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No Man's Sky Gameplay Trailer (PSX)


I'm kind of getting burned out on this game already, they keep showing the same kind of trailers starting and ending the same way ticking them boxes (show surface: check, fly around: check, go into space: check). I wish they show a trailer that has a different tone and show other aspects, if there is one. I'm still interested in the game but it hasn't that mystique of the E3 showing anymore.

Getting burnt out on games before they even come out. This truly is GAF.


This is the game I've always wanted but didn't even know it. It's like Jurassic park mixed with space exploration. The sounds of those life forms at the end gave me goosebumps. I cannot wait for this to be released. God damn. It'll be almost akin to exploring your dreams if you had self-awareness within them. Not knowing what your mind will conjur.


Its the feeling all of us had when Will Wright zoomed out of the galaxy in Spore. Except in Spore they had to turn it into a game and all of a sudden the cool sci-fi simulator everyone wanted became a cutesy thing that dissapointed.

So as long as NMS doesnt lose itself too much then i think it will be fine.

Here we go again with Spore. Can we please stop this? It is not the same.
Ok, I'm judging only by the trailers I have seen:
The main reason why I find this game not very appealing yet is that I don't see how I as a player can influence the world. Yes, I can explore and let people know that I am the first one who discovered this and that planet, but how do I conciously take control over what happens? When exploring I can decide which way to go, but since by the very nature of this exploration in deep space I have no idea what lies ahead of me, there seems to be no reason for me to decide for anything but just take a direction at random. So what will be the difference for me between playing it or letting a buddy play while sitting next to him?
I am not saying that this will indeed be a problem of the game. I am just saying that this would be a problem of the game for me if it actually plays like it looks in the trailers.
I can understand people being worried about running out of things to do fast and things getting repetitive or the worlds getting boring after enough exploration, but I cannot understand the people who say this isn't a "game" and is just a walking simulator. I guess the people who think like that also cannot understand the appeal of minecraft, and need objectives, cutscenes, and dialogue boxes telling you "You completed chapter 1" to get a sense of accomplishment. Exploring and trying to survive can have just as much of a sense of accomplishment even if Kevin Spacey isn't telling you why you're exploring or what you're trying to get to.

This has some: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLtmEjqzg7M

edit: posted wrong video at first

Huh. For some reason it won't play for me on mobile despite the one in the OP working. Still I think I saw that video but there was so little combat its hard to tell.

I'm kind of getting burned out on this game already, they keep showing the same kind of trailers starting and ending the same way ticking them boxes (show surface: check, fly around: check, go into space: check). I wish they show a trailer that has a different tone and show other aspects, if there is one. I'm still interested in the game but it hasn't that mystique of the E3 showing anymore.

Yeah, if they showed more in depth space battles (that last for a good amount of time) or the robots attacking you I think it could spice things up.


I'm naming all my planets Bob


For whoever was talking about it, we CAN name planets we discover btw

Oh God. Here comes your steady flow of inappropriate names.

Can't wait to land on "Piss n Tits II"


Sounds like what some of ya'll are looking for is the same boring shit you'll find in our recent AAA games. Filling bars, dots on maps, cinematic bullshit, holloywood actors doing VO and mocap, etc.

I dare some of you naysayers to buy Minecraft and play it, if you havn't already. DARE. Games like Minecraft dont need ANY of that shit. The game simply creates the foundation, throws you in it, and says "go." That foundation is built in a way that allows you to create your OWN experiences. The game doesn't ask you to do ANYTHING. YOU decide. Games like Minecraft stole WEEKENDS from me, simply because of this.

Seriously. Buy Minecraft, boot it up, and start a SURVIVAL game. If you let it grab you, chances are, you wont wanna put it down.

Educate yourselves.


There is a huge difference between this game and minecraft though. You can't really build anything or change the actual landscape in NMS. In minecraft you can basically shape the entire game to your liking and it also have the multiplayer aspect. These are the main reasons why i'm not that into NMS. Sure it looks nice and there are lot of things to do but the world is still very limited and you can't really be creative with it or interact with it that much. The world generation is very similar but the main gameplay mechanics are quite different. But you definitely are right about the emergent gameplay possibilities in games.


There is a huge difference between this game and minecraft though. You can't really build anything or change the actual landscape in NMS. In minecraft you can basically shape the entire game to your liking and it also have the multiplayer aspect. These are the main reasons why i'm not that into NMS. Sure it looks nice and there are lot of things to do but the world is still very limited and you can't really be creative with it or interact with it that much. The world generation is very similar but the main gameplay mechanics are quite different. But you definitely are right about the emergent gameplay possibilities in games.

I wasn't comparing Minecraft with NMS. Of course there's a difference. Minecraft just happened to be the best example I could think to use as Emergent Gameplay
Is the resource collecting "linear' in the sense that it's story driven only, or can players get creative and actually build/trade/carve out the worlds?

I just want to know this. If we can do this, it would be Minecraft on a whole new level, with all kinds of other meatier content surrounding a creative and truly explorative kind of game.


It's an exploration game.

The goal is to explore and scavenge so you can upgrade your ship to reach the centre of the galaxy.

This people.... it's an explore and scavenge game that has fighting if you want to fight your way through (though you don't have to).

If a game where exploring stuff is not your thing, then this isn't for you.

I really don't understand why people are so confused about what you do in this game. Not all games have to have quests that tell you what to do. This game puts you out there, allows you to do stuff like shoot things or trade or gather stuff. Says there is something in the center of the universe. And then lets you do whatever the hell you want to do (find out the center of the universe, explore planets, whatever).

It's like asking what do you do in Flight Simulator... whatever the hell you want to that the game allows you to (with flight simulator it involves flying a plane. So if you want to mimick an airline, go for it. If you want to do stunts int he middle of the air, great. If you want to crash into things on purpose, fine. The game is overall about flying so you'll probably do something related to flying in it. And No Man's Sky is overall about exploring so you'll probably do stuff related to exploring).


Is the resource collecting "linear' in the sense that it's story driven only, or can players get creative and actually build/trade/carve out the worlds?

I just want to know this. If we can do this, it would be Minecraft on a whole new level, with all kinds of other meatier content surrounding a creative and truly explorative kind of game.

From what i have seen, the world stays static after it's generated. No digging or building things. You can buy customized ships though and improve your suit.


would be nice if they'd stop just showing highly choreographed sequences of ships flying to planets and actually show what the game is LIKE to "play". I don't care if there are five hundred trillion planets. That means less than nothing to me. What I want to know is what the game is LIKE to PLAY. Yes, you can get out of the ship. But what can you do out of the ship? What does that look like? What do other players look like? Can you fight these creatures? Are there enemies? What does that look like? Do you build structures, collect resources? What does that look like?
This people.... it's an explore and scavenge game that has fighting if you want to fight your way through (though you don't have to).

If a game where exploring stuff is not your thing, then this isn't for you.

I really don't understand why people are so confused about what you do in this game. Not all games have to have quests that tell you what to do. This game puts you out there, allows you to do stuff like shoot things or trade or gather stuff. Says there is something in the center of the universe. And then lets you do whatever the hell you want to do (find out the center of the universe, explore planets, whatever).

It's like asking what do you do in Flight Simulator... whatever the hell you want to that the game allows you to (with flight simulator it involves flying a plane. So if you want to mimick an airline, go for it. If you want to do stunts int he middle of the air, great. If you want to crash into things on purpose, fine. The game is overall about flying so you'll probably do something related to flying in it. And No Man's Sky is overall about exploring so you'll probably do stuff related to exploring).

It also has elements like DayZ. I'd imagine you'd have tense encounters with people because you won't be sure if they're going to attack you and steal your stuff or help you out.


I'm going to name my planet Arby's.
Everyone will dread going there... unless they're really desperate.
Going to corner the market on roast beef.
would be nice if they'd stop just showing highly choreographed sequences of ships flying to planets and actually show what the game is LIKE to "play". I don't care if there are five hundred trillion planets. That means less than nothing to me. What I want to know is what the game is LIKE to PLAY. Yes, you can get out of the ship. But what can you do out of the ship? What does that look like? What do other players look like? Can you fight these creatures? Are there enemies? What does that look like? Do you build structures, collect resources? What does that look like?


This is what all of us 'complainers' are asking for: core gameplay mechanics.

We've seen the same trailer of this game at least 5 times now, except each time they show different planets. I've seen it, and I've been ready for more for months now. I hope they show it tonight.
I guess the people who think like that also cannot understand the appeal of minecraft, and need objectives, cutscenes, and dialogue boxes telling you "You completed chapter 1" to get a sense of accomplishment. Exploring and trying to survive can have just as much of a sense of accomplishment even if Kevin Spacey isn't telling you why you're exploring or what you're trying to get to.

I'm sorry, but you can't compare what's been shown here to Minecraft. In fact, I can assure you that this game will be nothing like Minecraft. Minecraft is packed full with gameplay and systems. Every single block that the world is made out of can be interacted with and gives resources that can be used for crafting and building. You can change the entire world in Minecraft. You've got enemies and combat. You got day and night systems that have an effect on the gameplay. I _LOVE_ Minecraft, which is why I think it's really harmful for people to compare No Man's Sky TO Minecraft. Those two games will have very little in common.

I'll be very interested in what they're showing at the panel. I doubt it's going to be gameplay or systems. It's going to be yet another speech about their tech - and at this point, I hope somebody brings up the fact that they haven't really shown anything yet, cause I'd love to hear their response. In almost every thread since E3 last year people have raised valid concerns, since games like No Man's Sky with procedural generation have been done before and the tech behind it isn't really that crazy (In fact, 'Fuel' did pretty much the same thing 5 years ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhyyUiYQolA#t=240) - The difficult problem with these kinda games is to figure out how to make them fun.

Again, Minecraft is genius. I poured hundreds of hours into it. But it's just a completely different approach, one based on gameplay and interactivity. Interactivity is Gameplay and I believe how well games tackle interactivity defines how much 'fun' we feel a game is - which is why I'm so concerned about NMS. Yes, it's 'cool' that there are infinite galaxies to 'explore' - but if there's nothing to do on them, you'll not even play this game for a single day.


Nearly all (if not all) of those questions have been answered in articles on the game.

But it would be so nice to see it in action. They should arrange a hour long uninterrupted gameplay session and just stream it live. It would be super interesting and we would also hear comments from the devs.
This game looks amazing, but im still trying to figure out what exactly you do in it. I know you travel to all different types of planets, but what else do you do? Do you just ooohhh and ahhhh at all of the fancy new looking planets? Or is there something else like base building, or combat, or what not. Regardless, this game will be a day 1 buy for me even if it is just strictly exploration as it looks absolutely awesome.


The creators have stated multiple times that they do not want to show everything the game has to offer.
Well if a 30 min/1 hr long walkthrough showcasing the fundamental gameplay mechanics is enough to show everything the game has to offer... then we have a serious problem on our hands.


The creators have stated multiple times that they do not want to show everything the game has to offer.

in that case, if they just want to make lofty promises and big hype and show the same scene of the ship flying between planets over and over and over and over and over and nothing else ever, a little blowback/skepticism seems expected and fair.
Well if a 30 min/1 hr long walkthrough showcasing the fundamental gameplay mechanics is enough to show everything the game has to offer... then we have a serious problem on our hands.

Mario? Racers? COD?

Pretty sure all three could have their fundamental mechanics shown is less than three minutes; doesn't make them any less fun.
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