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Is HOT RYU™ the most significant event in videogame history?

Is HOT RYU™ the most significant event in videogame history?

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You guys should get off Bad_Boy's back. I dont see anything wrong in him finding this stuff weird as long as he doesn't make fun or attacks people that find Ryu hot.


The beard is sexy but I still prefer original Ryu.

Also ugh the Daddy stuff is really gross. I don't know why it's a term that's caught on but it ain't a sexy way to describe a guy.
It's simply viralizing after some gay gamers noticed him (specially since he fits the current trend in gay communities of the masculine bearded men as the most attractive), but it's nothing more than that, don't fool yourself Hours :p
The fact that it went viral is proof enough that there's more to it. Gay gamers talk about hot guys all the time, but this isn't the standard convo on the subject.

There's tons of shirtless muscular dudes in gaming, but very rarely do they get this much attention, and I believe it stems from the presentation. Many people have picked on the difference and I think that's saying something.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Wew, over 1000 people have voted. The result is overwhelming, Hot Ryu is officially the most significant event in videogame history.
there are a bunch of dudes in that game like that.

Its odd they don't do DOAX with both genders, they have enough young dudes in those games.
The dudes definitely need to be added to DoAX.

Team Ninja should look at the response Ryu is getting and follow suit, though as I said in another topic, they'll need to do more than just slap a beard on the men to get any attention due to DoA's reputation.


So Hot Ryu is a thing now. Daddy has taken the world by storm.

Does anyone else think that this could be a watershed moment for equal inclusion of eye candy? Capcom have dabbled with this kind of thing before (mostly Chris in RE) but never this forwardly and with their most significant character.

Maybe now the floodgates have opened we are entering a brave new world of videogame fanservice? Discuss.

[edit] For the people questioning 'Hot Ryu' instead of 'Hobo Ryu' or 'bearded Ryu', the name is in reference to his given name among people with an interest in this sort of thing.

Sweet daddies he's so lovely ! Dawww, I need SF V now :(


Voted "No". I think there are more significant events in videogame history than the announcement of an alternate costume.


People aren't allowed to have different opinions here.

Not when your opinion is wrong.

And remember, it is not your right to have an opinion. We are only entitled to GAF Hivemind™ opinions. Please check the GAF HIvemind™ charts for a list of mod approved opinions.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I am a straight male but I would still accept fuck or be fucked by HOT RYU™


People aren't allowed to have different opinions here.

Riight, so you ollie out on that defense as soon as people are trying to explain their view on this after initially starting the discussion by calling the concept of being attracted to a fictional human weird?

I mean besides that unreasonably defensive remark on your username people have been trying to reason and explain the concept, but good on you I guess for resorting to whining about not being able to have an own opinion just because other people's opinions dare to differ from yours.

And I mean, look at dat standard "Cool that you like it, but it's weird" remark you dropped after people dared to explain why they think it's not abnormal to be attracted to that character:

It doesnt bug me, if thats what you want to do like i said more power to you. I just find it weird.

I'm gonna go back to that part of gaf where the mounting of a nikki minaj wax figure is accepted as weird too.

Don't even pretend like people are unreasonably trying to shut your opinion down here. By all means people in this thread have been more respectful of your views on this than you have been with theirs.


time to take my meds
Riight, so you ollie out on that defense as soon as people are trying to explain their view on this after initially starting the discussion by calling the concept of being attracted to a fictional human weird?

I mean besides that unreasonably defensive remark on your username people have been trying to reason and explain the concept, but good on you I guess for resorting to whining about not being able to have an own opinion just because other people's opinions dare to differ from yours.

And I mean, look at dat standard "Cool that you like it, but it's weird" remark you dropped after people dared to explain why they think it's not abnormal to be attracted to that character:

Don't even pretend like people are unreasonably trying to shut your opinion down here. By all means people in this thread have been more respectful of your views on this than you have been with theirs.
I haven't named called, I havent put any words in anyones mouth. I havent tried to convert anyones opinions. If thats what they believe then like i said, cool. I'm just personally not into it. Thats all i said since the beginning. If anything I've respected an alternate opinion. Whats so hard to understand. As soon as i voiced my opinion, apparently the wrong one, people piled on and the thread derailed.

Youre wasting your breath, just continue the discussion of the topic at hand. Ignore me.


Because Hot Ryu doesn't play that shit. He's a total power top.



Endo Punk

beard er hot ryu is the natural progression of the character. The guy is a wanderer, i'm surprised it took him this long to get facial hair. looks rad. I wonder if the look has story implications, it should since they are taking story serious this time.


As an artist i understand the difference between aesthetically attractive and sexually attractive. Quit getting all defensive after sexual gifs have already been posted.

You're quite the limited artist I must say. Arousal is a feeling among all other feelings. Do you not feel all kinds of stuff when looking at drawings of different things?


beard er hot ryu is the natural progression of the character. The guy is a wanderer, i'm surprised it took him this long to get facial hair. looks rad. I wonder if the look has story implications, it should since they are taking story serious this time.
Ryu looks fine actually having an aging face instead of slapping on a beard. Also why you get detagged
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