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NeoGAF, welcome to .webm - the FUTURE (of burning out your CPU)


tried it,the only difference is that the webM video are now showed in a smaller window than in the script version
probably keeping this one because of less scrolling involved

where do you have to put the files to convert?

i tried it but it says that it doesn't find the file or the directory

Easiest way would be to place them in the folder from which you are trying to run ffmpeg or you put ffmpeg into your path variable so you can simply go to the dir including the vid.
Comparison between vp8 and vp9 for super high bitrate encodes (we should have a bitrate guide)
1080p, 13MB each.
vp8 (libvpx)
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libvpx -qmin 0 -qmax 30 -crf 4 -b:v 30M -c:a libvorbis output.webm

vp9 (libvpx-vp9)
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -qmin 0 -qmax 30 -crf 4 -b:v 30M -c:a libvorbis output.webm


Compression takes ~3 times longer with vp9 (2.5 fps vs 0.8 fps)
VP9 doesn't play smoothly in my browser (i7m, chrome)

Edit: Remove "2" from url


I have installed the FF app as some members have linked to, but all i am getting still is just the links & no videos unless i click on the link.


How do i go about uploading video/gif (thingy) & where do i host it ?


I have installed the FF app as some members have linked to, but all i am getting still is just the links & no videos unless i click on the link.


How do i go about uploading video/gif (thingy) & where do i host it ?

OS/Browser version?
Scaled to 500 pixel width, maximum quality as above, plus
-vf scale=500:-1
VP8: 20fps, 3.8 MB
VP9: 5 fps, 3.6 MB
What setting do you think we should use for bit rate, size, resolution, vp8 vs vp9?

Edit: with 1M bitrate
ffmpeg -i w3-5.mp4 -vf scale=500:-1 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -crf 10 -b:v 1M -c:a libvorbis vp9-1m.webm
VP8: 22fps, 612 KB
VP9: 4.3fps, 566 KB

Something seems wrong with VP9 here, showing visible "pumping"


The Inside Track
Can't wait for new #DriveClub gameplay to be webm'ed off Gamersyde. Just thinking about it.... O.O

I'm toying with an automated webm system for our videos (so we could use it for the titles of our news, but also for everyone else I guess), it seems pretty trivial to code but my main issue is how to provide frame accurate start and end times without any trial and error.
I'm toying with an automated webm system for our videos (so we could use it for the titles of our news, but also for everyone else I guess), it seems pretty trivial to code but my main issue is how to provide frame accurate start and end times without any trial and error.

This would be really nice. The Harley kicking asses .webm above was taken from a vid of your site.
is it pronounced



web M



Anything could work as people may pronounce differently and it still sounds similar (at least to me), unlike gif and jif.


Why do people want this embedded in GAF exactly? What makes it different from other video formats? I'm confused.

People want it embedded as a GIF replacement because it has good compatibility across different browsers but dramatically smaller file sizes.


People want it embedded as a GIF replacement because it has good compatibility across different browsers but dramatically smaller file sizes.

What makes it better than embedded, autoplaying mp4, which has much better browser support? It seems weird that this is suddenly a thing.

PK Gaming

Forgive me if this is a stupid question, but how would I go about creating webm files?

I downloaded it from their site, but the application doesn't seem to work.


Why do people want this embedded in GAF exactly? What makes it different from other video formats? I'm confused.

I have no idea why this has taken off, but I really just want a GIF replacement. They were never meant to be used for detailed animations and their file sizes are insane for what they are.

Got some better results. My Super Hexagon video's filesize is a little better now and just for the hell of it I animated my edited script, showing these WIF's fit their containers:


Think I've got to grips with it now, time to make actually decent ones.


Hm... should work with this combination. Does the webdeveloper console throw any errors?

You can upload the webm files here: http://pomf.se/

The "webdeveloper console" ? what's that ?

I'm at work on the works laptop, when i click the links it does take me to a page & the video does play, i want the video in the actual thread like others have got.

My laptop at home is Win7 & Chrome latest version, what do i need for that ?


The "webdeveloper console" ? what's that ?

I'm at work on the works laptop, when i click the links it does take me to a page & the video does play, i want the video in the actual thread like others have got.

My laptop at home is Win7 & Chrome latest version, what do i need for that ?

Extras--> Web developer-->web console

You shouldn't see any links with the addon installed at all.


not sure what's going
getting the "Aw, Snap" error in Chrome now with Andrex's plugin enabled... had to disable to even post here :/

and some of the WebM's would not even finish loading
Dammit. I'm hitting around 90% on my laptop while my girl's i7-2630QM hovers around 30% :(


Not sure if disable auto play helps but even without it, my laptop cpu have not gotten past 25% yet when browsing these thread. My laptop is plugged in btw. Could be my shitty Internet that helps though.

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3630QM CPU @ 2.40GHz (at 3.40GHz when plugged in)


Unconfirmed Member
Looking forward to E3 webm's.
I'd definitely use some .webm elements in the E3 2014 General Information & FAQ thread I'm doing if the format had native support on NeoGAF. But yeah, E3 .webm files are gonna be awesome.


Dammit. I'm hitting around 90% on my laptop while my girl's i7-2630QM hovers around 30% :(


What plugin are you using? This is what my usage looks like with 3-4 videos going:


Granted I have a good CPU, I just think 90% is pretty damn high unless you are autoplaying everything.
What makes it better than embedded, autoplaying mp4, which has much better browser support? It seems weird that this is suddenly a thing.

The reason WebM exists is because MPEG-4 and the compression algorithms normally associated with it (H.264 and AAC) are patent-encumbered. WebM is designed to be free for anyone to use without fear of legal repercussions down the line, and to avoid a new CompuServe GIF situation all over again.


So i'm assuming the plugins just make it so that the links are the actual video on the page? Regardless this is pretty cool.
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