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RTTP: Resident Evil 4: The most complete party ever thrown.

It's not my problem alone when everyone else is calling you out on it.

I don't see anyone else saying I'm picking a fight. Oh wait, this next guy did.

Others have already pointed out why your posts in this thread offer nothing of value, and show you're just looking for an Internet fight. The Fonzie fetish is just amusing.


"Nothing of value". Only topic-fellating posts are of any value. Noted.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I recently played through this again... couple weeks ago. I shouldn't have.
Resident Evil 4 is the best TPS (closest rival being Vanquish) ever made. My only criticism is that I wish the professional mode was a deal harder.
I don't see anyone else saying I'm picking a fight. Oh wait, this next guy did.


"Nothing of value". Only topic-fellating posts are of any value. Noted.

Yep, this basically proves you're just trying to pick a fight and have absolutely nothing to add to this thread other than thinking you're cool by annoying everyone else.

Time to leave, buddy.


Actually Dead Space is pretty cool.

As far as Vanquish goes, it felt like a faster Gears of War with slow motion and a terrible story. If I just suck, anyone know of some prozone vids?


It still amazes me how RE4 can come out of nowhere and be this amazing. It still stands the test of time, 8 years later. 20 year later I'm sure it will. Mikami can at lest know this was his best achievement in his career!


Re4 was my favorite game last generation. I've replayed it 5-10 times. The atmosphere and music are awesome.

Uncharted 2 and Dead Space are my favs this Gen and are direct descendants of RE4. It had a massive influence on the idea of blockbuster games this cycle.
Actually Dead Space is pretty cool.

As far as Vanquish goes, it felt like a faster Gears of War with slow motion and a terrible story. If I just suck, anyone know of some prozone vids?

Oh man, I really need to play through the Dead Space series. I played a couple of chapters of Dead Space 1, but never finished it. Maybe I'll make a Halloween playthrough of games to play for the next few weeks.
Yep, this basically proves you're just trying to pick a fight and have absolutely nothing to add to this thread other than thinking you're cool by annoying everyone else.

Time to leave, buddy.

No. I don't submit to your will. If some mod wants to take pity on you and ban me, then so be it. But I am not "picking a fight". I am providing an opposing viewpoint, and you don't like it. But that is not a bannable offense. If you wish to dissect the game objectively, I'm game. The problem being that this was not a requirement for posting in this thread.
Maybe you should try... being right? *tips shades over eyes, flicks cigarette at you, gets on moped and travels down the lonely highway*
No. I don't submit to your will. If some mod wants to take pity on you and ban me, then so be it. But I am not "picking a fight". I am providing an opposing viewpoint, and you don't like it. But that is not a bannable offense. If you wish to dissect the game objectively, I'm game. The problem being that this was not a requirement for posting in this thread.

Okay, lets see your dissection of RE4 "objectively." This time without copping out and crying about how you already said it in another thread.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Why's that?

I liked it better when it came out on Gamecube and it blew my mind.

On the REplay it was still cool, but I honestly got bored about 3/4 through the game. It's still a great game, and was incredible at the time it released, but... yeah... sometimes things are better in memory.
I liked it better when it came out on Gamecube and it blew my mind.

On the REplay it was still cool, but I honestly got bored about 3/4 through the game. It's still a great game, and was incredible at the time, but... yeah... sometimes things are better in memory.

I replay it at least once every year and it still blows my mind how fresh the game remains throughout its entirety. Hell, I like it even more now than I did before.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I replay it at least once every year and it still blows my mind how fresh the game remains throughout its entirety. Hell, I like it even more now than I did before.

That's cool. I'm of a different mindset on it... but I certainly understand why people still like it.
Okay, lets see your dissection of RE4 "objectively." This time without copping out and crying about how you already said it in another thread.

Crying. Right.

Moi said:
Terrible characters (excepting Ada, who somehow remained a good character throughout despite the game)
Useless characters (largely Hunnigan and Krauser)
Boring antagonists
Poor writing in general
Instances of cheap visual effects (cardboard cutout trees and N64 quality textures abound)
Sparse environments
Predictable and easily dispatched enemies (which was my biggest gripe initially - a travesty when we were promised enemies that were smarter than zombies. Regenerators remain the only exception)
Hit the obvious weak spot bosses
Awful QTEs
A currency/merchant system (fine in other games, doesn't belong in Resident Evil. There are better ways to accommodate an upgrade system)
Scenario drops the ball starting the second third of the game
Mind-bogglingly pedestrian puzzles
A focus on shooting/action (not bad by itself, but again, doesn't belong in Resident Evil anymore than it does in a Metal Gear or Castlevania game)
Ties to previous games incredibly poor
Forgettable soundtrack
Utter lack of tension or scares
Overly abundant ammunition and herbs
Game gets easier the longer it goes on
Unbelievably terribad typewriter placement (some immediately following the after-chapter save)
Level design is severely hit or miss
Game overstays it's welcome a small bit
The camera, when aiming a weapon, is too close, forcing a majority of the player's left peripheral vision into Leon's head (it's fine when you are being approached from the right. But there remains a noticeable blind spot to the left that can result in unnecessary hits. Unless it's somehow canon that Leon is blind in his left eye and I just never knew it)
Stiff animation (except during cutscenes or when reloading)

I know someone will inevitably ask what I think it did right. So -

Actual aiming is smooth and functional. Precision hits are shockingly easy
Mercenaries is pretty damned good, taken as a pure shooter that isn't trying to be Resident Evil (I sometimes wish the main game had been canned and an entire Mercenaries game released instead)
Assignment Ada is pretty well done
While the level design is hit or miss, when it hits, it hits very well
Pacing is very likely perfect
Shooting is satisfying
Excellent weapon variety
Knife being tied to it's own button makes it the most useful it's ever been in the series (RE4 Wii Edition's homing knife attack makes it even more fun to use)
A handful of impressively set-up enemy encounters
Context sensitive death scenes
You can shoot Ashley, Luis, and the Merchant. Intentionally, even
New enemies are introduced very well


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Do you like Wesker?

Because you said the series needs to be restored to its former glory and then complained that RE4 has terrible characters, useless characters, and poor writing.
Like, half of those are objectively wrong. No tension? Cheap effects (I'm trying to think of 'cardboard trees' which are anything outside of far away background objects you have to look for to see, and which were perfectly fine for that era)? Easy enemies and plentiful ammo (this is even more laughable on Professional)? Hit the obvious weak point bosses (I'm struggling to think of more than two)? Zuh? The environments full of unique details and hidden goodies were "sparse"? The great soundtrack and castle section were bad? The painless escort sections were bad... just because?

Hell, even positive things like the action, merchant/upgrade system, and the fact that they deliberately cut most ties with the awful bogged down narrative from before are listed as "negatives" there.
Do you like Wesker?

Because you said the series needs to be restored to its former glory and then complained that RE4 has terrible characters, useless characters, and poor writing.

It amazes me that people make fun of RE4's story, characters and writing while pretending RE1-3 and Code Veronica were some holy grail of video game storytelling.


100% of everything you mentioned is subjective. Not a single thing you said was objective.

I don't want to get in the debate, but I have to say that you are wrong in this. Yes there are a lot of subjective points, but stuff like the lack of scares, abundance of ammunition, poor ties with previous iterations, focus on shooting, QTEs, escorting, etc. are objective.

I would like to note that I still regard this as a fantastic game, so I'm not siding with him at all. But your stance of "no no this is all subjective" is a bit faulty.
Oh my God in the other thread you said that the chainsaw characters were always encountered at long range and that the game didn't push the GameCube, and imply that the game looked bad outside of Leon's model. You even threw in a "heh" at that idea.

I would hate to live in this horrifying phantom dimension where your alternate version of RE4 exists.
I don't want to get in the debate, but I have to say that you are wrong in this. Yes there are a lot of subjective points, but stuff like the lack of scares, abundance of ammunition, poor ties with previous iterations, focus on shooting, QTEs, escorting, etc. are objective.

I would like to note that I still regard this as a fantastic game, so I'm not siding with him at all. But your stance of "no no this is all subjective" is a bit faulty.

Lack of scares, focus on shooting, QTEs, escorting, and etc. being bad is 100% subjective. What if I found more scares, like the focus on shooting, liked the QTEs, liked how it has little connection to the previous stories, and enjoyed the escorting?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
resident evil 6 needs to start like this or it will be garbage

a jet fighter is pulling some sweet g-forces when suddenly it launches a huge missile at ENEMY BASE

the missile flies in and explodes! out of the explosion rides leon s. kennedy on a choppeer, and his bomber jacket is sicker than ever. leon s. kennedy leaps the motorcycle off a ramp and jumps off the motorcycle and turns around and shoots the motorcycle and the motorcycle explodes and leon s. kennedy uses the force of the explosion to fly into the big enemy building. leon s. kennedy bicycle kicks a bad guy wearing sunglasses and the guy flies out a window but his sunglasses fly into the air and flip around and they land perfectly on leon s. kennedy's face as he looks at the camera and smirks and suddenly on the screen appears


re6 didn't start like that lololollololo

how about instead

AHHH LOUD NOISESSSSSSSSS AHHH serious story HAVE TO KEEP FIGHTING global BIOTERRORISM complete SATURATION WESKER WESKER WESKER alpha squad ace of spades heart of diamonds shitsandwich EXPLOSION press A press A PRESS A PRESS IT AGAIN

6 resident evil
It amazes me that people make fun of RE4's story, characters and writing while pretending RE1-3 and Code Veronica were some holy grail of video game storytelling.

I do not recall ever hailing them as such. But I do think that when taken into a series-wide perspective, it fails. Quite heartily, in fact.

You say you're being objective. Then you make subjective statements. Then you say everything you said is subjective when people called you out on it.

Gotta make up your mind, buddy.

Read the post again.


I too didn't really like the direction RE4 took the series and barely finished it on the GC. A good game on its own, but not my fave Resident Evil.

def sim

Exactly. Give this guy a prize. He gets it, even if he's misdirecting it at me.

I'm not misdirecting anything, it applies to all parties. The same silliness was in the RE6 thread earlier and that kind of argument never goes anywhere. It's not hard to understand when someone says something is the best ever, GOAT, or perfection that people are being hyperbolic to a degree. Why argue what they really mean? Nothing gets proven here.

My issue with you is your approach to your argument is an inference of one. One that is in another thread. Then you quote some list. Great stuff.
I'm not misdirecting anything, it applies to all parties. The same silliness was in the RE6 thread earlier and that kind of argument never goes anywhere. It's not hard to understand when someone says something is the best ever, GOAT, or perfection that people are being hyperbolic to a degree. Why argue what they really mean? Nothing gets proven here.

My issue with you is your approach to your argument is an inference of one. One that is in another thread. Then you quote some list from a different person. Great stuff.

Holy shit, it's not even his argument. I didn't even notice.

I think you could say RE4 is the GOAT and not be exaggerating

Um excuse me but Bio-Hazaado Fo (as it is known in Japan, the homeland and target audience of the series) is actually bastardized by its shameful localization. As you can see in the subtitles of the Japanese version (please ignore the devil tongue coming from your speakers): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXivdlu2i-A#t=1m30s, BH4 is in fact a far superior work of storytelling than you think.

Allow me to translate the sacred runes carefully: "You possess the knowledge of this mission. I am of the occupation of protecting the (firstborn) daughter of the August Leader. I doubt you are here to be singing Obon Festival songs with me-san - but given your lack of moral fortitude, perhaps I speak too soon."

As you can see from my expert translation, BH4 has a totally different story than (ugh) "Resident Evil" 4.
By far my favorite in the series. 4 did everything right. Really liked the co-op in 5, but that was it. Want to try 6, but am going to wait for a price drop. Have read all the reviews and would like to make my own decision on it, even though it's probably a turd sandwich.
No, it's him. I thought something was off about the quoted name while typing and a little re-read confirms it. Whoops.

Yeah, that's what I originally thought.

Anyways, it's still sad that he said he'd argue with objective statements and then just lists a bunch of completely subjective opinions.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
You know you guys could have your opinion without being jerks to other people.

RE4 fans are sometimes the most obnoxious gaffers.
You said you wanted RE to reach is former glory and then you said things like these:

Terrible characters (excepting Ada, who somehow remained a good character throughout despite the game)

In what way are the RE4 characters worse than the other from the past games? Did Chris from RE1 had some awesome writing or character development that I missed, somehow?

Useless characters (largely Hunnigan and Krauser)

Useless characters? RE is filled of useless characters, remember Nicholai? or Bravo team on RE1 and RE0?...

Boring antagonists
Poor writing in general

We're still talking about RE, right? I mean...seriously?

Jill sandwich...I have to say anymore?

Instances of cheap visual effects (cardboard cutout trees and N64 quality textures abound)
Sparse environments

RE4 on GC had one of the best graphics on the system, of course it had instances when textures didn't looked that good or the game had to make some sacrifices. Either way the game looked amazing when it was released and had plenty of detail and variety in their enviroments...

Predictable and easily dispatched enemies (which was my biggest gripe initially - a travesty when we were promised enemies that were smarter than zombies. Regenerators remain the only exception)

Enemies were more smarter than zombies. They had way more attack patterns and were smart enough to try to surround you and look for your back. I mean, that's way more than advancing towards you and try to bite you, which is the only thing zombies did in past RE games...

And I could go on with the rest but don't feel like it.
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