infiltrating most of Sunni Islam these days. I might be wrong about this but that's the feeling I'm getting.
What school you grew up with or were influenced by depends on your heritage for most people. For me as someone from Moroccan heritage it's Maliki.

I was taught by my parents to live by what I think is best as an individual and from what rather than what scholars say. I see the schools more as interesting interpretations than things that should be strictly followed because in the end they also are humans like you and me.
i'm bengali. i don't know what school that means i follow but whichever school i guess teaches you that the 2 rakat sunnat that comes after maghrib is pretty much mandatory.

it's hard for me to tell right now what my parents taught me about islam as they raised me. it's kind of a blur. maybe because they didn't expect me to drift from my faith so much the way i did.


i'm bengali. i don't know what school that means i follow but whichever school i guess teaches you that the 2 rakat sunnat that comes after maghrib is pretty much mandatory.

it's hard for me to tell right now what my parents taught me about islam as they raised me. it's kind of a blur. maybe because they didn't expect me to drift from my faith so much the way i did.
Here is a map from Wiki

@The Artisan
Be good for the earth and the things God has created and do so from your own perspective on things. Your faith is about you and Allah, not you and your Imam.

Imams who want to micro-manage your life are control-freaks if you ask me. Seems to be something coming from the Salafist crowd. The Salafist thought is pretty much infiltrating most of Sunni Islam these days. I might be wrong about this but that's the feeling I'm getting.
ah, sounds like you're tryna have a heart to heart with me but if i took your post literally i can tell you i'm not good at all to god's creations...i hate spiders, roaches, all types of insects, i hate 'em all and wish i could rid them all from the face of the earth lol

or at least rid them from proximity to humans. but anyways - yes, one other thing i was taught that i try to remember, is to not have an ego. often when i have arguments with people, i recognize my strengths, and if i feel like i am right, i will push it - but if i am wrong, i will admit it and own up to it. i've done that before, even here on GAF. but that's not something a lot of people will do.

and patience as well. one of my best traits is my patience, but even that has a cap to it.

anyways... i don't wanna make this thread about me again, i felt early on that's what it was veering into. i'd like it if some others would chime in as well

EDIT: the thing about imams that you're saying is that they often times come off as very close minded to me, which is fine. they're dedicating their lives to being closer to god. i appreciate a lot of things in this corporeality, and i justify it by reminding myself that all the nice things i enjoy come from god itself.
Here is a map from Wiki
looks like i grew up on hanafi, then.
I didnt know that.ive found the hanafi madhab to be moderate compared to some of the others and havent found an issue in their thinking / evidence. I dont really know much about the differences between them,ive just seen they have differing views on a variety of things.
I dont know what type of muslims are part of this thread so i thought id make it clear rather than mislead someone.

I grew up knowing about Sunni and Shiite but never really learned anything about Hanafi, Malliki, etc. Seems like the perfect time of the year to fill in those gaps in knowledge!

you're in NYC? you should've came & met up with night knight & i that one time we got iftar together.

anyways yeah dude i loooove sleeping too. my favorite part of living is sleeping. i guess all I can tell you is just deal with the lack of sleep during ramadan and then catch up on all the sleep you want once it's over. this month is the struggle.

Let me know if ya'll plan something again!


that's allowed now?

i thought we weren't allowed to pick and choose

There are 10's of millions of Muslims that belong in that category, lol

Although my family hails from a Wahhabi and Hanafi background, I personally feel denominations within Islam lead to division in the Ummah, as evidenced by sectarian violence/conflicts throughout the Muslim world, hence why I'm not particularly fond of them.

As for picking and choosing, I've mentioned this in a recent thread, but I view the Quran (and Islam, by extension) merely as a spiritual guide to life, not an absolute declaration or a "be-all and end-all" proposition.

Taking such scriptures literally in day-to-day applications is a pointless endeavor, as it can never truly work in pluralistic societies, such as those found in the West and throughout Asia/Africa.


Glad I've never eaten sushi then. Always wanted to eat one, not anymore.

Sushi goes beyond those rolls, 7, don't stop yourself from experiencing~

I'm more for sashimi than anything so. ¯_(ツ)_/¯


On God, I don't even know what specific school my family follows? Probably Shaf'i, for geographical reason alone. Er. It doesn't seem to have that much influence, though, not that I notice, anyway. Never heard anyone mention it in my life, so I'm just. Living.
There are 10's of millions of Muslims that belong in that category, lol
Oh...I think that would be me then, or the cultural muslim that wikipedia has a link to at the top.

the way i've been explaining it lately is, how ice cube calls himself a natural muslim, i feel like i am a natural muslim too, like the term, but not in exactly the same way.

to me, 'muslim' means anyone who believes in god. but officially 'muslim' means anyone who is a part of the islam religion. i can vibe with the first part of the shahada but the 2nd part, muhammadurasulullah - haven't been vibing with that part as much. but it's not like i change my payers.

Although my family hails from a Wahhabi and Hanafi background, I personally feel denominations within Islam lead to division in the Ummah, as evidenced by sectarian violence/conflicts throughout the Muslim world, hence why I'm not particularly fond of them.
me neither. when I was a kid I was taught that you're not even supposed to associate or recognized demonations. like, you're not supposed to say "i'm a sunni muslim" or something like that.

and yeah, it leads to issues like separate masjids where certain muslims aren't welcome & all that nonsense.
As for picking and choosing, I've mentioned this in a recent thread, but I view the Quran (and Islam, by extension) merely as a spiritual guide to life, not an absolute declaration or a "be-all and end-all" proposition.

Taking such scriptures literally in day-to-day applications is a pointless endeavor, as it can never truly work in pluralistic societies, such as those found in the West and throughout Asia/Africa.
that's a good assessment. although i haven't touched the qur'an in a very long time but i often hear things i don't like. about its violence, among other things
Oh...I think that would be me then, or the cultural muslim that wikipedia has a link to at the top.

the way i've been explaining it lately is, how ice cube calls himself a natural muslim, i feel like i am a natural muslim too, like the term, but not in exactly the same way.

to me, 'muslim' means anyone who believes in god. but officially 'muslim' means anyone who is a part of the islam religion. i can vibe with the first part of the shahada but the 2nd part, muhammadurasulullah - haven't been vibing with that part as much. but it's not like i change my payers.

me neither. when I was a kid I was taught that you're not even supposed to associate or recognized demonations. like, you're not supposed to say "i'm a sunni muslim" or something like that.

and yeah, it leads to issues like separate masjids where certain muslims aren't welcome & all that nonsense.
that's a good assessment. although i haven't touched the qur'an in a very long time but i often hear things i don't like. about its violence, among other things

The quran doesnt justify unjust violence, only in defence
It was made to be relevant back when tribes clashed and even now. You're likely reading out of context passages the islam critics like to use to justify their bigotry.

Islam doesnt dictate the way you should live your life but it does guide you and give you guidelines you should abide by. You cant pick and choose what you want to follow, if you disagree with something find out the reason its there.

Regarding the division,
Thats a pretty simple way of looking at it tbh, the reasons all these denominations exist is due to differences in fiqh/interpretations of hadith etc. The four madhabs try to rein all of these in.
Ideally there shouldnt be seperation within the ummah but there is, you cant say one is more correct than the other.
Yh you shouldnt really bring up youre from a different madhab or different type of muslim as in everyday life it doesnt matter from my experience.
Oh...I think that would be me then, or the cultural muslim that wikipedia has a link to at the top.

the way i've been explaining it lately is, how ice cube calls himself a natural muslim, i feel like i am a natural muslim too, like the term, but not in exactly the same way.

to me, 'muslim' means anyone who believes in god. but officially 'muslim' means anyone who is a part of the islam religion. i can vibe with the first part of the shahada but the 2nd part, muhammadurasulullah - haven't been vibing with that part as much. but it's not like i change my payers.

me neither. when I was a kid I was taught that you're not even supposed to associate or recognized demonations. like, you're not supposed to say "i'm a sunni muslim" or something like that.

and yeah, it leads to issues like separate masjids where certain muslims aren't welcome & all that nonsense.

The quran doesnt justify unjust violence, only in defence
It was made to be relevant back when tribes clashed and even now. You're likely reading out of context passages the islam critics like to use to justify their bigotry.

Islam doesnt dictate the way you should live your life but it does guide you and give you guidelines you should abide by. You cant pick and choose what you want to follow, if you disagree with something find out the reason its there.

Regarding the division,
Thats a pretty simple way of looking at it tbh, the reasons all these denominations exist is due to differences in fiqh/interpretations of hadith etc. The four madhabs try to rein all of these in.
Ideally there shouldnt be seperation within the ummah but there is, you cant say one is more correct than the other.
i asked you earlier up what a madhab was

the whole thing with picking and choosing is that there will be certain things in one school that i agree with and certain things in another school that i agree with. what makes sense to you makes sense to you it's just the way your brain works.

for instance, in one of the examples i provided you above - i'm guessing the reason we couldn't have a dua for my dead classmate was because she wasn't muslim. that's the explanation. so WTF? the muslim ummah only looks out for the muslim ummah and not the rest of humanity? no way am I gonna agree with that in any way shape or form
i asked you earlier up what a madhab was

the whole thing with picking and choosing is that there will be certain things in one school that i agree with and certain things in another school that i agree with. what makes sense to you makes sense to you it's just the way your brain works.

for instance, in one of the examples i provided you above - i'm guessing the reason we couldn't have a dua for my dead classmate was because she wasn't muslim. that's the explanation. so WTF? the muslim ummah only looks out for the muslim ummah and not the rest of humanity? no way am I gonna agree with that in any way shape or form

Others answered you so I didn't reply.Its not very hard to google it either, it's not a niche term. But I kinda said it in my answers, it's a school of thought, there's 4 main ones, they differ in their approach to certain issues, there's nothing stopping you from choosing different schools of thought for different issues. You shouldn't blindly follow anything, the Quran even says as much. However, you need to make sure as you said you're not doing this because they are inline with your personal views, as this could lead you to be hypocritical in your way of thinking.actions which is a pretty big sin initself. I haven't found huge issues within the hanafi madhab so I usually go with them since that's also(kinda) the way I've been brought up. They exist because we as average people don't have the understanding of the Quran & the hadith to make 100% correct decisions as they aren't black & white / are very complex.

You can pray for non-Muslims when they are alive.
I understand why you would want to pray for someone who has passed away, but they are destined for the hellfire, they commited shirk etc while they were alive & didn't accept Allah.Let me put it this way, what do you intend to happen by praying for them? They can't be saved from the Hellfire if they knew about Islam(as far as i know) & rejected it, so what exactly are you praying for? I understand that it's not pleasant, but the person made their choice. It's obviously not up to me or any other person to say that they can't be helped but the quran and hadith I believe are clear. Otherwise what would be the point of Heaven/Hell?

If they were alive and suffering you're allowed to pray to lessen their suffering,for them to be enlightended about Islam as you can be forgiven up until death, such is the mercy of Allah.

This is what I've read & understand on the matter. You can pray for Non-muslims , the prophet(pbuh) used to all the time.
Eh, I think there's a case to be made for that kind of cooking alcohol not being a big deal. You're not going to be getting drunk off of sushi.

That's not how alcohol in food laws work for most schools of thought. The fact is the alcohol is used as a flavouring which says it all, sadly.

If vinegar is used then you're probably fine. But that's usually not the case. Soy sauce has the same problem, you need to look out for it.

Two things ruined my life. Finding out about sushi and red M&Ms.
That's not how alcohol in food laws work for most schools of thought. The fact is the alcohol is used as a flavouring which says it all, sadly.

If vinegar is used then you're probably fine. But that's usually not the case. Soy sauce has the same problem, you need to look out for it.

Two things ruined my life. Finding out about sushi and red M&Ms.

Well I am Hanafi so it's cool lol

You should still be prudent, as shadow said its haram if its an ingredient like that even within hanafi. Also,im not a scholar far from it, all i did was google it, you should all do your own due dilligence, ask your imam if you're not sure as always is my advice.
You should still be prudent, as shadow said its haram if its an ingredient like that even within hanafi. Also,im not a scholar far from it, all i did was google it, you should all do your own due dilligence, ask your imam if you're not sure as always is my advice.
Yeah, I have no intention of eating it unless it gets cooked in front of me without such ingredient. Wine/alcohol whether enough to intoxicate or not is something I'd abstain regardless. Zero tolerance towards it.

Let's just say I refuse to have that virus in my body. I'm that vehement against it.
Yeah, I have no intention of eating it unless it gets cooked in front of me without such ingredient. Wine/alcohol whether enough to intoxicate or not is something I'd abstain regardless. Zero tolerance towards it.

Let's just say I refuse to have that virus in my body. I'm that vehement against it.

That good :D. I wasn't aiming that at you only, one of the worst things I could do is mislead someone , I thought I covered my bases in my original post fine but wanted to 100% ensure that nobody took my googling as fact. I mean it's concise enough for me, but if I'm wrong or somebody somehow misinterprets it , I'll also be accountable.
You probably know already, but sushi tends to contain mirin or rice wine in the rice, thus making it not halal. A part of me died when I learnt this.

Yo, no, don't do this to me....

That's not how alcohol in food laws work for most schools of thought. The fact is the alcohol is used as a flavouring which says it all, sadly.

If vinegar is used then you're probably fine. But that's usually not the case. Soy sauce has the same problem, you need to look out for it.

Two things ruined my life. Finding out about sushi and red M&Ms.

On the M&Ms, is that a case of some list go through each and every tiny ingredient and finding something like Red-41 flavoring or something has it? Main reason is because when I was younger, my sister went through a time where she looked into EVERY ingredient listed, to the point that when she asked the imam, he told her to not do it anymore.

You're definitely supposed to be diligent, and I know that in cases of doubt you're supposed to go for the "better safe than sorry" approach, but if so (and idk, just seeing red M&Ms on that list reminds me of that point, no idea if actually comparable), it's not supposed to be to the point where you look into every small ingredient on the ingredients list

EDIT: Ok, pretty sure I'll ask my imam about this, given that I do eat sushi sometimes, but it seems the majority of sushi is made with vinegar, not wine. I'm pretty sure that asking any restaurant and getting a specific confirmation as to whether they use vinegar would be enough to go ahead and eat the sushi (however, I will make sure to update this, because I think I might just be thinking of the ruling on trusting the hand of a muslim when it comes to butchers, restaurant owners, and the like).

Regardless, I also know due to basic risks you're supposed to limit the amount of outside food you consume. At least during Ramadan, my parents personally don't really go to restaurants that specifically serve halal food/no alcohol.


Remember that the Quran is pretty forgiving, everybody with even a slice of faith in Allah will be forgiven eventually
after some time in hell that is

my wife got dehydrated had to go to hospital. do not take fasting lightly.

Hope she recovers quickly!
Any explanation about the red stuff? I knew about skittles, never heard of it in m&ms.

You'd have to google it , I know the dye is called E120 - Carmine and it's made from crushed female insect bodies (yeah,not pleasant at all) , I don't eat skittles (I like/love M&M's though) so they may have changed it in the past year or two & I'm in the UK (they use diferent ingredients around the world) but yeah, if it's a red sweet , I always check for e120. There's a couple of others but I don't think they're that common - I prefer chocolate to sweets(candies in America?). If it says suitable for vegetarians I'll eat it.

I'm, guessing a couple of people are gonna start hating this thread soon, (possibly)sushi & M&M's(& some other red sweets) have been taken out on one page :D
Thanks people. She always did sahoor too unlike many people i know. 19 hours of fasting in summer is never going to be easy.

Just reminder if back of your tounge is very dry and your heart is jumping out of the chest then it might be dehydration.
Thanks people. She always did sahoor too unlike many people i know. 19 hours of fasting in summer is never going to be easy.

Just reminder if back of your tounge is very dry and your heart is jumping out of the chest then it might be dehydration.
Thanks for the tip monkey. I hope your wife is feeling well and rested.
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