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New Infamous: Second Son gameplay footage +previews/screenshots

Well no. He's not. See I can play this game too. Why don't you and/or him enumerate why you feel this isn't a next gen game. Whatever that really means.

And Titanfall looks like a FPS shooter with the same trappings as COD. Yet you seem to feel it'll be the next biggest thing iirc.

Really guys, can we stop with the Titanfall crap. But if you must, I can't think of a another console shooter that incorporates SP aspects into its MP, has AI interaction in the MP, has as much speed, platforming and verticality of Titanfall. I'm sure I could list some other things that make it unique or feel next-gen outside of its visual(which aren't very next gen) but I honestly don't know much about the game. If there are other console shooters that do this, they don't do all of it. Infamous honesty doesn't look like it's doing anything new, Killzone SF had more originality.

Pre-order canceled.

Can't wait for this game

Are you sure that's clipping and not just a shadow from something else? Looks like the back of his sneaker/heel is up on the curb to me.
Titanfall vs. InFamous the only battle that matters.

... and then out of no where severe concerns arise out of some not so unusual suspects for InFamous.


And the compression from the YouTube upload is terribad.
It really is and makes me seriously wonder what in the world people are seeing to say it looks amazing.

WTF, I don't even?

Judging graphic downgrades from ONE outlet's terrible YouTube capture. :/
So you admit the footage looks terrible and then get surprised when somebody thinks the graphics got downgraded? lol


So does this have a dynamic day time night time cycle? Or does the time of day depend on the mission again?


Oh man this is looking pretty great. Liking all the powers I saw and the Neon grenades and melee attack look awesome.

I know some people are wanting this to be something more but I really can't wait for more inFamous.
Yep, a lot of console launch newbies on here.

With that said, yeah, the footage doesn't look anything like the screenshots. Where's the big surprise in that though?


Man, they seriously need to show some interesting gameplay segments, not this shoot armed guy #100

This blew minds when they first showed Infamous 2, they need something like this.

See, now THIS gives off a much better impression. It has a real sense of scale and spectacle that none of the Second Son footage has shown. There's variety in what's going on that was somewhat matched by the first gameplay we've seen back at E3 but in absolutely nothing since then. We have seriously only seen three TINY areas of the game since after E3. I DON'T GET IT.


This will look glorious in my living room in 1080p.

Got the Collectors edition pre-ordered and whole week off from work, cant wait!


New powers like neon and smoke (and others that have yet to be revealed) take over for the series' trademark electricity, fire and ice, which is nice, but the most compelling change so far might be the revamped karma systems that let you actually make those powers even stronger. Powers that you can use in Second Son aren't limited to what moral denomination you prescribe to, unlike how fire and ice were attributed to the player when they were introduced in inFamous 2. Any player can hit those base abilities and switch back and forth between them by absorbing neon signs or smoke from chimneys or other ambient sources


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Seriously, this might be the best looking game this gen. FUCK.


Footage does look significantly less impressive than the neon particle effects reel. But then again I'm not a big fan of the art direction whether it's the character designs or the purple glitter sith lord powers. Hopefully the gameplay shuts me up
See, now THIS gives off a much better impression. It has a real sense of scale and spectacle that none of the Second Son footage has shown. There's variety in what's going on that was somewhat matched by the first gameplay we've seen back at E3 but in absolutely nothing since then. We have seriously only seen three TINY areas of the game since after E3. I DON'T GET IT.
SP says in several previews that they felt too much was shown too early in past Infamous games, and they want to keep some things a surprise. I'm cool with that personally.


Footage does look significantly less impressive than the neon particle effects reel. But then again I'm not a big fan of the art direction whether it's the character designs or the purple sith lord powers. Hopefully the gameplay shuts me up

Did you like Infamous 1 and/or 2?

SP says in several previews that they felt too much was shown too early in past Infamous games, and they want to keep some things a surprise. I'm cool with that personally.

Part of me understands that, but a bigger part says, "You...kind of have to sell the game to people, and that's hard to sell an open world game by showing off a cumulative total of three small confined areas, all at night or a dark environment." I understand not showing too much, but I also understand not showing enough, and I don't think they have.


The range of opinions on this game is fascinating. I loved the first two games and this looks like it's expanded up on that. For those who were wanting something much more though, I can see why what's been shown so far would leave you disappointed.


Sony really need to show The Order or Uncharted 4. This game, while pretty, still feels like a last gen game.

I kind of agree. The issue isn't that it's from a last gen IP, it's that it doesn't seem to be using the power of the system in a way that differentiates it from the last gen iterations at all (aside from better particles/draw distance, scene complexity). It looks like a game that you could nearly perfectly recreate on PS3 and it would only be marginally worse an experience if you aren't hung up about graphics.

Did you like Infamous 1 and/or 2?

I liked them both (liked Infamous 2 a lot), but, I dunno. this guys powers seem less 'fun' and 'cool', and they don't seem to be realizing 'becoming insubstantial' as I hoped they would. They haven't taken that far enough with the core gameplay abilities imo.

I'd kind of rather be grinding on power lines, to be honest.


Can't wait to rewatch some of the video footage on a better monitor. My work monitor sucks and is from ten years ago. Hopefully Gamersyde'll have some cleaner footage up to.
I kind of agree. The issue isn't that it's from a last gen IP, it's that it doesn't seem to be using the power of the system in a way that differentiates it from the last gen iterations at all (aside from better particles/draw distance, scene complexity). It looks like a game that you could nearly perfectly recreate on PS3 and it would only be marginally worse an experience if you aren't hung up about graphics.
Lol, come the fuck on now! You guys are losing it.


Really guys, can we stop with the Titanfall crap. But if you must, I can't think of a another console shooter that incorporates SP aspects into its MP, has AI interaction in the MP, has as much speed, platforming and verticality of Titanfall. I'm sure I could list some other things that make it unique or feel next-gen outside of its visual(which aren't very next gen) but I honestly don't know much about the game. If there are other console shooters that do this, they don't do all of it. Infamous honesty doesn't look like it's doing anything new, Killzone SF had more originality.

The only real innovation there is incorporating the single player elements into the multiplayer. Everything else is building off of previous FPS formulas. When it gets down to it Titanfall is just another FPS that could've been done on the previous hardware... Oh wait it is being done on the previous hardware.


The only real innovation there is incorporating the single player elements into the multiplayer. Everything else is building off of previous FPS formulas. When it get's down to it Titanfall is just another FPS that could've been done on the previous hardware... Oh wait it is being done on the previous hardware.

Which I guess kind of shows that a lot of what is considered 'next gen' by people is the combination of new shiny graphics with distinct experiences over last generation (be it you could replicate them there or not).

And that's kind of the problem with Second Son, apparently.

I'm sure the detail in Uncharted 4 and the Order n combination with the graphics will easily set them apart for a lot of people. Infamous has the unfortunate burden of being open world, so it can't really impress on a sheer technical level in the same way that those two far more linear and contained experiences probably will, but all the same I was expecting them to push the Infamous formula further than what we're seeing here. What we're seeing here seems like a welcome refinement in craft (cutscenes, mo cap, characters etc) but not the step forward for the franchise tha tI was hoping.


Yep, a lot of console launch newbies on here.

With that said, yeah, the footage doesn't look anything like the screenshots. Where's the big surprise in that though?

I think this has more to do with the fact that the good old Bullshot is having a nice comeback these days. Almost feels like the PS3 reveal all over again.

Hell, people are really excited for the devision although it´s:

A. By UBIsoft (the worst offenders)
B. Every thing they have shown for almost one year is this clearly fake "Demostreet".

We´ll have to adjust our expectations.

Still, in 2014 I think I can expect shadows.
Animation is piss poor. There is no weight to Delsin. He stops and spins on a dime. Horrible. I really hoped next gen would at least have better animation for the main character then simply morph from one pre-canned animation to another. Yuck.

I've watched the footage a couple times now and this definitely isn't the case. The only time his animation really warps is when he melee combos from one enemy to another. I'm quite impressed at the job the animators did in taking into account the way he plants his feet when he stops or pushes off to start running. Or the footwork when he's strafing around while blind firing. Plus, he's a skinny tall dude with super powers. How weighty and slow should he be?

The graphics do look really good aside from some niggling IQ issues. The animation and lighting look very solid, especially the particle animation. It looks like some art design went into rather than just OMG PHYSICS. Game play looks like what you'd expect from an Infamous game.
Which I guess kind of shows that a lot of what is considered 'next gen' by people is the combination of new shiny graphics with distinct experiences over last generation (be it you could replicate them there or not).

And that's kind of the problem with Second Son, apparently.

Pretty much
Mh, the more i see of this game, the more i get the impression that they downgraded the graphics and the tech a little bit. Especially the texures/shaders took a hit it seems.
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