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Major Nelson denies eSRAM Issues with Xbone, CBOAT: "nope"


Doesn't make any sense that he'd deny this. Only thing I can think of is that MS is confident in nobody being able to tell if they are having trouble once these consoles are out. As in, after cracking it open and taking a good look.
I believe in CBOAT but I dont think this story is a big deal. New console going into manufacturing for the first time, They are odiously going to have a few problems to iron out before the real production starts for units that will be sold.


whait, why is he even answering? now, we are probably going to see some stories about it in some pages. We can consider that he is basically helping to spread a bad rumor (bad, for them).


Does CBOAT work for Microsoft? Thats the only way he would have this kind of information. So that would mean one Microsoft employee debunking another. Wow.


CBOAT just slapped down Major Nelson. Never thought I'd see that.

I'm inclined to trust CBOAT here; he's got a good track record.


It would be pretty funny to see how this pans out in the end. Kind of be neat to see this happen:



Its also worth pointing out, that its very conceivable the ESRAM issues will be taken care of by launch. The biggest implication of the ESRAM story isn't a change in specs, which isn't entirely likely, rather its what it says about the state of X-Bone development in general.

If, they're having to downclock dev-kits for example, this close to a consoles release, it could very conceivably have a dramatic impact on game development. This might explain why Microsoft didn't show any real game footage at their reveal. If development is that far behind schedule, they may simply not have much in terms of well polished footage to show off.


People should read CBoaT's posts in a Borat voice , it's all kinds of awesome.

The fact he has confirmed the yield issues but not the down clock pretty much confirms the later to be BS, if this guy knows about the yields , he'd know about a down clock.


needs 2 extra inches
Cboat is best, but

I'm still sore about Dead Rising 3 not being real

4 MOore days my budyfriend iam sory, nthingchangdb.hind the scness.

holdhug fo ryou.
Somebody catch me up to speed:

What about Dead Rising 3 that turned out not real? Last I heard it was a touted as an xbone exclusive, and to be revealed on their conference.

What changed, and how does CBoaT's post fit into all of this?
I recall when RRoD wasn't an issue, and that was very clearly out in the open at the time. To move to a different company, I recall when the DS Lite DID NOT EXIST according to Nintendo the day before they announced it. But, people are free to believe what corporate PR hacks feed them if they want to.

Pepole said he is trustworthy. But it's impossible that he's wrong on this ?

I didn't call him a liar, but maybe his source is wrong this time.

Or just maybe his source is correct and a corporate PR hack is lying?


Of course he'd deny it. You cannot under any terms say there are hardware issues now could you.

Fact is they exist and MS is trying its best to rectify the issue and that may include downclocking. But in the end the user won't know the difference as the specs they've touted (i.e. crazy unimportant counts) won't change.

So his denial is a win-win scenario for MS and won't change anything.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
Who do you trust more? MajorNelson or CBoat?

Edit: Given that Major was aware of the topic in question, I feel bad for him. He is stuck somewhere reading NeoGAF and likely is loosing hair by the minute. I'm glad I don't have that job.

I don't trust Major PR Nelson at all. He is a shill and will say anything to save face.
I believe in CBOAT more than any one thats working at Microsoft right now and their answers have to pass through PR, thats for sure.

Major Lier, thats what he is.
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