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[Digital Foundry] New Scorpio Spec Leak: ESRAM Gone, GPU Features Revealed

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Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
The savior is dead. Switch won't be so behind in power after all.



I was really expecting a significant difference between the Scorpio and the Pro so this is dissapointing to hear. I held off on getting a S this past holiday. I guess it would be smart to wait until the holiday season again for the deep XB1 S discounts.

It will be better then PRO , period. If you were expecting it to be a huge difference then no.

But if used right it can be better FPS and more graphic fidelity then PS Pro.


Are you sure your not letting Sony have a 40% advantage yet Albert? Funny how you guys all show up when you want to.

You should not let people freak out and then disappoint them.

He sure is quick to come back after they have an advantage.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony

Sorry, its the same song and dance nonsense before the XB1 launch. And they were gone with a snap of a finger afterward.

PR people should not directly interact with fans with that level of misdirection.


I remember the combo Penello-Major Nelson here before XBO launch to "calm the waters" with lies and then they gone.

I remember the combo Penello-Major Nelson here before XBO launch to "calm the waters" with lies and then they gone.

I've actually been here pretty regularly posting. Not a ton, but I've been here when there is something to say.

The nature of my job makes it hard to comment on everything.


I don't disagree that its not a "massive" difference or a generational one. People that were thinking that were setting themselves up for disappointment.

Also the power gap shouldn't be downplayed though, we will likely see some games running pretty damn great on it.

I didn't downplay the power difference between PS4/X1, same thing with PRO/Scorpio. we will see more native 4k games on Scorpio than Pro which is more than enough to demonstrate power difference between the two.

It was crazy that some predicted Scorpio to be $500 box, Nothing Specs wise suggested higher than $399 which I think is the better business decision for MS than waiting for Zen and including a +$450 box.
I don't know why people are freaking. I still think we get more than Jaguar.

Getting back all that die space that ESRAM ate up and 14nm vs. 28nm I'm expecting some great use of that die space. Not Jaguar.


Are you sure your not letting Sony have a 40% advantage yet Albert? Funny how you guys all show up when you want to.

You should not let people freak out and then disappoint them.

Why do people insist on bringing this forum down to 4chan levels of cringe?


Modern GPUs have highly parallel pipelines. Bandwidth is favored over latency. The big deal about the ESRAM is that the bandwidth would help hide the low bandwidth forbthe remaining shared RAM on the Xbone. The low latency was sorta just gravy. Mismanage the ESRAM, and you lose your bandwidth and take a huge latency hit, as the system swaps to the slower stuff. It wasn't a good design. Although Xbone kinda wasn't gas enough overall, for the worst cases scenarios to actually matter much.

PS4's GDDR5 is higher latency. But, it has a lot of bandwidth and there is a lot of the RAM. So no memory management issue, like with the small ESRAM.

High bandwidth is also generally good, for multi-threaded CPU code. Some instances can favor latency. But Jaguar isn't fast enough for that to matter much. And bandwidth is generally king, anyway.
PS4 also has an extra bus to allow simultaneous memory access for the CPU and GPU. So that removes a lot of latency, by design. Less wait states, flushes, and less need for redundant data. I'm sure Scorpion will do that, too.

What would really be neat, is if Intel played ball. A 2.5-2.9 ghz pentium dual core kaby lake, stripped of Intel GPU and hyper threading, on custom silicon, could probably come in at the magic 30w or less. And it would beat the poop out of Jaguar. Even though only dual core.

It would be pricey. But selling 15 million or more, could make the pricing manageable.

Please don't do that because c0de will say "It is bull" /jk
Like i said before on the PS4Pro annonce, Mid gen upgrade is not going to do any good for us. At least third parties are obligated to do a XB1 version of games and that means more easy Nintendo Switch ports. So if the Switch sells well, Nintendo is going to have third party support until 2020 at least. This half gen is going to be fun.


Sorry, its the same song and dance nonsense before the XB1 launch. And they were gone with a snap of a finger afterward.

PR people should not directly interact with fans with that level of misdirection.

Well with responses like yours and the hate Major Nelson gets everytime he posts there, it's not exactly hard to see why they'd rather avoid posting


He sure is quick to come back after they have an advantage.

Will Sony let them have a 40% advantage though? I mean, Sony invented Direct...oh wait, nevermind.

Lol, that post was one of the most cringeworthy things I've ever read. Poor Albert.
Ok let's say Scorpio will do VR, again that's only going to appeal to a limited group of people. Let's also not forget that Microsoft are positioning Scorpio as a premium product unlike the PS4 Pro.
A full 4KTV + VR + Scorpio setup is only going to appeal to a minority because of the amount of money it will cost.
If it's going to be more than just an upgraded Xbox One then they'd have to go down the Scorpio-only games route i.e. experiences that can only be had on the Scorpio. A few graphical enhancements to existing XB1 games isn't going to compel the masses to rush out and pick up a Scorpio.
I watched the MS Scorpio vid again today and I just thought what's the point of boasting about all these powerful components when all they'll be used for is to make console games for 2013 platform look and run better.

Wait... Sony isn't positioning the PS4 Pro as a "premium" product? What on earth are you talking about?

Every single complaint you just listed can be leveraged against the PS4 Pro verbatim. The answer to all of those questions is that the PS4 Slim/Xbox One S will still be available to purchase for people who don't want the "premium" experience. If you don't think that's worth the money at launch, I have great news for you! Over time, both consoles will become cheaper.

The difference is that Microsoft's strategy seems to be that Scorpio will eventually become their new "base" model. Sony's comments suggest that PS4 Pro is an upgrade to a PS4, and both will be obsolete once the PS5 launches.


MS specifically said that there would be no exclusive titles for Scorpio, so when VR comes out we should expect it to work on the original Xbone too.

Not at all because VR is different from Xbox. There will be no exclusive Xbox games but VR is an entirely different machine that can be used on Scorpio.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Why do people insist on bringing this forum down to 4chan levels of cringe?

Its the truth. We've already gone through this nonsense of manufactured hype and subsequent outrage years ago. Calm those expectations and wait for confirmed info.


Scorpio to PS4 Pro is probably going to be like PS4 to Xbox One. Some people are disappointed, but if you're an Xbox only gamer you should be very excited at that huge performance increase.

This, I dont have time for two systems and so I play Xbox for now. Scorpio will be a giant leap from Xbox S. I have my TV ready too


I didn't find PS4Pro worth upgrading for, same goes for this. *shrugs*

Maybe once I get a 4k TV in about a year


Are you sure your not letting Sony have a 40% advantage yet Albert? Funny how you guys all show up when you want to.

You should not let people freak out and then disappoint them.

This is why industry people leave gaf.

I remember the combo Penello-Major Nelson here before XBO launch to "calm the waters" with lies and then they gone.

I'm also sure Major Nelson has been back since.


Its the truth. We've already gone through this nonsense of manufactured hype and subsequent outrage years ago. Calm those expectations and wait for confirmed info.
What hype exactly has Microsoft manufactured here? They haven't said anything specific except memory bandwidth and TF count.


Its the truth. We've already gone through this nonsense of manufactured hype and subsequent outrage years ago. Calm those expectations and wait for confirmed info.

He literally just responded to someone directly calling him out saying "so excited". He posts in a regular capacity not as PR.

*Edit* removed a bad taste joke


What hype exactly has Microsoft manufactured here? They haven't said anything specific except memory bandwidth and TF count.

They manufactured hype by Digital Foundry dredging out an old whitepaper and speculating on some minor details, none of which were informative or indicative of anything interesting.


MS specifically said that there would be no exclusive titles for Scorpio, so when VR comes out we should expect it to work on the original Xbone too.

I think they said VR (and VR only games, as a consequence) was exclusive to Scorpio actually.
Ofc there will be. PS4 Pro has some games in 4K but the message was always about checkerboard (or other techniques) to deliver 4K. They never stated true native 4K and as a customer I expected what to get from the initial announcement. Scorpio was all about true 4K gaming though

They've said since day one that developers will not be restricted in the ways they can develop games for Scorpio. Not sure how they could have been any more clear for people like you who have so much trouble with this stuff.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
What hype exactly has Microsoft manufactured here? They haven't said anything specific except memory bandwidth and TF count.

People are already freaking out over one Penello post that generally means nothing.

I don't dictate what Albert can say, he's an industry figure, well respected. He can say what he wants. But he's the mouthpiece for MS and the Xbox division, should he not be held to account on managing expectations?

When he says something like that, he knows people are going to start going overboard


Really the biggest new info is specific mention of DCC, L2 cache increase, and lack of ESRAM. That much we can consider confirmed.

Also mention of checkerboard/spare rendering and half-resolution rendering. While these rendering techniques are not new, I think many were wondering if we'd see them implemented in games on Scorpio (vs straight up 1440p, 1800p, or 2160p).

For a whitepaper of this nature, I'm surprised there wasn't' even a mention of increased total RAM. While it's been heavily speculated that Scorpio will have at least 12 GB of RAM, the only mention of RAM in this whitepaper (at least which has been revealed by DF) is in regards to bandwidth. I would've thought they'd want to promote additional capacity for high res textures or something.

In reality the information we have regarding the CPU is no different than before. 8 CPU cores. While the note in the whitepaper seems like a hint towards jaguar, we still don't have enough information for confirmation.

Also, it should be noted that while this article from DF is dated from today, the origin of the whitepaper is from July 2016, 6 months ago.
Will wait for leaks closer to E3.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
The GPU level in a small consumer box at $400 would be impressive. It is a big jump over the Xbone, and has quite a bit of headroom over the PS4 Pro.

People are crazy if they think it's marginal based on that.

What is the wild card is the CPU. Extra headroom on paper might be a waste if the CPU bottlenecks everything.

CPU is a huge wild card right now.

This is sorta out of MS and Sony's control for that matter as their isn't any other solutions currently in this space without switching to ARM or some shit.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
"Who's 'we', white man?"

Er...i'm not white.

I just don't like when PR people invite snowball effects that turn out to be junk.

We had to have these guys come on here specifically because of the online backlash to the DRM debacle, and it was a shitshow
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