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DeVos, Sessions expected to be confirmed in tight votes

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And to think I thought this woman would be Trump's Secretary of Education:


She would have easily taken care of our grizzly bear problem. Down with Grizzlies (aka public education)!

I find this picture funny, because it's suppose to be patriotic, but all I see is a woman trying to get to America, and absolutely no one wants to take her there.


Republican senators' kids have likely never stepped foot in a public school in their entire lives. They have no reason to not vote party line against someone who also doesn't give a shit about the schools that educate 90% of the populace.


Not that I would put it past the Republicans... But are there any sources to back this claim up?

Collins is in the Education committee where the vote was 12-11. All Collins had to do was vote "No" there and DeVos's nomination would have been dead. She doesn't care. She's only doing this now because her constituents are pissed off and so now she can have her cake and eat it too. She can say she was against DeVos and voted against her while avoiding a Trump backlash by having DeVos confirmed.


My wife and I have called our Senators, and have gone to our House Reps office many times over the last couple of weeks to try to get them to pressure their peers to say no on DeVos.

My wife is a Special Ed teacher in Iowa, and has been freaking out about this for awhile now. We've done about as much as we can, but getting through to Rep Senators, many of which who have been paid off handsomely by DeVos, feels fruitless.

The completely lack of morality and competency in the Trump Cabinet is just as dangerous as Trump himself. I truly can not believe how spineless Republicans in Congress have been. My only hope now is that we somehow get through these next two years and people like my wife and I do everything in our power to completely change the political landscape.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I guess it's time for the education system to employ Neurocore into each school district

Betsy and her husband Dick are chief investors in and board members of Neurocore, a group of brain performance centers offering biofeedback therapy for disorders such as depression, attention deficit disorder, autism, and anxiety. The therapy consists of showing movies to patients and interrupting them when they become distracted, in an effort to retrain their brains. According to The New York Times, a review of Neurocore’s claims and interviews with medical experts suggest that the company’s conclusions are unproven and its methods questionable. Democratic senators raised concerns about a potential conflict of interest and questioned whether she and her family members would “benefit financially from actions” she could take as education secretary. DeVos announced that she would step down from the company’s board but would retain her investment in the company, valued at $5 million to $25 million.

For the kidz!


The Dems can't find one more fucking Republican to block her nomination?


I suspect even Collins and Murkowski aren't really voting against her. They consulted with the rest of the GOP to make sure their votes wouldn't affect confirmation, and now they get to have their cake (keep their party happy) and eat it too (make it seem like they're standing up for their constituents). So there's probably zero chance anyone else will flip.

If those two had honestly been opposed, DeVos wouldn't have made it past committee.

The only reason there are two defectors to begin with is because they were both assured the confirmation was a lock without them, so they didn't have to vote for her.



I feel so bad for those of you with kids. You're either going to have to shell out big bucks sending them to private schools or watch them languish under a system that doesn't prepare them to be competitive in a global economy.


I suspect even Collins and Murkowski aren't really voting against her. They consulted with the rest of the GOP to make sure their votes wouldn't affect confirmation, and now they get to have their cake (keep their party happy) and eat it too (make it seem like they're standing up for their constituents). So there's probably zero chance anyone else will flip.

If those two had honestly been opposed, DeVos wouldn't have made it past committee.

Oh fuck I forgot Murkowski is in Education too. Yea this is going through. Those two could have easily killed her nom in committee if they actually wanted to.

It's also disgusting that they're trying to play both sides like this but that's politics I guess.


The 50 Republicans who vote for DeVos should be punished for the rest of their careers for it. They won't, but they should be.

Aside from Pruitt and other climate deniers, the havoc that DeVos will wreak on public education in this country will be among the most destructive and longest-lasting elements of Trump's legacy.

The Dems can't find one more fucking Republican to block her nomination?


Yes, this is the Democrats' fault.

Oh fuck I forgot Murkowski is in Education too. Yea this is going through. Those two could have easily killed her nom in committee if they actually wanted to.

It's also disgusting that they're trying to play both sides like this but that's politics I guess.

I agree. I was pretty excited at first that Collins and Murkowski said they would oppose her on the floor vote, but you're right, if they were that troubled by her, they would've killed her nomination in committee.
I guess it's time for the education system to employ Neurocore into each school district

For the kidz!

Jesus fucking christ, it's like they took the idea of neurofeedback for something like ADHD and decided that they needed to address the problem by making it worse...

Are you kidding me?


What damage can she do if we correct our wrongs in 2020? Like legitimately?

I need worst case scenario so I can get even more depressed now than I already am.


It's also worth pointing out that I imagine some Republicans are getting off on the notion that they're straight up making the Dems eat shit on this and firmly establishing the pecking order. If they were remotely interested in the spirit of bipartisanship, they would let the Dems have this one considering the widespread opposition.


The only reason Murkowski and Collins are voting no is because they know they have the votes whipped to confirm DeVos.

Most likely, but I don't see how this strategy reflects any kind of strength on the GOP's, Trump's, or DeVos' part. Needing the vice president to step in to confirm a cabinet nominee is just embarrassing. It's literally a historic embarrassment.


It's also worth pointing out that I imagine some Republicans are getting off on the notion that they're straight up making the Dems eat shit on this and firmly establishing the pecking order. If they were remotely interested in the spirit of bipartisanship, they would let the Dems have this one considering the widespread opposition.

I don't doubt there's some of this. I think it's also a test to see if this will demoralize and demotivate those of us who've been calling, emailing, and otherwise protesting appointments, since this has gotten the most traction.


A guy at work supports her for the sole reason that he sends his 6 year old kid to a private school, and absolutely hates that his tax dollars goes towards paying for public schools. He is entirely for the voucher program. I tried talking to him about it, saying - well, if everyone who paid for private schools didn't get taxed for public schools...well then might as well add for people like me who don't have kids not get taxed for public schools as well.. Where does that leave the public schools at? They won't be able to keep the doors open, or their education experience will be so poor that they might as well not even go to school.

He wasn't having any of it, lol.


As someone from UK, why is there dislike towards Devos? I'm sure it's earned, 8 just don't know US Politics.
Most likely, but I don't see how this strategy reflects any kind of strength on the GOP's, Trump's, or DeVos' part. Needing the vice president to step in to confirm a cabinet nominee is just embarrassing. It's literally a historic embarrassment.

FYI, the GOP has supported Trump, but many have also kept him at arms length. McCain, Graham, and I'm sure many others would love to humiliate Trump while still pushing their conservative agenda.


As someone from UK, why is there dislike towards Devos? I'm sure it's earned, 8 just don't know US Politics.
DeVos has no actual experience in education, she fucked up Michigan's public education, and she wants to fuck up the entire country's public education.


A guy at work supports her for the sole reason that he sends his 6 year old kid to a private school, and absolutely hates that his tax dollars goes towards paying for public schools. He is entirely for the voucher program. I tried talking to him about it, saying - well, if everyone who paid for private schools didn't get taxed for public schools...well then might as well add for people like me who don't have kids not get taxed for public schools as well.. Where does that leave the public schools at? They won't be able to keep the doors open, or their education experience will be so poor that they might as well not even go to school.

He wasn't having any of it, lol.

How does he feel about paying taxes for police and firefighters? Assuming this guy isn't making daily 911 calls, that seems like a huge waste of money for him.


How does he feel about paying taxes for police and firefighters? Assuming this guy isn't making daily 911 calls, that seems like a huge waste of money for him.

People like this are so fucking gone that there is no reasoning. They get caught up in their own little world and build walls around them so tall that they can't look over. This is the mentality of your standard brainwashed Fox News/Breitbart republican vote.


As someone from UK, why is there dislike towards Devos? I'm sure it's earned, 8 just don't know US Politics.

She'd be in charge of public schooling in the country despite never attending one, never working in one, never sending her children to one, and making her life's work destroying public education. She can't answer basic questions that a first year education major could write you an essay on. She says that there should be guns in schools so they can defend themselves from bears.



Shit like this is why you can't blame anyone for calling Republicans straight evil - to them, it's the GOP above all else. They're worse than any gang or police department in America. If you won't break party lines for the education of children, your moral compass is beyond repair.
A guy at work supports her for the sole reason that he sends his 6 year old kid to a private school, and absolutely hates that his tax dollars goes towards paying for public schools. He is entirely for the voucher program. I tried talking to him about it, saying - well, if everyone who paid for private schools didn't get taxed for public schools...well then might as well add for people like me who don't have kids not get taxed for public schools as well.. Where does that leave the public schools at? They won't be able to keep the doors open, or their education experience will be so poor that they might as well not even go to school.

He wasn't having any of it, lol.

Tell him his tax dollars pay only for whatever the hell he likes. If he wants to live in la la selfish land, let him believe his taxes only pay for his policing in his area, or whatever.
A guy at work supports her for the sole reason that he sends his 6 year old kid to a private school, and absolutely hates that his tax dollars goes towards paying for public schools. He is entirely for the voucher program. I tried talking to him about it, saying - well, if everyone who paid for private schools didn't get taxed for public schools...well then might as well add for people like me who don't have kids not get taxed for public schools as well.. Where does that leave the public schools at? They won't be able to keep the doors open, or their education experience will be so poor that they might as well not even go to school.

He wasn't having any of it, lol.

All Republicans support the voucher system and school choice. Explain to him that any other Trump nominee would too, but at least it could be someone who doesn't fail everywhere else.
All Republicans support the voucher system and school choice. Explain to him that any other Trump nominee would too, but at least it could be someone who doesn't fail everywhere else.

Saying "anyone but DeVos" to Trump folks/the current GOP is exactly why it will never be anyone but her. It's not about education policy. It's about who makes the left the most upset.
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