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Now that we know....which system(s) will you be buying next gen?


Well, I already have a gaming PC and a Wii U. I will get a PS4 at launch or right after launch.

Xbox One can get the fuck out. Like way out. Far far away.


Going to PS4 this time around. I never got a PS3 but Xbox One news has been terrible all around and that conference was just absurd.


Occulus Rift.

This conference convinced me to go ahead and invest in one. I wont' be buying either of these consoles for a good while. Hangin' with PC.


I was originally going to hold off on all next-gen system purchases until next year but as of right now it looks like the PS4 is going to emerge as such a decisive front-runner I may very well just pick one up at launch and not have to sweat anything else going forward.

I'll pick up a Wii U when X comes out. Still not expecting it this year.
Right now I don't want any of them. But Xbox One looks like a very USA-centric TV box for sports-heads and FPS players, so if the PS4 shows any promising games, then it would surely be that.


Gold Member
This is the classic Gaf reaction I was expecting.. Its actually quiet hilarious really.

Ill be buying both, however the Xbox peaked my interest a bit more. The 1 Box to rule them all approach for the living room if it works as shown will be a huge game changer.

For those that were expecting more games, I would wait till E3 before you panic.
PS4. No question in my mind. Most of the XO features my tv can do already natively and Voice control means nothing if you are a minority with a strong accent. Even Google voice gives me grief most days.
Still waiting till after E3. But going by the two presentations, I am more leaning towards PS4. If I watched more TV and sports and thought that moving my hands was quicker than pressing my finger down on a button, maybe I would go with Xbox.


PlayStation 4

I can't begin to understand why anyone would choose the Xbox One based on that showing exclusively. The entertainment features are intriguing but that's all they focused on. Plus the rest of the news regarding used games, etc. just undone any interest entirely.


I already own the following:

Wii U
Laptop (16GB ram, 7970m)

I'm getting a PS4 for sure.

The only way I see myself getting an XboxOne is if those 8 new IP's are truly groundbreaking. The TV and sports pitch is wasted on me. The only TV I watch is the premium stuff like Game of Thrones, Dexter etc... So, maybe a handful of shows. I don't care about fantasy sports.


If PS4 follows registering game like Xbox One none. May pick up a Wii U down the road.

PS3 is looking fine for a couple years more plus backlog.

Yes Boss!

Already got a Wii U so I'm already set up the next gen. PS4 and One seem about the same. Probably go for the Sony box at launch. I'll gravitate towards the system with the most japanese support, though


Wii U (just recently got one) and 3DS.

Wii U/3DS will be more games I can handle (3DS is becoming a backlog monster already, so)

I already have a PC running Windows hooked up to my TV so none of the Xbox One features interest me whatsoever. If they show a lot more games at E3 that may change things though.


It's WAY too early to call this. If it came out today and I had to buy one, I'd get a PS4. Used game blocking is a deal breaker. I don't care how amazing it is, it's a complete deal breaker.

Now, I fully expect major third parties to block used games on the PS4, but since we haven't heard anything else, I'd go PS4.

PS4 blocks games? 3DS/PC only.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
im not joking i pretty much loved the 360 hardly touched the ps3. but fuck im gonna get a ps4 next gen, that conference just wow
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