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Anyone considering AC4 on PC BEWARE! Yet another port with terrible optimization!

Speak with your wallets and stop buying ubi ports and stop buying games day one, there is no liability for a publisher to deliver a finished or properly performing game when they get your money before it's even out


Not to mention they attempt to use some kind of console control schema that just feels like complete crap on the PC... One of the few multiplats I feel is significantly better on console vs PC.
if people consider this port something that is 'terrible optimization', please stay away from X Rebirth.

5min of dicking around should you get 50-60fps on most rigs with decent visuals.


Fuck, my Pc is like half of what yours is.

I was secretly hoping this would be my last big hurrah with my set up, even on low settings, but I guess that would be Bioshock Infinite.

I should really get a PS4, but mods...


BEWARE! What an exaggeration of a thread title.

PS4 runs this game at 1080p and 30 fps... how exactly should it run on pc to be a good port instead of terrible?

Because i have a 660GTX wich is very similar in theory with the gpu on ps4, and i don't have any problem to play the game:


Sorry if it's a problem with your setup, but you are overreacting with the thread.

The article is pretty bad too, where are benchmarks? All i see are a couple of complains.


I think you misunderstood them. They showed a shitload of performance eating features and said it was optimized for 4k.


"In AC4, the engine will use all the cores it needs until it sees that using more cores brings no more gain. So, yes we should expect better performance on PC than AC3, especially on DX11 hardware."

This is BS. If I watch my CPU it does not utilize all 4 cores. The first core goes to 100%, the second stays around 50%, and the other two never get above 5%. This is the same exact performance as AC3.

With this config you will be able to enjoy the game at 1080p 30fps. Stronger system will bring you up to 60 fps. For example, at my desk I have a GTX670 and I play at 60 fps.

I would love to see how he has his GTX 670 running at FPS considering I frequently dip below 50 FPS. Again it appears to be another lie.

So yeah keep grasping at straws man. Its there in black in white.


BEWARE! What an exaggeration of a thread title.

PS4 runs this game at 1080p and 30 fps... how exactly should it run on pc to be a good port instead of terrible?

Because i have a 660GTX wich is very similar in theory with the gpu on ps4, and i don't have any problem to play the game:


Sorry if it's a problem with your setup, but you are overreacting with the thread.

The article is pretty bad too, where are benchmarks? All i see are a couple of complains.

#1. It's not a problem with my setup.

#2. I am not overracting.

#3. What kind of FPS do you get with those settings? 30 FPS on PC is laughable.


Because 30fps isn't acceptable for high-end PC gaming?

If 30fps is all you need, then buy a PS4. We're talking about 60fps+ here, which is not achievable on 99% of PC hardware for this game without making visual sacrifices. The game isn't even that good looking and is simply the result of poor optimisation rather than taxing our hardware for pure pixels.

This is BS. If I watch my CPU it does not utilize all 4 cores. The first core goes to 100%, the second stays around 50%, and the other two never get above 5%. This is the same exact performance as AC3.

I would love to see how he has his GTX 670 running at FPS considering I frequently dip below 50 FPS. Again it appears to be another lie.

So yeah keep grasping at straws man. Its there in black in white.

They've also been touting 1080p 60fps for ps4 until very recently... and it wasn't until last week that 'actually it ships at 900p! wait for a patch'

most ubisoft games are fine, but just always expect the worse outta AC games.


It's absolutely a CPU utilization issue, the game loads too much on Core 0 and it chokes the game in busy areas. Ubi flat out lied to us once again.


BEWARE! What an exaggeration of a thread title.

PS4 runs this game at 1080p and 30 fps... how exactly should it run on pc to be a good port instead of terrible?

Because i have a 660GTX wich is very similar in theory with the gpu on ps4, and i don't have any problem to play the game:


Sorry if it's a problem with your setup, but you are overreacting with the thread.

The article is pretty bad too, where are benchmarks? All i see are a couple of complains.

What settings? I have a 680m which is about equivalent in terms of power. I ran ACIII fine (never understood the complaints honestly) but I'm happy to go with a locked 30FPS if I need to. Had that more or less maxed out at 1080 too.

As long as this runs as well, and not worse than AC3, I might get the PC version on Friday instead of having to wait until next week for my PS4 to arrive.
Man, I go from 30 to 60 fps like it was nothing. Its very jarring. Someone mentioned it earlier, but how do I use nvidia control panel to lock the game at 30?


The complaints are from those that want to play the game at 60fps, it's literally impossible to do that using the highest settings even on the highest end hardware available due to the port being a POS in the optimization department.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Man, I go from 30 to 60 fps like it was nothing. Its very jarring. Someone mentioned it earlier, but how do I use nvidia control panel to lock the game at 30?

It's amazing how many people don't seem to understand how v-sync works.

If you have V-Sync enabled, the framerate locks to a even mutliple of your monitors refresh rate (60, 30, 15), so if you are at 60 and the framerate drops it will go to 30. That's how V-Sync works. To prevent this you either need to shut v-sync off or get a tool that enables triple buffering like d3doverrider.

As far as I'm concerned D3Doverrider is essential kit for any PC gamer.


As far as I'm concerned D3Doverrider is essential kit for any PC gamer.

It's not too essential since virtually all games are designed smart enough to get around this and are triple buffered by default. This is one of the very few recent games that have this problem.
There should be an app that looks at my computer and sets the settings to run 60fps locked on my hardware or tell me it can't be done. Call it Scotty if you must.I don't think even Geforce Experience does this.


Threads like these keep me to consoles.

Yeah, where instead of 40-60 fps, you get 30 FPS and you like it!


Anyway, for limiting the framerate you can use Afterburner of EVGA's precision X. Great little apps to OC and fan profile your GPU's.

AC up to brotherhood ran excellently on my rig. AC3 ran okayish, but I didn't pick it up until a fe wmonths after release, so it wa sprobably patched by then. I guess I'll be doing the same thign for this game.

Common Ubi. Optimize this shit.


I'm running this game at a rock solid 60fps, 90% of the time. In highly detailed jungle area's it will sometimes dip a little but other than that it seems to run really well.

I found turning environmental quality from very high to high made the biggest difference. It seems to have the same effect as changing from high/very high to normal in AC3.

Other than that I turn soft shadows off and volumetric fog off. The game still looks fantastic and runs like a dream, and I'm really enjoying it.

This game really benefits from HBAO, everything looks kinda flat without it.

This is on a 2500k @ 4.5GHz and a 7970GE

P.S. no crashes for me whatsoever, so I think the "bad port" cries are a little unfair. I wonder if this is a "draw calls" issue that has been warned about by many industry insiders for a long time now.

Draw calls in a modern API and properly optimized should be fine, specially for the number that you'd get on a game like this.

This is just poor optimization on Ubi's part.


Seems like that terrain setting is to blame.

Although the reviewer used a pretty old CPU when it comes to architecture. We have more IPC now.

I thought AC3 looked fine last year on a i5-750 and 470 SLI which works out to a 770 with 1GB RAM


There should be an app that looks at my computer and sets the settings to run 60fps locked on my hardware or tell me it can't be done. Call it Scotty if you must.I don't think even Geforce Experience does this.

It's supposed to be what the GeForce experience does, except it only looks at your GPU and resolution and estimates.

But CPU performance should be a part of the equation, not to mention that nothign cna be done about a game that is poorly optimized.


As far as I'm concerned D3Doverrider is essential kit for any PC gamer.
I can't get D3Doverrider to work with AC4 (or any other game).
I start the D3DOverrider.exe as admin, add the game exe, force tb and vsync are both on, I tried the different application levels but nothing happens. No sound signal that it's working and ingame tearing and no vsync. I'm not sure what's the problem :(


I can't get D3Doverrider to work with AC4 (or any other game).
I start the D3DOverrider.exe as admin, add the game exe, force tb and vsync are both on, I tried the different application levels but nothing happens. No sound signal that it's working and ingame tearing and no vsync. I'm not sure what's the problem :(

Make sure you're not running any other overlays, especially programs like Fraps, which can prevent D3DO from working properly.

D3DO should look like this http://fae.ro/ss/22dccf.png

I personally keep Global enabled, as like someone else mentioned, it's an essential program for any PC gamer.

Four Wude

Unconfirmed Member
It's weird how so many people are having issues. I don't know if it's because I'm running 670s in SLI, but I have no issues with everything maxed out at 1080p, alternating between SMAA and TXAAx4. Running locked 60fps at almost all times.

The game repeatedly crashed for me when I tried to start the game from the main menu, but I fixed that issue by verifying game files through Uplay client. Has anyone tried that?


i5 3570k @ 4.4ghz
Windows 8.1


It's weird how so many people are having issues. I don't know if it's because I'm running 670s in SLI, but I have no issues with everything maxed out at 1080p, alternating between SMAA and TXAAx4. Running locked 60fps at almost all times.

The game repeatedly crashed for me when I tried to start the game from the main menu, but I fixed that issue by verifying game files through Uplay client. Has anyone tried that?


i5 3570k @ 4.4ghz
Windows 8.1

What are your FPS in the first city hub running maxed out? It's literally impossible to achieve 60fps there due to how the game is optimized.


This is really strange. I saw it running on a PC with a 7950, which is what I have, and it runs far better, far smoother, than the console ports. Mostly 60 frames, occasional slowdowns to 30, never a slide show.


This is really strange. I saw it running on a PC with a 7950, which is what I have, and it runs far better, far smoother, than the console ports.
Really it depends on where you are in the game. In most areas it should be running at 60+ for many people, but the framerate will take a nose dive as soon as you hit havana. This thread is blowing things a bit out of proportion, but this game does face the same sort of issues that AC3 had.

To anyone having performance issues I'd recommend starting with lowering the Environmental Detail, God Rays, and switching to SMAA / FXAA. Also, do not use the in game vsync.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered

This is BS. If I watch my CPU it does not utilize all 4 cores. The first core goes to 100%, the second stays around 50%, and the other two never get above 5%. This is the same exact performance as AC3.

I would love to see how he has his GTX 670 running at FPS considering I frequently dip below 50 FPS. Again it appears to be another lie.
So you bought this more or less blind after reading one interview?

After Ghost Recon FS, Far Cry 3, and AC3, why would you blindly accept claims of superior performance in an interview? This is Ubisoft and they have a proven track record of consistently unoptimized ports (that still run and look better than console counterparts).

Why do you think he only specified the FPS and videocard, but not resolution processor or any other relevant detail? PC gamers shouldn't be this naive. I would have been more shocked after playing AC3 to have the sequel run better than not.

It's like the people who are surpised that the Need for Speed sequel to The Run is locked at 30 fps again.


Elden Member
This is really strange. I saw it running on a PC with a 7950, which is what I have, and it runs far better, far smoother, than the console ports. Mostly 60 frames, occasional slowdowns to 30, never a slide show.

I'm running it on a 770gtx and can confirm the majority of the time that game is at 60fps with vysnc. it drops in busier areas like the main loby of the the game development area, and without using tripple buffering its noticeable, in fact even with TB I find the sudden drops annoying as they are visible and cause almost a hiccup effect. So for now I've locked the game at 30 fps (as was already said, i could turn everything to low and she'd still drop in that lobby area). So its partially an optimization issue I'm sure, but otherwise this game is more than enjoyable at 30, and we still have more bells and whistles than any console. locking it at 30 let me turn everything to max and have a smooth experience.

I'm the type that will always take consistant speeds over variable ones, Would rather have locked 30 than a moving target between 40 - 60. Gsync may change this in the future.


Black Flag is running pretty badly on my system. I can run the likes of battlefield 4 @ 1080p with a smooth 35/45 FPS on high but black flag chugs to even get 27/28 frames @ 900p.

Ubisoft should be ashamed of themselves.


On my rig it runs at 60 fps almost all the time but drops to the fifties eventually. What i don't understand is no matter what graphics options i lower/rise it remains the same. The little fps drops happens with maxed out AA or no AA at all. Same for every other demanding option.


Elden Member
Black Flag is running pretty badly on my system. I can run the likes of battlefield 4 @ 1080p with a smooth 35/45 FPS on high but black flag chugs to even get 27/28 frames @ 900p.

Ubisoft should be ashamed of themselves.

Odd that we have such differing experiences. What are your specs?

On my rig it runs at 60 fps almost all the time but drops to the fifties eventually. What i don't understand is no matter what graphics options i lower/rise it remains the same. The little fps drops happens with maxed out AA or no AA at all. Same for every other demanding option.

Exact same experience, thus why people are suggesting its CPU bound.


How is Ubi at patching in the long term? As in how do the AC2s, and AC3 run *now* after a few months/years of updates?

I'd like to catch up to AC some day. I left off on AC2, so I've got pretty much three full games to get through before I get to 4.


Elden Member
How is Ubi at patching in the long term? As in how do the AC2s, and AC3 run *now* after a few months/years of updates?

I'd like to catch up to AC some day. I left off on AC2, so I've got pretty much three full games to get through before I get to 4.

They never fixed the controller issues with AC1 and AC2, making it annoying as hell to reinstall them. You have to manullay fix them as if I recall the triggers do not work.


Odd that we have such differing experiences. What are your specs?

Although it's a laptop (Y510P), I've had no trouble running other big games.

CPU: Core i7 4700MQ
RAM: 16 Gb
GPU: Nvidia 755m 2Gb( Which doesn't seem like a lot but it runs other games smoothly at high resolutions.)


AC3 had just about every single one if its issues patched...Except the for most important one, CPU optimization in cities. It's mindblowing how incompetent they are. I assume they are forcing their "gold standard" on everyone whether they like it or not.


1200p maxed out / GTX 780 / i5-2500k / barely 40 or 50 FPS.

Un. In. Stall.

Thanks but no thanks. Game did not even look especially impressive.


Game runs smooth for me maxed out. I got a pretty beefy rig though:

Core i7 3770K 3.5ghz
16GB Memory
Radeon HD 7970
Win 8.1


1200p maxed out / GTX 780 / i5-2500k / barely 30 FPS.

Un. In. Stall.

Thanks but no thanks. Game did not even look especially impressive.

Pretty much.

GTX 770/470k/1080p 144hz monitor -

Honestly after playing a ton of battlefield 4 on PC this left me feeling a bit unimpressed. Was hoping character models would be far better looking, and the AA settings i've turned on -- still getting some really annoying looking distant objects with the lines flickering and shit.


1200p maxed out / GTX 780 / i5-2500k / barely 30 FPS.

Un. In. Stall.

Thanks but no thanks. Game did not even look especially impressive.

Damn, I'm beginning to think it's a driver issue. I've installed the latest 333.82 from nvidias website but they haven't helped much - maybe 2/3 extra frames. Hopefully they release a patch to address these issues people are having ASAP.
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