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The Flash S2 |OT2| Jays of Future Past - Tuesdays 8/7c

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SnowBarry isn't going to happen, they're not going to kill the lead of the show.

But Dexter season 1 was amazing. And season 2-3

Seasons 1 and 2 are fantastic.
Seasons 3, 4 and 5 are okay.
Season 7 starts fantastic, ends up terrible.
Season 6 and 8 are the worst of the worst of the worst.
SnowBarry isn't going to happen.



Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Jesse & Wally is probably going to be a thing. They need to let Caitlin chill and define her character through something other than relationships and the occasional exposition dump. Putting her through more relationship drama would be sadistic. And on The CW, you can't be in a relationship and not have major drama.


Jesse & Wally is probably going to be a thing. They need to let Caitlin chill and define her character through something other than relationships and the occasional exposition dump. Putting her through more relationship drama would be sadistic. And on The CW, you can't be in a relationship and not have major drama.

Caitlin has literally no storylines outside of deceased partners, it's pretty sad. She had dead Ronnie, dead Ronnie again, dead Ronnie-2 and dead Jay. She doesn't really do much else on the show and just kind of blends into the background.

Wally needs a woman to give him something to do, but it'd be a shame to force him onto the show's worst character.
Looks like he'll be delving into the Flash's identity soon.
They would make a very cute couple. Lots of chemistry too. But everytime I think that I quickly remember it's CW show and I go nope.gif

Pretty much why I'm kinda glad that they sent Patty off. As great as it would've been, it would've went to shit just as fast.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Caitlin has literally no storylines outside of deceased partners, it's pretty sad. She had dead Ronnie, dead Ronnie again, dead Ronnie-2 and dead Jay. She doesn't really do much else on the show and just kind of blends into the background.

Wally needs a woman to give him something to do, but it'd be a shame to force him onto the show's worst character.
Looks like he'll be delving into the Flash's identity soon.

Yeah, I felt nothing when Jay got "killed." Just because they've exhausted how much sympathy I can have for her character losing her boyfriend. Does she have family? What does she do for fun, if anything? Cisco makes gadgets, what does Caitlin do in her spare time? I was slightly disappointed that Killer Frost was Earth 2 Caitlin because it would have been more interesting to see how they could get the version we know to that point.

I wonder how this show would handle multiple speedsters on Team Flash. Seems like a huge challenge to come up with threats for them to face. Arrow just kinda threw more goons into the mix and made Oliver less of a 1 Man Army.


But Joni, you've been shown his deceit the entire time. It was just done in subtle ways where you had to figure it out for yourself, and some of us here had him figured it out long before the identity reveal.

Your Reverb scenario wouldn't work if you rewatched the season from the beginning, whereas if you go back to when Jay was introduced, you'll see how he was lying the entire time.
What they showed is way different from what they are telling. Like the Dead Jay being an imposter that was cheating them. Zoom was surprised by that so he isn't working for him. And Wells has never said anything about Jay being weird. He had seen him. If he wasn't the flash, why not say anything. They messed up very much. They are either retconning or taking us for idiots.


Maybe! Maybe Barry gets trapped on Earth 2 in season 4, he's stuck there for months, alone, on the run, and he finds... a kindred spirit... in Frost.

Or, Earth 4 has them married instead of him and Iris.

He can warm her up with some high speed friction.

Yeah, I felt nothing when Jay got "killed." Just because they've exhausted how much sympathy I can have for her character losing her boyfriend. Does she have family? What does she do for fun, if anything? Cisco makes gadgets, what does Caitlin do in her spare time? I was slightly disappointed that Killer Frost was Earth 2 Caitlin because it would have been more interesting to see how they could get the version we know to that point.

In Caitlin's defense, she had her friend from Mercury Labs that ended up being a Velocity addict? That's sort of a two scene storyline.

...yeah she's got nothing.


But Dexter season 1 was amazing. And season 2-3

I enjoyed it but there were two characters I couldn't stand: Dexter's step-sister and that guy who was always giving him shit. They were very annoying, especially Dexter's step-sister (who is actually his wife IRL).


I enjoyed it but there were two characters I couldn't stand: Dexter's step-sister and that guy who was always giving him shit. They were very annoying, especially Dexter's step-sister (who is actually his wife IRL).

They actually got divorced before the show ended its run. Can't be knocking Doakes though. He's one of my favorite parts of the show.

- J - D -

I think everybody would totally be okay if they somehow make Earth 1 Caitlin into Killer Frost, but like a totally benevolent Frost. Freak STAR labs accident messing around with a compound to slow down Zoom or whatever.

Give her something. Anything. Jeez.


Scott Buck, who did S6-S8 of Dexter is running Iron Fist so that should be uhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Hopefully he will stay in Marvel, so that when the inevitable Dexter's return happens on Showtime Scott Buck will be just too damn busy to take part in it :D


Barry and Eddie were a cute couple. Way more chemistry than Iris had with either of them. Same with Oliver and Tommy and Laurel actually...



i really hope the don't try and push Iris and Barry together any time soon. It seems they actually found a good spot for her character on the show (dealing with Wally and the paper). It doesn't take up much time of an episode and can be a nice change of pace.


i really hope the don't try and push Iris and Barry together any time soon. It seems they actually found a good spot for her character on the show (dealing with Wally and the paper). It doesn't take up much time of an episode and can be a nice change of pace.

#2.20 "Rupture" Synopsis
DC COMICS’ CHARACTER RUPTURE COMES TO CENTRAL CITY WITH ZOOM – Zoom (guest star Teddy Sears) arrives back on Earth-1 intent on taking over Central City. Barry (Grant Gustin) and Wells (Tom Cavanagh) come up with a plan to stop Zoom once and for all but it’s extremely dangerous. Unsure if he should take the risk, Barry reaches out to both fathers for advice. Henry (guest star John Wesley Shipp) is adamantly opposed to Barry risking his life again but Joe (Jesse L. Martin) thinks he can handle it which puts the two men at odds with each other. Meanwhile, Cisco (Carlos Valdes) is shocked when he vibes the Earth-2 villain Rupture, who happens to be his brother Dante’s (guest star Nicholas Gonzalez) doppelganger. Rupture came to this Earth seeking justice for Reverb’s death. Iris (Candice Patton) decides she’s finally ready to open up to Barry about her feelings for him. Armen V. Kevorkian directed the episode written by Kai Yu Wu & Lauren Certo (#220). Original airdate 5/3/2016.


Could someone explain to me what shipping is exactly and why some people seem to take it so seriously? As far as I understand it it's fans making up their own couples with dumb cross-names. But what does it exactly mean when someone says "I ship X&Y so hard". I know it's tumblr speak but what does it actually mean?


Could someone explain to me what shipping is exactly and why some people seem to take it so seriously? As far as I understand it it's fans making up their own couples with dumb cross-names. But what does it exactly mean when someone says "I ship X&Y so hard". I know it's tumblr speak but what does it actually mean?

Short for "relationshipping". Teenage girls (and probably a few guys) are crazy and it consumes their lives. Means they want two people together. It's quite silly, except for Olicity which is LIFE.

It's also the first hit in Google:


Could someone explain to me what shipping is exactly and why some people seem to take it so seriously? As far as I understand it it's fans making up their own couples with dumb cross-names. But what does it exactly mean when someone says "I ship X&Y so hard". I know it's tumblr speak but what does it actually mean?

That they should never enter the Arrow S4 thread. It'd end badly for everyone.
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