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Voltron: Legendary Defender |OT| Season 3 now up, Season 4 (cough) in Oct

Sou Da

They did, but they are standard kid quality toys that admittingly kinda cool that they can combine together, but have some accuracy issues with colors and sizes.
Ah. I would imagine there's a demand but I'd @ the Voltron Twitter. They respond frequently.
I didn't see this thread until modbot pointed it out.

So, anyway this show is fucking amazing, more than it has any right to be, and if the pilot and episode 2 are any indication of quality for the rest of the season and hopefully future seasons.

I'm hooked.
Season 3 Episode 4 spoilers

I can't believe they managed to somehow include freaking Sven!

I had to pause the episode to laugh when I saw that.
My sister and a couple of her friends and I are having a Voltron binge watching party when I get home from work today. I'm very excited about it.

Sou Da

Sorry about the lack of attention I've given to the OT lately. Laptop broke and I'm just now receiving PC parts, good looking out though guys.

Gonna have to watch season 3 on my phone like a pleb.


Binge watch complete. Need more Voltron!

Oh and a quick tip for those of you who want to avoid spoilers on Netflix. Do not scroll down the episode list. Episode 6 has quite the spoilery preview image.

All seven episodes spoilers:
So we're setting up a three-way fight now? The Galra. Prince Lotor. Team Voltron. And we have evil Voltron who is a fighter instead of a giant mech. ...though I will not be surprised if it transforms into one at some point. That's going to be fun. It just seems appropriate for it to do so, you know?

And yes, amazing they got Sven into the show and it made sense in context.


All episodes
That was an odd end point, though I guess it makes sense if the next "season" is in a couple months.


Season 3 - Episode 1

I think the series thus far has done a poor job of showing the reclamation of planets.

The fight that started off this episode was cool, but when you look at where there fighting, its just a small village or town, with a seemingly small population. Now, certainly 1000 years of oppression may mean that theres no major cities on the planet, thats fair. Yet, we are given no reason to believe that this place is of any strategic importance, yet capturing it seems to make the enemy flee from the entire planet. The consequence of this is that planets feel very small, as do their populations. I imagine this is a very hard thing to do well when we only have a team of 5 to work with, rather than entire armies, but if Space Battle Ship Yamato could make me believe one ship could take on an entire space armada repeatedly and win, then I will hold this show to the same standard.

Some other comments:
-Great action from Studio Mir this episode, really well done
-Lotor seems interesting, as does his harem. Do wish the guy that challenged him wasn't just some no name from the ranks
-Shiro's outburst at dinner was also a bit cringeworthy but I guess I see where he is coming from


The last episode had some Golion references, it's so fun to see that.

Solid season, I love how much Hunk and Pidge are in scenes together.

Edit: so there's a pretty interesting theory on Tumblr. General spoilers for the whole of season 3 below.

Basically the theory is that Shiro was cloned.

The original Shiro is either still with the Galra, is the one in Season 3, or dead. We get a flashback of him in some liquid which is probably from the original Shiro and might be how they are preserving him.

The Shiro that is seen in s1e1 conveniently lands on his home planet and has amnesia. He is also clean-shaven when you would expect prisoners to have longer hair like we see in Season 3. He has white hair which might be an after-effect of the cloning process, but that might also not mean anything.

In Season 3, Shiro has longer hair when it doesn't seem like enough time has passed to make the hair length logical. Also, he mentions having a headache and has no memories between the battle with Zarkon and his rescue. The clones might have connected memories from the "active" one. That, or the Black Lion teleported his memories back to the original Shiro. We already know that the lion can inject him with its memories, so why not his own as well? Moreover, the Black Lion rejected him; it may not consider him its paladin because he may not physically BE the same paladin.

In Season 1 Shiro was called prisoner 117-9875. In season 3, his label was suddenly changed to subject Y0XT39.

And, in the most blatant evidence, Season 3 the Galra call the plan "Plan Kuron". Kuron means clone in Japanese as a loanword.

I don't know if I want this theory to be true or not.


So erm. Why did they decide to do this weird thing? Season 1 was 13 episodes if you count ep1 as 3. Season was 13 episodes. Why did they decide to release 7 episodes as Season 3 and then the rest as Season 4 just 2 months later?
So erm. Why did they decide to do this weird thing? Season 1 was 13 episodes if you count ep1 as 3. Season was 13 episodes. Why did they decide to release 7 episodes as Season 3 and then the rest as Season 4 just 2 months later?

I think they literally just wanted to release episodes a bit more often but it'd only make sense if the season 5 is released sooner than the space between S1 to 2 to 3.


The team said that Netflix told them to do it. Probably want to experiment with viewer retention but I honestly would have preferred waiting until October for the entire 13 episode batch.
Sad that they seemed to have split season 3 in half, but on the bright side I think "season 3" is my favourite so far.

All episodes spoilers
My sister called Lotor being half Altean as soon as he was introduced lol.
Also we were screaming during the end of episode 7.


The team said that Netflix told them to do it. Probably want to experiment with viewer retention but I honestly would have preferred waiting until October for the entire 13 episode batch.

If Netflix really wanted to "experiment", they could just put up one episode a week. *cough*

This seems lame!


What a great "season" although I really wish we got all 13 episodes.

Fun Gurren Lagann reference in the first episode.

Animation seems to have gotten a little bit better too.

Emo Keith was weird.

Definitely agree that something funky is going on with Shiro. I wonder if Zarkon is trying to take over a Shiro body or something.

The comet ship is totally going to be Gundam Epyon next season.
How was season 3 compared to seasons 1 and 2? Plan to binge it this weekend

It might be my favourite season yet. I love the world-building, and the new characters are excellent. Lotor might be a better villain than Zarkon because he's cunning whereas Zarkon was 100% brute force, and I really like the questions they're raising. I'll need to rewatch it at least once more to decide where it sits. My only real criticism is the small number of episodes.

Anyway, full season spoilers below.

Episode 5... man, I ran the gamut of emotions in that one.
So glad Shiro is back.
Although I think all is not as it seems. It was weird when
he saw the vision of Ulaz. A hallucination, or does it mean something more?

I feel like character development on Keith regressed a little, as I felt he'd sort of moved past the irrational hothead phase, but here they return to that for the sake of a couple of plotlines. I suppose it could be excused as him being an emotional wreck after Shiro, and not coping particularly well with the burden of being leader.

Lance gets a decent outing although Pidge & Hunk definitely needed more screen time, although I like that we also got to see Lotor and his gang a fair amount. What's the betting
the pretty lady Lotor chastised for failing him (from the weblum) will join Team Voltron
at some point? I liked the back story episode about Voltron's origin, and I thought it was a pretty decent origin for Zarkon. I also wonder if at some point the
comet starfighter will be incorporated into Team Voltron and they'll modify it so it joins up with Voltron. Maybe Shiro could pilot it, or maybe that'll be weblum lady's job after she joins the team as we already saw her piloting it expertly

Anyway, I'm writing this on my phone, but I'll probably watch again next week and jot down some more thoughts. Already can't wait for S4!


Gold Member
I feel like character development on Keith regressed a little, as I felt he'd sort of moved past the irrational hothead phase, but here they return to that for the sake of a couple of plotlines. I suppose it could be excused as him being an emotional wreck after Shiro, and not coping particularly well with the burden of being leader.

I wouldn't call it regression. Remember he's now got the weight and pressure of being the leader, something he didn't want as he's still the loner/shoot first type of guy and had to be slapped upside the head that he's truly responsible for others now.

And then when he starts falling into the role
Shiro, if that is him, comes back and now its does he relinquish or does he continue to lead (seemingly lead as the Black Lion is not responding to Shiro any longer) as one could practically feel his frustration at being contradicted during the battle.

He'll get it but its going to take time.


So a thought just occurred to me.

Full season spoilers:
Including Prince Lotor himself, Team Lotor has five members. And a weapon built from the same comet stuff as Voltron. We've only seen what that weapon can do with four pilots... I smell a rival team. Question is if it's a friendly rival or an equal enemy. I do hope Lotor's ship has a robot mode. It really should. Evil Voltron would be a huge cliche, but cliches are fine as long as they're awesome. And an Evil Voltron vs. Voltron fight? Totally awesome.
So a thought just occurred to me.

Full season spoilers:
Including Prince Lotor himself, Team Lotor has five members. And a weapon built from the same comet stuff as Voltron. We've only seen what that weapon can do with four pilots... I smell a rival team. Question is if it's a friendly rival or an equal enemy. I do hope Lotor's ship has a robot mode. It really should. Evil Voltron would be a huge cliche, but cliches are fine as long as they're awesome. And an Evil Voltron vs. Voltron fight? Totally awesome.

Maybe they are going to
loop in Voltron 1 Vehicle Force?


So a thought just occurred to me.

Full season spoilers:
Including Prince Lotor himself, Team Lotor has five members. And a weapon built from the same comet stuff as Voltron. We've only seen what that weapon can do with four pilots... I smell a rival team. Question is if it's a friendly rival or an equal enemy. I do hope Lotor's ship has a robot mode. It really should. Evil Voltron would be a huge cliche, but cliches are fine as long as they're awesome. And an Evil Voltron vs. Voltron fight? Totally awesome.

I mean, this actually happened in the original show. :p
There was a mirror match of a fake vs real Voltron, although the fake was not piloted in the same way.
Well, given the final episode, I'd have to estimate he's slightly younger than Allura.
I don't know. The reason it's confusing is because Allura is only alive because she was in stasis, whereas Lotor doesn't seem to have been in it, nor does he have the glowy eyes or attitude of his dad (and therefore doesn't seem to be corrupted by quintessence). It's also odd that he isn't mentioned at all in the flashback.

I think he was born much more recently, if he was born at all.

EDIT: Also, am I mistaken, or does it seem that he had a Bayard?


Unconfirmed Member
Ep 4:

I'm liking how Lotor is a more threatening adversary. My memory is hazy but the original never seemed that threatening or smart. Also loving his female crew.
Voltron S3: Thoughts

Before I knew it this 'season' was fucking over lmao.

As far as starting things with a bang, this show wasted no breath. It starts right after S2 ends and introduced the new antagonists within the first 2 episodes. It also
shuffles around the team to new lions minus Hunk and Pidge
. I liked how at first
none of them were comfortable in their own Lion. Keith had to take on a slower lion he didn't really feel he was controlling plus the burden of now being the team leader when he doesn't feel worthy. Lance has to deal with accepting Keith being the new leader, his old Lion rejecting him, and a much faster lion. And Allura has to deal with being rejected by two lions and then finally having to learn to pilot the blue lion

The new villain and his crew are definitely the standout on S3 (aka S3A). This reminds me a lot of Avatar when it introduced Azula and her two best friends who were these weird trio of charming villains. It humanizes the villains where they aren't just a mean bulky lion dude and an old space magic witch. It's essentially
a 'voltron' like squad of paladins but working with the main new enemy
which is a great contrast.

Something that bothered me this season though is how much of a child Keith turned into early on. S2 was his time to shine and his plot and background were easily the most interesting out of the cast then. Early S3 this can be excused as
but it just seemed like a bit of regression from his part from what he went through in S2 as he once again turned into a bit of a hot head.

I had a love/hate relationship with the
alternate timeline
episode. It's a nice staple of science fiction. Essentially the 'bizarro' episode. I love the concept as it's always a solid way to explore that
not everything is black and white in these war torn shows and that sometimes the good guys can turn bad
. But at the same time it felt way too convenient how this plot point was reached. And finally we reach Punished
. A man denied his gilette. Absolutely
nobody saw that coming.
. Unfortunately there was a hiccup after this point when the pacing skipped a beat. Right after we
have Shiro back in the team, they skip the post-traumatic and coping scenes and put them together in a single scene, and immediately the leads want to go back to the status quo and it just feels awkward.

Over-all I'd say season 3 is more plot focused, and possibly stronger depending on the audience. But as someone who actually enjoyed some of the episodes where the individual team members (or groups of 2) went off on their own to have adventures, this season felt weaker for me personally. Season 2 had some fantastic fight scenes and visually impressive episode, including one that was essentially Jabu Jabu's belly from Zelda. With this season we didn't get episodes with as visually spectacular scenes, and also less 'fun' episodes, but we did get a lot of background on the history of Voltron and the original paladins, so take that as you will. I'd give it a 7/10. Compared to the opening few episodes of S1 and S2, I'd put it above S1 for sure, murky area with S2.

I don't know if I can realistically expect the next season to have more sci fi adventures, but I am at the very least hoping we get more hand to hand combat scenes and interesting planet/creatures.
Ep 4:

I'm liking how Lotor is a more threatening adversary. My memory is hazy but the original never seemed that threatening or smart. Also loving his female crew.

The original Lotor was a competent antagonist but he was also an overly, arrogant playboy.
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