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Cinemablend calls out gaming press, accuses them of living in a Doritocracy


Okay, if you really insist
Both consoles will be outputting in 1080p, so I don't see the big deal.

Aaron Greenberg told me so.
"They're downplaying how big of an investment $500 is."

but $400 isn't? Honestly I agree that the $100 isn't much. You're already in an price range where ita expensive. $100 isn't going to be a priority in pushing someone away. It might help some decide they want the PS4, but either way you're going to spend a lot more than $400/$500 when you add in one game and a subscription, at minimum. Honestly both the Xbox One and PS4 are luxury products. The people buying them aren't going to be turned off by the $100 difference alone.

PS4 + CoD + year ps plus = $510
XB1 + CoD + XBL = $620

That's over $100 just to play the same game at a lower resolution. I think people are smarter than you think.


I microwave steaks.
I agree, the discrepancy between resolutions is good point to lock on, and the press are downplaying the resolution game a little bit, but is that really an indication that their pockets are lined? I don't think it's their job to tell the reader "The ps4 is the definitive version! Xbox one just pales in performance!!!" People can make those decisions their-selves.

And then with the price point comparisons, the console is weaker for sure but it comes with a bundled accessory. To me, that really makes the console around the $400 range. But I was going to buy the Kinect 2 regardless and I realize I am in the minority here.


I think the article is semi accurate because yes, downplaying those deficiencies of the Xbone is ridiculous, especially when they clobbered the Wii U so badly for its tech failings if you buy into that, BUT to put the PS4 on some pedestal like it's some great innovation and the second coming of gaming is equally as bad when it has average technology and pretty boring looking, samey/ cross gen launch games. MS has less than average tech, but better launch games. So really should game sites rally behind the technology or the games? they are game sites after all.

But I suppose bottom line is yeah if you HAVE to get one console over the other as a longer term investment, go with the PS4. at least it is somewhat improved, if you're going on games/community, then seems to me you should recommend Xbone, but honestly neither of them are impressive in the least to me and they may as well not bothered launching this year with the shit passed off as launch games.
Yes. Thank you.
"Doritocracy" is a delightful word :D

I'd much rather live in one of those than a... wait for it...

...a Diptatorship!


Though I guess those would probably be pretty much the same thing, wouldn't they?

Nicely done.
Gaming Journalists are pretty detached from the gaming consumers and perhaps are way too attached to the industry itself. It's the ad dollars that is important to their paychecks and with news being more easy to pass around there is much more competition compared to the past. The ad dollars not just keeps them running. It can be used to improve their website. Making it more user friendly and pretty. That gives them a heads up over their competition.

/end useless rant.
I agree, the discrepancy between resolutions is good point to lock on, and the press are downplaying the resolution game a little bit, but is that really an indication that their pockets are lined? I don't think it's their job to tell the reader "The ps4 is the definitive version! Xbox one just pales in performance!!!" People can make those decisions their-selves.

So you don't think the press should be honest with their readers? If the PS4 version is the definitive version, then why exactly would you not inform your readers of that?


So you don't think the press should be honest with their readers? If the PS4 version is the definitive version, then why exactly would you not inform your readers of that?

Yeah, I think it's the job of reviewers to point out disadvantages of any version of a multiplatform game.


$100 shouldn't be the reason why you go with one console over another. It's a ridiculous reason.

Take the 360/ps3 for example. I've gotten 8 years out of my xbox 360. I enjoyed my time with it and Im glad I chose the 360 as my console of choice. $100 over the long run over 8 years shouldn't be a reason why you choose one console over another. I'm willing to spend an extra $12.5 a year for 8 years knowing that I made the right decision.

So you're telling us you know what the next 8 years are going to look like?

BTW, saying $100 isn't that much of a difference sounds kind of silly when one realizes that the PS3 launched at JUST $100 more than the Xbox 1.

I'm not saying you're making a bad investment. Just challenging you on the logic behind justifying paying more money for technically inferior hardware. To be fair, I'm not including Kinect but it's impossible to buy one without it currently.

paying same $ for games and getting inferior performance isn't my idea of customer satisfaction. It's why I mostly played on 360.

Yup. Up until a couple of years ago I did most of my gaming on my 360. Nearly every multiplatform game I bought I opted for the 360 (or PC) version. Unless something funny happens, it'll be the other way around next gen. If I even buy an Xbox 1. If Titanfall somehow manages to be one of those game of the generation type phenomenons then I may have to reconsider, but otherwise it's a tough sell for me.
It's not just an extra $100. It's an extra $100 for inferior hardware. You're taking the $100 out of context by isolating it and acting like everything else is equal.
Which is why I said $100 alone isn't enough to make people prefer the PS4. Right now we're seeing the hardcore portion of the gaming community prefer the PS4, and all in all its because it is the more powerful system which had a more friendly consumer approach from the get go.

As we go on we'll see how things will turn out when the more casual gamers and the generous parents start buying systems for their kids. Xbox One had cards in its favors as well, Kinect 2. Right now the hardcore portion hates Kinect, just like it hated Kinect 1 (and still does), but maybe the casual market and family market will love the Kinect (again). At that point, when we get to the casuals who probably don't give care in the slightest about 1080p vs 720p, we'll see how much the $100 difference matters. I don't think it will. I think the general marker will see enough value in Kinect 2 to not care about spending $100 more.

Think of it likes Tablets. Ipads dominate the market (as a single unit, not Ipads vs All Androids vs All Windows Tablet.) as the unit that sell the most, and those are generally much, much, much more expensive then other tablets, even ones that have better specs than the Ipads. Consumers still line up and buy more Ipads each year over Galaxy Tabs, etc. Because consumers see value and luxury with the Ipads.

Honestly I don't get the point of this article. Seem like the man is a little salty that the Xbox One isn't getting insulted left and right, up and down by the gaming media, because of the "resolution war". It doesn't deserve to be. It really, really, is a small touch that won't matter much to the general market, which is who these articles are written for. For example, The Wii didn't deserve to be insulted left and right because it's version of Call of Duty was terrible compared to the Xbox 360's and PS3's. Its not downplaying anything, it's just not caring, because the audience really doesn't care.

I stand by everything I said but honestly I don't know too much about the tablet market and I'm just going by "what I've heard/seen." So there's a chance I'm wrong about Ipad dominating other tablets. I would research but I typed this (and my last post) all on my way to work. So I don't have time. Sorry if I'm wrong.


Funny how people are falling for this major piece of baseless flamebait.

It's cinemablend. Flamebait and trash is all they write, no matter what side it favors (it will favor what brings them the most hits).


Also I think this should include they way they deal with reviews and scoring games off of 8-10 scale instead of the full 1-10


I love the new terms we got this week: Resolutiongate and Doritocracy.

Doritocracy is a keeper though, I can see this being used for the ages.


Funny how people are falling for this major piece of baseless flamebait.

It's cinemablend. Flamebait and trash is all they write, no matter what side it favors (it will favor what brings them the most hits).

Let's be honest, though. Flamebaiting by posting facts is just too easy when the rest of the gaming press are making such a huge joke of themselves.
$100 shouldn't be the reason why you go with one console over another. It's a ridiculous reason.

Take the 360/ps3 for example. I've gotten 8 years out of my xbox 360. I enjoyed my time with it and Im glad I chose the 360 as my console of choice. $100 over the long run over 8 years shouldn't be a reason why you choose one console over another. I'm willing to spend an extra $12.5 a year for 8 years knowing that I made the right decision.

This is either brilliantly sarcastic or he has no idea what the consoles costed on launch. I want to believe he just understands doritocracy.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
It's a good summary of what has transpired so far across most of the major sites.

I think the comparison to graphics cards is a good one. If an AMD card beat the Titan and cost $100 less, sites would never dream of being cagey about which one to recommend.
Funny how people are falling for this major piece of baseless flamebait.

It's cinemablend. Flamebait and trash is all they write, no matter what side it favors (it will favor what brings them the most hits).

People have acknowledged that the article isn't particularly good. But he does have a point with his general message. People have been picking up on that point over the past few days as more and more of the more popular sites have come out to downplay the differences between 720p and 1080p.


I've always respected William Usher for speaking out at times like this. He did the same when Microsoft announced the anti-used games policies for XBone.


Funny how people are falling for this major piece of baseless flamebait.

It's cinemablend. Flamebait and trash is all they write, no matter what side it favors (it will favor what brings them the most hits).

I'm not sure that negates the point he's making which is largely true, if not a bit obvious to most gamers who have been paying attention for the past few years.

- J - D -

The article could have done without the confrontational tone and "ad overlords" accusation without more to support it. I do agree with the general sentiment though, if not the style of reporting.


$100 shouldn't be the reason why you go with one console over another. It's a ridiculous reason.

Take the 360/ps3 for example. I've gotten 8 years out of my xbox 360. I enjoyed my time with it and Im glad I chose the 360 as my console of choice. $100 over the long run over 8 years shouldn't be a reason why you choose one console over another. I'm willing to spend an extra $12.5 a year for 8 years knowing that I made the right decision.

If there is a right and wrong choice, would you be happier that you spent $100 more on the wrong choice?

The Boat

I guess it's a good thing people don't do that. Most people just want the best console to play CoD, Battlefield, Madden, NBA 2k, need for speed, assassins creed, etc.

Most general gamers don't give a shit about Killzone or Dead Rising or Forza.
I know there are people who do that, in fact I remember discussing it with people here who bought a Vita simply because of it. Gamers caring about those particular games you mentioned has absolutely nothing to do with my post.
While I am glad that someone finally decided to speak up against this issue, I am uncomfortable with the ease with which a lot of posters throw around allegations of bribery. Especially when in many cases they are accusing the same sites or publications that they hailed as the pinnacle of journalism just a few months ago. It's just not a healthy attitude and it seems to be going completely unchecked these last few months. Maybe the mods could lay down some new ground rules, it's strange that you can be banned for a false rumor but not by saying that a games journalist is on the take without proof.

As for the topic at hand, the press can try as much as they want to keep both sides happy but this is doing a disservice to their readers. So you'll lose a few fanboy clicks by saying openly that the XBO is weak. So what? You'll gain more from people who appreciate honesty.


Gold Member
So you don't think the press should be honest with their readers? If the PS4 version is the definitive version, then why exactly would you not inform your readers of that?

obviously the comments of yet another deluded victim of current gen thinking. get with the program, son - yesterday's gone, & the 'parity uber alles!' future's upon us ;) ...


Yeah you're right, it's completely crazy to break it down per pixel. What next, break down per megabyte ? Are we still playing games or what ?

Why do people still make this insane argument? If its the same game with the same exact gameplay and one version looks like garbage, that's a problem. Just because someone mentions graphics doesn't mean gameplay ceases to exist.


Good read. It's true tho - the downplaying is crazy as fuck. Let's look at the price advantage for each console and pretend EVERYTHING else about the games (framerate, IQ, textures, models, etc) are the same EXCEPT the known native resolutions. 500 for X1, 400 for PS4:

500/(1280*720) for both COD & BF4 X1
400/(1920*1080) COD PS4
400/(1600*900) BF4 PS4

$0.00054 Per pixel COD on Xbox One
$0.00019 Per pixel COD on PS4

You are paying 2.84 times as much per pixel to play on Xbox One. (184% more)

$0.00054 Per pixel BF4 on Xbox One
$0.00027 Per pixel BF4 on PS4

You are paying 2 times as much per pixel to play on Xbox One. (100% more)


Performance per dollar - that is a huge fucking gap. Websites downplaying JUST the resolution differences are doing a disservice for consumers.


do you play games or jerk off to the graphics


PS4 + CoD + year ps plus = $510
XB1 + CoD + XBL = $620

That's over $100 just to play the same game at a lower resolution. I think people are smarter than you think.

And how much cheaper is a decent GPU/CPU for a PC? If you're using cost per pixel as some kind of metric then every console owner ever is a gods damned moron, myself included.

We're not buying this stuff for performance alone; we're buying it for convenience, interface, secondary applications, exclusive titles...


It's a good summary of what has transpired so far across most of the major sites.

I think the comparison to graphics cards is a good one. If an AMD card beat the Titan and cost $100 less, sites would never dream of being cagey about which one to recommend.

How do I up vote this post?
I think there's two main issues the press face at the moment.

1) Press are scared of pissing off people, because this industry's circulation of people is very fast. And while you're slagging someone off at one company, you might be asking them a favour at another company the next month.

Working by the rule: "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all".

2) They try their absolute hardest to maintain balance between ALL companies because they're concerned leaning too far one direction might be misconstrued by their audience or even worse, their peers as not being impartial/professional.

For some reason impartiality is such a big issue in this industry. And when it's hammered into you, it allows most to lose sight of TANGIBLE and ACTUAL faults any company at hand has.
Funny how people are falling for this major piece of baseless flamebait.

It's cinemablend. Flamebait and trash is all they write, no matter what side it favors (it will favor what brings them the most hits).

This kind of behavior is like when people call out IGN and Kotaku even when they make a good point just because IGN/Kotaku. I'm not familiar with these guys' work but even a dead clock is right twice a day.
I agree with the article. It boggles my mind that the "journalists", who in theory are supposed to know what they're talking about, are the ones employing irrational mental gymnastics to justify objective inferiority like worse image quality for $100 more.

We're expected to drop half a grand on brand-new technology and "journalists" can't help themselves but obfuscate reality to further their agenda.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I feel exactly the same. As someone in the comments said, the comments on those sites putting their head in the sand have also been calling them out. To see the players and the press on such opposite sides seems so weird.

It's the result of the gaming press getting too comfortable with their ad paying masters, and further away from their readers.

The gaming press goes to industry events, they get advance review copies from the industry, they talk to industry folks, and they set up shop in industry areas. The gaming press is so close to the industry that they're simply an extension of the PR mechanisms of the industry itself.

When the gaming press has to pick a side, it's no surprise that they pick the side that directly pays the bills and the side that they're always talking to.


Games journalism is in a bad place. The subjectivity of reviews, which is wholly understandable, has bled too far into what should be the objectivity of reporting. There's no such thing as a straight story anymore in most places. Can't just report that CoD is a higher resolution on one console, the games journalist feels the need to insert their own opinion as to whether or not that matters. There is no more reporting to let the consumer decide; it's all tinged with the authors opinions and preferences. We should be able to separate these kinds of modes of communication.
Good post.

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