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NX officially has the least time between reveal and release of any Nintendo platform

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The wii u price probably won't tank. That happened months, if not years ago now, to clear excess units, now there just isn't much stock anywhere. I wouldn't expect much more than a small drop, if that.

Its almost as if Nintendo is trying to get people to NOT buy them! Though to be fair you can pick up a refurbished one from Nintendo for ~$200 (USD). If it didnt need that darn Gamepad with display they would be selling the base unit around $99-$149 like they did with the Gamecube and Wii when they were at the end of their life cycles.


I'm simply done with predictions. 10th month of 2016 and we still don't know shit about this thing... and to think it's probably gonna continue like that until that investors meeting right at the end of october... only so they announce a delay or that they will fully unveil the system until early next year or something. FML!!!

Doing this daily obsessive NX thing will get very depressing, if it didn't already anyway. You're better off just forgetting about it tbh. Forget it even exists and just enjoy whatever else you currently have. One day you will find out one way or another and get all excited then.

This advice goes to everyone in this thread as well.
Does anybody remember exactly what Emily said for NX this month? Did she say the NX was getting revealed or the announcement date was getting revealed this month?

Just #octoberreveal with a halloween pumpkin photograph...

I took this tweet as "I know it won't be september", not very much more...
Just #octoberreveal with a halloween pumpkin photograph...

I took this tweet as "I know it won't be september", not very much more...
Well, she tweeted it on September 13-not even halfway through the month.

I'm taking it as she knew it was going to be an October reveal.
Is this thing definitely due out before the end of March next year? I'm sceptical of that...

They said it multiple times, last time it was to investors in july.
Now, this should not dismiss a delay if they are encountering serious issues, but they would be skinned alive by those same investors.


If it turns out the release is pushed back to later in 2017, like November, I can't imagine the meltdowns here.

It'll be worth it just to see the comments. :) Frankly, it's not unrealistic. It all depends on where Nintendo are in the pre-production state, if they've run into problems with the hardware etc.


Problem is, if they launch in say November 2017, they'll go up against Scorpio. NX and Scorpio will likely appeal to different customers but they will inevitably fight for the same space in the media.


It'll be worth it just to see the comments. :) Frankly, it's not unrealistic. It all depends on where Nintendo are in the pre-production state, if they've run into problems with the hardware etc.


Problem is, if they launch in say November 2017, they'll go up against Scorpio. NX and Scorpio will likely appeal to different customers but they will inevitably fight for the same space in the media.

Just letting you know there was a thread on that Twitter account and it was locked.


The person is just Nintendoubted who changed his/her username. I noticed when this person was in my blocked list and not Nintendoubted.
You know what would be funny? And what I could see happening? If Nintendo just never revealed the NX. Months would pass, and people would say 'Next week... Next week'... And we'd get stuck in a Half Life 3 situation, with Nintendo just biding their time with Animal Crossing spinoffs and Wii U > 3DS ports.



Doing this daily obsessive NX thing will get very depressing, if it didn't already anyway. You're better off just forgetting about it tbh. Forget it even exists and just enjoy whatever else you currently have. One day you will find out one way or another and get all excited then.

This advice goes to everyone in this thread as well.

Yes, I'm definitely going to do that cuz even if I don't post often on this kind of threads, I lurk pretty much everytime it's on the top page to see what's new and it's driving me nuts already! Good thing we have the new Paper Mario game coming this week so I can stay busy with that for a while! Going to be nice to play Wii U again.


In all honesty I don't believe for 10 seconds that NX will make March. I'm calling Q3/Q4.
Last time (this April) I was really feeling like something was wrong (no leaks back then, no nothing), and it ended up true.

While I was guesstimating a pre-TGS or late September reveal, I think this is still not quiet the time to panic yet.
We'll see soon enough if another delay is on the horizon. That financial briefing is the deadline. One way or another we'll have info by the end of the month.

Where is Rosti's countdown by the way?


The Amiga Brotherhood
Direct-Feed Games (i think that is our NateDrake, who gave us the Pascal (Custom Tegra) rumor for NX) answered questions about NX to his Twitter followers on his youtube channel. Thanks for that.


As i understand he says that NX is probably going to be 3-4 times stronger than Wii U ( 3-4x Wii U gigaflops).

Wonder if this is his opinion or knowledge. As he says he has sources on a custom Tegra with Pascal in NX.

Wii U has 180gflops (estimated), so for a handheld/hybrid 540-720gflops would be really strong, i think and Nintendo games would probably shine on it. Pascal is much more efficient than older AMD GPU hardware, plus you probably would have a boost in certain situations cause of fp16, doubling the performance in some cases. For a handheld it would be very, very strong.

He also thinks ports of PS4 and Xbox1 games would be possible, if the publishers see a market/money. OsirisBlack said similiar things.

3-4 times WiiU gigaflops, could this be done without active cooling?

For what it's worth, i found this "Q&A" interesting, there are also other questions answered.

If true for a handheld it would be really good, as a home console it would be extremely behind the competition especially if it skips march 2017, i don't think that most of AAA ps4/pro and xb1/scorpio games will be ported or multi with NX, at least not without big downgrades(but if i can play those games on a handheld who cares?)


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Again, people:

1) Emily/Eurogamer, who both have same sources (as we have seen in the past with other items and Emily has admitted) reported on NX.

2) They mention September reveal.

3) Emily then posts tweet about reveal in October and says the system is not delayed.

So we have one of the original leakers saying it now has an October reveal date, yet people are freaking out about it not being revealed. I don't get it.
I don't understand why anyone thinks 6+ months are necessary to build hype for a product other than having historical precedent in this industry. I feel like a few months is more than enough time to build hype for a product.

Ultimately the NX will live and die on the quality of what's revealed and how Nintendo communicate why this is a product people need. They're better off announcing this 2 months before launch and nailing that reveal than rushing it 6 months prior and fucking things up. They need to make sure they have something worth revealing and exactly how they are going to reveal. Avoiding a situation like the wii U is crucial.




It dosent seem that odd to think of Nintendo trying to pull off a more modern tech launch; with a short window between reveal and release...

a launch blitz is also safer for an item like a console given the usual game drought post launch and how easy you can sell initial hype over a reveal. We're used to seeing a console revealed so many quarters beforehand where consumers can see the flow of content to come and than can choose when to enter the ecosystem. the traditional mold really dosent suit Nintendo, its resources and how it needs to drive base...

If anything, the longer they hold their cards the better.


The Birthday Skeleton
a launch blitz is also safer for an item like a console given the usual game drought post launch and how easy you can sell initial hype over a reveal.

Care to explain this more as it doesn't really make sense. Unless you think Nintendo should con people into buying a product that it's not as good once you think better about it.


Gold Member
Care to explain this more as it doesn't really make sense. Unless you think Nintendo should con people into buying a product that it's not as good once you think better about it.

I agree the second part of that. It has been pretty much true of everything they have recently. Gamepad sounded great at first and I still have no idea why I bought these amiibos, why the hell do I need removable controllers again?
It's looking more and more like Nintendo is waiting till next year to announce. If not October, don't expect it till January. Hell, even if we get something this month, I'm expecting it to be small.

Nintendo is not going to put a ton of money marketing a system during the holiday season that isn't out in the holiday season.


The Birthday Skeleton
I agree the second part of that. It has been pretty much true of everything they have recently. Gamepad sounded great at first and I still have no idea why I bought these amiibos, why the hell do I need removable controllers again?

That's why if they have a good product they should take all the time to present it and explain it and make sure they don't end in a messy situation like with Wii U.

A blitz launch works for proven tech, like phones, who have a main function that doesn't depend on other factors.

A console needs a good concept, good games, long time support, good additional services, not really a thing that you can sell in a blitz launch. You can't bet everything on enthusiasts' hype. Even Wii U had that and sold decently at launch. You need to prove you have a worthy product and promote it for the long run.


Care to explain this more as it doesn't really make sense. Unless you think Nintendo should con people into buying a product that it's not as good once you think better about it.

Working with the cycle gamers are used to with console launches really dosent work for Nintendo IMO. Marketing wise or in content delivery. How many Nintendo fans end up buying a new box just for one launch window game anyway?

If the goal is broader appeal or breaking the mold, I'd argue a blitz close to launch is safer than showing a casual friendly/appealing box and waiting for months to sell the thing. Your just languishing your reveal hype and as time goes on the only people waiting for the date are the faithful who will be there either way.

Personally, It's been rare for me to purchase any console at launch and not experience a dust phase with it. Surely not the intention (all the time) of the maker but its common. Maybe with digital, DLC and ponying up to mobile Nintendo will have a strong gap filler. logically we're looking at a new box that will depend on Nintendo and the coalition of friendly publishers holding the weight while they build a base.

Selling a tech product over reveal hype isn't a bad thing; it proves to work and could be a good move. It dosent mean the product is sub par, it's just thinking more like a start up and playing to what the limitations are.


I assume that developers would already have access to a devkit of some sort and would have also signed an NDA. Wouldn't the reveal date be around the date that expires? Or do NDAs not work like that?

If so, any developer with a devkit would have an idea of whether or not the announcement is coming soon??

Once again, this is conjecture - i have no idea how that works...
I assume that developers would already have access to a devkit of some sort and would have also signed an NDA. Wouldn't the reveal date be around the date that expires? Or do NDAs not work like that?

If so, any developer with a devkit would have an idea of whether or not the announcement is coming soon??

Once again, this is conjecture - i have no idea how that prices works...

Ndas can have dates, but they can also have none or extremely long ones (years). In the end, Nintendo can lift the curtain on any of their nda whenever.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
It's looking more and more like Nintendo is waiting till next year to announce. If not October, don't expect it till January. Hell, even if we get something this month, I'm expecting it to be small.

Nintendo is not going to put a ton of money marketing a system during the holiday season that isn't out in the holiday season.

Where is this coming from??? "Welp, 3 days in...looking like next year!"

Emily, a leaker, updated to say October.

It is OCTOBER 3. Give it time.


Membero Americo
No matter what happens, we'll know by the end of the month.

There's no way they won't say anything at the Earning Release.
Let's just wait till tomorrow before suggesting it won't be till next year.

And even then, that remains pretty baseless speculation when the reveal could be entirely on track as planned.
Ya know, I thought I'd have to decide between keeping my PS VR preorder or putting it all on NX. At this rate I'll have a PS4 Pro and a new PC before this thing is even announced.

Where is this coming from??? "Welp, 3 days in...looking like next year!"

Emily, a leaker, updated to say October.

It is OCTOBER 3. Give it time.

Of course she updated. Just like if it doesn't come this month she'll change to November, and if it's not November it'll be December, ect, ect. I have no idea why people put so much stock into Emily when sh's wrong all the time. She got lucky a few times, but that's it.
Where is this coming from??? "Welp, 3 days in...looking like next year!"

Emily, a leaker, updated to say October.

It is OCTOBER 3. Give it time.
There's no point in even saying it lol. It gets ignored or people want to disregard her even though they believe the same hybrid rumor she's spouting.
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