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Colin Was Right: The Gaming Industry vs Donald Trump

Steve Bannon is really smart and Jeff Sessions is totally qualified, but just because I go out of my way to praise them without pointing out any of their glaring character flaws doesn't make it an endorsement!

That's the part that bugs me, like dude, if you're going to try and praise them and insist you don't like them, but then completely dismiss their flaws, like what else is it going to look like lol?
He allegedly voted for an idiot and has defended racists.

He doesn't get to play the "both sides" card.

Yeah. And "fuck both parties!" But one party has really smart and qualified dudes while the other side's supporters are dismissive and being mean to the opposing side's supporters. Also I would have voted for the one that has smart and qualified dudes if I had to choose.

Yeeeeeah. Fuck both parties is nothing more than another way of saying "Clinton is just as bad! But the emails!"


Steve Bannon is really smart and Jeff Sessions is totally qualified, but just because I go out of my way to praise them without pointing out any of their glaring character flaws doesn't make it an endorsement!
There are more appropriate words to describe Bannon.

How about: Machiavellian




Yeah. And "fuck both parties!" But one party has really smart and qualified dudes while the other side's supporters are dismissive and being mean to the opposing side's supporters. Also I would have voted for the one that has smart and qualified dudes if I had to choose.

Yeeeeeah. Fuck both parties is nothing more than another way of saying "Clinton is just as bad! But the emails!"

Also to anyone who say both sides are just as bad, please look at all the federal scientific organizations being defunded and censored in an effort to suppress information. The democratic side would never have attempted to destroy science as we know it. It makes me so, so sad that the people who are literally trying to save our planet are being ground into the dirt. One of the many things we wouldn't be dealing with now.

And meanwhile Betsy Devos is going to quietly bring creationism back to schools.


his "defense" of steve bannon is hilarious. you can't look at breitbart and say "well maybe bannon doesn't agree with what's posted." there's a clear message the site is trying to convey. bannon is clearly a proponent of that message. if you're going to compare disagreements about video game coverage or review scores and try to apply that same relationship to a site that uses "black crime" and "black-on-black-violence" tags you're being absurd. even bannon identified breitbart as "the platform for the alt-right." you really have to wonder why he continues to feign ignorance over this subject.


his "defense" of steve bannon is hilarious. you can't look at breitbart and say "well maybe bannon doesn't agree with what's posted." there's a clear message the site is trying to convey. bannon is clearly a proponent of that message. if you're going to compare disagreements about video game coverage or review scores and try to apply that same relationship to a site that uses "black crime" and "black-on-black-violence" tags you're being absurd. even bannon identified breitbart as "the platform for the alt-right." you really have to wonder why he continues to feign ignorance over this subject.

"Just asking questions" and "just giving both sides a fair shot" are often euphemisms for "I actually agree with this but am afraid to say so out loud for fear of being judged". He works in a very left leaning field and most of his friends and coworkers seem to be of that leaning, so the loss in cultural capital of flat out admitting you agree with these things would be too much.
I wish we could come up with a better way of putting "consider other people's position" than "check your privilege".

Whatever phrase progressives end up using for "have some empathy" would just get spun around and turned into an anti-PC meme the same way "check your privilege" has been.
Whatever phrase progressives end up using for "have some empathy" would just get spun around and turned into an anti-PC meme the same way "check your privilege" has been.

Legit, I was always confused as to why people got so hung up no the word "privilege" on Youtube comments or on Twitter. Then I rolled my eyes when I realised what people were really upset about.
Whatever phrase progressives end up using for "have some empathy" would just get spun around and turned into an anti-PC meme the same way "check your privilege" has been.

You're probably right. I was mostly speaking on a personal level how the wording annoys me. Not giving Colin an excuse for that.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I wish we could come up with a better way of putting "consider other people's position" than "check your privilege".

People were asked to acknowledge that Black Lives Matter and they ended up calling them a terrorist organization or telling them that All/Blue/Whatever Lives Matter.
People were asked to acknowledge that Black Lives Matter and they ended up calling them a terrorist organization or telling them that All/Blue/Whatever Lives Matter.

When people aren't arguing in good faith, they'll make up any excuse not to support a legitimate cause. It's funny when you hear the right say, people should protest like MLK like a real cause. What's funny, if MLK were protesting today, they'd still be against him and his ideas.
Legit, I was always confused as to why people got so hung up no the word "privilege" on Youtube comments or on Twitter. Then I rolled my eyes when I realised what people were really upset about.

It insults them to realize the truth that they do in fact have it easier. Yes, as a straight white male you have the luxury of telling people to stop overreacting when a hateful bigot is elected president, you have the luxury of proudly throwing your vote away on an incompetent buffoon like Gary Johnson, you have the luxury of then, in retrospect, realizing "oh shit I guess this Muslim ban is really happening, but let's not get too inflammatory guys, nazis have feelings too". You have very little to lose outside of maybe some tax dollars. Other people have some real skin in the game though. They can't afford to take these things lightly. If he understood the concept of empathy instead of being so preoccupied with being a egotistical blowhard all the time, he might some day be able to one day have the capacity to understand that.
It insults them to realize the truth that they do in fact have it easier. Yes, as a straight white male you have the luxury of telling people to stop overreacting when a hateful bigot is elected president, you have the luxury of proudly throwing your vote away on an incompetent buffoon like Gary Johnson, you have the luxury of then, in retrospect, realizing "oh shit I guess this Muslim ban is really happening, but let's not get too inflammatory guys, nazis have feelings too". You have very little to lose outside of maybe some tax dollars. Other people have some real skin in the game though. They can't afford to take these things lightly. If he understood the concept of empathy instead of being so preoccupied with being a egotistical blowhard all the time, he might some day be able to one day have the capacity to understand that.

Summed it up perfectly. It's frustrating to see people don't have many of these luxuries, or are being dismissive about it. I mean can be not empathize beyond what they may see as "violent protests". Can you not see that it goes beyond that, that there is a context, frustration and history there?


Gold Member
Did any of yall actually read the article?

Here is what I don't like about the headline and subsequent article. "Check your privilege" As a joke, when someone tells me that, I always look over my shoulder and say something silly like "Yup, its there."

The point of the joke is that I'm not sure how to actually respond to someone who says "check your privilege." While I am keenly aware that many of the issues facing some minority groups are at risk under a Trump administration, I can't see how decrying violence (and Im not talking about a few broken windows..I'm talking the real stuff here), is an illegitimate concern. I 100% support protests and also recognize that if you want to make an omlet you have to break a few eggs. (All within some sort of reason).

More often than not "Check your privilege" is not a suggestion to take a reflective look on how one's perspective may truly be different than those of others and what issues are or are not important, but is more of a way to say "Shut Up."

Look, I know this is not the most popular position to take on NeoGaf. It is much easier to simply adhere to the purity of thought of offense, privilege, race, or what have you. You can be immediately accepted into a school of thought by posting in this manner (or in person).

My only point is that while some of these catch phrases are fun to say and even more fun to prosecute, do take a second to analyze the outcome and effect.
Did any of yall actually read the article?

Here is what I don't like about the headline and subsequent article. "Check your privilege" As a joke, when someone tells me that, I always look over my shoulder and say something silly like "Yup, its there."

The point of the joke is that I'm not sure how to actually respond to someone who says "check your privilege." While I am keenly aware that many of the issues facing some minority groups are at risk under a Trump administration, I can't see how decrying violence (and Im not talking about a few broken windows..I'm talking the real stuff here), is an illegitimate concern. I 100% support protests and also recognize that if you want to make an omlet you have to break a few eggs. (All within some sort of reason).

More often than not "Check your privilege" is not a suggestion to take a reflective look on how one's perspective may truly be different than those of others and what issues are or are not important, but is more of a way to say "Shut Up."

Look, I know this is not the most popular position to take on NeoGaf. It is much easier to simply adhere to the purity of thought of offense, privilege, race, or what have you. You can be immediately accepted into a school of thought by posting in this manner (or in person).

My only point is that while some of these catch phrases are fun to say and even more fun to prosecute, do take a second to analyze the outcome and effect.

Yes, I read the article. Given Colin's other positions and what you've written here, especially with referring to it as a sort of "Shut up" position, I have to ask...

Did you read the article? It is harsh in tone. But it's certainly not a "shut up" type of position.


Did any of yall actually read the article?

Here is what I don't like about the headline and subsequent article. "Check your privilege" As a joke, when someone tells me that, I always look over my shoulder and say something silly like "Yup, its there."

The point of the joke is that I'm not sure how to actually respond to someone who says "check your privilege." While I am keenly aware that many of the issues facing some minority groups are at risk under a Trump administration, I can't see how decrying violence (and Im not talking about a few broken windows..I'm talking the real stuff here), is an illegitimate concern. I 100% support protests and also recognize that if you want to make an omlet you have to break a few eggs. (All within some sort of reason).

More often than not "Check your privilege" is not a suggestion to take a reflective look on how one's perspective may truly be different than those of others and what issues are or are not important, but is more of a way to say "Shut Up."

Look, I know this is not the most popular position to take on NeoGaf. It is much easier to simply adhere to the purity of thought of offense, privilege, race, or what have you. You can be immediately accepted into a school of thought by posting in this manner (or in person).

My only point is that while some of these catch phrases are fun to say and even more fun to prosecute, do take a second to analyze the outcome and effect.

Thats all well and good, but as many have tried before to reason with colin on twitter and in the other thread.

Colin doesnt care, and will not debate when it comes to something he would have to admit he's wrong on.

He cares more about the praise he gets from his fans, and talking down to people and feeling superior to them.

That's the whole point of that current tweet. He's mocking them, openly.

Now to go on about your "Check your privilege" argument. You can argue semantics all you want, but it's just become another unpopular phrase that people dont like to hear because it makes them uncomfortable. And that's the point of the phrase, I dont like to hear "Make America great again" or "All Lives matter" because it makes me uncomfortable. but maybe that's just me and my bias.

Second, it's an op ed piece (Which I will point out is not linked to in Colins tweet. It's just a screenshot of the headline) It's a student of the school giving her opinion, nothing more...anyone can do it from any side of the political spectrum. You can find more of them here http://www.dailycal.org/section/opinion/

While most are in the defense of the protests, some in the violence, some in the blac bloc, some against, and some criticizing.

The only one who is telling people to shut up is colin, when his words imply that we should let ourselves be objected to hate speech without defending ourselves...giving platforms to and legitimizing the people who would not give us the same kindness.
I think I've realized that what bugs me most about "conservatives" (besides how totally hypocritical they are) is their continuing comments that Liberals are sensitive snowflakes that overreact at anything.

Well Last super bowl conservative media freaked out over Beyonce's formation dance.
They freaked out at Meryl Streep's speech saying it was "not the right place to do it"
And now lastly, they are boycotting Coke and Budweiser because of their super bowl commercials.

And, because some kids got rowdy and protested the wrong way at Berkley to stop someone from outing illegal immigrants, they're the over sensitive snowflakes the overreact and everything and are trying to stop free speech.

(which also goes with Colins tweet about Lady Gaga halftime performance).



I think I've realized that what bugs me most about "conservatives" (besides how totally hypocritical they are) is their continuing comments that Liberals are sensitive snowflakes that overreact at anything.

Well Last super bowl conservative media freaked out over Beyonce's formation dance.
They freaked out at Meryl Streep's speech saying it was "not the right place to do it"
And now lastly, they are boycotting Coke and Budweiser because of their super bowl commercials.

And, because some kids got rowdy and protested the wrong way at Berkley to stop someone from outing illegal immigrants, they're the over sensitive snowflakes the overreact and everything and are trying to stop free speech.

(which also goes with Colins tweet about Lady Gaga halftime performance).


Honestly I think their one defining trait is Hypocrisy. They clearly don't really have any other principles that they consider sacred.



his "defense" of steve bannon is hilarious. you can't look at breitbart and say "well maybe bannon doesn't agree with what's posted." there's a clear message the site is trying to convey. bannon is clearly a proponent of that message. if you're going to compare disagreements about video game coverage or review scores and try to apply that same relationship to a site that uses "black crime" and "black-on-black-violence" tags you're being absurd. even bannon identified breitbart as "the platform for the alt-right." you really have to wonder why he continues to feign ignorance over this subject.


Don't pretend you are a smart, enlightened person and then brush aside the alarmingly obvious.

That makes you a diet racist.

And if you don't like hearing the R word and you don't like hearing about "privilege" -- tough luck.

By the way, I wonder where all the passionate free speech advocates are now that Elizabeth Warren has been silenced in the senate due to a nakedly ridiculous technicality at an attempt to shut her up.

Why the fuck are you going to bat for Milo and not her?


By the way, I wonder where all the passionate free speech advocates are now that Elizabeth Warren has been silenced in the senate due to a nakedly ridiculous technicality at an attempt to shut her up.

Why the fuck are you going to bat for Milo and not her?

Dont worry he's got you covered


Buh Buh...Bothe sides tho!

She broke the rules!

Then goes on to say that they should let her speak, but ignores the context of the "WHY" she was barred from speaking.

You cannot claim "Both sides" when the rule is only applied to one fucking side and invoked after nearly a hundred fucking years after it was created.


Yeah, I had to stop watching KF over this bullshit. I simply can't give support to somebody who is just so willfully ignorant. He want's to be treated as this high and mighty political genius when he fact he often ignores how politics affects the world, and not just him. It's sad because Colin was always the dude who seemed to know his shit and to tell right from wrong but after these last couple of tangents he has gone on, I'm not quite sure where he truly stands.

Don't know how Kevin could work with this man day in and day out, like you guys said that "diet racist" definitely is showing.


Dont worry he's got you covered


Buh Buh...Bothe sides tho!

She broke the rules!

Then goes on to say that they should let her speak, but ignores the context of the "WHY" she was barred from speaking.

You cannot claim "Both sides" when the rule is only applied to one fucking side and invoked after nearly a hundred fucking years after it was created.


What a complete shit of a response, too.

Yes, nothing happens there, other than confirming as Attorney General the racist you were just defending. Disgusting.

Par Score

i'm 100% positive it's the phrase "check your privilege" that's preventing people from engaging in any form of introspection

Do you also believe the phrase "Black Lives Matter" is what prevents people from engaging in any form of introspection over the murder of black people by police? Or that being referred to as "cis" is what prevents people from engaging in any form of introspection over the issue of Trans* rights?

Persecutors complain about the language of the persecuted because it's easier than actually engaging. If instead of being asked to consider how their privileges affect their attitudes people were instead asked to "have a heart", they'd accuse you of calling them heartless. The language is never the issue.

The point of the joke is that I'm not sure how to actually respond to someone who says "check your privilege."


More often than not "Check your privilege" is not a suggestion to take a reflective look on how one's perspective may truly be different than those of others and what issues are or are not important, but is more of a way to say "Shut Up.

I dunno man, it kinda seems like you know exactly what people are asking of you when they ask you to "check your privilege", but that you just don't want to engage in that sort of self reflection and consideration so just treat it as a joke instead?


Do you also believe the phrase "Black Lives Matter" is what prevents people from engaging in any form of introspection over the murder of black people by police? Or that being referred to as "cis" is what prevents people from engaging in any form of introspection over the issue of Trans* rights?

Persecutors complain about the language of the persecuted because it's easier than actually engaging. If instead of being asked to consider how their privileges affect their attitudes people were instead asked to "have a heart", they'd accuse you of calling them heartless. The language is never the issue.

I dunno man, it kinda seems like you know exactly what people are asking of you when they ask you to "check your privilege", but that you just don't want to engage in that sort of self reflection and consideration so just treat it as a joke instead?


He basically undid his whole point. He knows exactly what it means -- he chooses to minimize it by taking it as a joke.

That's on him. It's a blatant defensive move.


Says the well-off straight white male who grew up with loaded parents, went to a top-tier university, and has a cushy-ass job.

On PSILY yesterday he was talking about how America's bootstrap mentality is confirmed legit because it worked for him... this guy, man.


Do you also believe the phrase "Black Lives Matter" is what prevents people from engaging in any form of introspection over the murder of black people by police? Or that being referred to as "cis" is what prevents people from engaging in any form of introspection over the issue of Trans* rights?

Persecutors complain about the language of the persecuted because it's easier than actually engaging. If instead of being asked to consider how their privileges affect their attitudes people were instead asked to "have a heart", they'd accuse you of calling them heartless. The language is never the issue.

I dunno man, it kinda seems like you know exactly what people are asking of you when they ask you to "check your privilege", but that you just don't want to engage in that sort of self reflection and consideration so just treat it as a joke instead?

sorry let me restate that

i'm 100% positive it's the phrase "check your privilege" that's preventing people from engaging in any form of introspection


Don't pretend you are a smart, enlightened person and then brush aside the alarmingly obvious.

That makes you a diet racist.

And if you don't like hearing the R word and you don't like hearing about "privilege" -- tough luck.

By the way, I wonder where all the passionate free speech advocates are now that Elizabeth Warren has been silenced in the senate due to a nakedly ridiculous technicality at an attempt to shut her up.

Why the fuck are you going to bat for Milo and not her?

I doubt he's ever going to look at comments and think that maybe minorities and folks on the other side have a decent point they're making about his attitude. This is what he responded to me with, a day or so ago, in another thread:

I'll just reiterate what I said above, in another form: I hold zero shame being a straight, white male. That's how I was born. I've treated people with respect and dignity since I was a small child. That's how I was raised. I've done the very best that I can.

That said, it's strange that you'd ignore all of the work I HAVE done for social causes in propagating positive discussion in videos and podcasts with millions of cumulative views and listeners ranging on topics from Ferguson to the Muslim ban. Which, I hate to say it, is far more actionable and positive than a vast majority of folks have done, including you, I assume.

But cover your ears so your feelings don't get hurt. If I don't agree with you, I'm a bad, bad man!.

He's extremely full of himself (and those assumptions, damn!). Doubt that'll ever change with how proud he is to flaunt about his privilege.


I was giving a bunch of money to Kinda Funny every month but boy as the election raged on I just kept distancing myself from KF's content.

The thing that sucks is Kinda Funny has a really young impressionable audience and they are going to believe whatever this fuck head says just because he speaks with conviction.

Guy is going to be an anchor on the rest of Kinda Funny's ankles. People are going to start cutting ties with them and its going to be all because of Colin and his inability to just shut the hell up and listen once in awhile.
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