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Guys at my girlsfriends workplace hitting on her

And one of the guys who works in the warehouse (her new dept) explicitly switched his schedule from the afternoon to like 6 am when she works just to see her. She said that another coworker told her that this dude who switched schedules actually does like her. But then this other coworker offered to take her home even though he got off 3 earlier than her. Man fuck these dudes

I just read this, this is NOT a simple thing to do at best buy. Getting your schedule switched is something that takes weeks/months of pestering (if it even works) unless you got a.) STRONG connections with the manager/GM or b.) Someone quit and this guys work ethic has him next in line [might be overshadowed by someone with "tenure"]. People who had 6am start shifts would NEVER give them up, having a consistent schedule at Best Buy is a fucking luxury and people who get into the warehouse know this.


Junior Member
Honestly right now i think it may be about 6 or 7 guys tops (not sure if if makes it any better) but it seems like theres a new guy bothering her everyday. And the guys she gets rides from are all the guys that Dont hit on her and just want to be a good coworker. Except for this one guy that drove her 3 days ago. she said she told him that she was in a relationship and the coworker looked visibly sad. Also she moved to a new department at best buy recently so she been exposed to other guys too. And one of the guys who works in the warehouse (her new dept) explicitly switched his schedule from the afternoon to like 6 am when she works just to see her. She said that another coworker told her that this dude who switched schedules actually does like her. But then this other coworker offered to take her home even though he got off 3 earlier than her. Man fuck these dudes

Also she didn't quit the other jobs for dudes texting her, she quit because this college town is full of ignorant people who say racist stuff to her and she got fed up with and in all honesty I think the reason she is getting so much attention is because she doesn't look like everyone around this area (shes chilean) (and the people working at the best buy are locals at this town not college kids)
Thank you for all this back story.

This story makes way more sense. So the rides thing isn't a problem. If those are explicitly not the guys hitting on her, you need to trust her on that. Be willing to trust her more and then they'll (hopefully) respond in kind. That's how it works.

As for the guys switching schedules and shit. Holy shit. Yea, I would not blame you to try to be a visible presence at some point. Some guys hear "boyfriend" and think of it as some nebulous term until the SO is standing in their face, grilling them for harassing their partner.

Is there anyway you can ride her to work a few times? Honestly (as shitty as this sounds) you just possibly showing up at random will do more to drive off some of these thirsty dudes than your gf's dismissal of their advances.

Also, tell her to triple down on HR. They don't want to do their jobs, but if you make enough of a stink, the corporate cogs will move.
Bail and check out another bus stop to meet sexy strangers. Giving out her number to that many dudes she's "not interested" in is a bad sign.

Edit: Or did they get her # off the emergency staff list? I'm confused now by the OP.


Getting a little nuts, huh?

So far the tally of people currently hitting on your GF

1) Every dude at work
2) The Chinese delivery guy
3) Lesbian friend (even girls can't handle her!)

In a vacuum, this isn't impossible. But without knowing how everyone on earth got her number, what her role is in these dialogues, etc, all we can do is use Occam's Razor. And in my opinion, she is provoking flirtations from some and exaggerating/making-up other stories entirely.

Yeah, that's what I'm starting to think.

I have known people that think everyone's hitting on them too, whenever I see those scenarios in which "omg he was hitting on me" it's like they said 'hi' and smiled or just tried to have a normal conversation or whatever lol. She might just be grossly misreading some signs, and with her "every guy cheats" insecurity, it's practically a self-fulfilling prophecy at this point. Of course, this is anecdotal on my part, but it certainly exists out there :p

Like I'm not getting into the phone number thing because it's a ridiculous thing to harp on (even if OP didn't give a reason, it's a shift based retail environment, people get each other's numbers), but having everyone and their mother (at this rate) hit on your girlfriend regardless of their relationship status is really starting to raise the Bullshit-O-Meter.

Newsflash: if you don't have a car and you need to get to work, you're probably going to have to do some things you don't like to get it done, especially if you don't have public transportation available to you

And it's almost like if you're getting a ride from someone...you give them your number so you can work out getting picked up. Sounds crazy, I know.

Also this is pretty important, especially when people were raising shit about her paying for cabs (??). You can't just call a retail environment like that and say "oh no I can't make it in today I have no way of getting there", that's a sure fire way to get your hours slashed or have them fire you. lol you can really tell which people have never been in such a crappy situation before


Honestly right now i think it may be about 6 or 7 guys tops (not sure if if makes it any better) but it seems like theres a new guy bothering her everyday. And the guys she gets rides from are all the guys that Dont hit on her and just want to be a good coworker. Except for this one guy that drove her 3 days ago. she said she told him that she was in a relationship and the coworker looked visibly sad. Also she moved to a new department at best buy recently so she been exposed to other guys too. And one of the guys who works in the warehouse (her new dept) explicitly switched his schedule from the afternoon to like 6 am when she works just to see her. She said that another coworker told her that this dude who switched schedules actually does like her. But then this other coworker offered to take her home even though he got off 3 earlier than her. Man fuck these dudes

Also she didn't quit the other jobs for dudes texting her, she quit because this college town is full of ignorant people who say racist stuff to her and she got fed up with and in all honesty I think the reason she is getting so much attention is because she doesn't look like everyone around this area (shes chilean) (and the people working at the best buy are locals at this town not college kids)

That Best Buy needs to get a Brita cause these dudes are thirsty


Flashless at the Golden Globes
The bestbuy i worked at over a summer was notorious for employees sleeping with each other. i understand workplace relationships but this was more than that.

i think it's mostly because people who work there are younger in the 20s early 30s max.
Also she moved to a new department at best buy recently so she been exposed to other guys too.

What's the location of this Best Buy store? The fucking Tardis?

Let me get this straight? She was allegedly harassed in her pervious department, gets moved to another department and continues to accepts rides and give out her number to guys there even though she claims to have been harassed by doing that exact same thing before?

You should probably pay a friendly visit to the dude that switched his schedule just to see her. You could be an extra dick and mention that out loud asking a condescending fashion how anyone could be so pathetic so every co worker hears him and then kiss your girl and walk out.

This is probably a terrible idea. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


You should probably pay a friendly visit to the dude that switched his schedule just to see her. You could be an extra dick and mention that out loud asking a condescending fashion how anyone could be so pathetic so every co worker hears him and then kiss your girl and walk out.

This is probably a terrible idea. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Yes, this is absolutely a god awful idea.
Yes, this is absolutely a god awful idea.
OP didn't listen to him
or my spoiler warning
. Do it and report what happens next

You should probably pay a friendly visit to the dude that switched his schedule just to see her. You could be an extra dick and mention that out loud asking a condescending fashion how anyone could be so pathetic so every co worker hears him and then kiss your girl and walk out.

This is probably a terrible idea. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sounds like one of my animes


This sounds like a case where your girlfriend gives off wrong signals to guys and makes them think she wants them/they have a chance. She could be a Scarlet Johanson lookalike for all I care but there is just no way that all those guys would line up and even think about cheating if she didn't give off that vibe.

I'm guessing she replies to all the messages aswell.


1. You're dating a dime peace, congratulations.

2. Men will hit on attractive women, even in the workplace, even if they're married. There is literally no deterrence for a certain type of man.

3. Many workplaces do not effectively enforce anti-harassment policies.

Obviously, she shouldn't be harassed in this way - but given her attractiveness, this is something you'll have to live with, in some manner. You need to learn to deal with that, or peace out. It's a good growing opportunity for the both of you.

Be thankful she's coming to you and asking for help in dealing with it. Approaching HR was the right move, and if guys continue to ignore warnings then she's going to have to consider finding work at a company where people are actually reprimanded from overstepping these boundaries.

Edit: Oh, she doesn't like you talking to other women in any capacity? Yuge red flag right there.

Mr. X

Screenshot, send to HR, "I didn't give my number to him, he got it another way. I'm beginning to feel unsafe here."

Mr. X

This sounds like a case where your girlfriend gives off wrong signals to guys and makes them think she wants them/they have a chance. She could be a Scarlet Johanson lookalike for all I care but there is just no way that all those guys would line up and even think about cheating if she didn't give off that vibe.

I'm guessing she replies to all the messages aswell.
Not true. Some dudes don't take no for an answer. She could be a dick to them, they think of it as a challenge or "she needs a good dicking to relax".

I think you should have her around your group of friends more if she doesn't like you around female company. They could be her friends too.


Not true. Some dudes don't take no for an answer. She could be a dick to them, they think of it as a challenge or "she needs a good dicking to relax".

Some, sure. Every guy she works with? The Chinese-food delivery guy? A lesbian friend?



I'm sure everybody's given you similar sound advice, so just to reiterate:

1. She should not respond to any texts from the guys hitting on her or encourage them by taking lifts from them. I know it might be conveniant, but you really shouldn't do that. It sends the signal to these immoral jerks that they can continue with this behaviour.

2. Unless it's an absolute emergency, she shouldn't be taking lifts from those guys. Period. No excuses, no discussion. For the same rasons listed above and also it's not healthy for your relationship.

3. Her outlook on the character of men based on the people she works with is wrong and you need to get that resolved or it's going to be a fracture in your relationship that will only widen. You can reason with her by turning the argument around and using it to describe all women, and ask her if she agrees or sees the problem with her perspective. But this needs to be seolved asap otherwise the future is bleak, my friend.

4. Continue to demonstrate you're not like those other men, by communicating openly with her and building on your relationship.

5. Don't go to the store to confron those jerks. DON'T CONFRONT THOSE JERKS. If you happen to go to her workplace, go there because you're meeting her. If you ever see those jerks, just give them direct eye contact, and let your presense do the talking. Don't shake their hands, be civil not friendly. DON'T CONFRONT THEM.

6. Build on your relationship.

7. If she keeps accepting lifts from those guys, she's playing with fire, in my opnion. It's not about fault, it's about the environment. IF the company she works for do something about it, all good. If they don't, then it's kind of hard to change anything. It's not right, and it's not fair. She can fight it, if she wants to, or there'll come a time where she might have to find a better environment.

In conclusion:

I get what you're feeling and in your position I would be the same. However, we have the benefit on not being in your situation, so we can look at this more objectively. Confrontation will only result in reflecting badly on her at work and jeapordising her position there.

it's better you two sit down and continue to discuss the situation and how you both should handle it. By doing that, you're working as a team and supporting each other.

See how it goes and keep us updated. Best wishes.


The combination of her "not allowing you" to talk to female roommates and then seemingly telling you every detail of all these guys who flirt with her just seems immature. I'm usually the one telling people to not worry about your girl being flirted with or even if she flirts back, but the combinaion of all this stuff seems concerning. Why is she even telling you all these details, what's her motive? Does she say she's going to do something about it?
The bestbuy i worked at over a summer was notorious for employees sleeping with each other. i understand workplace relationships but this was more than that.

i think it's mostly because people who work there are younger in the 20s early 30s max.

It's not just BestBuy. This is the environment in most big retail stores.


Oddly enough, anytime a new girl started at both the best buy stores I worked at, they would instantly get harassed by majority of the guys in the store. It's was super disgusting and pathetic.

I don't have anything else to add except fuck best buy.

Actually now that I think about it, a few people were fired for getting girl's numbers from the internal customer database. Also tell her to switch from the warehouse. Warehouse guys are always creepy at best buy. Always.


Pretty interesting how the blame is shifted to her for having the number of her coworkers in her phone.

Why isn't she blocking the numbers of the guys who are constantly hitting on her?

No, this isn't victim blaming. If they are being unprofessional to her at work even when she asks them to stop, then there's nothing she can do about that other than report them to her boss. But she does have control over whether they can communicate with her outside of work.

Occam's Razor would be that either she isn't actually getting all of these texts, or she is getting them and she doesn't mind as much as she's letting on to the OP. Not that I'm implying that she's cheating, because they're both pretty young/immature and she could just be salty over him talking to his housemates and responding with drama.
If she works at BB they would have her number, could easily get her number, or could ask for it under the guise of work. Just like any other job especially in sales.

Just have her blast them on HR. They'll get wrecked.


Why isn't she blocking the numbers of the guys who are constantly hitting on her?

No, this isn't victim blaming. If they are being unprofessional to her at work even when she asks them to stop, then there's nothing she can do about that other than report them to her boss. But she does have control over whether they can communicate with her outside of work.

Occam's Razor would be that either she isn't actually getting all of these texts, or she is getting them and she doesn't mind as much as she's letting on to the OP. Not that I'm implying that she's cheating, because they're both pretty young/immature and she could just be salty over him talking to his housemates and responding with drama.

It's kinda messed up since she needs dudes to give her rides but also they seem to be taking advantage of that to sexually harass her. I wonder if she feels that blocking dudes instead of going along would cause her to lose her rides.


It's kinda messed up since she needs dudes to give her rides but also they seem to be taking advantage of that to sexually harass her. I wonder if she feels that blocking dudes instead of going along would cause her to lose her rides.

OP said that is not the case.


It's kinda messed up since she needs dudes to give her rides but also they seem to be taking advantage of that to sexually harass her. I wonder if she feels that blocking dudes instead of going along would cause her to lose her rides.

Just reiterating what was said by the OP earlier in the thread: The guys that give her rides are not the problem. The people supposedly harassing her via text are a different group of guys at work. According to OP, the guys giving her rides are respectable.
Sounds like a pain in the butt. She thinks you're a crazy cheater then she turns around and gives a bunch of dudes at work her phone number. It seems like it's going to be a very tit-for-tat relationship on perceived slights. Would be annoying to me, but to each their own.

Your girlfriend reported it to HR. There's not much else to be done. Might be better to ask why if she hates these dudes, why did she give them her number, why does she keep hopping in cars with them when she knows they want sex, and why does she continue to chat with them.

Whole situation just seems like totally not worth the effort. You said you'd only known each other like a month or two. Isn't this like the definition of a red flag?


Walk up to your girl, kiss her in front of these guys, point at them, point at them all and laugh.
You say she doesn't trust you to tal your friends, so why are you still together? Sorry to be blunt but that sounds like game over in the first paragraph.
Why is everyone assuming that OPs GF voluntarily gave her number out? She could have given it to one guy who she needed to carpool with and then that asshole could have sent it to others. Or they could have gotten it from the manager. Or off some company directory.

Source: I've known thirsty fucking assholes who did this shit before.


Why is she reporting to you all these instances of people hitting on her? It sounds like she's trying to get a rise out of you/make you jealous, possibly in retaliation. That's a pretty unhealthy start you guys are off to.
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